use crate::{ CompositeField, Constraint, ConstraintAddress, ConstraintAssociatedGroup, ConstraintBelongsTo, ConstraintClose, ConstraintExecutable, ConstraintGroup, ConstraintInit, ConstraintLiteral, ConstraintMut, ConstraintOwner, ConstraintRaw, ConstraintRentExempt, ConstraintSeedsGroup, ConstraintSigner, ConstraintState, Field, PdaKind, Ty, }; use proc_macro2_diagnostics::SpanDiagnosticExt; use quote::quote; use syn::Expr; pub fn generate(f: &Field) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let checks: Vec = linearize(&f.constraints) .iter() .map(|c| generate_constraint(f, c)) .collect(); quote! { #(#checks)* } } pub fn generate_composite(f: &CompositeField) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let checks: Vec = linearize(&f.constraints) .iter() .filter_map(|c| match c { Constraint::Raw(_) => Some(c), Constraint::Literal(_) => Some(c), _ => panic!("Invariant violation: composite constraints can only be raw or literals"), }) .map(|c| generate_constraint_composite(f, c)) .collect(); quote! { #(#checks)* } } // Linearizes the constraint group so that constraints with dependencies // run after those without. // // The associated cosntraint should always be first since it may also create // an account with a PDA. pub fn linearize(c_group: &ConstraintGroup) -> Vec { let ConstraintGroup { init, mutable, signer, belongs_to, literal, raw, owner, rent_exempt, seeds, executable, state, associated, close, address, } = c_group.clone(); let mut constraints = Vec::new(); if let Some(c) = associated { constraints.push(Constraint::AssociatedGroup(c)); } if let Some(c) = seeds { constraints.push(Constraint::Seeds(c)); } if let Some(c) = init { constraints.push(Constraint::Init(c)); } if let Some(c) = mutable { constraints.push(Constraint::Mut(c)); } if let Some(c) = signer { constraints.push(Constraint::Signer(c)); } constraints.append(&mut belongs_to.into_iter().map(Constraint::BelongsTo).collect()); constraints.append(&mut literal.into_iter().map(Constraint::Literal).collect()); constraints.append(&mut raw.into_iter().map(Constraint::Raw).collect()); if let Some(c) = owner { constraints.push(Constraint::Owner(c)); } if let Some(c) = rent_exempt { constraints.push(Constraint::RentExempt(c)); } if let Some(c) = executable { constraints.push(Constraint::Executable(c)); } if let Some(c) = state { constraints.push(Constraint::State(c)); } if let Some(c) = close { constraints.push(Constraint::Close(c)); } if let Some(c) = address { constraints.push(Constraint::Address(c)); } constraints } fn generate_constraint(f: &Field, c: &Constraint) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { match c { Constraint::Init(c) => generate_constraint_init(f, c), Constraint::Mut(c) => generate_constraint_mut(f, c), Constraint::BelongsTo(c) => generate_constraint_belongs_to(f, c), Constraint::Signer(c) => generate_constraint_signer(f, c), Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(c), Constraint::Raw(c) => generate_constraint_raw(c), Constraint::Owner(c) => generate_constraint_owner(f, c), Constraint::RentExempt(c) => generate_constraint_rent_exempt(f, c), Constraint::Seeds(c) => generate_constraint_seeds(f, c), Constraint::Executable(c) => generate_constraint_executable(f, c), Constraint::State(c) => generate_constraint_state(f, c), Constraint::AssociatedGroup(c) => generate_constraint_associated(f, c), Constraint::Close(c) => generate_constraint_close(f, c), Constraint::Address(c) => generate_constraint_address(f, c), } } fn generate_constraint_composite(_f: &CompositeField, c: &Constraint) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { match c { Constraint::Raw(c) => generate_constraint_raw(c), Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(c), _ => panic!("Invariant violation"), } } fn generate_constraint_address(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintAddress) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let field = &f.ident; let addr = &c.address; quote! { if #field.to_account_info().key != &#addr { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintAddress.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_init(_f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintInit) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { quote! {} } pub fn generate_constraint_close(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintClose) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let field = &f.ident; let target = &c.sol_dest; quote! { if #field.to_account_info().key == #target.to_account_info().key { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintClose.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_mut(f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintMut) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let ident = &f.ident; quote! { if !#ident.to_account_info().is_writable { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintMut.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_belongs_to( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintBelongsTo, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let target = c.join_target.clone(); let ident = &f.ident; let field = match &f.ty { Ty::Loader(_) => quote! {#ident.load()?}, _ => quote! {#ident}, }; quote! { if &#field.#target != #target.to_account_info().key { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintBelongsTo.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_signer(f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintSigner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let ident = &f.ident; let info = match f.ty { Ty::AccountInfo => quote! { #ident }, Ty::ProgramAccount(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() }, _ => panic!