
199 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::codegen::accounts::{constraints, generics};
use crate::{AccountField, AccountsStruct, Field, SysvarTy, Ty};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
// Generates the `Accounts` trait implementation.
pub fn generate(accs: &AccountsStruct) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &accs.ident;
let (combined_generics, trait_generics, strct_generics) = generics(accs);
// All fields without an `#[account(associated)]` attribute.
let non_associated_fields: Vec<&AccountField> = accs
.filter(|af| !is_associated_init(af))
// Deserialization for each field
let deser_fields: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|af: &AccountField| {
match af {
AccountField::CompositeField(s) => {
let name = &s.ident;
let ty = &s.raw_field.ty;
quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "anchor-debug")]
let #name: #ty = anchor_lang::Accounts::try_accounts(program_id, accounts)?;
AccountField::Field(f) => {
// Associated fields are *first* deserialized into
// AccountInfos, and then later deserialized into
// ProgramAccounts in the "constraint check" phase.
if is_associated_init(af) {
let name = &f.ident;
let #name = &accounts[0];
*accounts = &accounts[1..];
} else {
let name = typed_ident(&f);
match f.constraints.is_init() {
false => quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "anchor-debug")]
let #name = anchor_lang::Accounts::try_accounts(program_id, accounts)?;
true => quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "anchor-debug")]
let #name = anchor_lang::AccountsInit::try_accounts_init(program_id, accounts)?;
// Deserialization for each *associated* field. This must be after
// the deser_fields.
let deser_associated_fields: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.filter_map(|af| match af {
AccountField::CompositeField(_s) => None,
AccountField::Field(f) => match is_associated_init(af) {
false => None,
true => Some(f),
.map(|field: &Field| constraints::generate(field))
// Constraint checks for each account fields.
let access_checks: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = non_associated_fields
.map(|af: &&AccountField| match af {
AccountField::Field(f) => constraints::generate(f),
AccountField::CompositeField(s) => constraints::generate_composite(s),
// Each field in the final deserialized accounts struct.
let return_tys: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| {
let name = match f {
AccountField::CompositeField(s) => &s.ident,
AccountField::Field(f) => &f.ident,
quote! {
quote! {
impl#combined_generics anchor_lang::Accounts#trait_generics for #name#strct_generics {
fn try_accounts(
program_id: &anchor_lang::solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey,
accounts: &mut &[anchor_lang::solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo<'info>],
) -> std::result::Result<Self, anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError> {
// Deserialize each account.
// Deserialize each associated account.
// Associated accounts are treated specially, because the fields
// do deserialization + constraint checks in a single go,
// whereas all other fields, i.e. the `deser_fields`, first
// deserialize, and then do constraint checks.
// Perform constraint checks on each account.
// Success. Return the validated accounts.
Ok(#name {
// Returns true if the given AccountField has an associated init constraint.
fn is_associated_init(af: &AccountField) -> bool {
match af {
AccountField::CompositeField(_s) => false,
AccountField::Field(f) => f
.map(|f| f.is_init)
fn typed_ident(field: &Field) -> TokenStream {
let name = &field.ident;
let ty = match &field.ty {
Ty::AccountInfo => quote! { AccountInfo },
Ty::ProgramState(ty) => {
let account = &ty.account_ident;
quote! {
Ty::CpiState(ty) => {
let account = &ty.account_ident;
quote! {
Ty::ProgramAccount(ty) => {
let account = &ty.account_ident;
quote! {
Ty::Loader(ty) => {
let account = &ty.account_ident;
quote! {
Ty::CpiAccount(ty) => {
let account = &ty.account_ident;
quote! {
Ty::Sysvar(ty) => {
let account = match ty {
SysvarTy::Clock => quote! {Clock},
SysvarTy::Rent => quote! {Rent},
SysvarTy::EpochSchedule => quote! {EpochSchedule},
SysvarTy::Fees => quote! {Fees},
SysvarTy::RecentBlockhashes => quote! {RecentBlockhashes},
SysvarTy::SlotHashes => quote! {SlotHashes},
SysvarTy::SlotHistory => quote! {SlotHistory},
SysvarTy::StakeHistory => quote! {StakeHistory},
SysvarTy::Instructions => quote! {Instructions},
SysvarTy::Rewards => quote! {Rewards},
quote! {
quote! {
#name: #ty