
426 lines
18 KiB

# srsENB configuration file
# eNB configuration
# enb_id: 20-bit eNB identifier.
# mcc: Mobile Country Code
# mnc: Mobile Network Code
# mme_addr: IP address of MME for S1 connnection
# gtp_bind_addr: Local IP address to bind for GTP connection
# gtp_advertise_addr: IP address of eNB to advertise for DL GTP-U Traffic
# s1c_bind_addr: Local IP address to bind for S1AP connection
# s1c_bind_port: Source port for S1AP connection (0 means any)
# n_prb: Number of Physical Resource Blocks (6,15,25,50,75,100)
# tm: Transmission mode 1-4 (TM1 default)
# nof_ports: Number of Tx ports (1 port default, set to 2 for TM2/3/4)
enb_id = 0x19B
mcc = 001
mnc = 01
mme_addr =
gtp_bind_addr =
s1c_bind_addr =
s1c_bind_port = 0
n_prb = 50
#tm = 4
#nof_ports = 2
# eNB configuration files
# sib_config: SIB1, SIB2 and SIB3 configuration file
# note: When enabling MBMS, use the sib.conf.mbsfn configuration file which includes SIB13
# rr_config: Radio Resources configuration file
# rb_config: SRB/DRB configuration file
sib_config = sib.conf
rr_config = rr.conf
rb_config = rb.conf
# RF configuration
# dl_earfcn: EARFCN code for DL (only valid if a single cell is configured in rr.conf)
# tx_gain: Transmit gain (dB).
# rx_gain: Optional receive gain (dB). If disabled, AGC if enabled
# Optional parameters:
# dl_freq: Override DL frequency corresponding to dl_earfcn
# ul_freq: Override UL frequency corresponding to dl_earfcn (must be set if dl_freq is set)
# device_name: Device driver family
# Supported options: "auto" (uses first driver found), "UHD", "bladeRF", "soapy", "zmq" or "Sidekiq"
# device_args: Arguments for the device driver. Options are "auto" or any string.
# Default for UHD: "recv_frame_size=9232,send_frame_size=9232"
# Default for bladeRF: ""
# time_adv_nsamples: Transmission time advance (in number of samples) to compensate for RF delay
# from antenna to timestamp insertion.
# Default "auto". B210 USRP: 100 samples, bladeRF: 27
#dl_earfcn = 3350
tx_gain = 80
rx_gain = 40
#device_name = auto
# For best performance in 2x2 MIMO and >= 15 MHz use the following device_args settings:
# USRP B210: num_recv_frames=64,num_send_frames=64
# And for 75 PRBs, also append ",master_clock_rate=15.36e6" to the device args
# For best performance when BW<5 MHz (25 PRB), use the following device_args settings:
# USRP B210: send_frame_size=512,recv_frame_size=512
#device_args = auto
#time_adv_nsamples = auto
# Example for ZMQ-based operation with TCP transport for I/Q samples
#device_name = zmq
#device_args = fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port=tcp://*:2000,rx_port=tcp://localhost:2001,id=enb,base_srate=23.04e6
