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2022-08-16 19:31:55 -07:00
import { Buffer as Buffer$1 } from 'buffer';
import { PublicKey, Transaction, TransactionInstruction, SendTransactionError, NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH, SystemProgram, SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY } from '@solana/web3.js';
import * as web3_js from '@solana/web3.js';
export { web3_js as web3 };
import BN from 'bn.js';
export { default as BN } from 'bn.js';
import bs58$1 from 'bs58';
import * as base64$1 from 'base64-js';
import camelCase from 'camelcase';
import { sha256 as sha256$1 } from 'js-sha256';
import * as borsh from '@project-serum/borsh';
import { inflate } from 'pako';
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
import * as assert$1 from 'assert';
* Splits an array into chunks
* @param array Array of objects to chunk.
* @param size The max size of a chunk.
* @returns A two dimensional array where each T[] length is < the provided size.
function chunks(array, size) {
return Array.apply(0, new Array(Math.ceil(array.length / size))).map((_, index) => array.slice(index * size, (index + 1) * size));
function encode$3(data) {
return data.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"), "0x");
function decode$3(data) {
if (data.indexOf("0x") === 0) {
data = data.substr(2);
if (data.length % 2 === 1) {
data = "0" + data;
let key = data.match(/.{2}/g);
if (key === null) {
return Buffer$1.from([]);
return Buffer$1.from( => parseInt(byte, 16)));
var hex = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
encode: encode$3,
decode: decode$3
function decode$2(array) {
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8") // Browser
; // Node.
return decoder.decode(array);
function encode$2(input) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder() // Browser.
; // Node.
return encoder.encode(input);
var utf8 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
decode: decode$2,
encode: encode$2
function encode$1(data) {
return bs58$1.encode(data);
function decode$1(data) {
return bs58$1.decode(data);
var bs58 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
encode: encode$1,
decode: decode$1
function encode(data) {
return base64$1.fromByteArray(data);
function decode(data) {
return Buffer$1.from(base64$1.toByteArray(data));
var base64 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
encode: encode,
decode: decode
var index$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
hex: hex,
utf8: utf8,
bs58: bs58,
base64: base64
function parseIdlErrors(idl) {
const errors = new Map();
if (idl.errors) {
idl.errors.forEach((e) => {
var _a;
let msg = (_a = e.msg) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a :;
errors.set(e.code, msg);
return errors;
// Allow either IdLInstruction or IdlStateMethod since the types share fields.
function toInstruction(idlIx, ...args) {
if (idlIx.args.length != args.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument length");
const ix = {};
let idx = 0;
idlIx.args.forEach((ixArg) => {
ix[] = args[idx];
idx += 1;
return ix;
// Throws error if any account required for the `ix` is not given.
function validateAccounts(ixAccounts, accounts = {}) {
ixAccounts.forEach((acc) => {
if ("accounts" in acc) {
validateAccounts(acc.accounts, accounts[]);
else {
if (accounts[] === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments: ${} not provided.`);
// Translates an address to a Pubkey.
function translateAddress(address) {
return address instanceof PublicKey ? address : new PublicKey(address);
* A `StructFailure` represents a single specific failure in validation.
* `StructError` objects are thrown (or returned) when validation fails.
* Validation logic is design to exit early for maximum performance. The error
* represents the first error encountered during validation. For more detail,
* the `error.failures` property is a generator function that can be run to
* continue validation and receive all the failures in the data.
class StructError extends TypeError {
constructor(failure, failures) {
let cached;
const {
} = failure;
const {
} = failure;
const msg = path.length === 0 ? message : "At path: " + path.join('.') + " -- " + message;
this.value = void 0;
this.key = void 0;
this.type = void 0;
this.refinement = void 0;
this.path = void 0;
this.branch = void 0;
this.failures = void 0;
Object.assign(this, rest); =;
this.failures = () => {
var _cached;
return (_cached = cached) != null ? _cached : cached = [failure, ...failures()];
* Check if a value is an iterator.
function isIterable(x) {
return isObject(x) && typeof x[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';
* Check if a value is a plain object.
function isObject(x) {
return typeof x === 'object' && x != null;
* Return a value as a printable string.
function print(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(value) : "" + value;
* Shifts (removes and returns) the first value from the `input` iterator.
* Like `Array.prototype.shift()` but for an `Iterator`.
function shiftIterator(input) {
const {
} =;
return done ? undefined : value;
* Convert a single validation result to a failure.
function toFailure(result, context, struct, value) {
if (result === true) {
} else if (result === false) {
result = {};
} else if (typeof result === 'string') {
result = {
message: result
const {
} = context;
const {
} = struct;
const {
message = "Expected a value of type `" + type + "`" + (refinement ? " with refinement `" + refinement + "`" : '') + ", but received: `" + print(value) + "`"
} = result;
return {
key: path[path.length - 1],
* Convert a validation result to an iterable of failures.
function* toFailures(result, context, struct, value) {
if (!isIterable(result)) {
result = [result];
for (const r of result) {
const failure = toFailure(r, context, struct, value);
if (failure) {
yield failure;
* Check a value against a struct, traversing deeply into nested values, and
* returning an iterator of failures or success.
function* run(value, struct, options = {}) {
const {
path = [],
branch = [value],
coerce = false,
mask = false
} = options;
const ctx = {
if (coerce) {
value = struct.coercer(value, ctx);
if (mask && struct.type !== 'type' && isObject(struct.schema) && isObject(value) && !Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const key in value) {
if (struct.schema[key] === undefined) {
delete value[key];
let valid = true;
for (const failure of struct.validator(value, ctx)) {
valid = false;
yield [failure, undefined];
for (let [k, v, s] of struct.entries(value, ctx)) {
const ts = run(v, s, {
path: k === undefined ? path : [...path, k],
branch: k === undefined ? branch : [...branch, v],
for (const t of ts) {
if (t[0]) {
valid = false;
yield [t[0], undefined];
} else if (coerce) {
v = t[1];
if (k === undefined) {
value = v;
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
value.set(k, v);
} else if (value instanceof Set) {
} else if (isObject(value)) {
value[k] = v;
if (valid) {
for (const failure of struct.refiner(value, ctx)) {
valid = false;
yield [failure, undefined];
if (valid) {
yield [undefined, value];
* `Struct` objects encapsulate the validation logic for a specific type of
* values. Once constructed, you use the `assert`, `is` or `validate` helpers to
* validate unknown input data against the struct.
class Struct {
constructor(props) {
this.TYPE = void 0;
this.type = void 0;
this.schema = void 0;
this.coercer = void 0;
this.validator = void 0;
this.refiner = void 0;
this.entries = void 0;
const {
coercer = value => value,
entries = function* () {}
} = props;
this.type = type;
this.schema = schema;
this.entries = entries;
this.coercer = coercer;
if (validator) {
this.validator = (value, context) => {
const result = validator(value, context);
return toFailures(result, context, this, value);
} else {
this.validator = () => [];
if (refiner) {
this.refiner = (value, context) => {
const result = refiner(value, context);
return toFailures(result, context, this, value);
} else {
this.refiner = () => [];
* Assert that a value passes the struct's validation, throwing if it doesn't.
assert(value) {
return assert(value, this);
* Create a value with the struct's coercion logic, then validate it.
create(value) {
return create(value, this);
* Check if a value passes the struct's validation.
is(value) {
return is(value, this);
* Mask a value, coercing and validating it, but returning only the subset of
* properties defined by the struct's schema.
mask(value) {
return mask(value, this);
* Validate a value with the struct's validation logic, returning a tuple
* representing the result.
* You may optionally pass `true` for the `withCoercion` argument to coerce
* the value before attempting to validate it. If you do, the result will
* contain the coerced result when successful.
validate(value, options = {}) {
return validate(value, this, options);
* Assert that a value passes a struct, throwing if it doesn't.
function assert(value, struct) {
const result = validate(value, struct);
if (result[0]) {
throw result[0];
* Create a value with the coercion logic of struct and validate it.
function create(value, struct) {
const result = validate(value, struct, {
coerce: true
if (result[0]) {
throw result[0];
} else {
return result[1];
* Mask a value, returning only the subset of properties defined by a struct.
function mask(value, struct) {
const result = validate(value, struct, {
coerce: true,
mask: true
if (result[0]) {
throw result[0];
} else {
return result[1];
* Check if a value passes a struct.
function is(value, struct) {
const result = validate(value, struct);
return !result[0];
* Validate a value against a struct, returning an error if invalid, or the
* value (with potential coercion) if valid.
function validate(value, struct, options = {}) {
const tuples = run(value, struct, options);
const tuple = shiftIterator(tuples);
if (tuple[0]) {
const error = new StructError(tuple[0], function* () {
for (const t of tuples) {
if (t[0]) {
yield t[0];
return [error, undefined];
} else {
const v = tuple[1];
return [undefined, v];
* Define a new struct type with a custom validation function.
function define(name, validator) {
return new Struct({
type: name,
schema: null,
* Ensure that any value passes validation.
function any() {
return define('any', () => true);
function array(Element) {
return new Struct({
type: 'array',
schema: Element,
*entries(value) {
if (Element && Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const [i, v] of value.entries()) {
yield [i, v, Element];
coercer(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice() : value;
validator(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) || "Expected an array value, but received: " + print(value);
* Ensure that a value is a boolean.
function boolean() {
return define('boolean', value => {
return typeof value === 'boolean';
function literal(constant) {
const description = print(constant);
const t = typeof constant;
return new Struct({
type: 'literal',
schema: t === 'string' || t === 'number' || t === 'boolean' ? constant : null,
validator(value) {
return value === constant || "Expected the literal `" + description + "`, but received: " + print(value);
* Augment an existing struct to allow `null` values.
function nullable(struct) {
return new Struct({ ...struct,
validator: (value, ctx) => value === null || struct.validator(value, ctx),
refiner: (value, ctx) => value === null || struct.refiner(value, ctx)
* Ensure that a value is a number.
function number() {
return define('number', value => {
return typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value) || "Expected a number, but received: " + print(value);
* Augment a struct to allow `undefined` values.
function optional(struct) {
return new Struct({ ...struct,
validator: (value, ctx) => value === undefined || struct.validator(value, ctx),
refiner: (value, ctx) => value === undefined || struct.refiner(value, ctx)
* Ensure that a value is a string.
function string() {
return define('string', value => {
return typeof value === 'string' || "Expected a string, but received: " + print(value);
* Ensure that a value has a set of known properties of specific types.
* Note: Unrecognized properties are allowed and untouched. This is similar to
* how TypeScript's structural typing works.
function type(schema) {
const keys = Object.keys(schema);
return new Struct({
type: 'type',
*entries(value) {
if (isObject(value)) {
for (const k of keys) {
yield [k, value[k], schema[k]];
validator(value) {
return isObject(value) || "Expected an object, but received: " + print(value);
* Ensure that a value matches one of a set of types.
function union$1(Structs) {
const description = => s.type).join(' | ');
return new Struct({
type: 'union',
schema: null,
coercer(value, ctx) {
const firstMatch = Structs.find(s => {
const [e] = s.validate(value, {
coerce: true
return !e;
}) || unknown();
return firstMatch.coercer(value, ctx);
validator(value, ctx) {
const failures = [];
for (const S of Structs) {
const [...tuples] = run(value, S, ctx);
const [first] = tuples;
if (!first[0]) {
return [];
} else {
for (const [failure] of tuples) {
if (failure) {
return ["Expected the value to satisfy a union of `" + description + "`, but received: " + print(value), ...failures];
* Ensure that any value passes validation, without widening its type to `any`.
function unknown() {
return define('unknown', () => true);
* Augment a `Struct` to add an additional coercion step to its input.
* This allows you to transform input data before validating it, to increase the
* likelihood that it passes validationfor example for default values, parsing
* different formats, etc.
* Note: You must use `create(value, Struct)` on the value to have the coercion
* take effect! Using simply `assert()` or `is()` will not use coercion.
function coerce(struct, condition, coercer) {
return new Struct({ ...struct,
coercer: (value, ctx) => {
return is(value, condition) ? struct.coercer(coercer(value, ctx), ctx) : struct.coercer(value, ctx);
* Sends a transaction to a program with the given accounts and instruction
* data.
async function invoke(programId, accounts, data, provider) {
programId = translateAddress(programId);
if (!provider) {
provider = getProvider();
const tx = new Transaction();
tx.add(new TransactionInstruction({
keys: accounts !== null && accounts !== void 0 ? accounts : [],
if (provider.sendAndConfirm === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires 'Provider.sendAndConfirm' to be implemented.");
return await provider.sendAndConfirm(tx, []);
async function getMultipleAccounts(connection, publicKeys, commitment) {
if (publicKeys.length <= GET_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS_LIMIT) {
return await getMultipleAccountsCore(connection, publicKeys, commitment);
else {
const batches = chunks(publicKeys, GET_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS_LIMIT);
const results = await Promise.all( => getMultipleAccountsCore(connection, batch, commitment)));
return results.flat();
async function getMultipleAccountsCore(connection, publicKeys, commitmentOverride) {
const commitment = commitmentOverride !== null && commitmentOverride !== void 0 ? commitmentOverride : connection.commitment;
const accounts = await connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(publicKeys, commitment);
return, idx) => {
if (account === null) {
return null;
return {
publicKey: publicKeys[idx],
// copy from @solana/web3.js that has a commitment param
async function simulateTransaction(connection, transaction, signers, commitment, includeAccounts) {
if (signers && signers.length > 0) {
// @ts-expect-error
const message = transaction._compile();
const signData = message.serialize();
// @ts-expect-error
const wireTransaction = transaction._serialize(signData);
const encodedTransaction = wireTransaction.toString("base64");
const config = {
encoding: "base64",
commitment: commitment !== null && commitment !== void 0 ? commitment : connection.commitment,
if (includeAccounts) {
const addresses = (Array.isArray(includeAccounts) ? includeAccounts : message.nonProgramIds()).map((key) => key.toBase58());
config["accounts"] = {
encoding: "base64",
if (signers) {
config.sigVerify = true;
const args = [encodedTransaction, config];
// @ts-expect-error
const unsafeRes = await connection._rpcRequest("simulateTransaction", args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, SimulatedTransactionResponseStruct);
if ("error" in res) {
let logs;
if ("data" in res.error) {
logs =;
if (logs && Array.isArray(logs)) {
const traceIndent = "\n ";
const logTrace = traceIndent + logs.join(traceIndent);
console.error(res.error.message, logTrace);
throw new SendTransactionError("failed to simulate transaction: " + res.error.message, logs);
return res.result;
// copy from @solana/web3.js
function jsonRpcResult(schema) {
return coerce(createRpcResult(schema), UnknownRpcResult, (value) => {
if ("error" in value) {
return value;
else {
return {
result: create(value.result, schema),
// copy from @solana/web3.js
const UnknownRpcResult = createRpcResult(unknown());
// copy from @solana/web3.js
function createRpcResult(result) {
return union$1([
jsonrpc: literal("2.0"),
id: string(),
jsonrpc: literal("2.0"),
id: string(),
error: type({
code: unknown(),
message: string(),
data: optional(any()),
// copy from @solana/web3.js
function jsonRpcResultAndContext(value) {
return jsonRpcResult(type({
context: type({
slot: number(),
// copy from @solana/web3.js
const SimulatedTransactionResponseStruct = jsonRpcResultAndContext(type({
err: nullable(union$1([type({}), string()])),
logs: nullable(array(string())),
accounts: optional(nullable(array(nullable(type({
executable: boolean(),
owner: string(),
lamports: number(),
data: array(string()),
rentEpoch: optional(number()),
unitsConsumed: optional(number()),
var rpc = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
invoke: invoke,
getMultipleAccounts: getMultipleAccounts,
simulateTransaction: simulateTransaction
* The network and wallet context used to send transactions paid for and signed
* by the provider.
class AnchorProvider {
* @param connection The cluster connection where the program is deployed.
* @param wallet The wallet used to pay for and sign all transactions.
* @param opts Transaction confirmation options to use by default.
constructor(connection, wallet, opts) {
this.connection = connection;
this.wallet = wallet;
this.opts = opts;
this.publicKey = wallet.publicKey;
static defaultOptions() {
return {
preflightCommitment: "processed",
commitment: "processed",
* Returns a `Provider` with a wallet read from the local filesystem.
* @param url The network cluster url.
* @param opts The default transaction confirmation options.
* (This api is for Node only.)
static local(url, opts) {
throw new Error(`Provider local is not available on browser.`);
* Returns a `Provider` read from the `ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL` environment
* variable
* (This api is for Node only.)
static env() {
throw new Error(`Provider env is not available on browser.`);
* Sends the given transaction, paid for and signed by the provider's wallet.
* @param tx The transaction to send.
* @param signers The signers of the transaction.
* @param opts Transaction confirmation options.
async sendAndConfirm(tx, signers, opts) {
var _a;
if (opts === undefined) {
opts = this.opts;
tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey;
tx.recentBlockhash = (await this.connection.getRecentBlockhash(opts.preflightCommitment)).blockhash;
tx = await this.wallet.signTransaction(tx);
(signers !== null && signers !== void 0 ? signers : []).forEach((kp) => {
const rawTx = tx.serialize();
try {
return await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(this.connection, rawTx, opts);
catch (err) {
// thrown if the underlying 'confirmTransaction' encounters a failed tx
// the 'confirmTransaction' error does not return logs so we make another rpc call to get them
if (err instanceof ConfirmError) {
// choose the shortest available commitment for 'getTransaction'
// (the json RPC does not support any shorter than "confirmed" for 'getTransaction')
// because that will see the tx sent with `sendAndConfirmRawTransaction` no matter which
// commitment `sendAndConfirmRawTransaction` used
const failedTx = await this.connection.getTransaction(encode$1(tx.signature), { commitment: "confirmed" });
if (!failedTx) {
throw err;
else {
const logs = (_a = failedTx.meta) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.logMessages;
throw !logs ? err : new SendTransactionError(err.message, logs);
else {
throw err;
* Similar to `send`, but for an array of transactions and signers.
async sendAll(txWithSigners, opts) {
if (opts === undefined) {
opts = this.opts;
const blockhash = await this.connection.getRecentBlockhash(opts.preflightCommitment);
let txs = => {
var _a;
let tx = r.tx;
let signers = (_a = r.signers) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey;
tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash.blockhash;
signers.forEach((kp) => {
return tx;
const signedTxs = await this.wallet.signAllTransactions(txs);
const sigs = [];
for (let k = 0; k < txs.length; k += 1) {
const tx = signedTxs[k];
const rawTx = tx.serialize();
sigs.push(await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(this.connection, rawTx, opts));
return sigs;
* Simulates the given transaction, returning emitted logs from execution.
