//! CLI for workspace management of anchor programs. use crate::config::{read_all_programs, Config, Program, ProgramWorkspace, WalletPath}; use anchor_client::Cluster; use anchor_lang::idl::{IdlAccount, IdlInstruction}; use anchor_lang::{AccountDeserialize, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize}; use anchor_syn::idl::Idl; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use clap::Clap; use flate2::read::ZlibDecoder; use flate2::write::ZlibEncoder; use flate2::Compression; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_client::rpc_config::RpcSendTransactionConfig; use solana_program::instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction}; use solana_sdk::account_utils::StateMut; use solana_sdk::bpf_loader_upgradeable::UpgradeableLoaderState; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use solana_sdk::signature::Keypair; use solana_sdk::signature::Signer; use solana_sdk::sysvar; use solana_sdk::transaction::Transaction; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Child, Stdio}; use std::string::ToString; mod config; mod template; // Version of the docker image. const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); const DOCKER_BUILDER_VERSION: &str = VERSION; #[derive(Debug, Clap)] #[clap(version = VERSION)] pub struct Opts { #[clap(flatten)] pub cfg_override: ConfigOverride, #[clap(subcommand)] pub command: Command, } #[derive(Debug, Clap)] pub struct ConfigOverride { /// Cluster override. #[clap(global = true, long = "provider.cluster")] cluster: Option, /// Wallet override. #[clap(global = true, long = "provider.wallet")] wallet: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clap)] pub enum Command { /// Initializes a workspace. Init { name: String, #[clap(short, long)] typescript: bool, }, /// Builds the workspace. Build { /// Output directory for the IDL. #[clap(short, long)] idl: Option, /// True if the build artifact needs to be deterministic and verifiable. #[clap(short, long)] verifiable: bool, #[clap(short, long)] program_name: Option, }, /// Verifies the on-chain bytecode matches the locally compiled artifact. /// Run this command inside a program subdirectory, i.e., in the dir /// containing the program's Cargo.toml. Verify { /// The deployed program to compare against. program_id: Pubkey, }, /// Runs integration tests against a localnetwork. Test { /// Use this flag if you want to run tests against previously deployed /// programs. #[clap(long)] skip_deploy: bool, /// Flag to skip starting a local validator, if the configured cluster /// url is a localnet. #[clap(long)] skip_local_validator: bool, /// Flag to skip building the program in the workspace, /// use this to save time when running test and the program code is not altered. #[clap(long)] skip_build: bool, file: Option, }, /// Creates a new program. New { name: String }, /// Commands for interacting with interface definitions. Idl { #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: IdlCommand, }, /// Deploys each program in the workspace. Deploy { #[clap(short, long)] program_name: Option, }, /// Runs the deploy migration script. Migrate, /// Deploys, initializes an IDL, and migrates all in one command. Launch { /// True if the build should be verifiable. If deploying to mainnet, /// this should almost always be set. #[clap(short, long)] verifiable: bool, #[clap(short, long)] program_name: Option, }, /// Upgrades a single program. The configured wallet must be the upgrade /// authority. Upgrade { /// The program to upgrade. #[clap(short, long)] program_id: Pubkey, /// Filepath to the new program binary. program_filepath: String, }, #[cfg(feature = "dev")] /// Runs an airdrop loop, continuously funding the configured wallet. Airdrop { #[clap(short, long)] url: Option, }, /// Cluster commands. Cluster { #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: ClusterCommand, }, /// Starts a node shell with an Anchor client setup according to the local /// config. Shell, /// Runs the script defined by the current workspace's Anchor.toml. Run { /// The name of the script to run. script: String, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clap)] pub enum IdlCommand { /// Initializes a program's IDL account. Can only be run once. Init { program_id: Pubkey, #[clap(short, long)] filepath: String, }, /// Writes an IDL into a buffer account. This can be used with SetBuffer /// to perform an upgrade. WriteBuffer { program_id: Pubkey, #[clap(short, long)] filepath: String, }, /// Sets a new IDL buffer for the program. SetBuffer { program_id: Pubkey, /// Address of the buffer account to set as the idl on the program. #[clap(short, long)] buffer: Pubkey, }, /// Upgrades the IDL to the new file. An alias for first writing and then /// then setting the idl buffer account. Upgrade { program_id: Pubkey, #[clap(short, long)] filepath: