name: Tests on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master env: SOLANA_CLI_VERSION: 1.14.9 NODE_VERSION: 17.0.1 jobs: test-core: name: Core Tests runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Cargo registry + index id: cache-cargo-build with: path: | ~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/registry/index/ ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ ~/.cargo/git/db/ ./target/ key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-cargo-build-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: cargo build - run: cargo fmt -- --check - run: cargo clippy --all-targets -- -D warnings - run: cargo test # using singlethreaded testing for avm so that tests that change files do not conflict with each other - run: cd avm && cargo fmt -- --check && cargo clippy --all-targets -- -D warnings && cargo test -- --test-threads=1 - run: cd ts && yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: cd ts && yarn test - run: cd ts && yarn lint - run: cd examples/tutorial && yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: cd examples/tutorial && yarn lint - run: cd tests && yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: cd tests && yarn lint - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ setup-anchor-cli: name: Setup Anchor cli runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Cargo registry + index id: cache-anchor with: path: | ~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/registry/index/ ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ ~/.cargo/git/db/ ./target/ key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-anchor-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: cargo install --path cli anchor-cli --locked --force - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ test-examples: needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Examples Test runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +rwx ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: basic-0 cache id: cache-basic-0 with: path: ./examples/tutorial/basic-0/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('./examples/tutorial/basic-0/**/Cargo.toml') }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: basic-1 cache id: cache-basic-1 with: path: ./examples/tutorial/basic-1/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('./examples/tutorial/basic-1/**/Cargo.toml') }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: basic-2 cache id: cache-basic-2 with: path: ./examples/tutorial/basic-2/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('./examples/tutorial/basic-2/**/Cargo.toml') }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: basic-3 cache id: cache-basic-3 with: path: ./examples/tutorial/basic-3/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('./examples/tutorial/basic-3/**/Cargo.toml') }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: basic-4 cache id: cache-basic-4 with: path: ./examples/tutorial/basic-4/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('./examples/tutorial/basic-4/**/Cargo.toml') }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: cd examples/tutorial && yarn workspaces run test - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ setup-client-example: needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Setup Client Example Test runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: node: - path: tests/events/ name: - path: examples/tutorial/basic-4/ name: - path: examples/tutorial/basic-2/ name: - path: tests/composite/ name: steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +rwx ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - run: cd ${{ matrix.node.path }} && anchor build --skip-lint - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: ${{ }} path: ${{ matrix.node.path }}target/deploy/${{ }} - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ test-client-example: needs: setup-client-example name: Client Example Test runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: path: tests/events/target/deploy/ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: path: examples/tutorial/basic-4/target/deploy/ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: path: examples/tutorial/basic-2/target/deploy/ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: path: tests/composite/target/deploy/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache client/example target id: cache-test-target with: path: client/example/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-client/example-${{ env.ANCHOR_VERSION }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - run: cd client/example && ./ - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ test-bpf-upgradeable-state: needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Test tests/bpf-upgradeable-state runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Cargo registry + index id: cache-anchor with: path: | ~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/registry/index/ ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ ~/.cargo/git/db/ ./target/ key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-anchor-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache tests/bpf-upgradeable-state target id: cache-test-target with: path: tests/bpf-upgradeable-state/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-tests/bpf-upgradeable-state-${{ env.ANCHOR_VERSION }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: solana-test-validator -r --quiet & name: start validator - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state && yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state && anchor build --skip-lint - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state && solana program deploy --program-id program_with_different_programdata.json target/deploy/ - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state && cp bpf_upgradeable_state-keypair.json target/deploy/bpf_upgradeable_state-keypair.json && anchor test --skip-local-validator --skip-build --skip-lint - run: cd