* @param tx The transaction to send.
* @param signers The signers of the transaction.
* @param opts Transaction confirmation options.
async simulate(tx, signers, commitment, includeAccounts) {
tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey;
tx.recentBlockhash = (await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash(commitment !== null && commitment !== void 0 ? commitment : this.connection.commitment)).blockhash;
tx = await this.wallet.signTransaction(tx);
const result = await simulateTransaction(this.connection, tx, signers, commitment, includeAccounts);
if (result.value.err) {
throw new SimulateError(result.value);
return result.value;
class SimulateError extends Error {
constructor(simulationResponse, message) {
this.simulationResponse = simulationResponse;
// Copy of Connection.sendAndConfirmRawTransaction that throws
// a better error if 'confirmTransaction` returns an error status
async function sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(connection, rawTransaction, options) {
const sendOptions = options && {
skipPreflight: options.skipPreflight,
preflightCommitment: options.preflightCommitment || options.commitment,
const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, sendOptions);
const status = (await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, options && options.commitment)).value;
if (status.err) {
throw new ConfirmError(`Raw transaction ${signature} failed (${JSON.stringify(status)})`);
return signature;
class ConfirmError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
* Sets the default provider on the client.
function setProvider(provider) {
_provider = provider;
* Returns the default provider being used by the client.
function getProvider() {
if (_provider === null) {
return AnchorProvider.local();
return _provider;
// Global provider used as the default when a provider is not given.
let _provider = null;
const _AVAILABLE_FEATURES = new Set(["anchor-deprecated-state", "debug-logs"]);
const _FEATURES = new Map();
function set(key) {
if (!_AVAILABLE_FEATURES.has(key)) {
throw new Error("Invalid feature");
_FEATURES.set(key, true);
function isSet(key) {
return _FEATURES.get(key) !== undefined;
var features = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
set: set,
isSet: isSet
class IdlError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); = "IdlError";
class ProgramErrorStack {
constructor(stack) {
this.stack = stack;
static parse(logs) {
var _a;
const programKeyRegex = /^Program (\w*) invoke/;
const successRegex = /^Program \w* success/;
const programStack = [];
for (let i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
if (successRegex.exec(logs[i])) {
const programKey = (_a = programKeyRegex.exec(logs[i])) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[1];
if (!programKey) {
programStack.push(new PublicKey(programKey));
return new ProgramErrorStack(programStack);
class AnchorError extends Error {
constructor(errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, origin, comparedValues) {
super(errorLogs.join("\n").replace("Program log: ", ""));
this.errorLogs = errorLogs;
this.logs = logs;
this.error = { errorCode, errorMessage, comparedValues, origin };
this._programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(logs);
static parse(logs) {
if (!logs) {
return null;
const anchorErrorLogIndex = logs.findIndex((log) => log.startsWith("Program log: AnchorError"));
if (anchorErrorLogIndex === -1) {
return null;
const anchorErrorLog = logs[anchorErrorLogIndex];
const errorLogs = [anchorErrorLog];
let comparedValues;
if (anchorErrorLogIndex + 1 < logs.length) {
// This catches the comparedValues where the following is logged
// <AnchorError>
// Left:
// <Pubkey>
// Right:
// <Pubkey>
if (logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1] === "Program log: Left:") {
const pubkeyRegex = /^Program log: (.*)$/;
const leftPubkey = pubkeyRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 2])[1];
const rightPubkey = pubkeyRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 4])[1];
comparedValues = [
new PublicKey(leftPubkey),
new PublicKey(rightPubkey),
errorLogs.push(...logs.slice(anchorErrorLogIndex + 1, anchorErrorLogIndex + 5));
// This catches the comparedValues where the following is logged
// <AnchorError>
// Left: <value>
// Right: <value>
else if (logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1].startsWith("Program log: Left:")) {
const valueRegex = /^Program log: (Left|Right): (.*)$/;
const leftValue = valueRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1])[2];
const rightValue = valueRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 2])[2];
errorLogs.push(...logs.slice(anchorErrorLogIndex + 1, anchorErrorLogIndex + 3));
comparedValues = [leftValue, rightValue];
const regexNoInfo = /^Program log: AnchorError occurred\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./;
const noInfoAnchorErrorLog = regexNoInfo.exec(anchorErrorLog);
const regexFileLine = /^Program log: AnchorError thrown in (.*):(\d*)\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./;
const fileLineAnchorErrorLog = regexFileLine.exec(anchorErrorLog);
const regexAccountName = /^Program log: AnchorError caused by account: (.*)\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./;
const accountNameAnchorErrorLog = regexAccountName.exec(anchorErrorLog);
if (noInfoAnchorErrorLog) {
const [errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = noInfoAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 4);
const errorCode = {
code: errorCodeString,
number: parseInt(errorNumber),
return new AnchorError(errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, undefined, comparedValues);
else if (fileLineAnchorErrorLog) {
const [file, line, errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = fileLineAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 6);
const errorCode = {
code: errorCodeString,
number: parseInt(errorNumber),
const fileLine = { file, line: parseInt(line) };
return new AnchorError(errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, fileLine, comparedValues);
else if (accountNameAnchorErrorLog) {
const [accountName, errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = accountNameAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 5);
const origin = accountName;
const errorCode = {
code: errorCodeString,
number: parseInt(errorNumber),
return new AnchorError(errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, origin, comparedValues);
else {
return null;
get program() {
return this._programErrorStack.stack[this._programErrorStack.stack.length - 1];
get programErrorStack() {
return this._programErrorStack.stack;
toString() {
return this.message;
// An error from a user defined program.
class ProgramError extends Error {
constructor(code, msg, logs) {
this.code = code;
this.msg = msg;
this.logs = logs;
if (logs) {
this._programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(logs);
static parse(err, idlErrors) {
const errString = err.toString();
// TODO: don't rely on the error string. web3.js should preserve the error
// code information instead of giving us an untyped string.
let unparsedErrorCode;
if (errString.includes("custom program error:")) {
let components = errString.split("custom program error: ");
if (components.length !== 2) {
return null;
else {
unparsedErrorCode = components[1];
else {
const matches = errString.match(/"Custom":([0-9]+)}/g);
if (!matches || matches.length > 1) {
return null;
unparsedErrorCode = matches[0].match(/([0-9]+)/g)[0];
let errorCode;
try {
errorCode = parseInt(unparsedErrorCode);
catch (parseErr) {
return null;
// Parse user error.
let errorMsg = idlErrors.get(errorCode);
if (errorMsg !== undefined) {
return new ProgramError(errorCode, errorMsg, err.logs);
// Parse framework internal error.
errorMsg = LangErrorMessage.get(errorCode);
if (errorMsg !== undefined) {
return new ProgramError(errorCode, errorMsg, err.logs);
// Unable to parse the error. Just return the untranslated error.
return null;
get program() {
var _a;
return (_a = this._programErrorStack) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stack[this._programErrorStack.stack.length - 1];
get programErrorStack() {
var _a;
return (_a = this._programErrorStack) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stack;
toString() {
return this.msg;
function translateError(err, idlErrors) {
if (isSet("debug-logs")) {
console.log("Translating error:", err);
const anchorError = AnchorError.parse(err.logs);
if (anchorError) {
return anchorError;
const programError = ProgramError.parse(err, idlErrors);
if (programError) {
return programError;
if (err.logs) {
const handler = {
get: function (target, prop) {
if (prop === "programErrorStack") {
return target.programErrorStack.stack;
else if (prop === "program") {
return target.programErrorStack.stack[err.programErrorStack.stack.length - 1];
else {
// this is the normal way to return all other props
// without modifying them.
// @ts-expect-error
return Reflect.get(...arguments);
err.programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(err.logs);
return new Proxy(err, handler);
return err;
const LangErrorCode = {
// Instructions.
InstructionMissing: 100,
InstructionFallbackNotFound: 101,
InstructionDidNotDeserialize: 102,
InstructionDidNotSerialize: 103,
// IDL instructions.
IdlInstructionStub: 1000,
IdlInstructionInvalidProgram: 1001,
// Constraints.
ConstraintMut: 2000,
ConstraintHasOne: 2001,
ConstraintSigner: 2002,
ConstraintRaw: 2003,
ConstraintOwner: 2004,
ConstraintRentExempt: 2005,
ConstraintSeeds: 2006,
ConstraintExecutable: 2007,
ConstraintState: 2008,
ConstraintAssociated: 2009,
ConstraintAssociatedInit: 2010,
ConstraintClose: 2011,
ConstraintAddress: 2012,
ConstraintZero: 2013,
ConstraintTokenMint: 2014,
ConstraintTokenOwner: 2015,
ConstraintMintMintAuthority: 2016,
ConstraintMintFreezeAuthority: 2017,
ConstraintMintDecimals: 2018,
ConstraintSpace: 2019,
// Require.
RequireViolated: 2500,
RequireEqViolated: 2501,
RequireKeysEqViolated: 2502,
RequireNeqViolated: 2503,
RequireKeysNeqViolated: 2504,
RequireGtViolated: 2505,
RequireGteViolated: 2506,
// Accounts.
AccountDiscriminatorAlreadySet: 3000,
AccountDiscriminatorNotFound: 3001,
AccountDiscriminatorMismatch: 3002,
AccountDidNotDeserialize: 3003,
AccountDidNotSerialize: 3004,
AccountNotEnoughKeys: 3005,
AccountNotMutable: 3006,
AccountOwnedByWrongProgram: 3007,
InvalidProgramId: 3008,
InvalidProgramExecutable: 3009,
AccountNotSigner: 3010,
AccountNotSystemOwned: 3011,
AccountNotInitialized: 3012,
AccountNotProgramData: 3013,
AccountNotAssociatedTokenAccount: 3014,
AccountSysvarMismatch: 3015,
AccountReallocExceedsLimit: 3016,
AccountDuplicateReallocs: 3017,
// State.
StateInvalidAddress: 4000,
// Miscellaneous
DeclaredProgramIdMismatch: 4100,
// Used for APIs that shouldn't be used anymore.
Deprecated: 5000,
const LangErrorMessage = new Map([
// Instructions.
"8 byte instruction identifier not provided",
"Fallback functions are not supported",
"The program could not deserialize the given instruction",
"The program could not serialize the given instruction",
// Idl instructions.
"The program was compiled without idl instructions",
"The transaction was given an invalid program for the IDL instruction",
// Constraints.
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintMut, "A mut constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintHasOne, "A has_one constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintSigner, "A signer constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintRaw, "A raw constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintOwner, "An owner constraint was violated"],
"A rent exemption constraint was violated",
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintSeeds, "A seeds constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintExecutable, "An executable constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintState, "A state constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintAssociated, "An associated constraint was violated"],
"An associated init constraint was violated",
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintClose, "A close constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintAddress, "An address constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintZero, "Expected zero account discriminant"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintTokenMint, "A token mint constraint was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintTokenOwner, "A token owner constraint was violated"],
"A mint mint authority constraint was violated",
"A mint freeze authority constraint was violated",
"A mint decimals constraint was violated",
[LangErrorCode.ConstraintSpace, "A space constraint was violated"],
// Require.
[LangErrorCode.RequireViolated, "A require expression was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.RequireEqViolated, "A require_eq expression was violated"],
"A require_keys_eq expression was violated",
[LangErrorCode.RequireNeqViolated, "A require_neq expression was violated"],
"A require_keys_neq expression was violated",
[LangErrorCode.RequireGtViolated, "A require_gt expression was violated"],
[LangErrorCode.RequireGteViolated, "A require_gte expression was violated"],
// Accounts.
"The account discriminator was already set on this account",
"No 8 byte discriminator was found on the account",
"8 byte discriminator did not match what was expected",
[LangErrorCode.AccountDidNotDeserialize, "Failed to deserialize the account"],
[LangErrorCode.AccountDidNotSerialize, "Failed to serialize the account"],
"Not enough account keys given to the instruction",
[LangErrorCode.AccountNotMutable, "The given account is not mutable"],
"The given account is owned by a different program than expected",
[LangErrorCode.InvalidProgramId, "Program ID was not as expected"],
[LangErrorCode.InvalidProgramExecutable, "Program account is not executable"],
[LangErrorCode.AccountNotSigner, "The given account did not sign"],
"The given account is not owned by the system program",
"The program expected this account to be already initialized",
"The given account is not a program data account",
"The given account is not the associated token account",
"The given public key does not match the required sysvar",
"The account reallocation exceeds the MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE limit",
"The account was duplicated for more than one reallocation",
// State.
"The given state account does not have the correct address",
// Miscellaneous
"The declared program id does not match the actual program id",
// Deprecated
"The API being used is deprecated and should no longer be used",
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
***************************************************************************** */
var __assign = function() {
__assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
* Source:
* Lower case as a function.
function lowerCase(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
// Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case").
var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g];
// Remove all non-word characters.
var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi;
* Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier.
function noCase(input, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d;
var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0");
var start = 0;
var end = result.length;
// Trim the delimiter from around the output string.
while (result.charAt(start) === "\0")
while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0")
// Transform each token independently.
return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter);
* Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value.
function replace(input, re, value) {
if (re instanceof RegExp)
return input.replace(re, value);
return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input);
function dotCase(input, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "." }, options));
function snakeCase(input, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
return dotCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "_" }, options));
class IdlCoder {
static fieldLayout(field, types) {
const fieldName = !== undefined ? camelCase( : undefined;
switch (field.type) {
case "bool": {
return borsh.bool(fieldName);
case "u8": {
return borsh.u8(fieldName);
case "i8": {
return borsh.i8(fieldName);
case "u16": {
return borsh.u16(fieldName);
case "i16": {
return borsh.i16(fieldName);
case "u32": {
return borsh.u32(fieldName);
case "i32": {
return borsh.i32(fieldName);
case "f32": {
return borsh.f32(fieldName);
case "u64": {
return borsh.u64(fieldName);
case "i64": {
return borsh.i64(fieldName);
case "f64": {
return borsh.f64(fieldName);
case "u128": {
return borsh.u128(fieldName);
case "i128": {
return borsh.i128(fieldName);
case "bytes": {
return borsh.vecU8(fieldName);
case "string": {
return borsh.str(fieldName);
case "publicKey": {
return borsh.publicKey(fieldName);
default: {
if ("vec" in field.type) {
return borsh.vec(IdlCoder.fieldLayout({
name: undefined,
type: field.type.vec,
}, types), fieldName);
else if ("option" in field.type) {
return borsh.option(IdlCoder.fieldLayout({
name: undefined,
type: field.type.option,
}, types), fieldName);
else if ("defined" in field.type) {
const defined = field.type.defined;
// User defined type.
if (types === undefined) {
throw new IdlError("User defined types not provided");
const filtered = types.filter((t) => === defined);
if (filtered.length !== 1) {
throw new IdlError(`Type not found: ${JSON.stringify(field)}`);
return IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(filtered[0], types, fieldName);
else if ("array" in field.type) {
let arrayTy = field.type.array[0];
let arrayLen = field.type.array[1];
let innerLayout = IdlCoder.fieldLayout({
name: undefined,
type: arrayTy,
}, types);
return borsh.array(innerLayout, arrayLen, fieldName);
else {
throw new Error(`Not yet implemented: ${field}`);
static typeDefLayout(typeDef, types = [], name) {
if (typeDef.type.kind === "struct") {
const fieldLayouts = => {
const x = IdlCoder.fieldLayout(field, types);
return x;
return borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name);
else if (typeDef.type.kind === "enum") {
let variants = => {
const name = camelCase(;
if (variant.fields === undefined) {
return borsh.struct([], name);
const fieldLayouts = => {
if (!f.hasOwnProperty("name")) {
throw new Error("Tuple enum variants not yet implemented.");
// this typescript conversion is ok
// because if f were of type IdlType
// (that does not have a name property)
// the check before would've errored
return IdlCoder.fieldLayout(f, types);
return borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name);
if (name !== undefined) {
// Buffer-layout lib requires the name to be null (on construction)
// when used as a field.
return borsh.rustEnum(variants).replicate(name);
return borsh.rustEnum(variants, name);
else {
throw new Error(`Unknown type kint: ${typeDef}`);
* Namespace for state method function signatures.
* Namespace for global instruction function signatures (i.e. functions
* that aren't namespaced by the state or any of its trait implementations).