String, }, /// Sets a new authority on the IDL account. SetAuthority { /// The IDL account buffer to set the authority of. If none is given, /// then the canonical IDL account is used. address: Option, /// Program to change the IDL authority. #[clap(short, long)] program_id: Pubkey, /// New authority of the IDL account. #[clap(short, long)] new_authority: Pubkey, }, /// Command to remove the ability to modify the IDL account. This should /// likely be used in conjection with eliminating an "upgrade authority" on /// the program. EraseAuthority { #[clap(short, long)] program_id: Pubkey, }, /// Outputs the authority for the IDL account. Authority { /// The program to view. program_id: Pubkey, }, /// Parses an IDL from source. Parse { /// Path to the program's interface definition. #[clap(short, long)] file: String, /// Output file for the idl (stdout if not specified). #[clap(short, long)] out: Option, }, /// Fetches an IDL for the given address from a cluster. /// The address can be a program, IDL account, or IDL buffer. Fetch { address: Pubkey, /// Output file for the idl (stdout if not specified). #[clap(short, long)] out: Option, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clap)] pub enum ClusterCommand { /// Prints common cluster urls. List, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let opts = Opts::parse(); match opts.command { Command::Init { name, typescript } => init(&opts.cfg_override, name, typescript), Command::New { name } => new(&opts.cfg_override, name), Command::Build { idl, verifiable, program_name, } => build(&opts.cfg_override, idl, verifiable, program_name), Command::Verify { program_id } => verify(&opts.cfg_override, program_id), Command::Deploy { program_name } => deploy(&opts.cfg_override, program_name), Command::Upgrade { program_id, program_filepath, } => upgrade(&opts.cfg_override, program_id, program_filepath), Command::Idl { subcmd } => idl(&opts.cfg_override, subcmd), Command::Migrate => migrate(&opts.cfg_override), Command::Launch { verifiable, program_name, } => launch(&opts.cfg_override, verifiable, program_name), Command::Test { skip_deploy, skip_local_validator, skip_build, file, } => test( &opts.cfg_override, skip_deploy, skip_local_validator, skip_build, file, ), #[cfg(feature = "dev")] Command::Airdrop => airdrop(cfg_override), Command::Cluster { subcmd } => cluster(subcmd), Command::Shell => shell(&opts.cfg_override), Command::Run { script } => run(&opts.cfg_override, script), } } fn init(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, name: String, typescript: bool) -> Result<()> { let cfg = Config::discover(cfg_override)?; if cfg.is_some() { println!("Anchor workspace already initialized"); } fs::create_dir(name.clone())?; std::env::set_current_dir(&name)?; fs::create_dir("app")?; let cfg = Config::default(); let toml = cfg.to_string(); let mut file = File::create("Anchor.toml")?; file.write_all(toml.as_bytes())?; // Build virtual manifest. let mut virt_manifest = File::create("Cargo.toml")?; virt_manifest.write_all(template::virtual_manifest().as_bytes())?; // Initialize .gitignore file let mut virt_manifest = File::create(".gitignore")?; virt_manifest.write_all(template::git_ignore().as_bytes())?; // Build the program. fs::create_dir("programs")?; new_program(&name)?; // Build the test suite. fs::create_dir("tests")?; // Build the migrations directory. fs::create_dir("migrations")?; if typescript { // Build typescript config let mut ts_config = File::create("tsconfig.json")?; ts_config.write_all(template::ts_config().as_bytes())?; let mut deploy = File::create("migrations/deploy.ts")?; deploy.write_all(template::ts_deploy_script().as_bytes())?; let mut mocha = File::create(&format!("tests/{}.spec.ts", name))?; mocha.write_all(template::ts_mocha(&name).as_bytes())?; } else { let mut mocha = File::create(&format!("tests/{}.js", name))?; mocha.write_all(template::mocha(&name).as_bytes())?; let mut deploy = File::create("migrations/deploy.js")?; deploy.write_all(template::deploy_script().as_bytes())?; } println!("{} initialized", name); Ok(()) } // Creates a new program crate in the `programs/` directory. fn new(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, name: String) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |_cfg, path, _cargo| { match path.parent() { None => { println!("Unable to make new program"); } Some(parent) => { std::env::set_current_dir(&parent)?; new_program(&name)?; println!("Created new program."); } }; Ok(()) }) } // Creates a new program crate in the current directory with `name`. fn new_program(name: &str) -> Result<()> { fs::create_dir(&format!("programs/{}", name))?; fs::create_dir(&format!("programs/{}/src/", name))?; let mut cargo_toml = File::create(&format!("programs/{}/Cargo.toml", name))?; cargo_toml.write_all(template::cargo_toml(name).as_bytes())?; let mut xargo_toml = File::create(&format!