# Packet capture configuration
# MAC-layer packets are captured to a file in the compact format which can
# be decoded by Wireshark. For decoding, use the UDP dissector and the UDP
# heuristic dissection. Edit the preferences (Edit > Preferences >
# Protocols > DLT_USER) for DLT_USER to add an entry for DLT=149 with
# Protocol=udp. Further, enable the heuristic dissection in UDP under:
# Analyze > Enabled Protocols > MAC-LTE > mac_lte_udp and MAC-NR > mac_nr_udp
# For more information see:
# Configuring this Wireshark preferences is needed for decoding the MAC PCAP
# files as well as for the live network capture option.
# Please note that this setting will by default only capture MAC
# frames on dedicated channels, and not SIB. You have to build with
# WRITE_SIB_PCAP enabled in srsenb/src/stack/mac/ if you want
# SIB to be part of the MAC pcap file.
# S1AP Packets are captured to a file in the compact format which can
# be decoded by the Wireshark s1ap dissector with DLT 150.
# To use the dissector, edit the preferences for DLT_USER to
# add an entry with DLT=150, Payload Protocol=s1ap.
# mac_enable: Enable MAC layer packet captures (true/false)
# filename: File path to use for LTE MAC packet captures
# nr_filename: File path to use for NR MAC packet captures
# s1ap_enable: Enable or disable the PCAP.
# s1ap_filename: File name where to save the PCAP.
# mac_net_enable: Enable MAC layer packet captures sent over the network (true/false default: false)
# bind_ip: Bind IP address for MAC network trace (default: "")
# bind_port: Bind port for MAC network trace (default: 5687)
# client_ip: Client IP address for MAC network trace (default: "")
# client_port Client IP address for MAC network trace (default: 5847)
#enable = false
#filename = /tmp/enb_mac.pcap
#nr_filename = /tmp/enb_mac_nr.pcap
#s1ap_enable = false
#s1ap_filename = /tmp/enb_s1ap.pcap
#mac_net_enable = false
#bind_ip =
#bind_port = 5687
#client_ip =
#client_port = 5847
# Log configuration
# Log levels can be set for individual layers. "all_level" sets log
# level for all layers unless otherwise configured.
# Format: e.g. phy_level = info
# In the same way, packet hex dumps can be limited for each level.
# "all_hex_limit" sets the hex limit for all layers unless otherwise
# configured.
# Format: e.g. phy_hex_limit = 32
# Logging layers: rf, phy, phy_lib, mac, rlc, pdcp, rrc, gtpu, s1ap, stack, all
# Logging levels: debug, info, warning, error, none
# filename: File path to use for log output. Can be set to stdout
# to print logs to standard output
# file_max_size: Maximum file size (in kilobytes). When passed, multiple files are created.
# If set to negative, a single log file will be created.
all_level = warning
all_hex_limit = 32
filename = /tmp/enb.log
file_max_size = -1
enable = false
# Scheduler configuration options
# sched_policy: User MAC scheduling policy (E.g. time_rr, time_pf)
# min_aggr_level: Optional minimum aggregation level index (l=log2(L) can be 0, 1, 2 or 3)
# max_aggr_level: Optional maximum aggregation level index (l=log2(L) can be 0, 1, 2 or 3)
# adaptive_aggr_level: Boolean flag to enable/disable adaptive aggregation level based on target BLER
# pdsch_mcs: Optional fixed PDSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)
# pdsch_max_mcs: Optional PDSCH MCS limit
# pusch_mcs: Optional fixed PUSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)
# pusch_max_mcs: Optional PUSCH MCS limit
# min_nof_ctrl_symbols: Minimum number of control symbols
# max_nof_ctrl_symbols: Maximum number of control symbols
# pucch_multiplex_enable: Allow PUCCH HARQ to collide with PUSCH and other PUCCH
# pucch_harq_max_rb: Maximum number of RB to be used for PUCCH on the edges of the grid.