* Encodes and decodes program instructions.
class BorshInstructionCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.idl = idl;
this.ixLayout = BorshInstructionCoder.parseIxLayout(idl);
const sighashLayouts = new Map();
idl.instructions.forEach((ix) => {
const sh = sighash(SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE,;
sighashLayouts.set(bs58$1.encode(sh), {
layout: this.ixLayout.get(,
if (idl.state) { => {
const sh = sighash(SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE,;
sighashLayouts.set(bs58$1.encode(sh), {
layout: this.ixLayout.get(,
this.sighashLayouts = sighashLayouts;
* Encodes a program instruction.
encode(ixName, ix) {
return this._encode(SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE, ixName, ix);
* Encodes a program state instruction.
encodeState(ixName, ix) {
return this._encode(SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE, ixName, ix);
_encode(nameSpace, ixName, ix) {
const buffer = Buffer$1.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const methodName = camelCase(ixName);
const layout = this.ixLayout.get(methodName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown method: ${methodName}`);
const len = layout.encode(ix, buffer);
const data = buffer.slice(0, len);
return Buffer$1.concat([sighash(nameSpace, ixName), data]);
static parseIxLayout(idl) {
const stateMethods = idl.state ? idl.state.methods : [];
const ixLayouts = stateMethods
.map((m) => {
let fieldLayouts = => {
var _a, _b;
return IdlCoder.fieldLayout(arg, Array.from([...((_a = idl.accounts) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), ...((_b = idl.types) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [])]));
const name = camelCase(;
return [name, borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name)];
.concat( => {
let fieldLayouts = => {
var _a, _b;
return IdlCoder.fieldLayout(arg, Array.from([...((_a = idl.accounts) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), ...((_b = idl.types) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [])]));
const name = camelCase(;
return [name, borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name)];
return new Map(ixLayouts);
* Decodes a program instruction.
decode(ix, encoding = "hex") {
if (typeof ix === "string") {
ix = encoding === "hex" ? Buffer$1.from(ix, "hex") : bs58$1.decode(ix);
let sighash = bs58$1.encode(ix.slice(0, 8));
let data = ix.slice(8);
const decoder = this.sighashLayouts.get(sighash);
if (!decoder) {
return null;
return {
data: decoder.layout.decode(data),
* Returns a formatted table of all the fields in the given instruction data.
format(ix, accountMetas) {
return InstructionFormatter.format(ix, accountMetas, this.idl);
class InstructionFormatter {
static format(ix, accountMetas, idl) {
const idlIx = idl.instructions.filter((i) => ===[0];
if (idlIx === undefined) {
console.error("Invalid instruction given");
return null;
const args = => {
return {
type: InstructionFormatter.formatIdlType(idlField.type),
data: InstructionFormatter.formatIdlData(idlField,[], idl.types),
const flatIdlAccounts = InstructionFormatter.flattenIdlAccounts(idlIx.accounts);
const accounts =, idx) => {
if (idx < flatIdlAccounts.length) {
return {
name: flatIdlAccounts[idx].name,
// "Remaining accounts" are unnamed in Anchor.
else {
return {
name: undefined,
return {
static formatIdlType(idlType) {
if (typeof idlType === "string") {
return idlType;
if ("vec" in idlType) {
return `Vec<${this.formatIdlType(idlType.vec)}>`;
if ("option" in idlType) {
return `Option<${this.formatIdlType(idlType.option)}>`;
if ("defined" in idlType) {
return idlType.defined;
if ("array" in idlType) {
return `Array<${idlType.array[0]}; ${idlType.array[1]}>`;
throw new Error(`Unknown IDL type: ${idlType}`);
static formatIdlData(idlField, data, types) {
if (typeof idlField.type === "string") {
return data.toString();
if (idlField.type.hasOwnProperty("vec")) {
return ("[" +
.map((d) => this.formatIdlData({ name: "", type: idlField.type.vec }, d))
.join(", ") +
if (idlField.type.hasOwnProperty("option")) {
return data === null
? "null"
: this.formatIdlData({ name: "", type: idlField.type.option }, data, types);
if (idlField.type.hasOwnProperty("defined")) {
if (types === undefined) {
throw new Error("User defined types not provided");
const filtered = types.filter((t) => === idlField.type.defined);
if (filtered.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(`Type not found: ${idlField.type.defined}`);
return InstructionFormatter.formatIdlDataDefined(filtered[0], data, types);
return "unknown";
static formatIdlDataDefined(typeDef, data, types) {
if (typeDef.type.kind === "struct") {
const struct = typeDef.type;
const fields = Object.keys(data)
.map((k) => {
const f = struct.fields.filter((f) => === k)[0];
if (f === undefined) {
throw new Error("Unable to find type");
return (k + ": " + InstructionFormatter.formatIdlData(f, data[k], types));
.join(", ");
return "{ " + fields + " }";
else {
if (typeDef.type.variants.length === 0) {
return "{}";
// Struct enum.
if (typeDef.type.variants[0].name) {
const variants = typeDef.type.variants;
const variant = Object.keys(data)[0];
const enumType = data[variant];
const namedFields = Object.keys(enumType)
.map((f) => {
var _a;
const fieldData = enumType[f];
const idlField = (_a = variants[variant]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter((v) => === f)[0];
if (idlField === undefined) {
throw new Error("Unable to find variant");
return (f +
": " +
InstructionFormatter.formatIdlData(idlField, fieldData, types));
.join(", ");
const variantName = camelCase(variant, { pascalCase: true });
if (namedFields.length === 0) {
return variantName;
return `${variantName} { ${namedFields} }`;
// Tuple enum.
else {
// TODO.
return "Tuple formatting not yet implemented";
static flattenIdlAccounts(accounts, prefix) {
return accounts
.map((account) => {
const accName = sentenceCase(;
if (account.hasOwnProperty("accounts")) {
const newPrefix = prefix ? `${prefix} > ${accName}` : accName;
return InstructionFormatter.flattenIdlAccounts(account.accounts, newPrefix);
else {
return {
name: prefix ? `${prefix} > ${accName}` : accName,
function sentenceCase(field) {
const result = field.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1");
return result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1);
// Not technically sighash, since we don't include the arguments, as Rust
// doesn't allow function overloading.
function sighash(nameSpace, ixName) {
let name = snakeCase(ixName);
let preimage = `${nameSpace}:${name}`;
return Buffer$1.from(sha256$1.digest(preimage)).slice(0, 8);
function accountSize(idl, idlAccount) {
if (idlAccount.type.kind === "enum") {
let variantSizes = => {
if (variant.fields === undefined) {
return 0;
return variant.fields
.map((f) => {
if (!(typeof f === "object" && "name" in f)) {
2022-10-27 09:05:33 -07:00
throw new Error(`Tuple enum variants not yet implemented. ${JSON.stringify(f)}`);
2022-08-16 19:31:55 -07:00
return typeSize(idl, f.type);
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
return Math.max(...variantSizes) + 1;
if (idlAccount.type.fields === undefined) {
return 0;
return idlAccount.type.fields
.map((f) => typeSize(idl, f.type))
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
// Returns the size of the type in bytes. For variable length types, just return
// 1. Users should override this value in such cases.
function typeSize(idl, ty) {
var _a, _b;
switch (ty) {
case "bool":
return 1;
case "u8":
return 1;
case "i8":
return 1;
case "i16":
return 2;
case "u16":
return 2;
case "u32":
return 4;
case "i32":
return 4;
case "f32":
return 4;
case "u64":
return 8;
case "i64":
return 8;
case "f64":
return 8;
case "u128":
return 16;
case "i128":
return 16;
case "bytes":
return 1;
case "string":
return 1;
case "publicKey":
return 32;
if ("vec" in ty) {
return 1;
if ("option" in ty) {
return 1 + typeSize(idl, ty.option);
if ("coption" in ty) {
return 4 + typeSize(idl, ty.coption);
if ("defined" in ty) {
const filtered = (_b = (_a = idl.types) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter((t) => === ty.defined)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
if (filtered.length !== 1) {
throw new IdlError(`Type not found: ${JSON.stringify(ty)}`);
let typeDef = filtered[0];
return accountSize(idl, typeDef);
if ("array" in ty) {
let arrayTy = ty.array[0];
let arraySize = ty.array[1];
return typeSize(idl, arrayTy) * arraySize;
throw new Error(`Invalid type ${JSON.stringify(ty)}`);
* Number of bytes of the account discriminator.
* Encodes and decodes account objects.
class BorshAccountsCoder {
constructor(idl) {
if (idl.accounts === undefined) {
this.accountLayouts = new Map();
const layouts = => {
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(acc, idl.types)];
this.accountLayouts = new Map(layouts);
this.idl = idl;
async encode(accountName, account) {
const buffer = Buffer$1.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const layout = this.accountLayouts.get(accountName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown account: ${accountName}`);
const len = layout.encode(account, buffer);
let accountData = buffer.slice(0, len);
let discriminator = BorshAccountsCoder.accountDiscriminator(accountName);
return Buffer$1.concat([discriminator, accountData]);
decode(accountName, data) {
// Assert the account discriminator is correct.
const discriminator = BorshAccountsCoder.accountDiscriminator(accountName);
if (, 8))) {
throw new Error("Invalid account discriminator");
return this.decodeUnchecked(accountName, data);
decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix) {
// Chop off the discriminator before decoding.
const data = ix.slice(ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE);
const layout = this.accountLayouts.get(accountName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown account: ${accountName}`);
return layout.decode(data);
memcmp(accountName, appendData) {
const discriminator = BorshAccountsCoder.accountDiscriminator(accountName);
return {
offset: 0,
bytes: bs58$1.encode(appendData ? Buffer$1.concat([discriminator, appendData]) : discriminator),
size(idlAccount) {
var _a;
return (ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE + ((_a = accountSize(this.idl, idlAccount)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0));
* Calculates and returns a unique 8 byte discriminator prepended to all anchor accounts.
* @param name The name of the account to calculate the discriminator.
static accountDiscriminator(name) {
return Buffer$1.from(sha256$1.digest(`account:${camelCase(name, { pascalCase: true })}`)).slice(0, ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE);
class BorshEventCoder {
constructor(idl) {
if ( === undefined) {
this.layouts = new Map();
const layouts = => {
let eventTypeDef = {
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: => {
return { name:, type: f.type };
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(eventTypeDef, idl.types)];
this.layouts = new Map(layouts);
this.discriminators = new Map( === undefined
? []
: => [
decode(log) {
let logArr;
// This will throw if log length is not a multiple of 4.
try {
logArr = Buffer$1.from(base64$1.toByteArray(log));
catch (e) {
return null;
const disc = base64$1.fromByteArray(logArr.slice(0, 8));
// Only deserialize if the discriminator implies a proper event.
const eventName = this.discriminators.get(disc);
if (eventName === undefined) {
return null;
const layout = this.layouts.get(eventName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown event: ${eventName}`);
const data = layout.decode(logArr.slice(8));
return { data, name: eventName };
function eventDiscriminator(name) {
return Buffer$1.from(sha256$1.digest(`event:${name}`)).slice(0, 8);
class BorshStateCoder {
constructor(idl) {
if (idl.state === undefined) {
throw new Error("Idl state not defined.");
this.layout = IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(idl.state.struct, idl.types);
async encode(name, account) {
const buffer = Buffer$1.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const len = this.layout.encode(account, buffer);
const disc = await stateDiscriminator(name);
const accData = buffer.slice(0, len);
return Buffer$1.concat([disc, accData]);
decode(ix) {
// Chop off discriminator.
const data = ix.slice(8);
return this.layout.decode(data);
// Calculates unique 8 byte discriminator prepended to all anchor state accounts.
async function stateDiscriminator(name) {
let ns = isSet("anchor-deprecated-state") ? "account" : "state";
return Buffer$1.from(sha256$1.digest(`${ns}:${name}`)).slice(0, 8);
* Encodes and decodes user-defined types.
class BorshTypesCoder {
constructor(idl) {
if (idl.types === undefined) {
this.typeLayouts = new Map();
const layouts = => {
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(acc, idl.types)];
this.typeLayouts = new Map(layouts);
this.idl = idl;
encode(typeName, type) {
const buffer = Buffer$1.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const layout = this.typeLayouts.get(typeName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${typeName}`);
const len = layout.encode(type, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
decode(typeName, typeData) {
const layout = this.typeLayouts.get(typeName);
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${typeName}`);
return layout.decode(typeData);
* BorshCoder is the default Coder for Anchor programs implementing the
* borsh based serialization interface.
class BorshCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.instruction = new BorshInstructionCoder(idl);
this.accounts = new BorshAccountsCoder(idl); = new BorshEventCoder(idl);
if (idl.state) {
this.state = new BorshStateCoder(idl);
this.types = new BorshTypesCoder(idl);
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) {
return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
/* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright 2015-2018 Peter A. Bigot
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Base class for layout objects.
* **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
* if it amuses you, but they won't support the {@link
* Layout#encode|encode} or {@link Layout#decode|decode} functions.
* @param {Number} span - Initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}. The
* parameter must be an integer; a negative value signifies that the
* span is {@link Layout#getSpan|value-specific}.
* @param {string} [property] - Initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @abstract
class Layout {
constructor(span, property) {
if (!Number.isInteger(span)) {
throw new TypeError('span must be an integer');
/** The span of the layout in bytes.
* Positive values are generally expected.
* Zero will only appear in {@link Constant}s and in {@link
* Sequence}s where the {@link Sequence#count|count} is zero.
* A negative value indicates that the span is value-specific, and
* must be obtained using {@link Layout#getSpan|getSpan}. */
this.span = span;
/** The property name used when this layout is represented in an
* Object.
* Used only for layouts that {@link Layout#decode|decode} to Object
* instances. If left undefined the span of the unnamed layout will
* be treated as padding: it will not be mutated by {@link
* Layout#encode|encode} nor represented as a property in the
* decoded Object. */ = property;
/** Function to create an Object into which decoded properties will
* be written.
* Used only for layouts that {@link Layout#decode|decode} to Object
* instances, which means:
* * {@link Structure}
* * {@link Union}
* * {@link VariantLayout}
* * {@link BitStructure}
* If left undefined the JavaScript representation of these layouts
* will be Object instances.
* See {@link bindConstructorLayout}.
makeDestinationObject() {
return {};
* Decode from a Buffer into an JavaScript value.
* @param {Buffer} b - the buffer from which encoded data is read.
* @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded data
* starts. If absent a zero offset is inferred.
* @returns {(Number|Array|Object)} - the value of the decoded data.
* @abstract
decode(b, offset) {
throw new Error('Layout is abstract');
* Encode a JavaScript value into a Buffer.
* @param {(Number|Array|Object)} src - the value to be encoded into
* the buffer. The type accepted depends on the (sub-)type of {@link
* Layout}.
* @param {Buffer} b - the buffer into which encoded data will be
* written.
* @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded data
* starts. If absent a zero offset is inferred.
* @returns {Number} - the number of bytes encoded, including the
* space skipped for internal padding, but excluding data such as
* {@link Sequence#count|lengths} when stored {@link
* ExternalLayout|externally}. This is the adjustment to `offset`
* producing the offset where data for the next layout would be
* written.
* @abstract
encode(src, b, offset) {
throw new Error('Layout is abstract');
* Calculate the span of a specific instance of a layout.
* @param {Buffer} b - the buffer that contains an encoded instance.
* @param {Number} [offset] - the offset at which the encoded instance
* starts. If absent a zero offset is inferred.
* @return {Number} - the number of bytes covered by the layout
* instance. If this method is not overridden in a subclass the
* definition-time constant {@link Layout#span|span} will be
* returned.
* @throws {RangeError} - if the length of the value cannot be
* determined.
getSpan(b, offset) {
if (0 > this.span) {
throw new RangeError('indeterminate span');
return this.span;
* Replicate the layout using a new property.
* This function must be used to get a structurally-equivalent layout
* with a different name since all {@link Layout} instances are
* immutable.
* **NOTE** This is a shallow copy. All fields except {@link
* Layout#property|property} are strictly equal to the origin layout.
* @param {String} property - the value for {@link
* Layout#property|property} in the replica.
* @returns {Layout} - the copy with {@link Layout#property|property}
* set to `property`.
replicate(property) {
const rv = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);
Object.assign(rv, this); = property;
return rv;
* Create an object from layout properties and an array of values.
* **NOTE** This function returns `undefined` if invoked on a layout
* that does not return its value as an Object. Objects are
* returned for things that are a {@link Structure}, which includes
* {@link VariantLayout|variant layouts} if they are structures, and
* excludes {@link Union}s. If you want this feature for a union
* you must use {@link Union.getVariant|getVariant} to select the
* desired layout.
* @param {Array} values - an array of values that correspond to the
* default order for properties. As with {@link Layout#decode|decode}
* layout elements that have no property name are skipped when
* iterating over the array values. Only the top-level properties are
* assigned; arguments are not assigned to properties of contained
* layouts. Any unused values are ignored.
* @return {(Object|undefined)}
fromArray(values) {
return undefined;
var Layout_2 = Layout;
/* Provide text that carries a name (such as for a function that will
* be throwing an error) annotated with the property of a given layout
* (such as one for which the value was unacceptable).
* @ignore */
function nameWithProperty(name, lo) {
if ( {
return name + '[' + + ']';
return name;
* An object that behaves like a layout but does not consume space
* within its containing layout.
* This is primarily used to obtain metadata about a member, such as a
* {@link OffsetLayout} that can provide data about a {@link
* Layout#getSpan|value-specific span}.
* **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
* if it amuses you, but they won't support {@link
* ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount} or other {@link Layout} functions.
* @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
* The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
* @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @abstract
* @augments {Layout}
class ExternalLayout extends Layout {
* Return `true` iff the external layout decodes to an unsigned
* integer layout.
* In that case it can be used as the source of {@link
* Sequence#count|Sequence counts}, {@link Blob#length|Blob lengths},
* or as {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|external union
* discriminators}.
* @abstract
isCount() {
throw new Error('ExternalLayout is abstract');
* An {@link ExternalLayout} that supports accessing a {@link Layout}
* at a fixed offset from the start of another Layout. The offset may
* be before, within, or after the base layout.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.offset|offset}
* @param {Layout} layout - initializer for {@link
* OffsetLayout#layout|layout}, modulo `property`.
* @param {Number} [offset] - Initializes {@link
* OffsetLayout#offset|offset}. Defaults to zero.
* @param {string} [property] - Optional new property name for a
* {@link Layout#replicate| replica} of `layout` to be used as {@link
* OffsetLayout#layout|layout}. If not provided the `layout` is used
* unchanged.
* @augments {Layout}
class OffsetLayout extends ExternalLayout {
constructor(layout, offset, property) {
if (!(layout instanceof Layout)) {
throw new TypeError('layout must be a Layout');
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
} else if (!Number.isInteger(offset)) {
throw new TypeError('offset must be integer or undefined');
super(layout.span, property ||;
/** The subordinated layout. */
this.layout = layout;
/** The location of {@link OffsetLayout#layout} relative to the
* start of another layout.
* The value may be positive or negative, but an error will thrown
* if at the point of use it goes outside the span of the Buffer
* being accessed. */
this.offset = offset;
/** @override */
isCount() {
return ((this.layout instanceof UInt)
|| (this.layout instanceof UIntBE));
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
return this.layout.decode(b, offset + this.offset);
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
return this.layout.encode(src, b, offset + this.offset);
* Represent an unsigned integer in little-endian format.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.u8|u8}, {@link
* module:Layout.u16|u16}, {@link module:Layout.u24|u24}, {@link
* module:Layout.u32|u32}, {@link module:Layout.u40|u40}, {@link
* module:Layout.u48|u48}
* @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
* The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
* @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @augments {Layout}
class UInt extends Layout {
constructor(span, property) {
super(span, property);
if (6 < this.span) {
throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
return b.readUIntLE(offset, this.span);
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
b.writeUIntLE(src, offset, this.span);
return this.span;
* Represent an unsigned integer in big-endian format.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.u8be|u8be}, {@link
* module:Layout.u16be|u16be}, {@link module:Layout.u24be|u24be},
* {@link module:Layout.u32be|u32be}, {@link
* module:Layout.u40be|u40be}, {@link module:Layout.u48be|u48be}
* @param {Number} span - initializer for {@link Layout#span|span}.
* The parameter can range from 1 through 6.
* @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @augments {Layout}
class UIntBE extends Layout {
constructor(span, property) {
super( span, property);
if (6 < this.span) {
throw new RangeError('span must not exceed 6 bytes');
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
return b.readUIntBE(offset, this.span);
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
b.writeUIntBE(src, offset, this.span);
return this.span;
const V2E32 = Math.pow(2, 32);
/* True modulus high and low 32-bit words, where low word is always
* non-negative. */
function divmodInt64(src) {
const hi32 = Math.floor(src / V2E32);
const lo32 = src - (hi32 * V2E32);
return {hi32, lo32};
/* Reconstruct Number from quotient and non-negative remainder */
function roundedInt64(hi32, lo32) {
return hi32 * V2E32 + lo32;
* Represent an unsigned 64-bit integer in little-endian format when
* encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.nu64|nu64}
* **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
* the exact value of the encoded representation.