("programs/{}/Xargo.toml", name))?; xargo_toml.write_all(template::xargo_toml().as_bytes())?; let mut lib_rs = File::create(&format!("programs/{}/src/lib.rs", name))?; lib_rs.write_all(template::lib_rs(name).as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } fn build( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, idl: Option, verifiable: bool, program_name: Option, ) -> Result<()> { if let Some(program_name) = program_name { for program in read_all_programs()? { let p = program.path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if program_name.as_str() == p { std::env::set_current_dir(&program.path)?; } } } let (cfg, path, cargo) = Config::discover(cfg_override)?.expect("Not in workspace."); let idl_out = match idl { Some(idl) => Some(PathBuf::from(idl)), None => { let cfg_parent = match path.parent() { None => return Err(anyhow!("Invalid Anchor.toml")), Some(parent) => parent, }; fs::create_dir_all(cfg_parent.join("target/idl"))?; Some(cfg_parent.join("target/idl")) } }; match cargo { None => build_all(&cfg, path, idl_out, verifiable)?, Some(ct) => build_cwd(path.as_path(), ct, idl_out, verifiable)?, }; set_workspace_dir_or_exit(); Ok(()) } fn build_all( _cfg: &Config, cfg_path: PathBuf, idl_out: Option, verifiable: bool, ) -> Result<()> { let cur_dir = std::env::current_dir()?; let r = match cfg_path.parent() { None => Err(anyhow!("Invalid Anchor.toml at {}", cfg_path.display())), Some(parent) => { let files = fs::read_dir(parent.join("programs"))?; for f in files { let p = f?.path(); build_cwd( cfg_path.as_path(), p.join("Cargo.toml"), idl_out.clone(), verifiable, )?; } Ok(()) } }; std::env::set_current_dir(cur_dir)?; r } // Runs the build command outside of a workspace. fn build_cwd( cfg_path: &Path, cargo_toml: PathBuf, idl_out: Option, verifiable: bool, ) -> Result<()> { match cargo_toml.parent() { None => return Err(anyhow!("Unable to find parent")), Some(p) => std::env::set_current_dir(&p)?, }; match verifiable { false => _build_cwd(idl_out), true => build_cwd_verifiable(cfg_path.parent().unwrap()), } } // Builds an anchor program in a docker image and copies the build artifacts // into the `target/` directory. fn build_cwd_verifiable(workspace_dir: &Path) -> Result<()> { // Docker vars. let container_name = "anchor-program"; let image_name = format!("projectserum/build:v{}", DOCKER_BUILDER_VERSION); let volume_mount = format!( "{}:/workdir", workspace_dir.canonicalize()?.display().to_string() ); // Create output dirs. fs::create_dir_all(workspace_dir.join("target/deploy"))?; fs::create_dir_all(workspace_dir.join("target/idl"))?; // Build the program in docker. let exit = std::process::Command::new("docker") .args(&[ "run", "--name", container_name, "-v", &volume_mount, &image_name, "anchor", "build", ]) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !exit.status.success() { println!("Error building program"); return Ok(()); } let idl = extract_idl("src/lib.rs")?; // Copy the binary out of the docker image. let out_file = format!("../../target/deploy/{}.so", idl.name); let bin_artifact = format!("{}:/workdir/target/deploy/{}.so", container_name, idl.name); let exit = std::process::Command::new("docker") .args(&["cp", &bin_artifact, &out_file]) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !exit.status.success() { return Ok(()); } // Copy the idl out of the docker image. let out_file = format!("../../target/idl/{}.json", idl.name); let idl_artifact = format!("{}:/workdir/target/idl/{}.json", container_name, idl.name); let exit = std::process::Command::new("docker") .args(&["cp", &idl_artifact, &out_file]) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !exit.status.success() { return Ok(()); } // Remove the docker image. let exit = std::process::Command::new("docker") .args(&["rm", container_name]) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !exit.status.success() { std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } Ok(()) } fn _build_cwd(idl_out: Option) -> Result<()> { let exit = std::process::Command::new("cargo") .arg("build-bpf") .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !exit.status.success() { std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } // Always assume idl is located ar src/lib.rs. let idl = extract_idl("src/lib.rs")?; let out = match idl_out { None => PathBuf::from(".").join(&idl.name).with_extension("json"), Some(o) => PathBuf::from(&o.join(&idl.name).with_extension("json")), }; write_idl(&idl, OutFile::File(out)) } fn verify(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey) -> Result<()> { let (cfg, _path, cargo) = Config::discover(cfg_override)?.expect("Not in workspace."); let cargo = cargo.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Must be inside program subdirectory."))