
438 lines
11 KiB

// header pic:
add image header
header.x = screen.left
header.y = 20
header.src = "img/mediatop.gif"
// upper text:
upper_x = 150+30
upper_y = 100
add text folder
folder.x = upper_x
folder.y = upper_y
folder.value = explorer.folder
on explorer.folder != ""
folder.value = explorer.folder
// list:
list_x = 148
list_y = 260
list_count = 7
list_item_height = 0
add rect play_rect = "cursor_rect"
play_rect.round = 8
play_rect.color = -1
play_rect.color = colors.white
play_rect.backcolor = colors.grey
play_rect.visible = 0
add rect cursor_rect = "cursor_rect"
cursor_rect.color = -1
cursor_rect.backcolor = colors.yellowback
cursor_rect.visible = 0
add rect scroll_back
scroll_back.width = 10
scroll_back.x = screen.right - 15
scroll_back.y = list_y
scroll_back.height = screen.bottom - list_y - 10
scroll_back.color = -1
scroll_back.backcolor = colors.grey
add image scroll_up
scroll_up.x = screen.right - 15
scroll_up.y = list_y - 10
scroll_up.src = "img/scroll.gif"
add image scroll_down
scroll_down.x = screen.right - 15
scroll_down.y = screen.bottom - 10
scroll_down.src = "img/scroll.gif"
scroll_down.vflip = 1
add rect scroll
scroll.width = scroll_back.width
scroll.height = scroll.width
scroll.x = screen.right - 15
scroll.color = -1
scroll.backcolor = colors.white
scroll.round = 5
scroll.visible = 0
list_init = 1
on iso_init == 1
on list_init == 1
list_init = 0
iso_init = 0
in_menu = explorer.count == 0
menu_pos = 0
explorer.position = list_offset
folder_changed = 1
// start folder browsing:
on folder_changed == 1
list_offset = 0
on explorer.position - list_offset >= list_count
list_offset = explorer.position - list_count + 1
folder_changed = 0
update_list = 1
// if user pressed 'ENTER':
on pad.key == "enter"
do_enter = 1
// update/draw list:
on update_list == 1
update_list_loop = 0
delete .group == "items"
del_info = 1
osd = 0
on explorer.count > 0
on update_list == 1
list_iy = list_y
list_pos = list_offset
saved_pos = explorer.position
explorer.position = list_offset
screen.update = 0
scroll_back.visible = 1
scroll_up.visible = 1
scroll_down.visible = 1
update_list_loop = 1
on explorer.count == 0
on update_list == 1
scroll_back.visible = 0
scroll_up.visible = 0
scroll_down.visible = 0
scroll.visible = 0
cursor_rect.visible = 0
show_balloon = ""
screen.update = 1
add text item = "items"
item.backcolor = -1
item.x = list_x + 40; item.y = list_y;
item.value = "** No items **"
// draw 1 list item:
on explorer.count > 0
on update_list_loop == 1
// draw item icon:
icon_type = explorer.type
on icon_type == "folder"
draw_icon = "foldericon"
on icon_type == "up"
draw_icon = "upfoldericon"
on explorer.maskindex == 1 // movie
on icon_type == "file"
draw_icon = "movieicon"
on explorer.maskindex == 2 // music
on icon_type == "file"
draw_icon = "musicicon"
on explorer.maskindex == 3 // pics
on icon_type == "file"
draw_icon = "picsicon"
on explorer.maskindex == 4 // subtitles
on icon_type == "file"
draw_icon = "subticon"
on explorer.maskindex == 5 // firmware
on icon_type == "file"
draw_icon = "fwicon"
on icon_type == "track"
draw_icon = "musicicon"
on icon_type == "dvd"
draw_icon = "dvdicon"
on explorer.copied == 1
on draw_icon != ""
draw_icon_src = "sel"+draw_icon
on explorer.copied == 0
on draw_icon != ""
draw_icon_src = draw_icon
on draw_icon_src != ""
add image itemimg = "items"
itemimg.x = list_x; itemimg.y = list_iy;
itemimg.src = "img/"+draw_icon_src+".gif"
// print item text
add text item = "items"
item.backcolor = -1
item.x = list_x + 40; item.y = list_iy;
set_item_type = explorer.type
on set_item_type == "up"
item.value = "[Up Folder]"
on set_item_type == "folder"
item.value = "[" + explorer.filename+explorer.extension + "]"
on set_item_type == "file"
item.value = explorer.filename+explorer.extension
on set_item_type == "track"
item.value = "Track " + explorer.filename
on set_item_type == "dvd"
item.value = "DVD Movie"
list_item_height = item.height
list_iy = list_iy + list_item_height + 2
explorer.command = "next"
list_pos = list_pos+1
on (list_pos < explorer.count && list_pos < list_offset + list_count)
update_list_loop = 1
on (list_pos >= explorer.count || list_pos >= list_offset + list_count)
explorer.position = saved_pos
update_list_loop = 2
screen.update = 1
// the end of update
on update_list_loop == 2
clear_balloon = 1
on show_balloon != "player/stop"
on clear_balloon == 1
show_balloon = ""
cancel_popup = 1
check_popups = 1
on show_badvideo_popup == 1
on check_popups == 1
popup_timer = 4500
auto_close_popup = 1
show_popup_text = "Video codec not supported"
show_badvideo_popup = 0
on show_qpel_gmc_popup == 1
on check_popups == 1
popup_timer = 4500
auto_close_popup = 1
show_popup_text = "MPEG-4 Video with " + qpel_gmc + " not supported"
show_qpel_gmc_popup = 0
on show_badphoto_popup == 1
on check_popups == 1
popup_timer = 4500
auto_close_popup = 1
show_popup_text = "Cannot show JPEG file\n(too large or not enough memory)"