* @augments {Layout}
class NearUInt64 extends Layout {
constructor(property) {
super(8, property);
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const lo32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset);
const hi32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset + 4);
return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const split = divmodInt64(src);
b.writeUInt32LE(split.lo32, offset);
b.writeUInt32LE(split.hi32, offset + 4);
return 8;
* Represent a signed 64-bit integer in little-endian format when
* encoded and as a near integral JavaScript Number when decoded.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.ns64|ns64}
* **NOTE** Values with magnitude greater than 2^52 may not decode to
* the exact value of the encoded representation.
* @augments {Layout}
class NearInt64 extends Layout {
constructor(property) {
super(8, property);
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const lo32 = b.readUInt32LE(offset);
const hi32 = b.readInt32LE(offset + 4);
return roundedInt64(hi32, lo32);
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const split = divmodInt64(src);
b.writeUInt32LE(split.lo32, offset);
b.writeInt32LE(split.hi32, offset + 4);
return 8;
* Represent a contiguous sequence of arbitrary layout elements as an
* Object.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.struct|struct}
* **NOTE** The {@link Layout#span|span} of the structure is variable
* if any layout in {@link Structure#fields|fields} has a variable
* span. When {@link Layout#encode|encoding} we must have a value for
* all variable-length fields, or we wouldn't be able to figure out
* how much space to use for storage. We can only identify the value
* for a field when it has a {@link Layout#property|property}. As
* such, although a structure may contain both unnamed fields and
* variable-length fields, it cannot contain an unnamed
* variable-length field.
* @param {Layout[]} fields - initializer for {@link
* Structure#fields|fields}. An error is raised if this contains a
* variable-length field for which a {@link Layout#property|property}
* is not defined.
* @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @param {Boolean} [decodePrefixes] - initializer for {@link
* Structure#decodePrefixes|property}.
* @throws {Error} - if `fields` contains an unnamed variable-length
* layout.
* @augments {Layout}
class Structure extends Layout {
constructor(fields, property, decodePrefixes) {
if (!(Array.isArray(fields)
&& fields.reduce((acc, v) => acc && (v instanceof Layout), true))) {
throw new TypeError('fields must be array of Layout instances');
if (('boolean' === typeof property)
&& (undefined === decodePrefixes)) {
decodePrefixes = property;
property = undefined;
/* Verify absence of unnamed variable-length fields. */
for (const fd of fields) {
if ((0 > fd.span)
&& (undefined === {
throw new Error('fields cannot contain unnamed variable-length layout');
let span = -1;
try {
span = fields.reduce((span, fd) => span + fd.getSpan(), 0);
} catch (e) {
super(span, property);
/** The sequence of {@link Layout} values that comprise the
* structure.
* The individual elements need not be the same type, and may be
* either scalar or aggregate layouts. If a member layout leaves
* its {@link Layout#property|property} undefined the
* corresponding region of the buffer associated with the element
* will not be mutated.
* @type {Layout[]} */
this.fields = fields;
/** Control behavior of {@link Layout#decode|decode()} given short
* buffers.
* In some situations a structure many be extended with additional
* fields over time, with older installations providing only a
* prefix of the full structure. If this property is `true`
* decoding will accept those buffers and leave subsequent fields
* undefined, as long as the buffer ends at a field boundary.
* Defaults to `false`. */
this.decodePrefixes = !!decodePrefixes;
/** @override */
getSpan(b, offset) {
if (0 <= this.span) {
return this.span;
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
let span = 0;
try {
span = this.fields.reduce((span, fd) => {
const fsp = fd.getSpan(b, offset);
offset += fsp;
return span + fsp;
}, 0);
} catch (e) {
throw new RangeError('indeterminate span');
return span;
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
for (const fd of this.fields) {
if (undefined !== {
dest[] = fd.decode(b, offset);
offset += fd.getSpan(b, offset);
if (this.decodePrefixes
&& (b.length === offset)) {
return dest;
/** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Structure}.
* If `src` is missing a property for a member with a defined {@link
* Layout#property|property} the corresponding region of the buffer is
* left unmodified. */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const firstOffset = offset;
let lastOffset = 0;
let lastWrote = 0;
for (const fd of this.fields) {
let span = fd.span;
lastWrote = (0 < span) ? span : 0;
if (undefined !== {
const fv = src[];
if (undefined !== fv) {
lastWrote = fd.encode(fv, b, offset);
if (0 > span) {
/* Read the as-encoded span, which is not necessarily the
* same as what we wrote. */
span = fd.getSpan(b, offset);
lastOffset = offset;
offset += span;
/* Use (lastOffset + lastWrote) instead of offset because the last
* item may have had a dynamic length and we don't want to include
* the padding between it and the end of the space reserved for
* it. */
return (lastOffset + lastWrote) - firstOffset;
/** @override */
fromArray(values) {
const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
for (const fd of this.fields) {
if ((undefined !==
&& (0 < values.length)) {
dest[] = values.shift();
return dest;
* Get access to the layout of a given property.
* @param {String} property - the structure member of interest.
* @return {Layout} - the layout associated with `property`, or
* undefined if there is no such property.
layoutFor(property) {
if ('string' !== typeof property) {
throw new TypeError('property must be string');
for (const fd of this.fields) {
if ( === property) {
return fd;
* Get the offset of a structure member.
* @param {String} property - the structure member of interest.
* @return {Number} - the offset in bytes to the start of `property`
* within the structure, or undefined if `property` is not a field
* within the structure. If the property is a member but follows a
* variable-length structure member a negative number will be
* returned.
offsetOf(property) {
if ('string' !== typeof property) {
throw new TypeError('property must be string');
let offset = 0;
for (const fd of this.fields) {
if ( === property) {
return offset;
if (0 > fd.span) {
offset = -1;
} else if (0 <= offset) {
offset += fd.span;
* An object that can provide a {@link
* Union#discriminator|discriminator} API for {@link Union}.
* **NOTE** This is an abstract base class; you can create instances
* if it amuses you, but they won't support the {@link
* UnionDiscriminator#encode|encode} or {@link
* UnionDiscriminator#decode|decode} functions.
* @param {string} [property] - Default for {@link
* UnionDiscriminator#property|property}.
* @abstract
class UnionDiscriminator {
constructor(property) {
/** The {@link Layout#property|property} to be used when the
* discriminator is referenced in isolation (generally when {@link
* Union#decode|Union decode} cannot delegate to a specific
* variant). */ = property;
/** Analog to {@link Layout#decode|Layout decode} for union discriminators.
* The implementation of this method need not reference the buffer if
* variant information is available through other means. */
decode() {
throw new Error('UnionDiscriminator is abstract');
/** Analog to {@link Layout#decode|Layout encode} for union discriminators.
* The implementation of this method need not store the value if
* variant information is maintained through other means. */
encode() {
throw new Error('UnionDiscriminator is abstract');
* An object that can provide a {@link
* UnionDiscriminator|discriminator API} for {@link Union} using an
* unsigned integral {@link Layout} instance located either inside or
* outside the union.
* @param {ExternalLayout} layout - initializes {@link
* UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}. Must satisfy {@link
* ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}.
* @param {string} [property] - Default for {@link
* UnionDiscriminator#property|property}, superseding the property
* from `layout`, but defaulting to `variant` if neither `property`
* nor layout provide a property name.
* @augments {UnionDiscriminator}
class UnionLayoutDiscriminator extends UnionDiscriminator {
constructor(layout, property) {
if (!((layout instanceof ExternalLayout)
&& layout.isCount())) {
throw new TypeError('layout must be an unsigned integer ExternalLayout');
super(property || || 'variant');
/** The {@link ExternalLayout} used to access the discriminator
* value. */
this.layout = layout;
/** Delegate decoding to {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}. */
decode(b, offset) {
return this.layout.decode(b, offset);
/** Delegate encoding to {@link UnionLayoutDiscriminator#layout|layout}. */
encode(src, b, offset) {
return this.layout.encode(src, b, offset);
* Represent any number of span-compatible layouts.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.union|union}
* If the union has a {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout} that
* layout must have a non-negative {@link Layout#span|span}. The span
* of a fixed-span union includes its {@link
* Union#discriminator|discriminator} if the variant is a {@link
* Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|prefix of the union}, plus the span
* of its {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout}.
* If the union does not have a default layout then the encoded span
* of the union depends on the encoded span of its variant (which may
* be fixed or variable).
* {@link VariantLayout#layout|Variant layout}s are added through
* {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant}. If the union has a default
* layout, the span of the {@link VariantLayout#layout|layout
* contained by the variant} must not exceed the span of the {@link
* Union#defaultLayout|default layout} (minus the span of a {@link
* Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|prefix disriminator}, if used). The
* span of the variant will equal the span of the union itself.
* The variant for a buffer can only be identified from the {@link
* Union#discriminator|discriminator} {@link
* UnionDiscriminator#property|property} (in the case of the {@link
* Union#defaultLayout|default layout}), or by using {@link
* Union#getVariant|getVariant} and examining the resulting {@link
* VariantLayout} instance.
* A variant compatible with a JavaScript object can be identified
* using {@link Union#getSourceVariant|getSourceVariant}.
* @param {(UnionDiscriminator|ExternalLayout|Layout)} discr - How to
* identify the layout used to interpret the union contents. The
* parameter must be an instance of {@link UnionDiscriminator}, an
* {@link ExternalLayout} that satisfies {@link
* ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}, or {@link UInt} (or {@link
* UIntBE}). When a non-external layout element is passed the layout
* appears at the start of the union. In all cases the (synthesized)
* {@link UnionDiscriminator} instance is recorded as {@link
* Union#discriminator|discriminator}.
* @param {(Layout|null)} defaultLayout - initializer for {@link
* Union#defaultLayout|defaultLayout}. If absent defaults to `null`.
* If `null` there is no default layout: the union has data-dependent
* length and attempts to decode or encode unrecognized variants will
* throw an exception. A {@link Layout} instance must have a
* non-negative {@link Layout#span|span}, and if it lacks a {@link
* Layout#property|property} the {@link
* Union#defaultLayout|defaultLayout} will be a {@link
* Layout#replicate|replica} with property `content`.
* @param {string} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @augments {Layout}
class Union extends Layout {
constructor(discr, defaultLayout, property) {
const upv = ((discr instanceof UInt)
|| (discr instanceof UIntBE));
if (upv) {
discr = new UnionLayoutDiscriminator(new OffsetLayout(discr));
} else if ((discr instanceof ExternalLayout)
&& discr.isCount()) {
discr = new UnionLayoutDiscriminator(discr);
} else if (!(discr instanceof UnionDiscriminator)) {
throw new TypeError('discr must be a UnionDiscriminator '
+ 'or an unsigned integer layout');
if (undefined === defaultLayout) {
defaultLayout = null;
if (!((null === defaultLayout)
|| (defaultLayout instanceof Layout))) {
throw new TypeError('defaultLayout must be null or a Layout');
if (null !== defaultLayout) {
if (0 > defaultLayout.span) {
throw new Error('defaultLayout must have constant span');
if (undefined === {
defaultLayout = defaultLayout.replicate('content');
/* The union span can be estimated only if there's a default
* layout. The union spans its default layout, plus any prefix
* variant layout. By construction both layouts, if present, have
* non-negative span. */
let span = -1;
if (defaultLayout) {
span = defaultLayout.span;
if ((0 <= span) && upv) {
span += discr.layout.span;
super(span, property);
/** The interface for the discriminator value in isolation.
* This a {@link UnionDiscriminator} either passed to the
* constructor or synthesized from the `discr` constructor
* argument. {@link
* Union#usesPrefixDiscriminator|usesPrefixDiscriminator} will be
* `true` iff the `discr` parameter was a non-offset {@link
* Layout} instance. */
this.discriminator = discr;
/** `true` if the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} is the
* first field in the union.
* If `false` the discriminator is obtained from somewhere
* else. */
this.usesPrefixDiscriminator = upv;
/** The layout for non-discriminator content when the value of the
* discriminator is not recognized.
* This is the value passed to the constructor. It is
* structurally equivalent to the second component of {@link
* Union#layout|layout} but may have a different property
* name. */
this.defaultLayout = defaultLayout;
/** A registry of allowed variants.
* The keys are unsigned integers which should be compatible with
* {@link Union.discriminator|discriminator}. The property value
* is the corresponding {@link VariantLayout} instances assigned
* to this union by {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant}.
* **NOTE** The registry remains mutable so that variants can be
* {@link Union#addVariant|added} at any time. Users should not
* manipulate the content of this property. */
this.registry = {};
/* Private variable used when invoking getSourceVariant */
let boundGetSourceVariant = this.defaultGetSourceVariant.bind(this);
/** Function to infer the variant selected by a source object.
* Defaults to {@link
* Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant} but may
* be overridden using {@link
* Union#configGetSourceVariant|configGetSourceVariant}.
* @param {Object} src - as with {@link
* Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}.
* @returns {(undefined|VariantLayout)} The default variant
* (`undefined`) or first registered variant that uses a property
* available in `src`. */
this.getSourceVariant = function(src) {
return boundGetSourceVariant(src);
/** Function to override the implementation of {@link
* Union#getSourceVariant|getSourceVariant}.
* Use this if the desired variant cannot be identified using the
* algorithm of {@link
* Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}.
* **NOTE** The provided function will be invoked bound to this
* Union instance, providing local access to {@link
* Union#registry|registry}.
* @param {Function} gsv - a function that follows the API of
* {@link Union#defaultGetSourceVariant|defaultGetSourceVariant}. */
this.configGetSourceVariant = function(gsv) {
boundGetSourceVariant = gsv.bind(this);
/** @override */
getSpan(b, offset) {
if (0 <= this.span) {
return this.span;
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
/* Default layouts always have non-negative span, so we don't have
* one and we have to recognize the variant which will in turn
* determine the span. */
const vlo = this.getVariant(b, offset);
if (!vlo) {
throw new Error('unable to determine span for unrecognized variant');
return vlo.getSpan(b, offset);
* Method to infer a registered Union variant compatible with `src`.
* The first satisified rule in the following sequence defines the
* return value:
* * If `src` has properties matching the Union discriminator and
* the default layout, `undefined` is returned regardless of the
* value of the discriminator property (this ensures the default
* layout will be used);
* * If `src` has a property matching the Union discriminator, the
* value of the discriminator identifies a registered variant, and
* either (a) the variant has no layout, or (b) `src` has the
* variant's property, then the variant is returned (because the
* source satisfies the constraints of the variant it identifies);
* * If `src` does not have a property matching the Union
* discriminator, but does have a property matching a registered
* variant, then the variant is returned (because the source
* matches a variant without an explicit conflict);
* * An error is thrown (because we either can't identify a variant,
* or we were explicitly told the variant but can't satisfy it).
* @param {Object} src - an object presumed to be compatible with
* the content of the Union.
* @return {(undefined|VariantLayout)} - as described above.
* @throws {Error} - if `src` cannot be associated with a default or
* registered variant.
defaultGetSourceVariant(src) {
if (src.hasOwnProperty( {
if (this.defaultLayout
&& src.hasOwnProperty( {
return undefined;
const vlo = this.registry[src[]];
if (vlo
&& ((!vlo.layout)
|| src.hasOwnProperty( {
return vlo;
} else {
for (const tag in this.registry) {
const vlo = this.registry[tag];
if (src.hasOwnProperty( {
return vlo;
throw new Error('unable to infer src variant');
/** Implement {@link Layout#decode|decode} for {@link Union}.
* If the variant is {@link Union#addVariant|registered} the return
* value is an instance of that variant, with no explicit
* discriminator. Otherwise the {@link Union#defaultLayout|default
* layout} is used to decode the content. */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
let dest;
const dlo = this.discriminator;
const discr = dlo.decode(b, offset);
let clo = this.registry[discr];
if (undefined === clo) {
let contentOffset = 0;
clo = this.defaultLayout;
if (this.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
contentOffset = dlo.layout.span;
dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
dest[] = discr;
dest[] = this.defaultLayout.decode(b, offset + contentOffset);
} else {
dest = clo.decode(b, offset);
return dest;
/** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Union}.
* This API assumes the `src` object is consistent with the union's
* {@link Union#defaultLayout|default layout}. To encode variants
* use the appropriate variant-specific {@link VariantLayout#encode}
* method. */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
const vlo = this.getSourceVariant(src);
if (undefined === vlo) {
const dlo = this.discriminator;
const clo = this.defaultLayout;
let contentOffset = 0;
if (this.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
contentOffset = dlo.layout.span;
dlo.encode(src[], b, offset);
return contentOffset + clo.encode(src[], b,
offset + contentOffset);
return vlo.encode(src, b, offset);
/** Register a new variant structure within a union. The newly
* created variant is returned.
* @param {Number} variant - initializer for {@link
* VariantLayout#variant|variant}.
* @param {Layout} layout - initializer for {@link
* VariantLayout#layout|layout}.
* @param {String} property - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @return {VariantLayout} */
addVariant(variant, layout, property) {
const rv = new VariantLayout(this, variant, layout, property);
this.registry[variant] = rv;
return rv;
* Get the layout associated with a registered variant.
* If `vb` does not produce a registered variant the function returns
* `undefined`.
* @param {(Number|Buffer)} vb - either the variant number, or a
* buffer from which the discriminator is to be read.
* @param {Number} offset - offset into `vb` for the start of the
* union. Used only when `vb` is an instance of {Buffer}.
* @return {({VariantLayout}|undefined)}
getVariant(vb, offset) {
let variant = vb;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(vb)) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
variant = this.discriminator.decode(vb, offset);
return this.registry[variant];
* Represent a specific variant within a containing union.
* **NOTE** The {@link Layout#span|span} of the variant may include
* the span of the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} used to
* identify it, but values read and written using the variant strictly
* conform to the content of {@link VariantLayout#layout|layout}.
* **NOTE** User code should not invoke this constructor directly. Use
* the union {@link Union#addVariant|addVariant} helper method.
* @param {Union} union - initializer for {@link
* VariantLayout#union|union}.
* @param {Number} variant - initializer for {@link
* VariantLayout#variant|variant}.
* @param {Layout} [layout] - initializer for {@link
* VariantLayout#layout|layout}. If absent the variant carries no
* data.
* @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}. Unlike many other layouts, variant
* layouts normally include a property name so they can be identified
* within their containing {@link Union}. The property identifier may
* be absent only if `layout` is is absent.
