import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import * as features from "./utils/features.js"; export class IdlError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "IdlError"; } } interface ErrorCode { code: string; number: number; } interface FileLine { file: string; line: number; } type Origin = string | FileLine; type ComparedAccountNames = [string, string]; type ComparedPublicKeys = [PublicKey, PublicKey]; type ComparedValues = ComparedAccountNames | ComparedPublicKeys; export class ProgramErrorStack { constructor(readonly stack: PublicKey[]) {} public static parse(logs: string[]) { const programKeyRegex = /^Program (\w*) invoke/; const successRegex = /^Program \w* success/; const programStack: PublicKey[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) { if (successRegex.exec(logs[i])) { programStack.pop(); continue; } const programKey = programKeyRegex.exec(logs[i])?.[1]; if (!programKey) { continue; } programStack.push(new PublicKey(programKey)); } return new ProgramErrorStack(programStack); } } export class AnchorError extends Error { readonly error: { errorCode: ErrorCode; errorMessage: string; comparedValues?: ComparedValues; origin?: Origin; }; private readonly _programErrorStack: ProgramErrorStack; constructor( errorCode: ErrorCode, errorMessage: string, readonly errorLogs: string[], readonly logs: string[], origin?: Origin, comparedValues?: ComparedValues ) { super(errorLogs.join("\n").replace("Program log: ", "")); this.error = { errorCode, errorMessage, comparedValues, origin }; this._programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(logs); } public static parse(logs: string[]) { if (!logs) { return null; } const anchorErrorLogIndex = logs.findIndex((log) => log.startsWith("Program log: AnchorError") ); if (anchorErrorLogIndex === -1) { return null; } const anchorErrorLog = logs[anchorErrorLogIndex]; const errorLogs = [anchorErrorLog]; let comparedValues: ComparedValues | undefined; if (anchorErrorLogIndex + 1 < logs.length) { // This catches the comparedValues where the following is logged // // Left: // // Right: // if (logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1] === "Program log: Left:") { const pubkeyRegex = /^Program log: (.*)$/; const leftPubkey = pubkeyRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 2])![1]; const rightPubkey = pubkeyRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 4])![1]; comparedValues = [ new PublicKey(leftPubkey), new PublicKey(rightPubkey), ]; errorLogs.push( ...logs.slice(anchorErrorLogIndex + 1, anchorErrorLogIndex + 5) ); } // This catches the comparedValues where the following is logged // // Left: // Right: else if (logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1].startsWith("Program log: Left:")) { const valueRegex = /^Program log: (Left|Right): (.*)$/; const leftValue = valueRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 1])![2]; const rightValue = valueRegex.exec(logs[anchorErrorLogIndex + 2])![2]; errorLogs.push( ...logs.slice(anchorErrorLogIndex + 1, anchorErrorLogIndex + 3) ); comparedValues = [leftValue, rightValue]; } } const regexNoInfo = /^Program log: AnchorError occurred\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./; const noInfoAnchorErrorLog = regexNoInfo.exec(anchorErrorLog); const regexFileLine = /^Program log: AnchorError thrown in (.*):(\d*)\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./; const fileLineAnchorErrorLog = regexFileLine.exec(anchorErrorLog); const regexAccountName = /^Program log: AnchorError caused by account: (.*)\. Error Code: (.*)\. Error Number: (\d*)\. Error Message: (.*)\./; const accountNameAnchorErrorLog = regexAccountName.exec(anchorErrorLog); if (noInfoAnchorErrorLog) { const [errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = noInfoAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 4); const errorCode = { code: errorCodeString, number: parseInt(errorNumber), }; return new AnchorError( errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, undefined, comparedValues ); } else if (fileLineAnchorErrorLog) { const [file, line, errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = fileLineAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 6); const errorCode = { code: errorCodeString, number: parseInt(errorNumber), }; const fileLine = { file, line: parseInt(line) }; return new AnchorError( errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, fileLine, comparedValues ); } else if (accountNameAnchorErrorLog) { const [accountName, errorCodeString, errorNumber, errorMessage] = accountNameAnchorErrorLog.slice(1, 5); const origin = accountName; const errorCode = { code: errorCodeString, number: parseInt(errorNumber), }; return new AnchorError( errorCode, errorMessage, errorLogs, logs, origin, comparedValues ); } else { return null; } } get program(): PublicKey { return this._programErrorStack.stack[ this._programErrorStack.stack.length - 1 ]; } get programErrorStack(): PublicKey[] { return this._programErrorStack.stack; } public toString(): string { return this.message; } } // An error from a user defined program. export class ProgramError extends Error { private readonly _programErrorStack?: ProgramErrorStack; constructor( readonly code: number, readonly msg: string, readonly logs?: string[] ) { super(); if (logs) { this._programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(logs); } } public static parse( err: any, idlErrors: Map ): ProgramError | null { const errString: string = err.toString(); // TODO: don't rely on the error string. web3.js should preserve the error // code information instead of giving us an untyped string. let unparsedErrorCode: string; if (errString.includes("custom program error:")) { let components = errString.split("custom program error: "); if (components.length !== 2) { return null; } else { unparsedErrorCode = components[1]; } } else { const matches = errString.match(/"Custom":([0-9]+)}/g); if (!matches || matches.length > 1) { return null; } unparsedErrorCode = matches[0].match(/([0-9]+)/g)![0]; } let errorCode: number; try { errorCode = parseInt(unparsedErrorCode); } catch (parseErr) { return null; } // Parse user error. let errorMsg = idlErrors.get(errorCode); if (errorMsg !== undefined) { return new ProgramError(errorCode, errorMsg, err.logs); } // Parse framework internal error. errorMsg = LangErrorMessage.get(errorCode); if (errorMsg !== undefined) { return new ProgramError(errorCode, errorMsg, err.logs); } // Unable to parse the error. Just return the untranslated error. return null; } get program(): PublicKey | undefined { return this._programErrorStack?.stack[ this._programErrorStack.stack.length - 1 ]; } get programErrorStack(): PublicKey[] | undefined { return this._programErrorStack?.stack; } public toString(): string { return this.msg; } } export function translateError(err: any, idlErrors: Map) { if (features.isSet("debug-logs")) { console.log("Translating error:", err); } const anchorError = AnchorError.parse(err.logs); if (anchorError) { return anchorError; } const programError = ProgramError.parse(err, idlErrors); if (programError) { return programError; } if (err.logs) { const handler = { get: function (target, prop) { if (prop === "programErrorStack") { return target.programErrorStack.stack; } else if (prop === "program") { return target.programErrorStack.stack[ err.programErrorStack.stack.length - 1 ]; } else { // this is the normal way to return all other props // without modifying them. // @ts-expect-error return Reflect.get(...arguments); } }, }; err.programErrorStack = ProgramErrorStack.parse(err.logs); return new Proxy(err, handler); } return err; } export const LangErrorCode = { // Instructions. InstructionMissing: 100, InstructionFallbackNotFound: 101, InstructionDidNotDeserialize: 102, InstructionDidNotSerialize: 103, // IDL instructions. IdlInstructionStub: 1000, IdlInstructionInvalidProgram: 1001, // Constraints. ConstraintMut: 2000, ConstraintHasOne: 2001, ConstraintSigner: 2002, ConstraintRaw: 2003, ConstraintOwner: 2004, ConstraintRentExempt: 2005, ConstraintSeeds: 2006, ConstraintExecutable: 2007, ConstraintState: 2008, ConstraintAssociated: 2009, ConstraintAssociatedInit: 2010, ConstraintClose: 2011, ConstraintAddress: 2012, ConstraintZero: 2013, ConstraintTokenMint: 2014, ConstraintTokenOwner: 2015, ConstraintMintMintAuthority: 2016, ConstraintMintFreezeAuthority: 2017, ConstraintMintDecimals: 2018, ConstraintSpace: 2019, // Require. RequireViolated: 2500, RequireEqViolated: 2501, RequireKeysEqViolated: 2502, RequireNeqViolated: 2503, RequireKeysNeqViolated: 2504, RequireGtViolated: 2505, RequireGteViolated: 2506, // Accounts. AccountDiscriminatorAlreadySet: 3000, AccountDiscriminatorNotFound: 3001, AccountDiscriminatorMismatch: 3002, AccountDidNotDeserialize: 3003, AccountDidNotSerialize: 3004, AccountNotEnoughKeys: 3005, AccountNotMutable: 3006, AccountOwnedByWrongProgram: 3007, InvalidProgramId: 3008, InvalidProgramExecutable: 3009, AccountNotSigner: 3010, AccountNotSystemOwned: 3011, AccountNotInitialized: 3012, AccountNotProgramData: 3013, AccountNotAssociatedTokenAccount: 3014, AccountSysvarMismatch: 3015, AccountReallocExceedsLimit: 3016, AccountDuplicateReallocs: 3017, // State. StateInvalidAddress: 4000, // Miscellaneous DeclaredProgramIdMismatch: 4100, // Used for APIs that shouldn't be used anymore. Deprecated: 5000, }; export const LangErrorMessage = new Map([ // Instructions. [ LangErrorCode.InstructionMissing, "8 byte instruction identifier not provided", ], [ LangErrorCode.InstructionFallbackNotFound, "Fallback functions are not supported", ], [ LangErrorCode.InstructionDidNotDeserialize, "The program could not deserialize the given instruction", ], [ LangErrorCode.InstructionDidNotSerialize, "The program