
368 lines
8.8 KiB

// search:
on == 0 && (player.speed == 0 || player.speed == 1) && player.playing == 1
on pad.key == "search"
do_search = 1
on == 1
on pad.key == "search"
show_fast_balloon = "player/invalid"
on search == 0
on cancel_search == 1
cancel_search = 0
on do_search == 1
cancel_search = 0
do_search = 0
old_allow_osd = allow_osd
allow_osd = 0
old_allow_zoom = allow_zoom
allow_zoom = 0
search_old_in_menu = in_menu
in_menu = 2
search = 1
show_balloon = ""
player.command = "pause"
add image popup = "search"
popup.halign = "center"
popup.valign = "center"
popup.src = "img/player/popup.gif"
popup.x = (screen.right + screen.left) / 2
popup.y = (screen.bottom + / 2 - 20
screen.backcolor = -1
add text header = "search"
header.valign = "center"
header.font = font2
header.x = popup.x - 185
header.y = popup.y - 83
header.value = search_title
stext_x = popup.x - 50
stext_y1 = popup.y - 42
stext_y2 = stext_y1 + 20
stext_y3 = stext_y1
stext_y4 = stext_y2
stext_yr = stext_y1 + 60
add rect srect = "search"
srect.backcolor = colors.white
srect.linewidth = 0
screen.halign = "right"
draw_titles = 1
add text t; = "search"; t.x = stext_x; t.y = stext_y3; t.value = "Time :"
add text tt; = "search"; tt.x = stext_x; tt.y = stext_y4; tt.value = "Total Time :"
screen.halign = "left"
stext_x = stext_x + 20
rlength_width = 310
rlength_height = 10
add rect rlength = "search"
rlength.width = rlength_width + 4
rlength.x = popup.x - 180
rlength.y = stext_yr
rlength.height = rlength_height + 4
rlength.linewidth = 1
rlength.color = colors.white
rlength.backcolor = -1
add rect rtime = "search"
rtime.width = rlength_width
rtime.x = rlength.x + 2
rtime.y = stext_yr + 2
rtime.height = rlength_height
rtime.linewidth = 0
rtime.backcolor = colors.yellow
draw_titles = 2
add text time; = "search"; time.color = colors.yellow; time.x = stext_x; time.y = stext_y3;
old_cur_secs = player.time
cur_secs = player.time
add text fulltime; = "search"; fulltime.x = stext_x; fulltime.y = stext_y4;
fulltime.value = "" + (player.length/36000) + ((player.length/3600)%10) + ":" + (player.length%3600/600) + ((player.length%3600/60)%10) + ":" + ((player.length%60)/10) + ((player.length%60)%10)
screen.halign = "left"
sy = 2
sx = 0
draw_titles = 3
on set_digit >= 0
kernel.print = "Jump to " + (set_digit * 10) + "%%!"
player.command = "pause"
player.time = player.length * set_digit / 10
player.command = "play"
on drive.mediatype == "dvd"
on draw_titles == 1
draw_titles = 0
add text t; = "search"; t.x = stext_x; t.y = stext_y1; t.value = "Title/Total :"
add text ct; = "search"; ct.x = stext_x; ct.y = stext_y2; ct_value = "Chapter/Total :"; ct.value = ct_value;
stext_y3 = stext_y1 + 50
stext_y4 = stext_y1 + 70
stext_yr = stext_y1 + 110
on drive.mediatype == "dvd"
on draw_titles == 2
draw_titles = 0
add text title; = "search"; title.color = colors.yellow; title.x = stext_x; title.y = stext_y1;
real_title = player.title
cur_title = player.title
add text t; = "search"; t.x = stext_x + title.width; t.y = stext_y1; t.value = " / " + (player.num_titles/10) + (player.num_titles%10)
add text chapter; = "search"; chapter.color = colors.yellow; chapter.x = stext_x; chapter.y = stext_y2;
cur_chapter = player.chapter
add text numch; = "search"; numch.x = stext_x + chapter.width; numch.y = stext_y2;
num_chapters = player.num_chapters
on drive.mediatype == "dvd"
on draw_titles == 3
draw_titles = 0
sy = 1
sx = 1 - (cur_chapter > 9)
on search == 1
on do_search == 1 || pad.key == "cancel"
cancel_search = 1
on player.playing == 1
on cancel_search == 1
player.command = "cancel" // cancel all changes
player.command = "play"
on cancel_search == 1
delete .group == "search"
in_menu = search_old_in_menu
allow_osd = old_allow_osd
allow_zoom = old_allow_zoom
cancel_search = 0
search = 0
on pad.key == "enter"
delete .group == "search"
player.command = "play"
in_menu = search_old_in_menu
allow_osd = old_allow_osd
allow_zoom = old_allow_zoom
search = 0
// update time
on player.length > 0
on cur_secs > player.length