("Invalid syntax: signer cannot be specified."), }; quote! { // Don't enforce on CPI, since usually a program is signing and so // the `try_accounts` deserializatoin will fail *if* the one // tries to manually invoke it. // // This check will be performed on the other end of the invocation. if cfg!(not(feature = "cpi")) { if !#info.to_account_info().is_signer { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintSigner.into()); } } } } pub fn generate_constraint_literal(c: &ConstraintLiteral) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let lit: proc_macro2::TokenStream = { let lit = &c.lit; let constraint = lit.value().replace("\"", ""); let message = format!( "Deprecated. Should be used with constraint: #[account(constraint = {})]", constraint, ); lit.span().warning(message).emit_as_item_tokens(); constraint.parse().unwrap() }; quote! { if !(#lit) { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::Deprecated.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_raw(c: &ConstraintRaw) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let raw = &c.raw; quote! { if !(#raw) { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintRaw.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_owner(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintOwner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let ident = &f.ident; let owner_target = c.owner_target.clone(); quote! { if #ident.to_account_info().owner != #owner_target.to_account_info().key { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintOwner.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_rent_exempt( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintRentExempt, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let ident = &f.ident; let info = quote! { #ident.to_account_info() }; match c { ConstraintRentExempt::Skip => quote! {}, ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce => quote! { if !rent.is_exempt(#info.lamports(), #info.try_data_len()?) { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintRentExempt.into()); } }, } } pub fn generate_constraint_seeds(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSeedsGroup) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { if c.is_init { generate_constraint_seeds_init(f, c) } else { generate_constraint_seeds_address(f, c) } } fn generate_constraint_seeds_init(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSeedsGroup) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let payer = { let p = &c.payer; quote! { let payer = #p.to_account_info(); } }; let seeds_constraint = generate_constraint_seeds_address(f, c); let seeds_with_nonce = { let s = &c.seeds; quote! { [#s] } }; generate_pda( f, seeds_constraint, seeds_with_nonce, payer, &, false, &c.kind, ) } fn generate_constraint_seeds_address( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSeedsGroup, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let name = &f.ident; let seeds = &c.seeds; quote! { let __program_signer = Pubkey::create_program_address( &[#seeds], program_id, ).map_err(|_| anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds)?; if #name.to_account_info().key != &__program_signer { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_associated( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintAssociatedGroup, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { if c.is_init { generate_constraint_associated_init(f, c) } else { generate_constraint_associated_seeds(f, c) } } pub fn generate_constraint_associated_init( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintAssociatedGroup, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let associated_target = c.associated_target.clone(); let payer = match &c.payer { None => quote! { let payer = #associated_target.to_account_info(); }, Some(p) => quote! { let payer = #p.to_account_info(); }, }; let seeds_constraint = generate_constraint_associated_seeds(f, c); let seeds_with_nonce = { if c.associated_seeds.is_empty() { quote! { [ &b"anchor"[..], #associated_target.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &[nonce], ] } } else { let seeds = to_seeds_tts(&c.associated_seeds); quote! { [ &b"anchor"[..], #associated_target.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), #seeds &[nonce], ] } } }; generate_pda( f, seeds_constraint, seeds_with_nonce, payer, &, true, &c.kind, ) } fn parse_ty(f: &Field) -> (&syn::Ident, proc_macro2::TokenStream, bool) { match &f.ty { Ty::ProgramAccount(ty) => ( &ty.account_ident, quote! { anchor_lang::ProgramAccount }, false, ), Ty::Loader(ty) => ( &ty.account_ident, quote! { anchor_lang::Loader }, true, ), Ty::CpiAccount(ty) => ( &ty.account_ident, quote! { anchor_lang::CpiAccount }, false, ), _ => panic!("Invalid type for initializing a program derived address"), } } pub fn generate_pda( f: &Field, seeds_constraint: proc_macro2::TokenStream, seeds_with_nonce: proc_macro2::TokenStream, payer: proc_macro2::TokenStream, space: &Option, assign_nonce: bool, kind: &PdaKind, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let field = &f.ident; let (account_ty, account_wrapper_ty, is_zero_copy) = parse_ty(f); let space = match space { // If no explicit space param was given, serialize the type to bytes // and take the length (with +8 for the discriminator.) None => match is_zero_copy { false => { quote! { let space = 8 + #account_ty::default().try_to_vec().unwrap().len(); } } true => { quote! { let space = 8 + anchor_lang::__private::bytemuck::bytes_of(&#account_ty::default()).len(); } } }, // Explicit account size given. Use it. Some(s) => quote! { let space = #s; }, }; let nonce_assignment = match assign_nonce { false => quote! {}, true => match &f.ty { Ty::CpiAccount(_) => quote! {}, _ => match is_zero_copy { false => quote! { pa.__nonce = nonce; }, // Zero copy is not deserialized, so the data must be lazy loaded. true => quote! { pa.load_init()?.