* @augments {Layout}
class VariantLayout extends Layout {
constructor(union, variant, layout, property) {
if (!(union instanceof Union)) {
throw new TypeError('union must be a Union');
if ((!Number.isInteger(variant)) || (0 > variant)) {
throw new TypeError('variant must be a (non-negative) integer');
if (('string' === typeof layout)
&& (undefined === property)) {
property = layout;
layout = null;
if (layout) {
if (!(layout instanceof Layout)) {
throw new TypeError('layout must be a Layout');
if ((null !== union.defaultLayout)
&& (0 <= layout.span)
&& (layout.span > union.defaultLayout.span)) {
throw new Error('variant span exceeds span of containing union');
if ('string' !== typeof property) {
throw new TypeError('variant must have a String property');
let span = union.span;
if (0 > union.span) {
span = layout ? layout.span : 0;
if ((0 <= span) && union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
span += union.discriminator.layout.span;
super(span, property);
/** The {@link Union} to which this variant belongs. */
this.union = union;
/** The unsigned integral value identifying this variant within
* the {@link Union#discriminator|discriminator} of the containing
* union. */
this.variant = variant;
/** The {@link Layout} to be used when reading/writing the
* non-discriminator part of the {@link
* VariantLayout#union|union}. If `null` the variant carries no
* data. */
this.layout = layout || null;
/** @override */
getSpan(b, offset) {
if (0 <= this.span) {
/* Will be equal to the containing union span if that is not
* variable. */
return this.span;
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
let contentOffset = 0;
if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
/* Span is defined solely by the variant (and prefix discriminator) */
return contentOffset + this.layout.getSpan(b, offset + contentOffset);
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
const dest = this.makeDestinationObject();
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
if (this !== this.union.getVariant(b, offset)) {
throw new Error('variant mismatch');
let contentOffset = 0;
if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
if (this.layout) {
dest[] = this.layout.decode(b, offset + contentOffset);
} else if ( {
dest[] = true;
} else if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
dest[] = this.variant;
return dest;
/** @override */
encode(src, b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
let contentOffset = 0;
if (this.union.usesPrefixDiscriminator) {
contentOffset = this.union.discriminator.layout.span;
if (this.layout
&& (!src.hasOwnProperty( {
throw new TypeError('variant lacks property ' +;
this.union.discriminator.encode(this.variant, b, offset);
let span = contentOffset;
if (this.layout) {
this.layout.encode(src[], b, offset + contentOffset);
span += this.layout.getSpan(b, offset + contentOffset);
if ((0 <= this.union.span)
&& (span > this.union.span)) {
throw new Error('encoded variant overruns containing union');
return span;
/** Delegate {@link Layout#fromArray|fromArray} to {@link
* VariantLayout#layout|layout}. */
fromArray(values) {
if (this.layout) {
return this.layout.fromArray(values);
/* eslint-enable no-extend-native */
* Contain a fixed-length block of arbitrary data, represented as a
* Buffer.
* *Factory*: {@link module:Layout.blob|blob}
* @param {(Number|ExternalLayout)} length - initializes {@link
* Blob#length|length}.
* @param {String} [property] - initializer for {@link
* Layout#property|property}.
* @augments {Layout}
class Blob$1 extends Layout {
constructor(length, property) {
if (!(((length instanceof ExternalLayout) && length.isCount())
|| (Number.isInteger(length) && (0 <= length)))) {
throw new TypeError('length must be positive integer '
+ 'or an unsigned integer ExternalLayout');
let span = -1;
if (!(length instanceof ExternalLayout)) {
span = length;
super(span, property);
/** The number of bytes in the blob.
* This may be a non-negative integer, or an instance of {@link
* ExternalLayout} that satisfies {@link
* ExternalLayout#isCount|isCount()}. */
this.length = length;
/** @override */
getSpan(b, offset) {
let span = this.span;
if (0 > span) {
span = this.length.decode(b, offset);
return span;
/** @override */
decode(b, offset) {
if (undefined === offset) {
offset = 0;
let span = this.span;
if (0 > span) {
span = this.length.decode(b, offset);
return b.slice(offset, offset + span);
/** Implement {@link Layout#encode|encode} for {@link Blob}.
* **NOTE** If {@link Layout#count|count} is an instance of {@link
* ExternalLayout} then the length of `src` will be encoded as the
* count after `src` is encoded. */
encode(src, b, offset) {
let span = this.length;
if (this.length instanceof ExternalLayout) {
span = src.length;
if (!(Buffer.isBuffer(src)
&& (span === src.length))) {
throw new TypeError(nameWithProperty('Blob.encode', this)
+ ' requires (length ' + span + ') Buffer as src');
if ((offset + span) > b.length) {
throw new RangeError('encoding overruns Buffer');
b.write(src.toString('hex'), offset, span, 'hex');
if (this.length instanceof ExternalLayout) {
this.length.encode(span, b, offset);
return span;
/** Factory for {@link OffsetLayout}. */
var offset = ((layout, offset, property) => new OffsetLayout(layout, offset, property));
/** Factory for {@link UInt|unsigned int layouts} spanning one
* byte. */
var u8 = (property => new UInt(1, property));
/** Factory for {@link UInt|little-endian unsigned int layouts}
* spanning four bytes. */
var u32 = (property => new UInt(4, property));
/** Factory for {@link NearUInt64|little-endian unsigned int
* layouts} interpreted as Numbers. */
var nu64 = (property => new NearUInt64(property));
/** Factory for {@link NearInt64|little-endian signed int layouts}
* interpreted as Numbers. */
var ns64 = (property => new NearInt64(property));
/** Factory for {@link Structure} values. */
var struct = ((fields, property, decodePrefixes) => new Structure(fields, property, decodePrefixes));
/** Factory for {@link Union} values. */
var union = ((discr, defaultLayout, property) => new Union(discr, defaultLayout, property));
/** Factory for {@link Blob} values. */
var blob = ((length, property) => new Blob$1(length, property));
class SplTokenInstructionCoder {
constructor(_) { }
encode(ixName, ix) {
switch (camelCase(ixName)) {
case "initializeMint": {
return encodeInitializeMint(ix);
case "initializeAccount": {
return encodeInitializeAccount();
case "initializeMultisig": {
return encodeInitializeMultisig(ix);
case "transfer": {
return encodeTransfer$1(ix);
case "approve": {
return encodeApprove(ix);
case "revoke": {
return encodeRevoke();
case "setAuthority": {
return encodeSetAuthority(ix);
case "mintTo": {
return encodeMintTo(ix);
case "burn": {
return encodeBurn(ix);
case "closeAccount": {
return encodeCloseAccount();
case "freezeAccount": {
return encodeFreezeAccount();
case "thawAccount": {
return encodeThawAccount();
case "transferChecked": {
return encodeTransferChecked(ix);
case "approvedChecked": {
return encodeApproveChecked(ix);
case "mintToChecked": {
return encodeMintToChecked(ix);
case "burnChecked": {
return encodeBurnChecked(ix);
case "intializeAccount2": {
return encodeInitializeAccount2(ix);
case "syncNative": {
return encodeSyncNative();
case "initializeAccount3": {
return encodeInitializeAccount3(ix);
case "initializeMultisig2": {
return encodeInitializeMultisig2(ix);
case "initializeMint2": {
return encodeInitializeMint2(ix);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid instruction: ${ixName}`);
encodeState(_ixName, _ix) {
throw new Error("SPL token does not have state");
function encodeInitializeMint({ decimals, mintAuthority, freezeAuthority, }) {
return encodeData$1({
initializeMint: {
mintAuthority: mintAuthority.toBuffer(),
freezeAuthorityOption: !!freezeAuthority,
freezeAuthority: (freezeAuthority || PublicKey.default).toBuffer(),
function encodeInitializeAccount(_ix) {
return encodeData$1({
initializeAccount: {},
function encodeInitializeMultisig({ m }) {
return encodeData$1({
initializeMultisig: {
function encodeTransfer$1({ amount }) {
return encodeData$1({
transfer: { amount },
function encodeApprove({ amount }) {
return encodeData$1({
approve: { amount },
function encodeRevoke(_ix) {
return encodeData$1({
revoke: {},
function encodeSetAuthority({ authorityType, newAuthority }) {
return encodeData$1({
setAuthority: { authorityType, newAuthority },
function encodeMintTo({ amount }) {
return encodeData$1({
mintTo: { amount },
function encodeBurn({ amount }) {
return encodeData$1({
burn: { amount },
function encodeCloseAccount(_) {
return encodeData$1({
closeAccount: {},
function encodeFreezeAccount(_) {
return encodeData$1({
freezeAccount: {},
function encodeThawAccount(_) {
return encodeData$1({
thawAccount: {},
function encodeTransferChecked({ amount, decimals }) {
return encodeData$1({
transferChecked: { amount, decimals },
function encodeApproveChecked({ amount, decimals }) {
return encodeData$1({
approveChecked: { amount, decimals },
function encodeMintToChecked({ amount, decimals }) {
return encodeData$1({
mintToChecked: { amount, decimals },
function encodeBurnChecked({ amount, decimals }) {
return encodeData$1({
burnChecked: { amount, decimals },
function encodeInitializeAccount2({ authority }) {
return encodeData$1({
initilaizeAccount2: { authority },
function encodeSyncNative(_) {
return encodeData$1({
syncNative: {},
function encodeInitializeAccount3({ authority }) {
return encodeData$1({
initializeAccount3: { authority },
function encodeInitializeMultisig2({ m }) {
return encodeData$1({
initializeMultisig2: { m },
function encodeInitializeMint2({ decimals, mintAuthority, freezeAuthority, }) {
return encodeData$1({
encodeInitializeMint2: { decimals, mintAuthority, freezeAuthority },
const LAYOUT$1 = union(u8("instruction"));
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(0, struct([
blob(32, "mintAuthority"),
]), "initializeMint");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(1, struct([]), "initializeAccount");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(2, struct([u8("m")]), "initializeMultisig");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(3, struct([nu64("amount")]), "transfer");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(4, struct([nu64("amount")]), "approve");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(5, struct([]), "revoke");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(6, struct([
]), "setAuthority");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(7, struct([nu64("amount")]), "mintTo");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(8, struct([nu64("amount")]), "burn");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(9, struct([]), "closeAccount");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(10, struct([]), "freezeAccount");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(11, struct([]), "thawAccount");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(12, struct([
]), "transferChecked");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(13, struct([
]), "approvedChecked");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(14, struct([
]), "mintToChecked");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(15, struct([
]), "burnedChecked");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(16, struct([publicKey$3("authority")]), "InitializeAccount2");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(17, struct([]), "syncNative");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(18, struct([publicKey$3("authority")]), "initializeAccount3");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(19, struct([u8("m")]), "initializeMultisig2");
LAYOUT$1.addVariant(20, struct([
]), "initializeMint2");
function publicKey$3(property) {
return blob(32, property);
function encodeData$1(instruction) {
let b = Buffer.alloc(instructionMaxSpan$1);
let span = LAYOUT$1.encode(instruction, b);
return b.slice(0, span);
const instructionMaxSpan$1 = Math.max(
// @ts-ignore
...Object.values(LAYOUT$1.registry).map((r) => r.span));
class SplTokenStateCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _account) {
throw new Error("SPL token does not have state");
decode(_ix) {
throw new Error("SPL token does not have state");
function uint64(property) {
return new WrappedLayout$1(blob(8), (b) => u64.fromBuffer(b), (n) => n.toBuffer(), property);
function bool(property) {
return new WrappedLayout$1(u8(), decodeBool, encodeBool, property);
function publicKey$2(property) {
return new WrappedLayout$1(blob(32), (b) => new PublicKey(b), (key) => key.toBuffer(), property);
function coption(layout, property) {
return new COptionLayout(layout, property);
class WrappedLayout$1 extends Layout_2 {
constructor(layout, decoder, encoder, property) {
super(layout.span, property);
this.layout = layout;
this.decoder = decoder;
this.encoder = encoder;
decode(b, offset) {
return this.decoder(this.layout.decode(b, offset));
encode(src, b, offset) {
return this.layout.encode(this.encoder(src), b, offset);
getSpan(b, offset) {
return this.layout.getSpan(b, offset);
class COptionLayout extends Layout_2 {
constructor(layout, property) {
super(-1, property);
this.layout = layout;
this.discriminator = u32();
encode(src, b, offset = 0) {
if (src === null || src === undefined) {
return this.layout.span + this.discriminator.encode(0, b, offset);
this.discriminator.encode(1, b, offset);
return this.layout.encode(src, b, offset + 4) + 4;
decode(b, offset = 0) {
const discriminator = this.discriminator.decode(b, offset);
if (discriminator === 0) {
return null;
else if (discriminator === 1) {
return this.layout.decode(b, offset + 4);
throw new Error("Invalid coption " +;
getSpan(b, offset = 0) {
return this.layout.getSpan(b, offset + 4) + 4;
function decodeBool(value) {
if (value === 0) {
return false;
else if (value === 1) {
return true;
throw new Error("Invalid bool: " + value);
function encodeBool(value) {
return value ? 1 : 0;
class u64 extends BN {
* Convert to Buffer representation
toBuffer() {
const a = super.toArray().reverse();
const b = Buffer.from(a);
if (b.length === 8) {
return b;
if (b.length >= 8) {
throw new Error("u64 too large");
const zeroPad = Buffer.alloc(8);
return zeroPad;
* Construct a u64 from Buffer representation
static fromBuffer(buffer) {
if (buffer.length !== 8) {
throw new Error(`Invalid buffer length: ${buffer.length}`);
return new u64([...buffer]
.map((i) => `00${i.toString(16)}`.slice(-2))
.join(""), 16);
class SplTokenAccountsCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.idl = idl;
async encode(accountName, account) {
switch (accountName) {
case "token": {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(165);
const len = TOKEN_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.encode(account, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
case "mint": {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(82);
const len = MINT_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.encode(account, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
decode(accountName, ix) {
return this.decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix);
decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix) {
switch (accountName) {
case "token": {
return decodeTokenAccount(ix);
case "mint": {
return decodeMintAccount(ix);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
// TODO: this won't use the appendData.
memcmp(accountName, _appendData) {
switch (accountName) {
case "token": {
return {
dataSize: 165,
case "mint": {
return {
dataSize: 82,
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
size(idlAccount) {
var _a;
return (_a = accountSize(this.idl, idlAccount)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
function decodeMintAccount(ix) {
return MINT_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.decode(ix);
function decodeTokenAccount(ix) {
return TOKEN_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.decode(ix);
const MINT_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT = struct([
coption(publicKey$2(), "mintAuthority"),
coption(publicKey$2(), "freezeAuthority"),
const TOKEN_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT = struct([
coption(publicKey$2(), "delegate"),
coption(uint64(), "isNative"),
coption(publicKey$2(), "closeAuthority"),
class SplTokenEventsCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
decode(_log) {
throw new Error("SPL token program does not have events");
class SplTokenTypesCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _type) {
throw new Error("SPL token does not have user-defined types");
decode(_name, _typeData) {
throw new Error("SPL token does not have user-defined types");
* Coder for the SPL token program.
class SplTokenCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.instruction = new SplTokenInstructionCoder(idl);
this.accounts = new SplTokenAccountsCoder(idl); = new SplTokenEventsCoder(idl);
this.state = new SplTokenStateCoder(idl);
this.types = new SplTokenTypesCoder(idl);
class SystemInstructionCoder {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
constructor(_) { }
encode(ixName, ix) {
switch (camelCase(ixName)) {
case "createAccount": {
return encodeCreateAccount(ix);
case "assign": {
return encodeAssign(ix);
case "transfer": {
return encodeTransfer(ix);
case "createAccountWithSeed": {
return encodeCreateAccountWithSeed(ix);
case "advanceNonceAccount": {
return encodeAdvanceNonceAccount(ix);
case "withdrawNonceAccount": {
return encodeWithdrawNonceAccount(ix);
case "initializeNonceAccount": {
return encodeInitializeNonceAccount(ix);
case "authorizeNonceAccount": {
return encodeAuthorizeNonceAccount(ix);
case "allocate": {
return encodeAllocate(ix);
case "allocateWithSeed": {
return encodeAllocateWithSeed(ix);
case "assignWithSeed": {
return encodeAssignWithSeed(ix);
case "transferWithSeed": {
return encodeTransferWithSeed(ix);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid instruction: ${ixName}`);
encodeState(_ixName, _ix) {
throw new Error("System does not have state");
class RustStringLayout extends Layout_2 {
constructor(property) {
super(-1, property); = property;
this.layout = struct([
blob(offset(u32(), -8), "chars"),
encode(src, b, offset = 0) {
if (src === null || src === undefined) {
return this.layout.span;
const data = {
chars: Buffer.from(src, "utf8"),
return this.layout.encode(data, b, offset);
decode(b, offset = 0) {
const data = this.layout.decode(b, offset);
return data["chars"].toString();
getSpan(b, offset = 0) {
return (u32().span +
u32().span +
new BN(new Uint8Array(b).slice(offset, offset + 4), 10, "le").toNumber());
function rustStringLayout(property) {
return new RustStringLayout(property);
function publicKey$1(property) {
return blob(32, property);
function encodeCreateAccount({ lamports, space, owner }) {
return encodeData({
createAccount: { lamports, space, owner: owner.toBuffer() },
function encodeAssign({ owner }) {
return encodeData({
assign: { owner: owner.toBuffer() },
function encodeTransfer({ lamports }) {
return encodeData({
transfer: { lamports },
function encodeCreateAccountWithSeed({ base, seed, lamports, space, owner, }) {
return encodeData({
createAccountWithSeed: {
base: base.toBuffer(),
owner: owner.toBuffer(),
}, LAYOUT.getVariant(3).span + seed.length);
function encodeInitializeNonceAccount({ authorized }) {
return encodeData({
initializeNonceAccount: { authorized: authorized.toBuffer() },
function encodeAdvanceNonceAccount({ authorized }) {
return encodeData({
advanceNonceAccount: { authorized: authorized.toBuffer() },
function encodeWithdrawNonceAccount({ lamports }) {
return encodeData({
withdrawNonceAccount: { lamports },
function encodeAuthorizeNonceAccount({ authorized }) {
return encodeData({
authorizeNonceAccount: { authorized: authorized.toBuffer() },
function encodeAllocate({ space }) {
return encodeData({
allocate: { space },
function encodeAllocateWithSeed({ base, seed, space, owner }) {
return encodeData({
allocateWithSeed: {
base: base.toBuffer(),
owner: owner.toBuffer(),
}, LAYOUT.getVariant(9).span + seed.length);
function encodeAssignWithSeed({ base, seed, owner }) {
return encodeData({
assignWithSeed: {
base: base.toBuffer(),
owner: owner.toBuffer(),
}, LAYOUT.getVariant(10).span + seed.length);
function encodeTransferWithSeed({ lamports, seed, owner }) {
return encodeData({
transferWithSeed: {
owner: owner.toBuffer(),
}, LAYOUT.getVariant(11).span + seed.length);
const LAYOUT = union(u32("instruction"));
LAYOUT.addVariant(0, struct([
]), "createAccount");
LAYOUT.addVariant(1, struct([publicKey$1("owner")]), "assign");
LAYOUT.addVariant(2, struct([ns64("lamports")]), "transfer");
LAYOUT.addVariant(3, struct([
]), "createAccountWithSeed");
LAYOUT.addVariant(4, struct([publicKey$1("authorized")]), "advanceNonceAccount");
LAYOUT.addVariant(5, struct([ns64("lamports")]), "withdrawNonceAccount");
LAYOUT.addVariant(6, struct([publicKey$1("authorized")]), "initializeNonceAccount");
LAYOUT.addVariant(7, struct([publicKey$1("authorized")]), "authorizeNonceAccount");
LAYOUT.addVariant(8, struct([ns64("space")]), "allocate");
LAYOUT.addVariant(9, struct([
]), "allocateWithSeed");
LAYOUT.addVariant(10, struct([
]), "assignWithSeed");
LAYOUT.addVariant(11, struct([
]), "transferWithSeed");
function encodeData(instruction, maxSpan) {
const b = Buffer.alloc(maxSpan !== null && maxSpan !== void 0 ? maxSpan : instructionMaxSpan);
const span = LAYOUT.encode(instruction, b);
if (maxSpan === undefined) {
return b.slice(0, span);
return b;
const instructionMaxSpan = Math.max(...Object.values(LAYOUT.registry).map((r) => r.span));
class SystemStateCoder {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _account) {
throw new Error("System does not have state");
decode(_ix) {
throw new Error("System does not have state");
class SystemAccountsCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.idl = idl;
async encode(accountName, account) {
switch (accountName) {
case "nonce": {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH);
const len = NONCE_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.encode(account, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
decode(accountName, ix) {
return this.decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix);
decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix) {
switch (accountName) {
case "nonce": {
return decodeNonceAccount(ix);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
// TODO: this won't use the appendData.