# If defined and greater than 0, the scheduler will avoid DL PDCCH allocations if
# PUCCH HARQ falls outside this region
# target_bler: Target BLER (in decimal) to achieve via adaptive link
# max_delta_dl_cqi: Maximum shift in CQI for adaptive DL link
# max_delta_ul_snr: Maximum shift in UL SNR for adaptive UL link
# adaptive_dl_mcs_step_size: Step size or learning rate used in adaptive DL MCS link
# adaptive_ul_mcs_step_size: Step size or learning rate used in adaptive UL MCS link
# min_tpc_tti_interval: Minimum TTI interval between TPCs different than 1
# ul_snr_avg_alpha: Exponential Average alpha coefficient used in estimation of UL SNR
# init_ul_snr_value: Initial UL SNR value used for computing MCS in the first UL grant
# init_dl_cqi: DL CQI value used before any CQI report is available to the eNB
# max_sib_coderate: Upper bound on SIB and RAR grants coderate
# pdcch_cqi_offset: CQI offset in derivation of PDCCH aggregation level
# nr_pdsch_mcs: Optional fixed NR PDSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)
# nr_pusch_mcs: Optional fixed NR PUSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)
#policy = time_pf
#policy_args = 2
#min_aggr_level = 0
#max_aggr_level = 3
#adaptive_aggr_level = false
#pdsch_mcs = -1
#pdsch_max_mcs = -1
#pusch_mcs = -1
#pusch_max_mcs = 16
#min_nof_ctrl_symbols = 1
#max_nof_ctrl_symbols = 3
#pucch_multiplex_enable = false
#pucch_harq_max_rb = 0
#target_bler = 0.05
#max_delta_dl_cqi = 5
#max_delta_ul_snr = 5
#adaptive_dl_mcs_step_size = 0.001
#adaptive_ul_mcs_step_size = 0.001
#min_tpc_tti_interval = 1
# eMBMS configuration options
# enable: Enable MBMS transmission in the eNB
# m1u_multiaddr: Multicast address the M1-U socket will register to
# m1u_if_addr: Address of the interface the M1-U interface will listen to for multicast packets
# mcs: Modulation and Coding scheme for MBMS traffic
#enable = false
#m1u_multiaddr =
#m1u_if_addr =
#mcs = 20
# Channel emulator options:
# enable: Enable/disable internal Downlink/Uplink channel emulator
# -- AWGN Generator
# awgn.enable: Enable/disable AWGN generator
# awgn.snr: Target SNR in dB
# -- Fading emulator
# fading.enable: Enable/disable fading simulator
# fading.model: Fading model + maximum doppler (E.g. none, epa5, eva70, etu300, etc)
# -- Delay Emulator delay(t) = delay_min + (delay_max - delay_min) * (1 + sin(2pi*t/period)) / 2
# Maximum speed [m/s]: (delay_max - delay_min) * pi * 300 / period
# delay.enable: Enable/disable delay simulator
# delay.period_s: Delay period in seconds
# delay.init_time_s: Delay initial time in seconds
# delay.maximum_us: Maximum delay in microseconds
# delay.minumum_us: Minimum delay in microseconds
# -- Radio-Link Failure (RLF) Emulator
# rlf.enable: Enable/disable RLF simulator
# rlf.t_on_ms: Time for On state of the channel (ms)
# rlf.t_off_ms: Time for Off state of the channel (ms)
# -- High Speed Train Doppler model simulator
# hst.enable: Enable/disable HST simulator
# hst.period_s: HST simulation period in seconds
# hst.fd_hz: Doppler frequency in Hz
# hst.init_time_s: Initial time in seconds
#enable = false
#enable = false
#snr = 30
#enable = false
#model = none
#enable = false
#period_s = 3600
#init_time_s = 0
#maximum_us = 100
#minimum_us = 10
#enable = false
#t_on_ms = 10000
#t_off_ms = 2000
#enable = false
#period_s = 7.2
#fd_hz = 750.0
#init_time_s = 0.0
#enable = false
#enable = false
#n0 = -30
#enable = false
#model = none
#enable = false
#period_s = 3600
#init_time_s = 0
#maximum_us = 100
#minimum_us = 10
#enable = false
#t_on_ms = 10000
#t_off_ms = 2000
#enable = false
#period_s = 7.2
#fd_hz = -750.0
#init_time_s = 0.0
# CFR configuration options
# The CFR module provides crest factor reduction for the transmitted signal.
# enable: Enable or disable the CFR. Default: disabled
# mode: manual: CFR threshold is set by cfr_manual_thres (default).
# auto_ema: CFR threshold is adaptive based on the signal PAPR. Power avg. with Exponential Moving Average.
# The time constant of the averaging can be tweaked with the ema_alpha parameter.
# auto_cma: CFR threshold is adaptive based on the signal PAPR. Power avg. with Cumulative Moving Average.
# Use with care, as CMA's increasingly slow response may be unsuitable for most use cases.
# strength: Ratio between amplitude-limited vs unprocessed signal (0 to 1). Default: 1
# manual_thres: Fixed manual clipping threshold for CFR manual mode. Default: 0.5
# auto_target_papr: Signal PAPR target (in dB) in CFR auto modes. output PAPR can be higher due to peak smoothing. Default: 8
