// deploy.js is a simple deploy script to initialize a program. This is run // immediately after a deploy. const serumCmn = require("@project-serum/common"); const anchor = require("@project-serum/anchor"); const PublicKey = anchor.web3.PublicKey; module.exports = async function (provider) { // Configure client to use the provider. anchor.setProvider(provider); // Setup genesis state. const registrarConfigs = await genesis(provider); // Program clients. const lockup = anchor.workspace.Lockup; const registry = anchor.workspace.Registry; // Registry state constructor. await registry.state.rpc.new({ accounts: { lockupProgram: lockup.programId, }, }); // Lockup state constructor. await lockup.state.rpc.new({ accounts: { authority: provider.wallet.publicKey, }, }); // Delete the default whitelist entries. const defaultEntry = { programId: new anchor.web3.PublicKey.default() }; await lockup.state.rpc.whitelistDelete(defaultEntry, { accounts: { authority: provider.wallet.publicKey, }, }); // Whitelist the registry. await lockup.state.rpc.whitelistAdd( { programId: registry.programId }, { accounts: { authority: provider.wallet.publicKey, }, } ); // Initialize all registrars. const cfgKeys = Object.keys(registrarConfigs); for (let k = 0; k < cfgKeys.length; k += 1) { let r = registrarConfigs[cfgKeys[k]]; const registrar = await registrarInit( registry, r.withdrawalTimelock, r.stakeRate, r.rewardQLen, new anchor.web3.PublicKey(r.mint) ); r["registrar"] = registrar.toString(); } // Generate code for whitelisting on UIs. const code = generateCode(registry, lockup, registrarConfigs); console.log("Generated whitelisted UI addresses:", code); }; function generateCode(registry, lockup, registrarConfigs) { const registrars = Object.keys(registrarConfigs) .map((cfg) => `${cfg}: new PublicKey('${registrarConfigs[cfg].registrar}')`) .join(","); const mints = Object.keys(registrarConfigs) .map((cfg) => `${cfg}: new PublicKey('${registrarConfigs[cfg].mint}')`) .join(","); return `{ registryProgramId: new PublicKey('${registry.programId}'), lockupProgramId: new PublicKey('${lockup.programId}'), registrars: { ${registrars} }, mints: { ${mints} }, }`; } async function genesis(provider) { if ( provider.connection._rpcEndpoint === "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com" ) { return { srm: { withdrawalTimelock: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 1 week. stakeRate: 500 * 10 ** 6, // 500 SRM. rewardQLen: 150, mint: "SRMuApVNdxXokk5GT7XD5cUUgXMBCoAz2LHeuAoKWRt", }, msrm: { withdrawalTimelock: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 1 week. stakeRate: 1, rewardQLen: 150, mint: "MSRMcoVyrFxnSgo5uXwone5SKcGhT1KEJMFEkMEWf9L", }, }; } else { const [token1Mint, _god1] = await serumCmn.createMintAndVault( provider, new anchor.BN(10000000000000), undefined, 6 ); const [token2Mint, _god2] = await serumCmn.createMintAndVault( provider, new anchor.BN(10000000000), undefined, 0 ); return { token1: { withdrawalTimelock: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, stakeRate: 1000 * 10 ** 6, rewardQLen: 150, mint: token1Mint.toString(), }, token2: { withdrawalTimelock: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, stakeRate: 1, rewardQLen: 150, mint: token2Mint.toString(), }, }; } } async function registrarInit( registry, _withdrawalTimelock, _stakeRate, rewardQLen, mint ) { const registrar = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); const rewardQ = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate(); const withdrawalTimelock = new anchor.BN(_withdrawalTimelock); const stakeRate = new anchor.BN(_stakeRate); const [registrarSigner, nonce] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress( [registrar.publicKey.toBuffer()], registry.programId ); const poolMint = await serumCmn.createMint( registry.provider, registrarSigner ); await registry.rpc.initialize( mint, registry.provider.wallet.publicKey, nonce, withdrawalTimelock, stakeRate, rewardQLen, { accounts: { registrar: registrar.publicKey, poolMint, rewardEventQ: rewardQ.publicKey, rent: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, signers: [registrar, rewardQ], instructions: [ await registry.account.registrar.createInstruction(registrar), await registry.account.rewardQueue.createInstruction(rewardQ, 8250), ], } ); return registrar.publicKey; }