could not serialize the given instruction", ], // Idl instructions. [ LangErrorCode.IdlInstructionStub, "The program was compiled without idl instructions", ], [ LangErrorCode.IdlInstructionInvalidProgram, "The transaction was given an invalid program for the IDL instruction", ], // Constraints. [LangErrorCode.ConstraintMut, "A mut constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintHasOne, "A has_one constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintSigner, "A signer constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintRaw, "A raw constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintOwner, "An owner constraint was violated"], [ LangErrorCode.ConstraintRentExempt, "A rent exemption constraint was violated", ], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintSeeds, "A seeds constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintExecutable, "An executable constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintState, "A state constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintAssociated, "An associated constraint was violated"], [ LangErrorCode.ConstraintAssociatedInit, "An associated init constraint was violated", ], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintClose, "A close constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintAddress, "An address constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintZero, "Expected zero account discriminant"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintTokenMint, "A token mint constraint was violated"], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintTokenOwner, "A token owner constraint was violated"], [ LangErrorCode.ConstraintMintMintAuthority, "A mint mint authority constraint was violated", ], [ LangErrorCode.ConstraintMintFreezeAuthority, "A mint freeze authority constraint was violated", ], [ LangErrorCode.ConstraintMintDecimals, "A mint decimals constraint was violated", ], [LangErrorCode.ConstraintSpace, "A space constraint was violated"], // Require. [LangErrorCode.RequireViolated, "A require expression was violated"], [LangErrorCode.RequireEqViolated, "A require_eq expression was violated"], [ LangErrorCode.RequireKeysEqViolated, "A require_keys_eq expression was violated", ], [LangErrorCode.RequireNeqViolated, "A require_neq expression was violated"], [ LangErrorCode.RequireKeysNeqViolated, "A require_keys_neq expression was violated", ], [LangErrorCode.RequireGtViolated, "A require_gt expression was violated"], [LangErrorCode.RequireGteViolated, "A require_gte expression was violated"], // Accounts. [ LangErrorCode.AccountDiscriminatorAlreadySet, "The account discriminator was already set on this account", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountDiscriminatorNotFound, "No 8 byte discriminator was found on the account", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountDiscriminatorMismatch, "8 byte discriminator did not match what was expected", ], [LangErrorCode.AccountDidNotDeserialize, "Failed to deserialize the account"], [LangErrorCode.AccountDidNotSerialize, "Failed to serialize the account"], [ LangErrorCode.AccountNotEnoughKeys, "Not enough account keys given to the instruction", ], [LangErrorCode.AccountNotMutable, "The given account is not mutable"], [ LangErrorCode.AccountOwnedByWrongProgram, "The given account is owned by a different program than expected", ], [LangErrorCode.InvalidProgramId, "Program ID was not as expected"], [LangErrorCode.InvalidProgramExecutable, "Program account is not executable"], [LangErrorCode.AccountNotSigner, "The given account did not sign"], [ LangErrorCode.AccountNotSystemOwned, "The given account is not owned by the system program", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountNotInitialized, "The program expected this account to be already initialized", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountNotProgramData, "The given account is not a program data account", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountNotAssociatedTokenAccount, "The given account is not the associated token account", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountSysvarMismatch, "The given public key does not match the required sysvar", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountReallocExceedsLimit, "The account reallocation exceeds the MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE limit", ], [ LangErrorCode.AccountDuplicateReallocs, "The account was duplicated for more than one reallocation", ], // State. [ LangErrorCode.StateInvalidAddress, "The given state account does not have the correct address", ], // Miscellaneous [ LangErrorCode.DeclaredProgramIdMismatch, "The declared program id does not match the actual program id", ], // Deprecated [ LangErrorCode.Deprecated, "The API being used is deprecated and should no longer be used", ], ]);