# ema_alpha: Alpha coefficient for the power average in auto_ema mode. Default: 1/7
#enable = false
#mode = manual
#manual_thres = 0.5
#strength = 1
#auto_target_papr = 8
#ema_alpha = 0.0143
# Expert configuration options
# pusch_max_its: Maximum number of turbo decoder iterations (default: 4)
# nr_pusch_max_its: Maximum number of LDPC iterations for NR (Default 10)
# pusch_8bit_decoder: Use 8-bit for LLR representation and turbo decoder trellis computation (experimental)
# nof_phy_threads: Selects the number of PHY threads (maximum: 4, minimum: 1, default: 3)
# metrics_period_secs: Sets the period at which metrics are requested from the eNB
# metrics_csv_enable: Write eNB metrics to CSV file.
# metrics_csv_filename: File path to use for CSV metrics
# report_json_enable: Write eNB report to JSON file (default: disabled)
# report_json_filename: Report JSON filename (default: /tmp/enb_report.json)
# report_json_asn1_oct: Prints ASN1 messages encoded as an octet string instead of plain text in the JSON report file
# alarms_log_enable: Enable Alarms logging (default: disabled)
# alarms_filename: Alarms logging filename (default: /tmp/alarms.log)
# tracing_enable: Write source code tracing information to a file
# tracing_filename: File path to use for tracing information
# tracing_buffcapacity: Maximum capacity in bytes the tracing framework can store
# stdout_ts_enable: Prints once per second the timestamp into stdout
# tx_amplitude: Transmit amplitude factor (set 0-1 to reduce PAPR)
# rrc_inactivity_timer Inactivity timeout used to remove UE context from RRC (in milliseconds)
# max_mac_dl_kos: Maximum number of consecutive KOs in DL before triggering the UE's release (default: 100)
# max_mac_ul_kos: Maximum number of consecutive KOs in UL before triggering the UE's release (default: 100)
# max_prach_offset_us: Maximum allowed RACH offset (in us)
# nof_prealloc_ues: Number of UE memory resources to preallocate during eNB initialization for faster UE creation (default: 8)
# rlf_release_timer_ms: Time taken by eNB to release UE context after it detects an RLF
# eea_pref_list: Ordered preference list for the selection of encryption algorithm (EEA) (default: EEA0, EEA2, EEA1)
# eia_pref_list: Ordered preference list for the selection of integrity algorithm (EIA) (default: EIA2, EIA1, EIA0)
# gtpu_tunnel_timeout: Time that GTPU takes to release indirect forwarding tunnel since the last received GTPU PDU (0 for no timer)
# ts1_reloc_prep_timeout: S1AP TS 36.413 TS1RelocPrep Expiry Timeout value in milliseconds
# ts1_reloc_overall_timeout: S1AP TS 36.413 TS1RelocOverall Expiry Timeout value in milliseconds
# rlf_release_timer_ms: Time taken by eNB to release UE context after it detects a RLF
# rlf_min_ul_snr_estim: SNR threshold in dB below which the enb is notified with RLF ko
# s1_setup_max_retries: Maximum amount of retries to setup the S1AP connection. If this value is exceeded, an alarm is written to the log. -1 means infinity.
#pusch_max_its = 8 # These are half iterations
#nr_pusch_max_its = 10
#pusch_8bit_decoder = false
#nof_phy_threads = 3
#metrics_period_secs = 1
#metrics_csv_enable = false
#metrics_csv_filename = /tmp/enb_metrics.csv
#report_json_enable = true
#report_json_filename = /tmp/enb_report.json
#report_json_asn1_oct = false
#alarms_log_enable = true
#alarms_filename = /tmp/enb_alarms.log
#tracing_enable = true
#tracing_filename = /tmp/enb_tracing.log
#tracing_buffcapacity = 1000000
#stdout_ts_enable = false
#tx_amplitude = 0.6
#rrc_inactivity_timer = 30000
#max_mac_dl_kos = 100
#max_mac_ul_kos = 100
#max_prach_offset_us = 30
#nof_prealloc_ues = 8
#rlf_release_timer_ms = 4000
#lcid_padding = 3
#eea_pref_list = EEA0, EEA2, EEA1
#eia_pref_list = EIA2, EIA1, EIA0
#gtpu_tunnel_timeout = 0
#extended_cp = false
#ts1_reloc_prep_timeout = 10000
#ts1_reloc_overall_timeout = 10000
#rlf_release_timer_ms = 4000
#rlf_min_ul_snr_estim = -2
#s1_setup_max_retries = -1