__nonce = nonce; }, }, }, }; match kind { PdaKind::Token { owner, mint } => quote! { let #field: #account_wrapper_ty<#account_ty> = { #space #payer #seeds_constraint // Fund the account for rent exemption. let required_lamports = rent .minimum_balance(anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount::LEN) .max(1) .saturating_sub(#field.to_account_info().lamports()); if required_lamports > 0 { anchor_lang::solana_program::program::invoke( &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_instruction::transfer( payer.to_account_info().key, #field.to_account_info().key, required_lamports, ), &[ payer.to_account_info(), #field.to_account_info(), system_program.to_account_info().clone(), ], )?; } // Allocate space. anchor_lang::solana_program::program::invoke_signed( &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_instruction::allocate( #field.to_account_info().key, anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount::LEN as u64, ), &[ #field.to_account_info(), system_program.clone(), ], &[&#seeds_with_nonce[..]], )?; // Assign to the spl token program. let __ix = anchor_lang::solana_program::system_instruction::assign( #field.to_account_info().key, token_program.to_account_info().key, ); anchor_lang::solana_program::program::invoke_signed( &__ix, &[ #field.to_account_info(), system_program.to_account_info(), ], &[&#seeds_with_nonce[..]], )?; // Initialize the token account. let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info(); let accounts = anchor_spl::token::InitializeAccount { account: #field.to_account_info(), mint: #mint.to_account_info(), authority: #owner.to_account_info(), rent: rent.to_account_info(), }; let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, accounts); anchor_spl::token::initialize_account(cpi_ctx)?; anchor_lang::CpiAccount::try_from_init( &#field.to_account_info(), )? }; }, PdaKind::Program => { quote! { let #field: #account_wrapper_ty<#account_ty> = { #space #payer #seeds_constraint let lamports = rent.minimum_balance(space); let ix = anchor_lang::solana_program::system_instruction::create_account( payer.to_account_info().key, #field.to_account_info().key, lamports, space as u64, program_id, ); anchor_lang::solana_program::program::invoke_signed( &ix, &[ #field.to_account_info(), payer.to_account_info(), system_program.to_account_info(), ], &[&#seeds_with_nonce[..]] ).map_err(|e| { anchor_lang::solana_program::msg!("Unable to create associated account"); e })?; // For now, we assume all accounts created with the `associated` // attribute have a `nonce` field in their account. let mut pa: #account_wrapper_ty<#account_ty> = #account_wrapper_ty::try_from_init( &#field.to_account_info(), )?; #nonce_assignment pa }; } } } } pub fn generate_constraint_associated_seeds( f: &Field, c: &ConstraintAssociatedGroup, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let field = &f.ident; let associated_target = c.associated_target.clone(); let seeds_no_nonce = if c.associated_seeds.is_empty() { quote! { &b"anchor"[..], #associated_target.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), } } else { let seeds = to_seeds_tts(&c.associated_seeds); quote! { &b"anchor"[..], #associated_target.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), #seeds } }; let is_find_nonce = match &f.ty { Ty::CpiAccount(_) => true, Ty::AccountInfo => true, _ => c.is_init, }; let associated_field = if is_find_nonce { quote! { let (__associated_field, nonce) = Pubkey::find_program_address( &[#seeds_no_nonce], program_id, ); } } else { let nonce = match &f.ty { Ty::ProgramAccount(_) => quote! { #field.__nonce }, Ty::Loader(_) => { // Zero copy is not deserialized, so the data must be lazy loaded. quote! { #field.load()?.__nonce } } _ => panic!("Invalid type for initializing a program derived address"), }; quote! { let __associated_field = Pubkey::create_program_address( &[#seeds_no_nonce &[#nonce]], program_id, )?; } }; quote! { #associated_field if &__associated_field != #field.to_account_info().key { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintAssociatedInit.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_executable( f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintExecutable, ) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let name = &f.ident; quote! { if !#name.to_account_info().executable { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintExecutable.into()); } } } pub fn generate_constraint_state(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintState) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { let program_target = c.program_target.clone(); let ident = &f.ident; let account_ty = match &f.ty { Ty::CpiState(ty) => &ty.account_ident, _ => panic!("Invalid state constraint"), }; quote! { // Checks the given state account is the canonical state account for // the target program. if #ident.to_account_info().key != &anchor_lang::CpiState::<#account_ty>::address(#program_target.to_account_info().key) { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintState.into()); } if #ident.to_account_info().owner != #program_target.to_account_info().key { return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::ConstraintState.into()); } } } // Returns the inner part of the seeds slice as a token stream. fn to_seeds_tts(seeds: &[syn::Expr]) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { assert!(!seeds.is_empty()); let seed_0 = &seeds[0]; let mut tts = match seed_0 { syn::Expr::Path(_) => quote! { anchor_lang::Key::key(&#seed_0).as_ref(), }, _ => quote! { #seed_0, }, }; for seed in &seeds[1..] { tts = match seed { syn::Expr::Path(_) => quote! { #tts anchor_lang::Key::key(&#seed).as_ref(), }, _ => quote! { #tts #seed, }, }; } tts }