import camelCase from "camelcase"; import * as toml from "toml"; import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { Program } from "./program/index.js"; import { Idl } from "./idl.js"; import { isBrowser } from "./utils/common.js"; let _populatedWorkspace = false; /** * The `workspace` namespace provides a convenience API to automatically * search for and deserialize [[Program]] objects defined by compiled IDLs * in an Anchor workspace. * * This API is for Node only. */ const workspace = new Proxy({} as any, { get(workspaceCache: { [key: string]: Program }, programName: string) { if (isBrowser) { throw new Error("Workspaces aren't available in the browser"); } const fs = require("fs"); const process = require("process"); if (!_populatedWorkspace) { const path = require("path"); let projectRoot = process.cwd(); while (!fs.existsSync(path.join(projectRoot, "Anchor.toml"))) { const parentDir = path.dirname(projectRoot); if (parentDir === projectRoot) { projectRoot = undefined; } projectRoot = parentDir; } if (projectRoot === undefined) { throw new Error("Could not find workspace root."); } const idlFolder = `${projectRoot}/target/idl`; if (!fs.existsSync(idlFolder)) { throw new Error( `${idlFolder} doesn't exist. Did you use "anchor build"?` ); } const idlMap = new Map(); fs.readdirSync(idlFolder) .filter((file) => file.endsWith(".json")) .forEach((file) => { const filePath = `${idlFolder}/${file}`; const idlStr = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const idl = JSON.parse(idlStr); idlMap.set(, idl); const name = camelCase(, { pascalCase: true }); if (idl.metadata && idl.metadata.address) { workspaceCache[name] = new Program( idl, new PublicKey(idl.metadata.address) ); } }); // Override the workspace programs if the user put them in the config. const anchorToml = toml.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.join(projectRoot, "Anchor.toml"), "utf-8") ); const clusterId = anchorToml.provider.cluster; if (anchorToml.programs && anchorToml.programs[clusterId]) { attachWorkspaceOverride( workspaceCache, anchorToml.programs[clusterId], idlMap ); } _populatedWorkspace = true; } return workspaceCache[programName]; }, }); function attachWorkspaceOverride( workspaceCache: { [key: string]: Program }, overrideConfig: { [key: string]: string | { address: string; idl?: string } }, idlMap: Map ) { Object.keys(overrideConfig).forEach((programName) => { const wsProgramName = camelCase(programName, { pascalCase: true }); const entry = overrideConfig[programName]; const overrideAddress = new PublicKey( typeof entry === "string" ? entry : entry.address ); let idl = idlMap.get(programName); if (typeof entry !== "string" && entry.idl) { idl = JSON.parse(require("fs").readFileSync(entry.idl, "utf-8")); } if (!idl) { throw new Error(`Error loading workspace IDL for ${programName}`); } workspaceCache[wsProgramName] = new Program(idl, overrideAddress); }); } export default workspace;