tests/bpf-upgradeable-state && npx tsc --noEmit - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ # this test exists to make sure that anchor # checks rent correctly for legacy accounts # that don't have to be rent-exempt test-misc-non-rent-exempt: # the anchor cli is built with a different solana version # but that's fine since it's just the cli needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Test tests/misc/nonRentExempt runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Solana Tool Suite id: cache-solana with: path: | ~/.cache/solana/ ~/.local/share/solana/ key: solana-${{ runner.os }}-v0000-1.8.14 # using an outdated validator but that # is ok as long as the test doesn't # include newer incompatible features - run: sh -c "$(curl -sSfL" shell: bash - run: echo "/home/runner/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH shell: bash - run: solana-keygen new --no-bip39-passphrase shell: bash - run: solana config set --url localhost shell: bash - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache tests/misc target id: cache-test-target with: path: tests/misc/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-tests/misc-${{ env.ANCHOR_VERSION }}-1.8.14-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: cd tests/misc && yarn --frozen-lockfile - run: cd tests/misc - run: cd tests/misc && chmod +x && ./ - run: cd tests/misc && anchor test --skip-lint test-anchor-init: needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Test Anchor Init runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Cargo registry + index id: cache-anchor with: path: | ~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/registry/index/ ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ ~/.cargo/git/db/ ./target/ key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-anchor-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - run: cd "$(mktemp -d)" && anchor init hello-anchor && cd hello-anchor && yarn link @project-serum/anchor && yarn && anchor test && yarn lint:fix - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/ test-programs: needs: setup-anchor-cli name: Test ${{ matrix.node.path }} runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: node: - cmd: cd tests/sysvars && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/sysvars - cmd: cd tests/composite && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/composite - cmd: cd tests/errors && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/errors - cmd: cd tests/spl/token-proxy && anchor test --skip-lint path: spl/token-proxy - cmd: cd tests/multisig && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/multisig - cmd: cd tests/interface && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/interface - cmd: cd tests/lockup && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/lockup - cmd: cd tests/swap/deps/serum-dex/dex && cargo build-bpf -- --locked && cd ../../../ && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/swap - cmd: cd tests/escrow && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/escrow - cmd: cd tests/pyth && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/pyth - cmd: cd tests/realloc && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/realloc - cmd: cd tests/system-accounts && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/system-accounts - cmd: cd tests/misc && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/misc - cmd: cd tests/events && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/events - cmd: cd tests/cashiers-check && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/cashiers-check - cmd: cd tests/declare-id && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/declare-id - cmd: cd tests/typescript && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/typescript - cmd: cd tests/zero-copy && anchor test --skip-lint && cd programs/zero-copy && cargo test-bpf path: tests/zero-copy - cmd: cd tests/chat && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/chat - cmd: cd tests/ido-pool && anchor test --skip-lint path: tests/ido-pool - cmd: cd tests/cfo && anchor run test-with-build && cd deps/stake && git checkout Cargo.lock && cd ../swap && git checkout Cargo.lock path: tests/cfo - cmd: cd tests/auction-house && yarn --frozen-lockfile && anchor test --skip-lint && git checkout Cargo.lock path: tests/auction-house - cmd: cd tests/floats && yarn --frozen-lockfile && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/floats - cmd: cd tests/safety-checks && anchor run test path: tests/safety-checks - cmd: cd tests/custom-coder && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/custom-coder - cmd: cd tests/validator-clone && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/validator-clone - cmd: cd tests/cpi-returns && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/cpi-returns - cmd: cd tests/multiple-suites && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/multiple-suites - cmd: cd tests/pda-derivation && anchor test --skip-lint && npx tsc --noEmit path: tests/pda-derivation - cmd: cd tests/anchor-cli-idl && ./ path: tests/anchor-cli-idl steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-ts/ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-solana/ - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache Cargo registry + index id: cache-anchor with: path: | ~/.cargo/bin/ ~/.cargo/registry/index/ ~/.cargo/registry/cache/ ~/.cargo/git/db/ ./target/ key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-anchor-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: anchor-binary path: ~/.cargo/bin/ - run: chmod +x ~/.cargo/bin/anchor - uses: actions/cache@v2 name: Cache ${{ matrix.node.path }} target id: cache-test-target with: path: ${{ matrix.node.path }}/target key: cargo-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.node.path }}-${{ env.ANCHOR_VERSION }}-${{ env.SOLANA_CLI_VERSION }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }} - run: ${{ matrix.node.cmd }} name: ${{ matrix.node.path }} program test - uses: ./.github/actions/git-diff/