memcmp(accountName, _appendData) {
switch (accountName) {
case "nonce": {
return {
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
size(idlAccount) {
var _a;
return (_a = accountSize(this.idl, idlAccount)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
function decodeNonceAccount(ix) {
return NONCE_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.decode(ix);
class WrappedLayout extends Layout_2 {
constructor(layout, decoder, encoder, property) {
super(layout.span, property);
this.layout = layout;
this.decoder = decoder;
this.encoder = encoder;
decode(b, offset) {
return this.decoder(this.layout.decode(b, offset));
encode(src, b, offset) {
return this.layout.encode(this.encoder(src), b, offset);
getSpan(b, offset) {
return this.layout.getSpan(b, offset);
function publicKey(property) {
return new WrappedLayout(blob(32), (b) => new PublicKey(b), (key) => key.toBuffer(), property);
const NONCE_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT = struct([
struct([nu64("lamportsPerSignature")], "feeCalculator"),
class SystemEventsCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
decode(_log) {
throw new Error("System program does not have events");
class SystemTypesCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _type) {
throw new Error("System does not have user-defined types");
decode(_name, _typeData) {
throw new Error("System does not have user-defined types");
* Coder for the System program.
class SystemCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.instruction = new SystemInstructionCoder(idl);
this.accounts = new SystemAccountsCoder(idl); = new SystemEventsCoder(idl);
this.state = new SystemStateCoder(idl);
this.types = new SystemTypesCoder(idl);
function hash(data) {
return sha256$1(data);
var sha256 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
hash: hash
// Sync version of web3.PublicKey.createWithSeed.
function createWithSeedSync(fromPublicKey, seed, programId) {
const buffer = Buffer$1.concat([
const hash = sha256$1.digest(buffer);
return new PublicKey(Buffer$1.from(hash));
// Sync version of web3.PublicKey.createProgramAddress.
function createProgramAddressSync(seeds, programId) {
const MAX_SEED_LENGTH = 32;
let buffer = Buffer$1.alloc(0);
seeds.forEach(function (seed) {
if (seed.length > MAX_SEED_LENGTH) {
throw new TypeError(`Max seed length exceeded`);
buffer = Buffer$1.concat([buffer, toBuffer(seed)]);
buffer = Buffer$1.concat([
let hash = sha256$1(new Uint8Array(buffer));
let publicKeyBytes = new BN(hash, 16).toArray(undefined, 32);
if (PublicKey.isOnCurve(new Uint8Array(publicKeyBytes))) {
throw new Error(`Invalid seeds, address must fall off the curve`);
return new PublicKey(publicKeyBytes);
// Sync version of web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress.
function findProgramAddressSync(seeds, programId) {
let nonce = 255;
let address;
while (nonce != 0) {
try {
const seedsWithNonce = seeds.concat(Buffer$1.from([nonce]));
address = createProgramAddressSync(seedsWithNonce, programId);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
throw err;
return [address, nonce];
throw new Error(`Unable to find a viable program address nonce`);
const toBuffer = (arr) => {
if (arr instanceof Buffer$1) {
return arr;
else if (arr instanceof Uint8Array) {
return Buffer$1.from(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength);
else {
return Buffer$1.from(arr);
async function associated(programId, ...args) {
let seeds = [Buffer$1.from([97, 110, 99, 104, 111, 114])]; // b"anchor".
args.forEach((arg) => {
seeds.push(arg instanceof Buffer$1 ? arg : translateAddress(arg).toBuffer());
const [assoc] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(seeds, translateAddress(programId));
return assoc;
var pubkey = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
createWithSeedSync: createWithSeedSync,
createProgramAddressSync: createProgramAddressSync,
findProgramAddressSync: findProgramAddressSync,
associated: associated
const TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID$1 = new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA");
const ASSOCIATED_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey("ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL");
async function associatedAddress({ mint, owner, }) {
return (await PublicKey.findProgramAddress([owner.toBuffer(), TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID$1.toBuffer(), mint.toBuffer()], ASSOCIATED_PROGRAM_ID))[0];
var token = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
associatedAddress: associatedAddress
var browserPonyfill = {exports: {}};
(function (module, exports) {
var global = typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : commonjsGlobal;
var __self__ = (function () {
function F() {
this.fetch = false;
this.DOMException = global.DOMException;
F.prototype = global;
return new F();
(function(self) {
((function (exports) {
var support = {
searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in self,
iterable: 'Symbol' in self && 'iterator' in Symbol,
'FileReader' in self &&
'Blob' in self &&
(function() {
try {
new Blob();
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
formData: 'FormData' in self,
arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in self
function isDataView(obj) {
return obj && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj)
if (support.arrayBuffer) {
var viewClasses = [
'[object Int8Array]',
'[object Uint8Array]',
'[object Uint8ClampedArray]',
'[object Int16Array]',
'[object Uint16Array]',
'[object Int32Array]',
'[object Uint32Array]',
'[object Float32Array]',
'[object Float64Array]'
var isArrayBufferView =
ArrayBuffer.isView ||
function(obj) {
return obj && viewClasses.indexOf( > -1
function normalizeName(name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
name = String(name);
if (/[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~]/i.test(name)) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name')
return name.toLowerCase()
function normalizeValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
value = String(value);
return value
// Build a destructive iterator for the value list
function iteratorFor(items) {
var iterator = {
next: function() {
var value = items.shift();
return {done: value === undefined, value: value}
if (support.iterable) {
iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return iterator
return iterator
function Headers(headers) { = {};
if (headers instanceof Headers) {
headers.forEach(function(value, name) {
this.append(name, value);
}, this);
} else if (Array.isArray(headers)) {
headers.forEach(function(header) {
this.append(header[0], header[1]);
}, this);
} else if (headers) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(headers).forEach(function(name) {
this.append(name, headers[name]);
}, this);
Headers.prototype.append = function(name, value) {
name = normalizeName(name);
value = normalizeValue(value);
var oldValue =[name];[name] = oldValue ? oldValue + ', ' + value : value;
Headers.prototype['delete'] = function(name) {
Headers.prototype.get = function(name) {
name = normalizeName(name);
return this.has(name) ?[name] : null
Headers.prototype.has = function(name) {
Headers.prototype.set = function(name, value) {[normalizeName(name)] = normalizeValue(value);
Headers.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) {
for (var name in {
if ( {,[name], name, this);
Headers.prototype.keys = function() {
var items = [];
this.forEach(function(value, name) {
return iteratorFor(items)
Headers.prototype.values = function() {
var items = [];
this.forEach(function(value) {
return iteratorFor(items)
Headers.prototype.entries = function() {
var items = [];
this.forEach(function(value, name) {
items.push([name, value]);
return iteratorFor(items)
if (support.iterable) {
Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Headers.prototype.entries;
function consumed(body) {
if (body.bodyUsed) {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read'))
body.bodyUsed = true;
function fileReaderReady(reader) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
reader.onload = function() {
reader.onerror = function() {
function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);
return promise
function readBlobAsText(blob) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);
return promise
function readArrayBufferAsText(buf) {
var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
var chars = new Array(view.length);
for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(view[i]);
return chars.join('')
function bufferClone(buf) {
if (buf.slice) {
return buf.slice(0)
} else {
var view = new Uint8Array(buf.byteLength);
view.set(new Uint8Array(buf));
return view.buffer
function Body() {
this.bodyUsed = false;
this._initBody = function(body) {
this._bodyInit = body;
if (!body) {
this._bodyText = '';
} else if (typeof body === 'string') {
this._bodyText = body;
} else if (support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
this._bodyBlob = body;
} else if (support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
this._bodyFormData = body;
} else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
this._bodyText = body.toString();
} else if (support.arrayBuffer && support.blob && isDataView(body)) {
this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body.buffer);
// IE 10-11 can't handle a DataView body.
this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]);
} else if (support.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body) || isArrayBufferView(body))) {
this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body);
} else {
this._bodyText = body =;
if (!this.headers.get('content-type')) {
if (typeof body === 'string') {
this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8');
} else if (this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type) {
this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type);
} else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {
this.headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8');
if (support.blob) {
this.blob = function() {
var rejected = consumed(this);
if (rejected) {
return rejected
if (this._bodyBlob) {
return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob)
} else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {
return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]))
} else if (this._bodyFormData) {
throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob')
} else {
return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]))
this.arrayBuffer = function() {
if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {
return consumed(this) || Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)
} else {
return this.blob().then(readBlobAsArrayBuffer)
this.text = function() {
var rejected = consumed(this);
if (rejected) {
return rejected
if (this._bodyBlob) {
return readBlobAsText(this._bodyBlob)
} else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {
return Promise.resolve(readArrayBufferAsText(this._bodyArrayBuffer))
} else if (this._bodyFormData) {
throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text')
} else {
return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText)
if (support.formData) {
this.formData = function() {
return this.text().then(decode)
this.json = function() {
return this.text().then(JSON.parse)
return this
// HTTP methods whose capitalization should be normalized
var methods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'];
function normalizeMethod(method) {
var upcased = method.toUpperCase();
return methods.indexOf(upcased) > -1 ? upcased : method
function Request(input, options) {
options = options || {};
var body = options.body;
if (input instanceof Request) {
if (input.bodyUsed) {
throw new TypeError('Already read')
this.url = input.url;
this.credentials = input.credentials;
if (!options.headers) {
this.headers = new Headers(input.headers);
this.method = input.method;
this.mode = input.mode;
this.signal = input.signal;
if (!body && input._bodyInit != null) {
body = input._bodyInit;
input.bodyUsed = true;
} else {
this.url = String(input);
this.credentials = options.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin';
if (options.headers || !this.headers) {
this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);
this.method = normalizeMethod(options.method || this.method || 'GET');
this.mode = options.mode || this.mode || null;
this.signal = options.signal || this.signal;
this.referrer = null;
if ((this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && body) {
throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests')
Request.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Request(this, {body: this._bodyInit})
function decode(body) {
var form = new FormData();
.forEach(function(bytes) {
if (bytes) {
var split = bytes.split('=');
var name = split.shift().replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var value = split.join('=').replace(/\+/g, ' ');
form.append(decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value));
return form
function parseHeaders(rawHeaders) {
var headers = new Headers();
// Replace instances of \r\n and \n followed by at least one space or horizontal tab with a space
var preProcessedHeaders = rawHeaders.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' ');
preProcessedHeaders.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function(line) {
var parts = line.split(':');
var key = parts.shift().trim();
if (key) {
var value = parts.join(':').trim();
headers.append(key, value);
return headers
function Response(bodyInit, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
this.type = 'default';
this.status = options.status === undefined ? 200 : options.status;
this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300;
this.statusText = 'statusText' in options ? options.statusText : 'OK';
this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);
this.url = options.url || '';
Response.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Response(this._bodyInit, {
status: this.status,
statusText: this.statusText,
headers: new Headers(this.headers),
url: this.url
Response.error = function() {
var response = new Response(null, {status: 0, statusText: ''});
response.type = 'error';
return response
var redirectStatuses = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308];
Response.redirect = function(url, status) {
if (redirectStatuses.indexOf(status) === -1) {
throw new RangeError('Invalid status code')
return new Response(null, {status: status, headers: {location: url}})
exports.DOMException = self.DOMException;
try {
new exports.DOMException();
} catch (err) {
exports.DOMException = function(message, name) {
this.message = message; = name;
var error = Error(message);
this.stack = error.stack;
exports.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
exports.DOMException.prototype.constructor = exports.DOMException;
function fetch(input, init) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var request = new Request(input, init);
if (request.signal && request.signal.aborted) {
return reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'))
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
function abortXhr() {
xhr.onload = function() {
var options = {
status: xhr.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || '')
options.url = 'responseURL' in xhr ? xhr.responseURL : options.headers.get('X-Request-URL');
var body = 'response' in xhr ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText;
resolve(new Response(body, options));
xhr.onerror = function() {
reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
xhr.ontimeout = function() {
reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
xhr.onabort = function() {
reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'));
};, request.url, true);
if (request.credentials === 'include') {
xhr.withCredentials = true;
} else if (request.credentials === 'omit') {
xhr.withCredentials = false;
if ('responseType' in xhr && support.blob) {
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
request.headers.forEach(function(value, name) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);
if (request.signal) {
request.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortXhr);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
// DONE (success or failure)
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
request.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortXhr);
xhr.send(typeof request._bodyInit === 'undefined' ? null : request._bodyInit);
fetch.polyfill = true;
if (!self.fetch) {
self.fetch = fetch;
self.Headers = Headers;
self.Request = Request;
self.Response = Response;
exports.Headers = Headers;
exports.Request = Request;
exports.Response = Response;
exports.fetch = fetch;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
return exports;
__self__.fetch.ponyfill = true;
// Remove "polyfill" property added by whatwg-fetch
delete __self__.fetch.polyfill;
// Choose between native implementation (global) or custom implementation (__self__)
// var ctx = global.fetch ? global : __self__;
var ctx = __self__; // this line disable service worker support temporarily
exports = ctx.fetch; // To enable: import fetch from 'cross-fetch'
exports.default = ctx.fetch; // For TypeScript consumers without esModuleInterop.
exports.fetch = ctx.fetch; // To enable: import {fetch} from 'cross-fetch'
exports.Headers = ctx.Headers;
exports.Request = ctx.Request;
exports.Response = ctx.Response;
module.exports = exports;
}(browserPonyfill, browserPonyfill.exports));
var fetch = /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(browserPonyfill.exports);
* Returns a verified build from the anchor registry. null if no such
* verified build exists, e.g., if the program has been upgraded since the
* last verified build.
async function verifiedBuild(connection, programId, limit = 5) {
const url = `${programId.toString()}/latest?limit=${limit}`;
const [programData, latestBuildsResp] = await Promise.all([
fetchData(connection, programId),
// Filter out all non successful builds.
const latestBuilds = (await latestBuildsResp.json()).filter((b) => !b.aborted && b.state === "Built" && b.verified === "Verified");
if (latestBuilds.length === 0) {
return null;
// Get the latest build.
const build = latestBuilds[0];
// Has the program been upgraded since the last build?
if (programData.slot.toNumber() !== build.verified_slot) {
return null;
// Success.
return build;
* Returns the program data account for this program, containing the
* metadata for this program, e.g., the upgrade authority.
async function fetchData(connection, programId) {
const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(programId);
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new Error("program account not found");
const { program } = decodeUpgradeableLoaderState(;
const programdataAccountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(program.programdataAddress);
if (programdataAccountInfo === null) {
throw new Error("program data account not found");
const { programData } = decodeUpgradeableLoaderState(;
return programData;
borsh.struct([], "uninitialized"),
borsh.struct([borsh.option(borsh.publicKey(), "authorityAddress")], "buffer"),
borsh.struct([borsh.publicKey("programdataAddress")], "program"),
borsh.option(borsh.publicKey(), "upgradeAuthorityAddress"),
], "programData"),
], undefined, borsh.u32());
function decodeUpgradeableLoaderState(data) {
var registry = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
verifiedBuild: verifiedBuild,
fetchData: fetchData,
decodeUpgradeableLoaderState: decodeUpgradeableLoaderState
var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
sha256: sha256,
rpc: rpc,
publicKey: pubkey,
bytes: index$1,
token: token,
features: features,
registry: registry
// Deterministic IDL address as a function of the program id.
async function idlAddress(programId) {
const base = (await PublicKey.findProgramAddress([], programId))[0];
return await PublicKey.createWithSeed(base, seed(), programId);
// Seed for generating the idlAddress.
function seed() {
return "anchor:idl";
const IDL_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT = borsh.struct([
function decodeIdlAccount(data) {
return IDL_ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.decode(data);
function splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, args) {
var _a, _b;
let options = {};
const inputLen = idlIx.args ? idlIx.args.length : 0;
if (args.length > inputLen) {
if (args.length !== inputLen + 1) {
throw new Error(`provided too many arguments ${args} to instruction ${idlIx === null || idlIx === void 0 ? void 0 :} expecting: ${(_b = (_a = idlIx.args) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : => !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []}`);
options = args.pop();
return [args, options];
class InstructionNamespaceFactory {
static build(idlIx, encodeFn, programId) {
if ( === "_inner") {
throw new IdlError("the _inner name is reserved");
const ix = (...args) => {
const [ixArgs, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
validateAccounts(idlIx.accounts, ctx.accounts);
validateInstruction(idlIx, ...args);
const keys = ix.accounts(ctx.accounts);
if (ctx.remainingAccounts !== undefined) {
if (isSet("debug-logs")) {
console.log("Outgoing account metas:", keys);
return new TransactionInstruction({
data: encodeFn(, toInstruction(idlIx, ...ixArgs)),
// Utility fn for ordering the accounts for this instruction.
