
380 lines
10 KiB

/// OSD playing info:
osd = 0
on allow_osd == 1
on pad.key == "osd"
do_osd = 1
on osd == 0
delete .group == "osd"
on player.playing == 1 || setup == 1 || do_show_photo == 1
on do_osd == 1
real_do_osd = 1
on real_do_osd == 1
kernel.print = "SHOW OSD INFO!"
do_osd = 0
real_do_osd = 0
cancel_osd = 0
osd_old_in_menu = in_menu
in_menu = 2
osd = 1
delete .group == "osd"
add rect osdback = "osd"
osdback.halign = "center"
osdback.valign = "center"
osdback.x = (screen.right + screen.left) / 2
osdback.y = (screen.bottom + / 2
osdback.width = 500
osdback.height = 320
osdback.round = 10
osdback.color = -1
osdback.backcolor = colors.blueback
add rect osdframe = "osd"
osdframe.halign = "center"
osdframe.valign = "center"
osdframe.x = osdback.x
osdframe.y = osdback.y
osdframe.width = osdback.width - 20
osdframe.height = osdback.height - 20
osdframe.round = 8
osdframe.color = colors.yellow
osdframe.backcolor = -1
osd_x = osdback.x - osdback.width/2 + 30
osd_y = osdback.y - osdback.height/2 + 20
add text osdhdr = "osd"
osdhdr.halign = "center"
osdhdr.x = osdback.x
osdhdr.y = osd_y
osdhdr.backcolor = osdback.backcolor = "underline"
osd_draw_header = 1
osd_ix = osd_x
osd_offx = 130
osd_h = 24
osd_iy = osd_y + osd_h * 2
osd_draw_main = 1
on drive.mediatype == "dvd" && player.playing == 1
on osd_draw_header == 1
osdhdr.value = "DVD Information"
on osd_draw_main == 1
titletxt = "Title/Total"
print_title = 1
print_chapter = 1
print_time = 1
print_length = 1
print_audio = 1
print_video = 1
print_resolution = 1
print_fps = 1
on drive.mediatype == "iso" || drive.mediatype == "mixed"
on osd_draw_header == 1
osdhdr.value = "File Information"
on do_show_photo == 1
on osd_draw_main == 1
print_filename = 1
print_filesize = 1
print_filedate = 1
print_resolution = 1
print_clrs = 1
on do_play_audio == 1
on osd_draw_main == 1
print_filename = 1
print_filesize = 1
print_time = 1
print_length = 1
print_audio = 1
print_name = 1
print_artist = 1
on do_play_video == 1
on osd_draw_main == 1
print_filename = 1
print_filesize = 1
print_time = 1
print_length = 1
print_audio = 1
print_video = 1
print_resolution = 1
print_fps = 1
on play_type == "track"
on osd_draw_header == 1
osdhdr.value = "Audio CD Information"
on osd_draw_main == 1
titletxt = "Title/Total"
print_title = 1
print_time = 1
print_length = 1
on osd == 1
on do_osd == 1
do_osd = 0
cancel_osd = 1
on pad.key == "cancel"
do_osd = 0
cancel_osd = 1
on cancel_osd == 1
in_menu = osd_old_in_menu
osd = 0
on print_osd != ""
add text osdtxt = "osd"
osdtxt.x = osd_ix
osdtxt.y = osd_iy
osdtxt.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osdtxt.value = print_osd
// file name
on play_path != ""
on print_filename == 1
print_osd = "File Name"
osd_ix = osd_x + osd_offx
print_osd = ":"
osd_ix = osd_x
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
add text osdfname = "osd"
osdfname.x = osd_ix + 10
osdfname.y = osd_iy
osdfname.color = colors.yellow
osdfname.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h + 5
on play_path != "" || print_filename == 1
osdfname.value = play_path
osdfname.delete = 6
osdfname.width = 420
// file size
on filesize_string != ""
on print_filesize == 1
print_osd = "File Size"
add text osdfsize = "osd"
osdfsize.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdfsize.y = osd_iy
osdfsize.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on filesize_string != "" || print_filesize == 1
osdfsize.value = ": " + filesize_string
// file date
on filedate_string != ""
on print_filedate == 1
print_osd = "File Date"
add text osdfdate = "osd"
osdfdate.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdfdate.y = osd_iy
osdfdate.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on filedate_string != "" || print_filedate == 1
osdfdate.value = ": " + filedate_string
// file time
on player.time >= 0
on print_time == 1
print_osd = "Play Time"
add text osdftime = "osd"
osdftime.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdftime.y = osd_iy
osdftime.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.time > 0 || print_time == 1
osdftime.value = ": " + (player.time/36000) + ((player.time/3600)%10) + ":" + (player.time%3600/600) + ((player.time%3600/60)%10) + ":" + ((player.time%60)/10) + ((player.time%60)%10)
// file length
on player.length > 0
on print_length == 1
print_osd = "Length"
add text osdflength = "osd"
osdflength.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdflength.y = osd_iy
osdflength.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.length > 0 || print_length == 1
