import { Connection, Signer, PublicKey, Transaction, TransactionSignature, ConfirmOptions, SimulatedTransactionResponse, Commitment, SendTransactionError, SendOptions, RpcResponseAndContext, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { bs58 } from "./utils/bytes/index.js"; import { isBrowser } from "./utils/common.js"; import { simulateTransaction, SuccessfulTxSimulationResponse, } from "./utils/rpc.js"; export default interface Provider { readonly connection: Connection; send?( tx: Transaction, signers?: Signer[], opts?: SendOptions ): Promise; sendAndConfirm?( tx: Transaction, signers?: Signer[], opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise; sendAll?( txWithSigners: { tx: Transaction; signers?: Signer[] }[], opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise>; simulate?( tx: Transaction, signers?: Signer[], commitment?: Commitment, includeAccounts?: boolean | PublicKey[] ): Promise; } /** * The network and wallet context used to send transactions paid for and signed * by the provider. */ export class AnchorProvider implements Provider { /** * @param connection The cluster connection where the program is deployed. * @param wallet The wallet used to pay for and sign all transactions. * @param opts Transaction confirmation options to use by default. */ constructor( readonly connection: Connection, readonly wallet: Wallet, readonly opts: ConfirmOptions ) {} static defaultOptions(): ConfirmOptions { return { preflightCommitment: "processed", commitment: "processed", }; } /** * Returns a `Provider` with a wallet read from the local filesystem. * * @param url The network cluster url. * @param opts The default transaction confirmation options. * * (This api is for Node only.) */ static local(url?: string, opts?: ConfirmOptions): AnchorProvider { if (isBrowser) { throw new Error(`Provider local is not available on browser.`); } opts = opts ?? AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection( url ?? "http://localhost:8899", opts.preflightCommitment ); const NodeWallet = require("./nodewallet.js").default; const wallet = NodeWallet.local(); return new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, opts); } /** * Returns a `Provider` read from the `ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL` environment * variable * * (This api is for Node only.) */ static env(): AnchorProvider { if (isBrowser) { throw new Error(`Provider env is not available on browser.`); } const process = require("process"); const url = process.env.ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL; if (url === undefined) { throw new Error("ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL is not defined"); } const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection(url, options.commitment); const NodeWallet = require("./nodewallet.js").default; const wallet = NodeWallet.local(); return new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, options); } /** * Sends the given transaction, paid for and signed by the provider's wallet. * * @param tx The transaction to send. * @param signers The signers of the transaction. * @param opts Transaction confirmation options. */ async sendAndConfirm( tx: Transaction, signers?: Signer[], opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise { if (opts === undefined) { opts = this.opts; } tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey; tx.recentBlockhash = ( await this.connection.getRecentBlockhash(opts.preflightCommitment) ).blockhash; tx = await this.wallet.signTransaction(tx); (signers ?? []).forEach((kp) => { tx.partialSign(kp); }); const rawTx = tx.serialize(); try { return await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(this.connection, rawTx, opts); } catch (err) { // thrown if the underlying 'confirmTransaction' encounters a failed tx // the 'confirmTransaction' error does not return logs so we make another rpc call to get them if (err instanceof ConfirmError) { // choose the shortest available commitment for 'getTransaction' // (the json RPC does not support any shorter than "confirmed" for 'getTransaction') // because that will see the tx sent with `sendAndConfirmRawTransaction` no matter which // commitment `sendAndConfirmRawTransaction` used const failedTx = await this.connection.getTransaction( bs58.encode(tx.signature!), { commitment: "confirmed" } ); if (!failedTx) { throw err; } else { const logs = failedTx.meta?.logMessages; throw !logs ? err : new SendTransactionError(err.message, logs); } } else { throw err; } } } /** * Similar to `send`, but for an array of transactions and signers. */ async sendAll( txWithSigners: { tx: Transaction; signers?: Signer[] }[], opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise> { if (opts === undefined) { opts = this.opts; } const blockhash = await this.connection.getRecentBlockhash( opts.preflightCommitment ); let txs = => { let tx = r.tx; let signers = r.signers ?? []; tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey; tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash.blockhash; signers.forEach((kp) => { tx.partialSign(kp); }); return tx; }); const signedTxs = await this.wallet.signAllTransactions(txs); const sigs: TransactionSignature[] = []; for (let k = 0; k < txs.length; k += 1) { const tx = signedTxs[k]; const rawTx = tx.serialize(); sigs.push( await sendAndConfirmRawTransaction(this.connection, rawTx, opts) ); } return sigs; } /** * Simulates the given transaction, returning emitted logs from execution. * * @param tx The transaction to send. * @param signers The signers of the transaction. * @param opts Transaction confirmation options. */ async simulate( tx: Transaction, signers?: Signer[], commitment?: Commitment, includeAccounts?: boolean | PublicKey[] ): Promise { tx.feePayer = this.wallet.publicKey; tx.recentBlockhash = ( await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash( commitment ?? this.connection.commitment ) ).blockhash; // Don't ask the wallet to sign //tx = await this.wallet.signTransaction(tx); const result = await simulateTransaction( this.connection, tx, signers, commitment, includeAccounts ); if (result.value.err) { throw new SimulateError(result.value); } return result.value; } } class SimulateError extends Error { constructor( readonly simulationResponse: SimulatedTransactionResponse, message?: string ) { super(message); } } export type SendTxRequest = { tx: Transaction; signers: Array; }; /** * Wallet interface for objects that can be used to sign provider transactions. */ export interface Wallet { signTransaction(tx: Transaction): Promise; signAllTransactions(txs: Transaction[]): Promise; publicKey: PublicKey; } // Copy of Connection.sendAndConfirmRawTransaction that throws // a better error if 'confirmTransaction` returns an error status async function sendAndConfirmRawTransaction( connection: Connection, rawTransaction: Buffer, options?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise { const sendOptions = options && { skipPreflight: options.skipPreflight, preflightCommitment: options.preflightCommitment || options.commitment, }; const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction( rawTransaction, sendOptions ); const status = ( await connection.confirmTransaction( signature, options && options.commitment ) ).value; if (status.err) { throw new ConfirmError( `Raw transaction ${signature} failed (${JSON.stringify(status)})` ); } return signature; } class ConfirmError extends Error { constructor(message?: string) { super(message); } } /** * Sets the default provider on the client. */ export function setProvider(provider: Provider) { _provider = provider; } /** * Returns the default provider being used by the client. */ export function getProvider(): Provider { if (_provider === null) { return AnchorProvider.local(); } return _provider; } // Global provider used as the default when a provider is not given. let _provider: Provider | null = null;