ix["accounts"] = (accs) => {
return InstructionNamespaceFactory.accountsArray(accs, idlIx.accounts,;
return ix;
static accountsArray(ctx, accounts, ixName) {
if (!ctx) {
return [];
return accounts
.map((acc) => {
// Nested accounts.
const nestedAccounts = "accounts" in acc ? acc.accounts : undefined;
if (nestedAccounts !== undefined) {
const rpcAccs = ctx[];
return InstructionNamespaceFactory.accountsArray(rpcAccs, acc.accounts, ixName).flat();
else {
const account = acc;
let pubkey;
try {
pubkey = translateAddress(ctx[]);
catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Wrong input type for account "${}" in the instruction accounts object${ixName !== undefined ? ' for instruction "' + ixName + '"' : ""}. Expected PublicKey or string.`);
return {
isWritable: account.isMut,
isSigner: account.isSigner,
// Throws error if any argument required for the `ix` is not given.
function validateInstruction(ix, ...args) {
// todo
class RpcFactory {
static build(idlIx, txFn, idlErrors, provider) {
const rpc = async (...args) => {
var _a;
const tx = txFn(...args);
const [, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
if (provider.sendAndConfirm === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires 'Provider.sendAndConfirm' to be implemented.");
try {
return await provider.sendAndConfirm(tx, (_a = ctx.signers) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], ctx.options);
catch (err) {
throw translateError(err, idlErrors);
return rpc;
class TransactionFactory {
static build(idlIx, ixFn) {
const txFn = (...args) => {
var _a, _b, _c;
const [, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
const tx = new Transaction();
if (ctx.preInstructions && ctx.instructions) {
throw new Error("instructions is deprecated, use preInstructions");
(_a = ctx.preInstructions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((ix) => tx.add(ix));
(_b = ctx.instructions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.forEach((ix) => tx.add(ix));
(_c = ctx.postInstructions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.forEach((ix) => tx.add(ix));
return tx;
return txFn;
class StateFactory {
static build(idl, coder, programId, provider) {
if (idl.state === undefined) {
return undefined;
return new StateClient(idl, programId, provider, coder);
* A client for the program state. Similar to the base [[Program]] client,
* one can use this to send transactions and read accounts for the state
* abstraction.
class StateClient {
constructor(idl, programId,
* Returns the client's wallet and network provider.
provider = getProvider(),
* Returns the coder.
coder = new BorshCoder(idl)) {
this.provider = provider;
this.coder = coder;
this._idl = idl;
this._programId = programId;
this._address = programStateAddress(programId);
this._sub = null;
// Build namespaces.
const [instruction, transaction, rpc] = (() => {
var _a;
let instruction = {};
let transaction = {};
let rpc = {};
(_a = idl.state) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.methods.forEach((m) => {
// Build instruction method.
const ixItem =, (ixName, ix) => coder.instruction.encodeState(ixName, ix), programId);
ixItem["accounts"] = (accounts) => {
const keys = stateInstructionKeys(programId, provider, m, accounts);
return keys.concat(InstructionNamespaceFactory.accountsArray(accounts, m.accounts,;
// Build transaction method.
const txItem =, ixItem);
// Build RPC method.
const rpcItem =, txItem, parseIdlErrors(idl), provider);
// Attach them all to their respective namespaces.
const name = camelCase(;
instruction[name] = ixItem;
transaction[name] = txItem;
rpc[name] = rpcItem;
return [
this.instruction = instruction;
this.transaction = transaction;
this.rpc = rpc;
* Returns the program ID owning the state.
get programId() {
return this._programId;
* Returns the deserialized state account.
async fetch() {
const addr = this.address();
const accountInfo = await this.provider.connection.getAccountInfo(addr);
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new Error(`Account does not exist ${addr.toString()}`);
// Assert the account discriminator is correct.
const state = this._idl.state;
if (!state) {
throw new Error("State is not specified in IDL.");
const expectedDiscriminator = await stateDiscriminator(;
if (, 8))) {
throw new Error("Invalid account discriminator");
return this.coder.state.decode(;
* Returns the state address.
address() {
return this._address;
* Returns an `EventEmitter` with a `"change"` event that's fired whenever
* the state account cahnges.
subscribe(commitment) {
if (this._sub !== null) {
const ee = new EventEmitter();
const listener = this.provider.connection.onAccountChange(this.address(), (acc) => {
const account = this.coder.state.decode(;
ee.emit("change", account);
}, commitment);
this._sub = {
return ee;
* Unsubscribes to state changes.
unsubscribe() {
if (this._sub !== null) {
.then(async () => {
this._sub = null;
// Calculates the deterministic address of the program's "state" account.
function programStateAddress(programId) {
let [registrySigner] = findProgramAddressSync([], programId);
return createWithSeedSync(registrySigner, "unversioned", programId);
// Returns the common keys that are prepended to all instructions targeting
// the "state" of a program.
function stateInstructionKeys(programId, provider, m, accounts) {
if ( === "new") {
// Ctor `new` method.
const [programSigner] = findProgramAddressSync([], programId);
// @ts-expect-error
if (provider.wallet === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires the Provider interface implementor to have a 'wallet' field.");
return [
// @ts-expect-error
pubkey: provider.wallet.publicKey,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: true,
pubkey: programStateAddress(programId),
isWritable: true,
isSigner: false,
{ pubkey: programSigner, isWritable: false, isSigner: false },
pubkey: SystemProgram.programId,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
{ pubkey: programId, isWritable: false, isSigner: false },
else {
validateAccounts(m.accounts, accounts);
return [
pubkey: programStateAddress(programId),
isWritable: true,
isSigner: false,
class AccountFactory {
static build(idl, coder, programId, provider) {
var _a;
const accountFns = {};
(_a = idl.accounts) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((idlAccount) => {
const name = camelCase(;
accountFns[name] = new AccountClient(idl, idlAccount, programId, provider, coder);
return accountFns;
class AccountClient {
constructor(idl, idlAccount, programId, provider, coder) {
this._idlAccount = idlAccount;
this._programId = programId;
this._provider = provider !== null && provider !== void 0 ? provider : getProvider();
this._coder = coder !== null && coder !== void 0 ? coder : new BorshCoder(idl);
this._size = this._coder.accounts.size(idlAccount);
* Returns the number of bytes in this account.
get size() {
return this._size;
* Returns the program ID owning all accounts.
get programId() {
return this._programId;
* Returns the client's wallet and network provider.
get provider() {
return this._provider;
* Returns the coder.
get coder() {
return this._coder;
* Returns a deserialized account, returning null if it doesn't exist.
* @param address The address of the account to fetch.
async fetchNullable(address, commitment) {
const accountInfo = await this.getAccountInfo(address, commitment);
if (accountInfo === null) {
return null;
return this._coder.accounts.decode(,;
* Returns a deserialized account.
* @param address The address of the account to fetch.
async fetch(address, commitment) {
const data = await this.fetchNullable(address, commitment);
if (data === null) {
throw new Error(`Account does not exist ${address.toString()}`);
return data;
* Returns multiple deserialized accounts.
* Accounts not found or with wrong discriminator are returned as null.
* @param addresses The addresses of the accounts to fetch.
async fetchMultiple(addresses, commitment) {
const accounts = await getMultipleAccounts(this._provider.connection, => translateAddress(address)), commitment);
// Decode accounts where discriminator is correct, null otherwise
return => {
if (account == null) {
return null;
return this._coder.accounts.decode(, account === null || account === void 0 ? void 0 :;
* Returns all instances of this account type for the program.
* @param filters User-provided filters to narrow the results from `connection.getProgramAccounts`.
* When filters are not defined this method returns all
* the account instances.
* When filters are of type `Buffer`, the filters are appended
* after the discriminator.
* When filters are of type `GetProgramAccountsFilter[]`,
* filters are appended after the discriminator filter.
async all(filters) {
const filter = this.coder.accounts.memcmp(, filters instanceof Buffer ? filters : undefined);
const coderFilters = [];
if ((filter === null || filter === void 0 ? void 0 : filter.offset) != undefined && (filter === null || filter === void 0 ? void 0 : filter.bytes) != undefined) {
memcmp: { offset: filter.offset, bytes: filter.bytes },
if ((filter === null || filter === void 0 ? void 0 : filter.dataSize) != undefined) {
coderFilters.push({ dataSize: filter.dataSize });
let resp = await this._provider.connection.getProgramAccounts(this._programId, {
commitment: this._provider.connection.commitment,
filters: [...coderFilters, ...(Array.isArray(filters) ? filters : [])],
return{ pubkey, account }) => {
return {
publicKey: pubkey,
account: this._coder.accounts.decode(,,
* Returns an `EventEmitter` emitting a "change" event whenever the account
* changes.
subscribe(address, commitment) {
const sub = subscriptions.get(address.toString());
if (sub) {
const ee = new EventEmitter();
address = translateAddress(address);
const listener = this._provider.connection.onAccountChange(address, (acc) => {
const account = this._coder.accounts.decode(,;
ee.emit("change", account);
}, commitment);
subscriptions.set(address.toString(), {
return ee;
* Unsubscribes from the account at the given address.
async unsubscribe(address) {
let sub = subscriptions.get(address.toString());
if (!sub) {
console.warn("Address is not subscribed");
if (subscriptions) {
await this._provider.connection
.then(() => {
* Returns an instruction for creating this account.
async createInstruction(signer, sizeOverride) {
const size = this.size;
// @ts-expect-error
if (this._provider.wallet === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires the Provider interface implementor to have a 'wallet' field.");
return SystemProgram.createAccount({
// @ts-expect-error
fromPubkey: this._provider.wallet.publicKey,
newAccountPubkey: signer.publicKey,
space: sizeOverride !== null && sizeOverride !== void 0 ? sizeOverride : size,
lamports: await this._provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(sizeOverride !== null && sizeOverride !== void 0 ? sizeOverride : size),
programId: this._programId,
* @deprecated since version 14.0.
* Function returning the associated account. Args are keys to associate.
* Order matters.
async associated(...args) {
const addr = await this.associatedAddress(...args);
return await this.fetch(addr);
* @deprecated since version 14.0.
* Function returning the associated address. Args are keys to associate.
* Order matters.
async associatedAddress(...args) {
return await associated(this._programId, ...args);
async getAccountInfo(address, commitment) {
return await this._provider.connection.getAccountInfo(translateAddress(address), commitment);
// Tracks all subscriptions.
const subscriptions = new Map();
const PROGRAM_LOG = "Program log: ";
const PROGRAM_DATA = "Program data: ";
class EventManager {
constructor(programId, provider, coder) {
this._programId = programId;
this._provider = provider;
this._eventParser = new EventParser(programId, coder);
this._eventCallbacks = new Map();
this._eventListeners = new Map();
this._listenerIdCount = 0;
addEventListener(eventName, callback) {
var _a;
let listener = this._listenerIdCount;
this._listenerIdCount += 1;
// Store the listener into the event map.
if (!(eventName in this._eventCallbacks)) {
this._eventListeners.set(eventName, []);
this._eventListeners.set(eventName, ((_a = this._eventListeners.get(eventName)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []).concat(listener));
// Store the callback into the listener map.
this._eventCallbacks.set(listener, [eventName, callback]);
// Create the subscription singleton, if needed.
if (this._onLogsSubscriptionId !== undefined) {
return listener;
this._onLogsSubscriptionId = this._provider.connection.onLogs(this._programId, (logs, ctx) => {
if (logs.err) {
for (const event of this._eventParser.parseLogs(logs.logs)) {
const allListeners = this._eventListeners.get(;
if (allListeners) {
allListeners.forEach((listener) => {
const listenerCb = this._eventCallbacks.get(listener);
if (listenerCb) {
const [, callback] = listenerCb;
callback(, ctx.slot, logs.signature);
return listener;
async removeEventListener(listener) {
// Get the callback.
const callback = this._eventCallbacks.get(listener);
if (!callback) {
throw new Error(`Event listener ${listener} doesn't exist!`);
const [eventName] = callback;
// Get the listeners.
let listeners = this._eventListeners.get(eventName);
if (!listeners) {
throw new Error(`Event listeners don't exist for ${eventName}!`);
// Update both maps.
listeners = listeners.filter((l) => l !== listener);
if (listeners.length === 0) {
// Kill the websocket connection if all listeners have been removed.
if (this._eventCallbacks.size == 0) {
assert$1.ok(this._eventListeners.size === 0);
if (this._onLogsSubscriptionId !== undefined) {
await this._provider.connection.removeOnLogsListener(this._onLogsSubscriptionId);
this._onLogsSubscriptionId = undefined;
class EventParser {
constructor(programId, coder) {
this.coder = coder;
this.programId = programId;
// Each log given, represents an array of messages emitted by
// a single transaction, which can execute many different programs across
// CPI boundaries. However, the subscription is only interested in the
// events emitted by *this* program. In achieving this, we keep track of the
// program execution context by parsing each log and looking for a CPI
// `invoke` call. If one exists, we know a new program is executing. So we
// push the programId onto a stack and switch the program context. This
// allows us to track, for a given log, which program was executing during
// its emission, thereby allowing us to know if a given log event was
// emitted by *this* program. If it was, then we parse the raw string and
// emit the event if the string matches the event being subscribed to.
*parseLogs(logs) {
const logScanner = new LogScanner(logs);
const execution = new ExecutionContext();
let log =;
while (log !== null) {
let [event, newProgram, didPop] = this.handleLog(execution, log);
if (event) {
yield event;
if (newProgram) {
if (didPop) {
log =;
// Main log handler. Returns a three element array of the event, the
// next program that was invoked for CPI, and a boolean indicating if
// a program has completed execution (and thus should be popped off the
// execution stack).
handleLog(execution, log) {
// Executing program is this program.
if (execution.stack.length > 0 &&
execution.program() === this.programId.toString()) {
return this.handleProgramLog(log);
// Executing program is not this program.
else {
return [null, ...this.handleSystemLog(log)];
// Handles logs from *this* program.
handleProgramLog(log) {
// This is a `msg!` log or a `sol_log_data` log.
if (log.startsWith(PROGRAM_LOG) || log.startsWith(PROGRAM_DATA)) {
const logStr = log.startsWith(PROGRAM_LOG)
const event =;
return [event, null, false];
// System log.
else {
return [null, ...this.handleSystemLog(log)];
// Handles logs when the current program being executing is *not* this.
handleSystemLog(log) {
// System component.
const logStart = log.split(":")[0];
// Did the program finish executing?
if (logStart.match(/^Program (.*) success/g) !== null) {
return [null, true];
// Recursive call.
else if (logStart.startsWith(`Program ${this.programId.toString()} invoke`)) {
return [this.programId.toString(), false];
// CPI call.
else if (logStart.includes("invoke")) {
return ["cpi", false]; // Any string will do.
else {
return [null, false];
// Stack frame execution context, allowing one to track what program is
// executing for a given log.
class ExecutionContext {
constructor() {
this.stack = [];
program() {
assert$1.ok(this.stack.length > 0);
return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
push(newProgram) {
pop() {
assert$1.ok(this.stack.length > 0);
class LogScanner {
constructor(logs) {
this.logs = logs;
next() {
if (this.logs.length === 0) {
return null;
let l = this.logs[0];
this.logs = this.logs.slice(1);
return l;
class SimulateFactory {
static build(idlIx, txFn, idlErrors, provider, coder, programId, idl) {
const simulate = async (...args) => {
var _a;
const tx = txFn(...args);
const [, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
let resp = undefined;
if (provider.simulate === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires 'Provider.simulate' to be implemented.");
try {
resp = await provider.simulate(tx, ctx.signers, (_a = ctx.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.commitment);
catch (err) {
throw translateError(err, idlErrors);
if (resp === undefined) {
throw new Error("Unable to simulate transaction");
const logs = resp.logs;
if (!logs) {
throw new Error("Simulated logs not found");
const events = [];
if ( {
let parser = new EventParser(programId, coder);
for (const event of parser.parseLogs(logs)) {
return { events, raw: logs };
return simulate;
const TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA");
function program$2(provider) {
return new Program(IDL$2, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, provider, coder$2());
function coder$2() {
return new SplTokenCoder(IDL$2);
const IDL$2 = {
version: "0.1.0",
name: "spl_token",
instructions: [
name: "initializeMint",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "mintAuthority",
type: "publicKey",
name: "freezeAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
name: "initializeAccount",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [],
name: "initializeMultisig",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "m",
type: "u8",
name: "transfer",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "destination",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "approve",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "delegate",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "revoke",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [],
name: "setAuthority",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "authorityType",
type: "u8",
name: "newAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
name: "mintTo",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "burn",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "closeAccount",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "destination",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [],
name: "freezeAccount",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [],
name: "thawAccount",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [],
name: "transferChecked",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "destination",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "approveChecked",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "delegate",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "mintToChecked",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "burnChecked",
accounts: [
name: "source",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authority",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "initializeAccount2",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "authority",
type: "publicKey",
name: "syncNative",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
args: [],
name: "initializeAccount3",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "authority",
type: "publicKey",
name: "initializeMultisig2",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "m",
type: "u8",
name: "initializeMint2",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "mintAuthority",
type: "publicKey",
name: "freezeAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
accounts: [
name: "mint",
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: [
name: "mintAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
name: "supply",
type: "u64",
name: "decimals",
type: "u8",
name: "isInitialized",
type: "bool",
name: "freezeAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
name: "token",
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: [
name: "mint",
type: "publicKey",
name: "authority",
type: "publicKey",
name: "amount",
type: "u64",
name: "delegate",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
name: "state",
type: "u8",
name: "isNative",
type: {
coption: "u64",
name: "delegatedAmount",
type: "u64",
name: "closeAuthority",
type: {
coption: "publicKey",
// Populates a given accounts context with PDAs and common missing accounts.
class AccountsResolver {
constructor(_args, _accounts, _provider, _programId, _idlIx, _accountNamespace) {
this._args = _args;
this._accounts = _accounts;
this._provider = _provider;
this._programId = _programId;
this._idlIx = _idlIx;
this._accountStore = new AccountStore(_provider, _accountNamespace);
// Note: We serially resolve PDAs one by one rather than doing them
// in parallel because there can be dependencies between
// addresses. That is, one PDA can be used as a seed in another.