show_badphoto_popup = 0
update_list_loop = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
play_cur_pos = play_cur_pos
///// move cursor
on cur_pos != -1
cursor_rect.visible = 1
cursor_rect.backcolor = colors.yellowback
cursor_rect.x = list_x + 33
cursor_rect.y = list_y+(cur_pos-list_offset)*(list_item_height+2)
cursor_rect.width = screen.right-list_x - 40
cursor_rect.height = list_item_height
// move scroller:
scroll.y = list_y + (cur_pos * scroll_back.height) / explorer.count
scroll_height = scroll_back.height / explorer.count
on scroll_height > 5
scroll.height = scroll_height
on scroll_height <= 5
scroll.height = 5
scroll.visible = explorer.count > 1
////// move play cursor
on play_cur_pos > -2
play_rect.visible = 0
on in_menu != 2 && play_cur_pos >= list_offset && play_cur_pos < list_offset+list_count
on play_cur_pos != -1
play_rect.visible = 1
play_rect.x = list_x + 32
play_rect.y = list_y+(play_cur_pos-list_offset)*(list_item_height+2)-1
play_rect.width = screen.right - list_x - 40
play_rect.height = list_item_height+2
// cursor on the list:
on update_list_loop == 0
on in_menu == 0
on cur_pos < explorer.count - 1
// cursor is at the bottom - scroll to the next page
on cur_pos == list_offset + list_count - 1
on pad.key == "down"
list_offset = explorer.position - list_count + 1
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on (cur_pos - list_offset < list_offset + list_count - 1)
on pad.key == "down"
explorer.command = "next"
cur_pos = explorer.position
// cursor is at the top - scroll to the prev. page
on cur_pos > 0 && cur_pos == list_offset
on pad.key == "up"
explorer.command = "prev"
list_offset = explorer.position
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on cur_pos > 0
on pad.key == "up"
explorer.command = "prev"
cur_pos = explorer.position
on pad.key == "next"
scroll_next = 1
on pad.key == "prev"
scroll_prev = 1
on explorer.type == "folder"
on do_enter == 1
do_enter = 0
// we cannot continue playing if folder is changed
do_play_all = 0
explorer.folder = explorer.path
show_timer_balloon = "wait"
screen.update = "now"
explorer.command = "update"
display_pad = 1
folder_changed = 1
on explorer.type == "up"
on do_enter == 1
// we cannot continue playing if folder is changed
do_play_all = 0
do_enter = 0
explorer.folder = ".."
show_timer_balloon = "wait"
screen.update = "now"
explorer.command = "update"
display_pad = 1
folder_changed = 1
// play current file
on (explorer.type == "file" || explorer.type == "track" || explorer.type == "dvd") && playlist_edit == 0
on do_enter == 1
do_play_all = 0
do_continue_play = 0
stop_before_play = 0
player.command = "stop"
play_pos = explorer.position
cur_play_pos = play_pos
play_next_cmd = "next"
play_prev_cmd = "prev"
play_path = explorer.path
play_mediatype = explorer.maskindex
play_type = explorer.type
do_enter = 0
do_play_audio = 0
do_play_video = 0
do_show_photo = 0
was_continue_play = 0
do_play = 1
// copy to playlist
on (explorer.type == "file" || explorer.type == "track") && playlist_edit == 1 && explorer.copied == 0
on do_enter == 1
do_enter = 0
explorer.command = "copy"
update_list = 1
on (explorer.type == "file" || explorer.type == "track") && playlist_edit == 1 && explorer.copied == 1
on do_enter == 1
do_enter = 0
explorer.command = "targetremove"
update_list = 1
// jump to the first:
on cur_pos > 0
on pad.key == "return"
explorer.position = 0
list_offset = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on pad.key == "title"
explorer.folder = "/"
explorer.command = "update"
display_pad = 1
list_offset = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
// page down:
on cur_pos <= explorer.count - list_count*2
on scroll_next == 1
explorer.position = explorer.position + list_count
list_offset = list_offset + list_count
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on cur_pos > explorer.count - list_count*2 && cur_pos < explorer.count - list_count
on scroll_next == 1
explorer.position = explorer.position + list_count
list_offset = explorer.count - list_count
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on cur_pos >= explorer.count - list_count && cur_pos < explorer.count - 1
on scroll_next == 1
explorer.position = explorer.count - 1
list_offset = explorer.count - list_count
on list_offset < 0
list_offset = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
// page up:
on cur_pos >= list_count*2
on scroll_prev == 1
explorer.position = explorer.position - list_count
list_offset = list_offset - list_count
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on cur_pos < list_count*2 && cur_pos >= list_count
on scroll_prev == 1
explorer.position = explorer.position - list_count
list_offset = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1
on cur_pos < list_count && cur_pos > 0
on scroll_prev == 1
explorer.position = 0
list_offset = 0
cur_pos = explorer.position
update_list = 1