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2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
// Note. This example depends on unreleased Serum DEX changes.
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::dex;
use anchor_spl::dex::serum_dex::instruction::MarketInstruction;
use anchor_spl::dex::serum_dex::matching::Side;
use anchor_spl::dex::serum_dex::state::OpenOrders;
2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
use solana_program::instruction::Instruction;
use solana_program::system_program;
use solana_program::sysvar::rent;
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use std::mem::size_of;
/// A low level example of permissioned markets.
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/// It's recommended to instead study `programs/permissioned-markets-middleware`
/// in this workspace, which achieves the same functionality in a simpler, more
/// extendable fashion via a middleware abstraction. This program achieves
/// mostly the same proxy + middleware functionality, but in a much uglier way.
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/// This example is provided as a (very) rough guide for how to might implement
/// a permissioned market in a raw program, which may be useful in the
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/// unexpected case that the middleware abstraction does not fit one's use case.
/// Note that a fallback function is used here as the entrypoint instead of
/// higher level Anchor instruction handers. This is done to keep the example
/// consistent with `programs/permissioned-markets-middleware`. A program
/// with explicit instruction handlers would work, though then one would lose
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/// the middleware abstraction, which may or may not be acceptable depending on
/// your use case.
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pub mod permissioned_markets {
use super::*;
pub fn dex_instruction(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
mut data: &[u8],
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) -> ProgramResult {
require!(!accounts.is_empty(), NotEnoughAccounts);
// Strip instruction data.
let bumps = {
// Strip the discriminator off the data, which is provided by the client
// for prepending extra instruction data.
let disc = data[0];
data = &data[1..];
// For the init open orders instruction, bump seeds are provided.
if disc == 0 {
let bump = data[0];
let bump_init = data[1];
data = &data[2..]; // Strip bumps off.
Some((bump, bump_init))
} else {
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// Strip accounts.
let (dex, mut acc_infos) = {
// First account is the dex executable--used for CPI.
let dex = &accounts[0];
// Second account is the auth token.
let auth_token = &accounts[1];
if auth_token.key != &rent::ID {
// Rent sysvar as dummy example.
return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidAuthToken.into());
// Strip.
let acc_infos = (&accounts[2..]).to_vec();
(dex, acc_infos)
let mut pre_instruction: Option<CpiInstruction> = None;
let mut post_instruction: Option<CpiInstruction> = None;
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// Decode instruction.
let ix = MarketInstruction::unpack(data).ok_or(ErrorCode::CannotUnpack)?;
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// Swap the user's account, which is in the open orders authority
// position, for the program's PDA (the real authority).
let (market, user) = match ix {
MarketInstruction::InitOpenOrders => {
let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[4];
let user = &acc_infos[3];
let (bump, bump_init) = bumps.as_ref().unwrap();
// Initialize PDA.
let mut accounts = &acc_infos[..];
InitAccount::try_accounts(program_id, &mut accounts, &[*bump, *bump_init])?;
(*market.key, *user.key)
// Chop off the first two accounts used initializing the PDA.
acc_infos = (&acc_infos[2..]).to_vec();
// Set signers.
acc_infos[1] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[0]);
acc_infos[4].is_signer = true;
(market, user)
MarketInstruction::NewOrderV3(ix) => {
require!(acc_infos.len() >= 12, NotEnoughAccounts);
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let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[0];
let user = &acc_infos[7];
if !user.is_signer {
return Err(ErrorCode::UnauthorizedUser.into());
(*market.key, *user.key)
// Pre-instruction to approve delegate.
let market = &acc_infos[0];
let user = &acc_infos[7];
let open_orders = &acc_infos[1];
let token_account_payer = &acc_infos[6];
let amount = match ix.side {
Side::Bid => ix.max_native_pc_qty_including_fees.get(),
Side::Ask => {
// +5 for padding.
let coin_lot_idx = 5 + 43 * 8;
let data = market.try_borrow_data()?;
let mut coin_lot_array = [0u8; 8];
coin_lot_array.copy_from_slice(&data[coin_lot_idx..coin_lot_idx + 8]);
let coin_lot_size = u64::from_le_bytes(coin_lot_array);
let ix = spl_token::instruction::approve(
let accounts = vec![
pre_instruction = Some((ix, accounts, Vec::new()));
// Post-instruction to revoke delegate.