osdflength.value = ": " + (player.length/36000) + ((player.length/3600)%10) + ":" + (player.length%3600/600) + ((player.length%3600/60)%10) + ":" + ((player.length%60)/10) + ((player.length%60)%10)
// audio info
on player.audio_info != ""
on print_audio == 1
print_osd = "Audio Info"
add text osdaudio = "osd"
osdaudio.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdaudio.y = osd_iy
osdaudio.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.audio_info != "" || print_audio == 1
osdaudio.value = ": " + player.audio_info
// video info
on player.video_info != ""
on print_video == 1
print_osd = "Video Info"
add text osdvideo = "osd"
osdvideo.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdvideo.y = osd_iy
osdvideo.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.video_info != "" || print_video == 1
osdvideo.value = ": " + player.video_info
// name
on != ""
on print_name == 1
print_osd = "Title"
add text osdname = "osd"
osdname.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdname.y = osd_iy
osdname.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on != "" || print_name == 1
osdname.value = ": " +
osdname.width = 315
// artist
on player.artist != ""
on print_artist == 1
print_osd = "Artist"
add text osdartist = "osd"
osdartist.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdartist.y = osd_iy
osdartist.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.artist != "" || print_artist == 1
osdartist.value = ": " + player.artist
osdartist.width = 315
// DVD title
on player.title > 0 && player.num_titles > 0
on print_title == 1
print_osd = titletxt
add text osdtitle = "osd"
osdtitle.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdtitle.y = osd_iy
osdtitle.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.title > 0 && player.num_titles > 0 || print_title == 1
osdtitle.value = ": " + (player.title/10) + (player.title%10) + " / " + (player.num_titles/10) + (player.num_titles%10)
// DVD chapter
on player.chapter > 0 && player.num_chapters > 0
on print_chapter == 1
print_osd = "Chapter/Total"
add text osdchapter = "osd"
osdchapter.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdchapter.y = osd_iy
osdchapter.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.chapter > 0 && player.num_chapters > 0 || print_chapter == 1
osdchapter.value = ": " + (player.chapter/10) + (player.chapter%10) + " / " + (player.num_chapters/10) + (player.num_chapters%10)
// resolution
on player.width > 0 && player.height > 0
on print_resolution == 1
print_osd = "Resolution"
add text osdresolution = "osd"
osdresolution.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdresolution.y = osd_iy
osdresolution.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.width > 0 && player.height > 0 || print_resolution == 1
osdresolution.value = ": " + player.width + " X " + player.height
// frame rate
on player.frame_rate > 0
on print_fps == 1
print_osd = "Frame Rate"
add text osdfps = "osd"
osdfps.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdfps.y = osd_iy
osdfps.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.frame_rate > 0 || print_fps == 1
osdfps.value = ": " + (player.frame_rate / 1000) + "," + (player.frame_rate % 1000)/100 + (player.frame_rate % 100)/10 + player.frame_rate % 10
// color space
on player.color_space != ""
on print_clrs == 1
print_osd = "Color Space"
add text osdclrs = "osd"
osdclrs.x = osd_x + osd_offx
osdclrs.y = osd_iy
osdclrs.backcolor = osdback.backcolor
osd_iy = osd_iy + osd_h
on player.color_space != "" || print_clrs == 1
osdclrs.value = ": " + player.color_space
// File size formatting:
on filesize_value < 1000 && filesize_value >= 0
filesize_string = filesize_value + " bytes"
on filesize_value < 1000000 && filesize_value >= 1000
filesize_string = (filesize_value/1000) + ","+ ((filesize_value%1000)/100)+((filesize_value%100)/10)+(filesize_value%10)+" bytes"
on filesize_value < 1024000 && filesize_value >= 1000000
filesize_string = (filesize_value/1024) + " Kbytes"
on filesize_value < 1024000000 && filesize_value >= 1024000
filesize_string = (filesize_value/1024000) + ","+ (((filesize_value/1024)%1000)/100)+(((filesize_value/1024)%100)/10)+((filesize_value/1024)%10)+" Kbytes"
on filesize_value < 1048576000 && filesize_value >= 1024000000
filesize_string = (filesize_value/1048576) + " Mbytes"
on filesize_value >= 1048576000
filesize_string = (filesize_value/1048576000) + ","+ (((filesize_value/1048576)%1000)/100)+(((filesize_value/1048576)%100)/10)+((filesize_value/1048576)%10)+" Mbytes"
// if filesize if negative, it means the huge file, the size is in kilos.
on filesize_value < 0
filesize_string = (-filesize_value/1048576) + "," + (((-filesize_value/1024)%1000)/100) + " Gbytes"