//! `anchor_client` provides an RPC client to send transactions and fetch //! deserialized accounts from Solana programs written in `anchor_lang`. use anchor_lang::solana_program::instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction}; use anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError; use anchor_lang::solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey; use anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program; use anchor_lang::{AccountDeserialize, Discriminator, InstructionData, ToAccountMetas}; use regex::Regex; use solana_account_decoder::UiAccountEncoding; use solana_client::client_error::ClientError as SolanaClientError; use solana_client::pubsub_client::{PubsubClient, PubsubClientError, PubsubClientSubscription}; use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_client::rpc_config::{ RpcAccountInfoConfig, RpcProgramAccountsConfig, RpcSendTransactionConfig, RpcTransactionLogsConfig, RpcTransactionLogsFilter, }; use solana_client::rpc_filter::{Memcmp, MemcmpEncodedBytes, RpcFilterType}; use solana_client::rpc_response::{Response as RpcResponse, RpcLogsResponse}; use solana_sdk::account::Account; use solana_sdk::bs58; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig; use solana_sdk::signature::{Signature, Signer}; use solana_sdk::transaction::Transaction; use std::convert::Into; use std::iter::Map; use std::rc::Rc; use std::vec::IntoIter; use thiserror::Error; pub use anchor_lang; pub use cluster::Cluster; pub use solana_client; pub use solana_sdk; mod cluster; const PROGRAM_LOG: &str = "Program log: "; const PROGRAM_DATA: &str = "Program data: "; /// EventHandle unsubscribes from a program event stream on drop. pub type EventHandle = PubsubClientSubscription>; /// Client defines the base configuration for building RPC clients to /// communicate with Anchor programs running on a Solana cluster. It's /// primary use is to build a `Program` client via the `program` method. pub struct Client { cfg: Config, } impl Client { pub fn new(cluster: Cluster, payer: Rc) -> Self { Self { cfg: Config { cluster, payer, options: None, }, } } pub fn new_with_options( cluster: Cluster, payer: Rc, options: CommitmentConfig, ) -> Self { Self { cfg: Config { cluster, payer, options: Some(options), }, } } pub fn program(&self, program_id: Pubkey) -> Program { Program { program_id, cfg: Config { cluster: self.cfg.cluster.clone(), options: self.cfg.options, payer: self.cfg.payer.clone(), }, } } } // Internal configuration for a client. #[derive(Debug)] struct Config { cluster: Cluster, payer: Rc, options: Option, } /// Program is the primary client handle to be used to build and send requests. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Program { program_id: Pubkey, cfg: Config, } impl Program { pub fn payer(&self) -> Pubkey { self.cfg.payer.pubkey() } /// Returns a request builder. pub fn request(&self) -> RequestBuilder { RequestBuilder::from( self.program_id, self.cfg.cluster.url(), self.cfg.payer.clone(), self.cfg.options, RequestNamespace::Global, ) } /// Returns a request builder for program state. pub fn state_request(&self) -> RequestBuilder { RequestBuilder::from( self.program_id, self.cfg.cluster.url(), self.cfg.payer.clone(), self.cfg.options, RequestNamespace::State { new: false }, ) } /// Returns the account at the given address. pub fn account(&self, address: Pubkey) -> Result { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment( self.cfg.cluster.url().to_string(), self.cfg.options.unwrap_or_default(), ); let account = rpc_client .get_account_with_commitment(&address, CommitmentConfig::processed())? .value .ok_or(ClientError::AccountNotFound)?; let mut data: &[u8] = &account.data; T::try_deserialize(&mut data).map_err(Into::into) } /// Returns all program accounts of the given type matching the given filters pub fn accounts( &self, filters: Vec, ) -> Result, ClientError> { self.accounts_lazy(filters)?.collect() } /// Returns all program accounts of the given type matching the given filters as an iterator /// Deserialization is executed lazily pub fn accounts_lazy( &self, filters: Vec, ) -> Result, ClientError> { let account_type_filter = RpcFilterType::Memcmp(Memcmp { offset: 0, bytes: MemcmpEncodedBytes::Base58(bs58::encode(T::discriminator()).into_string()), encoding: None, }); let config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig { filters: Some([vec![account_type_filter], filters].concat()), account_config: RpcAccountInfoConfig { encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64), ..RpcAccountInfoConfig::default() }, ..RpcProgramAccountsConfig::default() }; Ok(ProgramAccountsIterator { inner: self .rpc() .get_program_accounts_with_config(&self.id(), config)? .into_iter() .map(|(key, account)| { Ok((key, T::try_deserialize(&mut (&account.data as &[u8]))?)) }), }) } pub fn state(&self) -> Result { self.account(anchor_lang::__private::state::address(&self.program_id)) } pub fn rpc(&self) -> RpcClient { RpcClient::new_with_commitment( self.cfg.cluster.url().to_string(), self.cfg.options.unwrap_or_default(), ) } pub fn