// TODO: PDAs need to be resolved in topological order. For now, we
// require the developer to simply list the accounts in the
// correct order. But in future work, we should create the
// dependency graph and resolve automatically.
async resolve() {
for (let k = 0; k < this._idlIx.accounts.length; k += 1) {
// Cast is ok because only a non-nested IdlAccount can have a seeds
// cosntraint.
const accountDesc = this._idlIx.accounts[k];
const accountDescName = camelCase(;
// Signers default to the provider.
if (accountDesc.isSigner && !this._accounts[accountDescName]) {
// @ts-expect-error
if (this._provider.wallet === undefined) {
throw new Error("This function requires the Provider interface implementor to have a 'wallet' field.");
// @ts-expect-error
this._accounts[accountDescName] = this._provider.wallet.publicKey;
// Common accounts are auto populated with magic names by convention.
if (Reflect.has(AccountsResolver.CONST_ACCOUNTS, accountDescName) &&
!this._accounts[accountDescName]) {
this._accounts[accountDescName] =
for (let k = 0; k < this._idlIx.accounts.length; k += 1) {
// Cast is ok because only a non-nested IdlAccount can have a seeds
// cosntraint.
const accountDesc = this._idlIx.accounts[k];
const accountDescName = camelCase(;
// PDA derived from IDL seeds.
if (accountDesc.pda &&
accountDesc.pda.seeds.length > 0 &&
!this._accounts[accountDescName]) {
await this.autoPopulatePda(accountDesc);
async autoPopulatePda(accountDesc) {
if (!accountDesc.pda || !accountDesc.pda.seeds)
throw new Error("Must have seeds");
const seeds = await Promise.all( => this.toBuffer(seedDesc)));
const programId = await this.parseProgramId(accountDesc);
const [pubkey] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(seeds, programId);
this._accounts[camelCase(] = pubkey;
async parseProgramId(accountDesc) {
var _a;
if (!((_a = accountDesc.pda) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.programId)) {
return this._programId;
switch (accountDesc.pda.programId.kind) {
case "const":
return new PublicKey(this.toBufferConst(accountDesc.pda.programId.value));
case "arg":
return this.argValue(accountDesc.pda.programId);
case "account":
return await this.accountValue(accountDesc.pda.programId);
throw new Error(`Unexpected program seed kind: ${accountDesc.pda.programId.kind}`);
async toBuffer(seedDesc) {
switch (seedDesc.kind) {
case "const":
return this.toBufferConst(seedDesc);
case "arg":
return await this.toBufferArg(seedDesc);
case "account":
return await this.toBufferAccount(seedDesc);
throw new Error(`Unexpected seed kind: ${seedDesc.kind}`);
toBufferConst(seedDesc) {
return this.toBufferValue(seedDesc.type, seedDesc.value);
async toBufferArg(seedDesc) {
const argValue = this.argValue(seedDesc);
return this.toBufferValue(seedDesc.type, argValue);
argValue(seedDesc) {
const seedArgName = camelCase(seedDesc.path.split(".")[0]);
const idlArgPosition = this._idlIx.args.findIndex((argDesc) => === seedArgName);
if (idlArgPosition === -1) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find argument for seed: ${seedArgName}`);
return this._args[idlArgPosition];
async toBufferAccount(seedDesc) {
const accountValue = await this.accountValue(seedDesc);
return this.toBufferValue(seedDesc.type, accountValue);
async accountValue(seedDesc) {
const pathComponents = seedDesc.path.split(".");
const fieldName = pathComponents[0];
const fieldPubkey = this._accounts[camelCase(fieldName)];
// The seed is a pubkey of the account.
if (pathComponents.length === 1) {
return fieldPubkey;
// The key is account data.
// Fetch and deserialize it.
const account = await this._accountStore.fetchAccount(seedDesc.account, fieldPubkey);
// Dereference all fields in the path to get the field value
// used in the seed.
const fieldValue = this.parseAccountValue(account, pathComponents.slice(1));
return fieldValue;
parseAccountValue(account, path) {
let accountField;
while (path.length > 0) {
accountField = account[camelCase(path[0])];
path = path.slice(1);
return accountField;
// Converts the given idl valaue into a Buffer. The values here must be
// primitives. E.g. no structs.
// TODO: add more types here as needed.
toBufferValue(type, value) {
switch (type) {
case "u8":
return Buffer.from([value]);
case "u16":
let b = Buffer.alloc(2);
return b;
case "u32":
let buf = Buffer.alloc(4);
return buf;
case "u64":
let bU64 = Buffer.alloc(8);
return bU64;
case "string":
return Buffer.from(encode$2(value));
case "publicKey":
return value.toBuffer();
if (type.array) {
return Buffer.from(value);
throw new Error(`Unexpected seed type: ${type}`);
AccountsResolver.CONST_ACCOUNTS = {
associatedTokenProgram: ASSOCIATED_PROGRAM_ID,
systemProgram: SystemProgram.programId,
tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID$1,
// TODO: this should be configureable to avoid unnecessary requests.
class AccountStore {
// todo: don't use the progrma use the account namespace.
constructor(_provider, _accounts) {
this._provider = _provider;
this._accounts = _accounts;
this._cache = new Map();
async fetchAccount(name, publicKey) {
const address = publicKey.toString();
if (!this._cache.has(address)) {
if (name === "TokenAccount") {
const accountInfo = await this._provider.connection.getAccountInfo(publicKey);
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new Error(`invalid account info for ${address}`);
const data = coder$2().accounts.decode("token",;
this._cache.set(address, data);
else {
const account = this._accounts[camelCase(name)].fetch(publicKey);
this._cache.set(address, account);
return this._cache.get(address);
class MethodsBuilderFactory {
static build(provider, programId, idlIx, ixFn, txFn, rpcFn, simulateFn, viewFn, accountNamespace) {
return (...args) => new MethodsBuilder(args, ixFn, txFn, rpcFn, simulateFn, viewFn, provider, programId, idlIx, accountNamespace);
class MethodsBuilder {
constructor(_args, _ixFn, _txFn, _rpcFn, _simulateFn, _viewFn, _provider, _programId, _idlIx, _accountNamespace) {
this._args = _args;
this._ixFn = _ixFn;
this._txFn = _txFn;
this._rpcFn = _rpcFn;
this._simulateFn = _simulateFn;
this._viewFn = _viewFn;
this._accounts = {};
this._remainingAccounts = [];
this._signers = [];
this._preInstructions = [];
this._postInstructions = [];
this._autoResolveAccounts = true;
this._accountsResolver = new AccountsResolver(_args, this._accounts, _provider, _programId, _idlIx, _accountNamespace);
async pubkeys() {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
return this._accounts;
accounts(accounts) {
this._autoResolveAccounts = true;
Object.assign(this._accounts, accounts);
return this;
accountsStrict(accounts) {
this._autoResolveAccounts = false;
Object.assign(this._accounts, accounts);
return this;
signers(signers) {
this._signers = this._signers.concat(signers);
return this;
remainingAccounts(accounts) {
this._remainingAccounts = this._remainingAccounts.concat(accounts);
return this;
preInstructions(ixs) {
this._preInstructions = this._preInstructions.concat(ixs);
return this;
postInstructions(ixs) {
this._postInstructions = this._postInstructions.concat(ixs);
return this;
async rpc(options) {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
// @ts-ignore
return this._rpcFn(...this._args, {
accounts: this._accounts,
signers: this._signers,
remainingAccounts: this._remainingAccounts,
preInstructions: this._preInstructions,
postInstructions: this._postInstructions,
options: options,
async view(options) {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
if (!this._viewFn) {
throw new Error("Method does not support views");
// @ts-ignore
return this._viewFn(...this._args, {
accounts: this._accounts,
signers: this._signers,
remainingAccounts: this._remainingAccounts,
preInstructions: this._preInstructions,
postInstructions: this._postInstructions,
options: options,
async simulate(options) {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
// @ts-ignore
return this._simulateFn(...this._args, {
accounts: this._accounts,
signers: this._signers,
remainingAccounts: this._remainingAccounts,
preInstructions: this._preInstructions,
postInstructions: this._postInstructions,
options: options,
async instruction() {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
// @ts-ignore
return this._ixFn(...this._args, {
accounts: this._accounts,
signers: this._signers,
remainingAccounts: this._remainingAccounts,
preInstructions: this._preInstructions,
postInstructions: this._postInstructions,
async transaction() {
if (this._autoResolveAccounts) {
await this._accountsResolver.resolve();
// @ts-ignore
return this._txFn(...this._args, {
accounts: this._accounts,
signers: this._signers,
remainingAccounts: this._remainingAccounts,
preInstructions: this._preInstructions,
postInstructions: this._postInstructions,
class ViewFactory {
static build(programId, idlIx, simulateFn, idl) {
const isMut = idlIx.accounts.find((a) => a.isMut);
const hasReturn = !!idlIx.returns;
if (isMut || !hasReturn)
const view = async (...args) => {
var _a, _b;
let simulationResult = await simulateFn(...args);
const returnPrefix = `Program return: ${programId} `;
let returnLog = simulationResult.raw.find((l) => l.startsWith(returnPrefix));
if (!returnLog) {
throw new Error("View expected return log");
let returnData = decode(returnLog.slice(returnPrefix.length));
let returnType = idlIx.returns;
if (!returnType) {
throw new Error("View expected return type");
const coder = IdlCoder.fieldLayout({ type: returnType }, Array.from([...((_a = idl.accounts) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), ...((_b = idl.types) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [])]));
return coder.decode(returnData);
return view;
class NamespaceFactory {
* Generates all namespaces for a given program.
static build(idl, coder, programId, provider) {
const rpc = {};
const instruction = {};
const transaction = {};
const simulate = {};
const methods = {};
const view = {};
const idlErrors = parseIdlErrors(idl);
const account = idl.accounts
?, coder, programId, provider)
: {};
const state =, coder, programId, provider);
idl.instructions.forEach((idlIx) => {
const ixItem =, (ixName, ix) => coder.instruction.encode(ixName, ix), programId);
const txItem =, ixItem);
const rpcItem =, txItem, idlErrors, provider);
const simulateItem =, txItem, idlErrors, provider, coder, programId, idl);
const viewItem =, idlIx, simulateItem, idl);
const methodItem =, programId, idlIx, ixItem, txItem, rpcItem, simulateItem, viewItem, account);
const name = camelCase(;
instruction[name] = ixItem;
transaction[name] = txItem;
rpc[name] = rpcItem;
simulate[name] = simulateItem;
methods[name] = methodItem;
if (viewItem) {
view[name] = viewItem;
return [
* ## Program
* Program provides the IDL deserialized client representation of an Anchor
* program.
* This API is the one stop shop for all things related to communicating with
* on-chain programs. Among other things, one can send transactions, fetch
* deserialized accounts, decode instruction data, subscribe to account
* changes, and listen to events.
* In addition to field accessors and methods, the object provides a set of
* dynamically generated properties, also known as namespaces, that
* map one-to-one to program methods and accounts. These namespaces generally
* can be used as follows:
* ## Usage
* ```javascript
* program.<namespace>.<program-specific-method>
* ```
* API specifics are namespace dependent. The examples used in the documentation
* below will refer to the two counter examples found
* [here](
class Program {
* @param idl The interface definition.
* @param programId The on-chain address of the program.
* @param provider The network and wallet context to use. If not provided
* then uses [[getProvider]].
constructor(idl, programId, provider, coder) {
programId = translateAddress(programId);
if (!provider) {
provider = getProvider();
// Fields.
this._idl = idl;
this._provider = provider;
this._programId = programId;
this._coder = coder !== null && coder !== void 0 ? coder : new BorshCoder(idl);
this._events = new EventManager(this._programId, provider, this._coder);
// Dynamic namespaces.
const [rpc, instruction, transaction, account, simulate, methods, state, views,] =, this._coder, programId, provider);
this.rpc = rpc;
this.instruction = instruction;
this.transaction = transaction;
this.account = account;
this.simulate = simulate;
this.methods = methods;
this.state = state;
this.views = views;
* Address of the program.
get programId() {
return this._programId;
* IDL defining the program's interface.
get idl() {
return this._idl;
* Coder for serializing requests.
get coder() {
return this._coder;
* Wallet and network provider.
get provider() {
return this._provider;
* Generates a Program client by fetching the IDL from the network.
* In order to use this method, an IDL must have been previously initialized
* via the anchor CLI's `anchor idl init` command.
* @param programId The on-chain address of the program.
* @param provider The network and wallet context.
static async at(address, provider) {
const programId = translateAddress(address);
const idl = await Program.fetchIdl(programId, provider);
if (!idl) {
throw new Error(`IDL not found for program: ${address.toString()}`);
return new Program(idl, programId, provider);
* Fetches an idl from the blockchain.
* In order to use this method, an IDL must have been previously initialized
* via the anchor CLI's `anchor idl init` command.
* @param programId The on-chain address of the program.
* @param provider The network and wallet context.
static async fetchIdl(address, provider) {
provider = provider !== null && provider !== void 0 ? provider : getProvider();
const programId = translateAddress(address);
const idlAddr = await idlAddress(programId);
const accountInfo = await provider.connection.getAccountInfo(idlAddr);
if (!accountInfo) {
return null;
// Chop off account discriminator.
let idlAccount = decodeIdlAccount(;
const inflatedIdl = inflate(;
return JSON.parse(decode$2(inflatedIdl));
* Invokes the given callback every time the given event is emitted.
* @param eventName The PascalCase name of the event, provided by the IDL.
* @param callback The function to invoke whenever the event is emitted from
* program logs.
addEventListener(eventName, callback) {
return this._events.addEventListener(eventName, callback);
* Unsubscribes from the given eventName.
async removeEventListener(listener) {
return await this._events.removeEventListener(listener);
class SplAssociatedTokenInstructionCoder {
constructor(_) { }
encode(ixName, _) {
switch (camelCase(ixName)) {
case "create": {
return Buffer.alloc(0);
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid instruction: ${ixName}`);
encodeState(_ixName, _ix) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token does not have state");
class SplAssociatedTokenStateCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _account) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token does not have state");
decode(_ix) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token does not have state");
class SplAssociatedTokenAccountsCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.idl = idl;
async encode(accountName, account) {
switch (accountName) {
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
decode(accountName, ix) {
return this.decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix);
decodeUnchecked(accountName, ix) {
switch (accountName) {
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
// TODO: this won't use the appendData.
memcmp(accountName, _appendData) {
switch (accountName) {
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid account name: ${accountName}`);
size(idlAccount) {
var _a;
return (_a = accountSize(this.idl, idlAccount)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
class SplAssociatedTokenEventsCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
decode(_log) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token program does not have events");
class SplAssociatedTokenTypesCoder {
constructor(_idl) { }
encode(_name, _type) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token does not have user-defined types");
decode(_name, _typeData) {
throw new Error("SPL associated token does not have user-defined types");
* Coder for the SPL token program.
class SplAssociatedTokenCoder {
constructor(idl) {
this.instruction = new SplAssociatedTokenInstructionCoder(idl);
this.accounts = new SplAssociatedTokenAccountsCoder(idl); = new SplAssociatedTokenEventsCoder(idl);
this.state = new SplAssociatedTokenStateCoder(idl);
this.types = new SplAssociatedTokenTypesCoder(idl);
const ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey("ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL");
function program$1(provider) {
return new Program(IDL$1, ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, provider, coder$1());
function coder$1() {
return new SplAssociatedTokenCoder(IDL$1);
const IDL$1 = {
version: "0.1.0",
name: "spl_associated_token",
instructions: [
name: "create",
accounts: [
name: "authority",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
name: "associatedAccount",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "owner",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "mint",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "systemProgram",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "tokenProgram",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [],
class Spl {
static token(provider) {
return program$2(provider);
static associatedToken(provider) {
return program$1(provider);
const SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey("11111111111111111111111111111111");
function program(provider) {
return new Program(IDL, SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ID, provider, coder());
function coder() {
return new SystemCoder(IDL);
const IDL = {
version: "0.1.0",
name: "system_program",
instructions: [
name: "createAccount",
accounts: [
name: "from",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "lamports",
type: "u64",
name: "space",
type: "u64",
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
name: "assign",
accounts: [
name: "pubkey",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
name: "transfer",
accounts: [
name: "from",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "lamports",
type: "u64",
name: "createAccountWithSeed",
accounts: [
name: "from",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "base",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "base",
type: "publicKey",
name: "seed",
type: "string",
name: "lamports",
type: "u64",
name: "space",
type: "u64",
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
name: "advanceNonceAccount",
accounts: [
name: "nonce",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "recentBlockhashes",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authorized",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "authorized",
type: "publicKey",
name: "withdrawNonceAccount",
accounts: [
name: "nonce",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "recentBlockhashes",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "authorized",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "lamports",
type: "u64",
name: "initializeNonceAccount",
accounts: [
name: "nonce",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
name: "recentBlockhashes",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
name: "rent",
isMut: false,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "authorized",
type: "publicKey",
name: "authorizeNonceAccount",
accounts: [
name: "nonce",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "authorized",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "authorized",
type: "publicKey",
name: "allocate",
accounts: [
name: "pubkey",
isMut: true,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "space",
type: "u64",
name: "allocateWithSeed",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "base",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "base",
type: "publicKey",
name: "seed",
type: "string",
name: "space",
type: "u64",
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
name: "assignWithSeed",
accounts: [
name: "account",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "base",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
args: [
name: "base",
type: "publicKey",
name: "seed",
type: "string",
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
name: "transferWithSeed",
accounts: [
name: "from",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
name: "base",
isMut: false,
isSigner: true,
name: "to",
isMut: true,
isSigner: false,
args: [
name: "lamports",
type: "u64",
name: "seed",
type: "string",
name: "owner",
type: "publicKey",
accounts: [
name: "nonce",
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: [
name: "version",
type: "u32",
name: "state",
type: "u32",
name: "authorizedPubkey",
type: "publicKey",
name: "nonce",
type: "publicKey",
name: "feeCalculator",
type: {
defined: "FeeCalculator",
types: [
name: "FeeCalculator",
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: [
name: "lamportsPerSignature",
type: "u64",
class Native {
static system(provider) {
return program(provider);
export { ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE, AccountClient, AnchorError, AnchorProvider, BorshAccountsCoder, BorshCoder, BorshEventCoder, BorshInstructionCoder, BorshStateCoder, EventManager, EventParser, IdlError, LangErrorCode, LangErrorMessage, MethodsBuilderFactory, Native, Program, ProgramError, ProgramErrorStack, Spl, SplTokenCoder, StateClient, SystemCoder, eventDiscriminator, getProvider, parseIdlErrors, setProvider, splitArgsAndCtx, stateDiscriminator, toInstruction, translateAddress, translateError, index as utils, validateAccounts };