let user = &acc_infos[7];
let token_account_payer = &acc_infos[6];
let ix = spl_token::instruction::revoke(
let accounts = vec![token_account_payer.clone(), user.clone()];
post_instruction = Some((ix, accounts, Vec::new()));
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acc_infos[7] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[1]);
(market, user)
MarketInstruction::CancelOrderV2(_) => {
require!(acc_infos.len() >= 6, NotEnoughAccounts);
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let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[0];
let user = &acc_infos[4];
if !user.is_signer {
return Err(ErrorCode::UnauthorizedUser.into());
(*market.key, *user.key)
acc_infos[4] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[3]);
(market, user)
MarketInstruction::CancelOrderByClientIdV2(_) => {
require!(acc_infos.len() >= 6, NotEnoughAccounts);
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let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[0];
let user = &acc_infos[4];
if !user.is_signer {
return Err(ErrorCode::UnauthorizedUser.into());
(*market.key, *user.key)
acc_infos[4] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[3]);
(market, user)
MarketInstruction::SettleFunds => {
require!(acc_infos.len() >= 10, NotEnoughAccounts);
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let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[0];
let user = &acc_infos[2];
let referral = &acc_infos[9];
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if !DISABLE_REFERRAL && referral.key != &referral::ID {
return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidReferral.into());
if !user.is_signer {
return Err(ErrorCode::UnauthorizedUser.into());
(*market.key, *user.key)
acc_infos[2] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[1]);
(market, user)
MarketInstruction::CloseOpenOrders => {
require!(acc_infos.len() >= 4, NotEnoughAccounts);
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let (market, user) = {
let market = &acc_infos[3];
let user = &acc_infos[1];
if !user.is_signer {
return Err(ErrorCode::UnauthorizedUser.into());
(*market.key, *user.key)
acc_infos[1] = prepare_pda(&acc_infos[0]);
(market, user)
_ => return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidInstruction.into()),
// Execute pre instruction.
if let Some((ix, accounts, seeds)) = pre_instruction {
let tmp_signers: Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = seeds
.map(|seeds| {
let seeds: Vec<&[u8]> = seeds.iter().map(|seed| &seed[..]).collect();
let signers: Vec<&[&[u8]]> = tmp_signers.iter().map(|seeds| &seeds[..]).collect();
solana_program::program::invoke_signed(&ix, &accounts, &signers)?;
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// CPI to the dex.
let dex_accounts = acc_infos
.map(|acc| AccountMeta {
pubkey: *acc.key,
is_signer: acc.is_signer,
is_writable: acc.is_writable,
let ix = Instruction {
data: data.to_vec(),
accounts: dex_accounts,
program_id: dex::ID,
let seeds = open_orders_authority! {
program = program_id,
dex_program = dex.key,
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market = market,
authority = user
let seeds_init = open_orders_init_authority! {
program = program_id,
dex_program = dex.key,
market = market
solana_program::program::invoke_signed(&ix, &acc_infos, &[seeds, seeds_init])?;
// Execute post instruction.
if let Some((ix, accounts, seeds)) = post_instruction {
let tmp_signers: Vec<Vec<&[u8]>> = seeds
.map(|seeds| {
let seeds: Vec<&[u8]> = seeds.iter().map(|seed| &seed[..]).collect();
let signers: Vec<&[&[u8]]> = tmp_signers.iter().map(|seeds| &seeds[..]).collect();
solana_program::program::invoke_signed(&ix, &accounts, &signers)?;
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// Accounts context.
#[instruction(bump: u8, bump_init: u8)]
pub struct InitAccount<'info> {
#[account(address = dex::ID)]
pub dex_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
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seeds = [b"open-orders", dex_program.key.as_ref(), market.key.as_ref(), authority.key.as_ref()],
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bump = bump,
payer = authority,
owner = dex::ID,
space = size_of::<OpenOrders>() + SERUM_PADDING,
pub open_orders: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub market: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
seeds = [b"open-orders-init", dex_program.key.as_ref(), market.key.as_ref()],
bump = bump_init,
pub open_orders_init_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
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// Access control modifiers.
fn is_serum(accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> Result<()> {
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let dex_acc_info = &accounts[0];
if dex_acc_info.key != &dex::ID {
return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidDexPid.into());
// Error.
pub enum ErrorCode {
#[msg("Program ID does not match the Serum DEX")]
#[msg("Invalid instruction given")]
#[msg("Could not unpack the instruction")]
#[msg("Invalid referral address given")]
#[msg("The user didn't sign")]
#[msg("Not enough accounts were provided")]
#[msg("Invalid auth token provided")]
// Utils.
fn prepare_pda<'info>(acc_info: &AccountInfo<'info>) -> AccountInfo<'info> {
let mut acc_info = acc_info.clone();
acc_info.is_signer = true;
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// Macros.
/// Returns the seeds used for a user's open orders account PDA.
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macro_rules! open_orders_authority {
program = $program:expr,
dex_program = $dex_program:expr,
market = $market:expr,
authority = $authority:expr,
bump = $bump:expr
) => {
2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
program = $program:expr,
dex_program = $dex_program:expr,
market = $market:expr,
authority = $authority:expr
) => {
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2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
/// Returns the seeds used for the open orders init authority.
/// This is the account that must sign to create a new open orders account on
/// the DEX market.
macro_rules! open_orders_init_authority {
program = $program:expr,
dex_program = $dex_program:expr,
market = $market:expr,
bump = $bump:expr
) => {
(program = $program:expr, dex_program = $dex_program:expr, market = $market:expr) => {
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2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
2021-07-09 18:42:05 -07:00
// Constants.
// Padding added to every serum account.
// b"serum".len() + b"padding".len().
const SERUM_PADDING: usize = 12;
// True if we don't care about referral access control (for testing).
const DISABLE_REFERRAL: bool = true;
/// The address that will receive all fees for all markets controlled by this
/// program. Note: this is a dummy address. Do not use in production.
pub mod referral {
type CpiInstruction<'info> = (Instruction, Vec<AccountInfo<'info>>, Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>>);