id(&self) -> Pubkey { self.program_id } pub fn on( &self, f: impl Fn(&EventContext, T) + Send + 'static, ) -> Result { let addresses = vec![self.program_id.to_string()]; let filter = RpcTransactionLogsFilter::Mentions(addresses); let ws_url = self.cfg.cluster.ws_url().to_string(); let cfg = RpcTransactionLogsConfig { commitment: self.cfg.options, }; let self_program_str = self.program_id.to_string(); let (client, receiver) = PubsubClient::logs_subscribe(&ws_url, filter, cfg)?; std::thread::spawn(move || { loop { match receiver.recv() { Ok(logs) => { let ctx = EventContext { signature: logs.value.signature.parse().unwrap(), slot: logs.context.slot, }; let mut logs = &logs.value.logs[..]; if !logs.is_empty() { if let Ok(mut execution) = Execution::new(&mut logs) { for l in logs { // Parse the log. let (event, new_program, did_pop) = { if self_program_str == execution.program() { handle_program_log(&self_program_str, l).unwrap_or_else( |e| { println!("Unable to parse log: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); }, ) } else { let (program, did_pop) = handle_system_log(&self_program_str, l); (None, program, did_pop) } }; // Emit the event. if let Some(e) = event { f(&ctx, e); } // Switch program context on CPI. if let Some(new_program) = new_program { execution.push(new_program); } // Program returned. if did_pop { execution.pop(); } } } } } Err(_err) => { return; } } } }); Ok(client) } } /// Iterator with items of type (Pubkey, T). Used to lazily deserialize account structs. /// Wrapper type hides the inner type from usages so the implementation can be changed. pub struct ProgramAccountsIterator { inner: Map, AccountConverterFunction>, } /// Function type that accepts solana accounts and returns deserialized anchor accounts type AccountConverterFunction = fn((Pubkey, Account)) -> Result<(Pubkey, T), ClientError>; impl Iterator for ProgramAccountsIterator { type Item = Result<(Pubkey, T), ClientError>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.inner.next() } } fn handle_program_log( self_program_str: &str, l: &str, ) -> Result<(Option, Option, bool), ClientError> { // Log emitted from the current program. if let Some(log) = l .strip_prefix(PROGRAM_LOG) .or_else(|| l.strip_prefix(PROGRAM_DATA)) { let borsh_bytes = match anchor_lang::__private::base64::decode(&log) { Ok(borsh_bytes) => borsh_bytes, _ => { #[cfg(feature = "debug")] println!("Could not base64 decode log: {}", log); return Ok((None, None, false)); } }; let mut slice: &[u8] = &borsh_bytes[..]; let disc: [u8; 8] = { let mut disc = [0; 8]; disc.copy_from_slice(&borsh_bytes[..8]); slice = &slice[8..]; disc }; let mut event = None; if disc == T::discriminator() { let e: T = anchor_lang::AnchorDeserialize::deserialize(&mut slice) .map_err(|e| ClientError::LogParseError(e.to_string()))?; event = Some(e); } Ok((event, None, false)) } // System log. else { let (program, did_pop) = handle_system_log(self_program_str, l); Ok((None, program, did_pop)) } } fn handle_system_log(this_program_str: &str, log: &str) -> (Option, bool) { if log.starts_with(&format!("Program {} log:", this_program_str)) { (Some(this_program_str.to_string()), false) } else if log.contains("invoke") { (Some("cpi".to_string()), false) // Any string will do. } else { let re = Regex::new(r"^Program (.*) success*$").unwrap(); if re.is_match(log) { (None, true) } else { (None, false) } } } struct Execution { stack: Vec, } impl Execution { pub fn new(logs: &mut &[String]) -> Result { let l = &logs[0]; *logs = &logs[1..]; let re = Regex::new(r"^Program (.*) invoke.*$").unwrap(); let c = re .captures(l) .ok_or_else(|| ClientError::LogParseError(l.to_string()))?; let program = c .get(1) .ok_or_else(|| ClientError::LogParseError(l.to_string()))? .as_str() .to_string(); Ok(Self { stack: vec![program], }) } pub fn program(&self) -> String { assert!(!self.stack.is_empty()); self.stack[self.stack.len() - 1].clone() } pub fn push(&mut self, new_program: String) { self.stack.push(new_program); } pub fn pop(&mut self) { assert!(!self.stack.is_empty()); self.stack.pop().unwrap(); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EventContext { pub signature: Signature, pub slot: u64, } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ClientError { #[error("Account not found")] AccountNotFound, #[error("{0}")] AnchorError(#[from] anchor_lang::error::Error), #[error("{0}")] ProgramError(#[from] ProgramError), #[error("{0}")] SolanaClientError(#[from] SolanaClientError), #[error("{0}")] SolanaClientPubsubError(#[from] PubsubClientError), #[error("Unable to parse log: {0}")] LogParseError(String), } /// `RequestBuilder` provides a builder interface to create and send /// transactions to a cluster. pub struct RequestBuilder<'a> { cluster: String, program_id: Pubkey, accounts: Vec, options: CommitmentConfig, instructions: Vec, payer: Rc, // Serialized instruction data for the target RPC. instruction_data: Option>, signers: Vec<&'a dyn Signer>, // True if the user is sending a state instruction. namespace: RequestNamespace, } #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum RequestNamespace { Global, State { // True if the request is to the state's new ctor. new: bool, }, Interface, } impl<'a> RequestBuilder<'a> { pub fn from( program_id: Pubkey, cluster: &str, payer: Rc, options: Option, namespace: RequestNamespace, ) -> Self { Self { program_id, payer, cluster: cluster.to_string(), accounts: Vec::new(), options: options.unwrap_or_default(), instructions: Vec::new(), instruction_data: None, signers: Vec::new(), namespace, } } #[must_use] pub fn payer(mut self, payer: Rc) -> Self { self.payer = payer; self } #[must_use] pub fn cluster(mut self, url: &str) -> Self { self.cluster = url.to_string(); self } #[must_use] pub fn instruction(mut self, ix: Instruction) -> Self { self.instructions.push(ix); self } #[must_use] pub fn program(mut self, program_id: Pubkey) -> Self { self.program_id = program_id; self } #[must_use] pub fn accounts(mut self, accounts: impl ToAccountMetas) -> Self { let mut metas = accounts.to_account_metas(None); self.accounts.append(&mut metas); self } #[must_use] pub fn options(mut self, options: CommitmentConfig) -> Self { self.options = options; self } #[must_use] pub fn args(mut self, args: impl InstructionData) -> Self { self.instruction_data = Some(args.data()); self } /// Invokes the `#[state]`'s `new` constructor. #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] #[must_use] pub fn new(mut self, args: impl InstructionData) -> Self { assert!(self.namespace == RequestNamespace::State { new: false }); self.namespace = RequestNamespace::State { new: true }; self.instruction_data = Some(args.data()); self } #[must_use] pub fn signer(mut self, signer: &'a dyn Signer) -> Self { self.signers.push(signer); self } pub fn instructions(&self) -> Result, ClientError> { let mut accounts = match self.namespace { RequestNamespace::State { new } => match new { false => vec![AccountMeta::new( anchor_lang::__private::state::address(&self.program_id), false, )], true => vec![ AccountMeta::new_readonly(self.payer.pubkey(), true), AccountMeta::new( anchor_lang::__private::state::address(&self.program_id), false, ), AccountMeta::new_readonly( Pubkey::find_program_address(&[], &self.program_id).0, false, ), AccountMeta::new_readonly(system_program::ID, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(self.program_id, false), ], }, _ => Vec::new(), }; accounts.extend_from_slice(&self.accounts); let mut instructions = self.instructions.clone(); if let Some(ix_data) = &self.instruction_data { instructions.push(Instruction { program_id: self.program_id, data: ix_data.clone(), accounts, }); } Ok(instructions) } pub fn send(self) -> Result { let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(self.cluster.clone(), self.options); self.send_rpc(&rpc_client) } pub fn send_rpc(self, rpc_client: &RpcClient) -> Result { let instructions = self.instructions()?; let mut signers = self.signers; signers.push(&*self.payer); let tx = { let latest_hash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?; Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &instructions, Some(&self.payer.pubkey()), &signers, latest_hash, ) }; rpc_client .send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx) .map_err(Into::into) } pub async fn send_rpc_async( self, rpc_client: &solana_client::nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient, ) -> Result { let instructions = self.instructions()?; let mut signers = self.signers; signers.push(&*self.payer); let tx = { let latest_hash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().await?; Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &instructions, Some(&self.payer.pubkey()), &signers, latest_hash, ) }; rpc_client .send_and_confirm_transaction(&tx) .await .map_err(Into::into) } pub fn send_with_spinner_and_config( self, config: RpcSendTransactionConfig, ) -> Result { let instructions = self.instructions()?; let mut signers = self.signers; signers.push(&*self.payer); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_with_commitment(self.cluster, self.options); let tx = { let latest_hash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash()?; Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &instructions, Some(&self.payer.pubkey()), &signers, latest_hash, ) }; rpc_client .send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, rpc_client.commitment(), config, ) .map_err(Into::into) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn new_execution() { let mut logs: &[String] = &["Program 7Y8VDzehoewALqJfyxZYMgYCnMTCDhWuGfJKUvjYWATw invoke [1]".to_string()]; let exe = Execution::new(&mut logs).unwrap(); assert_eq!( exe.stack[0], "7Y8VDzehoewALqJfyxZYMgYCnMTCDhWuGfJKUvjYWATw".to_string() ); } #[test] fn handle_system_log_pop() { let log = "Program 7Y8VDzehoewALqJfyxZYMgYCnMTCDhWuGfJKUvjYWATw success"; let (program, did_pop) = handle_system_log("asdf", log); assert_eq!(program, None); assert!(did_pop); } #[test] fn handle_system_log_no_pop() { let log = "Program 7swsTUiQ6KUK4uFYquQKg4epFRsBnvbrTf2fZQCa2sTJ qwer"; let (program, did_pop) = handle_system_log("asdf", log); assert_eq!(program, None); assert!(!did_pop); } }