cur_secs = old_cur_secs
on cur_secs >= 0
old_cur_secs = cur_secs
s_h1 = (cur_secs/36000)
s_h2 = ((cur_secs/3600)%10)
s_m1 = (cur_secs%3600/600)
s_m2 = ((cur_secs%3600/60)%10)
s_s1 = ((cur_secs%60)/10)
s_s2 = ((cur_secs%60)%10)
time.value = "" + s_h1 + s_h2 + ":" + s_m1 + s_m2 + ":" + s_s1 + s_s2
rtime.width = cur_secs * rlength_width / player.length
on cur_secs != player.time
on cur_secs >= 0
player.time = cur_secs
on update_cur_secs == 1
cur_secs = (s_h1 * 10 + s_h2) * 3600 + (s_m1 * 10 + s_m2) * 60 + (s_s1 * 10 + s_s2)
on player.time >= 0 && player.time <= player.length
cur_secs = player.time
on player.length > 0
on player.time >= 0 && player.time > player.length
cur_secs = player.length
on cur_title >= 0
s_t1 = (cur_title/10)
s_t2 = (cur_title%10)
title.value = "" + s_t1 + s_t2
on cur_title != player.title
on cur_title >= 0
player.title = cur_title
on cur_title != real_title
fulltime.visible = 0
time.visible = 0
tt.visible = 0
on cur_title == real_title
fulltime.visible = 1
time.visible = 1
tt.visible = 1
on update_cur_title == 1
cur_title = s_t1 * 10 + s_t2
on cur_chapter >= 0
s_c1 = (cur_chapter/10)
s_c2 = (cur_chapter%10)
chapter.value = "" + s_c1 + s_c2
on cur_chapter != player.chapter
on cur_chapter >= 0
player.chapter = cur_chapter
on update_cur_chapter == 1
cur_chapter = s_c1 * 10 + s_c2
on player.chapter >= 0
cur_chapter = player.chapter
on num_chapters >= 0
numch.value = " / " + (num_chapters/10) + (num_chapters%10)
on player.num_chapters >= 0
num_chapters = player.num_chapters
on pad.key == "up"
move_up = 1
on pad.key == "down"
move_down = 1
// draw cursor
char_w = 10
on sy == 0
on sx >= 0
srect.x = title.x + sx * char_w
srect.width = char_w+1
srect.y = title.y+1
srect.height = title.height-2
on pad.key == "right" || pad.key == "left"
sx = 1 - sx
on move_down == 1
move_down = 0
sy = 1
sx = 1
on sx == 0
on set_digit >= 0
s_t1 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_title = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 1
on set_digit >= 0
s_t2 = set_digit
update_cur_title = 1
on sy == 1
on sx >= 0
srect.x = chapter.x + sx * char_w
srect.width = char_w+1
srect.y = chapter.y+1
srect.height = chapter.height-2
on pad.key == "right" || pad.key == "left"
sx = 1 - sx
on move_up == 1
move_up = 0
sy = 0
sx = 1
on move_down == 1
move_down = 1
sy = 2
sx = 0
on sx == 0
on set_digit >= 0
s_c1 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_chapter = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 1
on set_digit >= 0
s_c2 = set_digit
update_cur_chapter = 1
on sy == 2
on sx < 5
on pad.key == "right"
sx = sx + 1
on sx > 0
on pad.key == "left"
sx = sx - 1
on drive.mediatype == "dvd" // move to chapters/titles only for DVD
on move_up == 1
move_up = 0
sy = 1
sx = 1
on sx == 0 || sx == 1
srect.x = time.x + sx * char_w
srect.width = char_w+1
srect.y = time.y+1
srect.height = time.height-2
on sx == 2 || sx == 3
srect.x = time.x + 7 + sx * char_w
srect.width = char_w+1
srect.y = time.y+1
srect.height = time.height-2
on sx == 4 || sx == 5
srect.x = time.x + 14 + sx * char_w
srect.width = char_w+1
srect.y = time.y+1
srect.height = time.height-2
on sx == 0
on set_digit >= 0
s_h1 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 1
on set_digit >= 0
s_h2 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 2
on set_digit >= 0 && set_digit <= 5
s_m1 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 3
on set_digit >= 0
s_m2 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 4
on set_digit >= 0 && set_digit <= 5
s_s1 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
sx = sx + 1
on sx == 5
on set_digit >= 0
s_s2 = set_digit
set_digit = -1
update_cur_secs = 1
on player.playing == 1
on pad.key == "zero"
set_digit = 0
on pad.key == "one"
set_digit = 1
on pad.key == "two"
set_digit = 2
on pad.key == "three"
set_digit = 3
on pad.key == "four"
set_digit = 4
on pad.key == "five"
set_digit = 5
on pad.key == "six"
set_digit = 6
on pad.key == "seven"
set_digit = 7
on pad.key == "eight"
set_digit = 8
on pad.key == "nine"
set_digit = 9