?; let program_dir = cargo.parent().unwrap(); // Build the program we want to verify. let cur_dir = std::env::current_dir()?; build(cfg_override, None, true, None)?; std::env::set_current_dir(&cur_dir)?; let local_idl = extract_idl("src/lib.rs")?; // Verify binary. let bin_path = program_dir .join("../../target/deploy/") .join(format!("{}.so", local_idl.name)); let is_buffer = verify_bin(program_id, &bin_path, cfg.provider.cluster.url())?; // Verify IDL (only if it's not a buffer account). if !is_buffer { std::env::set_current_dir(program_dir)?; let deployed_idl = fetch_idl(cfg_override, program_id)?; if local_idl != deployed_idl { println!("Error: IDLs don't match"); std::process::exit(1); } } println!("{} is verified.", program_id); Ok(()) } fn verify_bin(program_id: Pubkey, bin_path: &Path, cluster: &str) -> Result { let client = RpcClient::new(cluster.to_string()); // Get the deployed build artifacts. let (deployed_bin, is_buffer) = { let account = client .get_account_with_commitment(&program_id, CommitmentConfig::default())? .value .map_or(Err(anyhow!("Account not found")), Ok)?; match account.state()? { UpgradeableLoaderState::Program { programdata_address, } => ( client .get_account_with_commitment(&programdata_address, CommitmentConfig::default())? .value .map_or(Err(anyhow!("Account not found")), Ok)? .data[UpgradeableLoaderState::programdata_data_offset().unwrap_or(0)..] .to_vec(), false, ), UpgradeableLoaderState::Buffer { .. } => { let offset = UpgradeableLoaderState::buffer_data_offset().unwrap_or(0); (account.data[offset..].to_vec(), true) } _ => return Err(anyhow!("Invalid program id")), } }; let mut local_bin = { let mut f = File::open(bin_path)?; let mut contents = vec![]; f.read_to_end(&mut contents)?; contents }; // The deployed program probably has zero bytes appended. The default is // 2x the binary size in case of an upgrade. if local_bin.len() < deployed_bin.len() { local_bin.append(&mut vec![0; deployed_bin.len() - local_bin.len()]); } // Finally, check the bytes. if local_bin != deployed_bin { println!("Error: Binaries don't match"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(is_buffer) } // Fetches an IDL for the given program_id. fn fetch_idl(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, idl_addr: Pubkey) -> Result { let cfg = Config::discover(cfg_override)? .expect("Inside a workspace") .0; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); let mut account = client .get_account_with_commitment(&idl_addr, CommitmentConfig::processed())? .value .map_or(Err(anyhow!("Account not found")), Ok)?; if account.executable { let idl_addr = IdlAccount::address(&idl_addr); account = client .get_account_with_commitment(&idl_addr, CommitmentConfig::processed())? .value .map_or(Err(anyhow!("Account not found")), Ok)?; } // Cut off account discriminator. let mut d: &[u8] = &account.data[8..]; let idl_account: IdlAccount = AnchorDeserialize::deserialize(&mut d)?; let mut z = ZlibDecoder::new(&idl_account.data[..]); let mut s = Vec::new(); z.read_to_end(&mut s)?; serde_json::from_slice(&s[..]).map_err(Into::into) } fn extract_idl(file: &str) -> Result { let file = shellexpand::tilde(file); anchor_syn::idl::file::parse(&*file) } fn idl(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, subcmd: IdlCommand) -> Result<()> { match subcmd { IdlCommand::Init { program_id, filepath, } => idl_init(cfg_override, program_id, filepath), IdlCommand::WriteBuffer { program_id, filepath, } => idl_write_buffer(cfg_override, program_id, filepath).map(|_| ()), IdlCommand::SetBuffer { program_id, buffer } => { idl_set_buffer(cfg_override, program_id, buffer) } IdlCommand::Upgrade { program_id, filepath, } => idl_upgrade(cfg_override, program_id, filepath), IdlCommand::SetAuthority { program_id, address, new_authority, } => idl_set_authority(cfg_override, program_id, address, new_authority), IdlCommand::EraseAuthority { program_id } => idl_erase_authority(cfg_override, program_id), IdlCommand::Authority { program_id } => idl_authority(cfg_override, program_id), IdlCommand::Parse { file, out } => idl_parse(file, out), IdlCommand::Fetch { address, out } => idl_fetch(cfg_override, address, out), } } fn idl_init(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, idl_filepath: String) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let keypair = cfg.provider.wallet.to_string(); let bytes = std::fs::read(idl_filepath)?; let idl: Idl = serde_json::from_reader(&*bytes)?; let idl_address = create_idl_account(cfg, &keypair, &program_id, &idl)?; println!("Idl account created: {:?}", idl_address); Ok(()) }) } fn idl_write_buffer( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, idl_filepath: String, ) -> Result { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let keypair = cfg.provider.wallet.to_string(); let bytes = std::fs::read(idl_filepath)?; let idl: Idl = serde_json::from_reader(&*bytes)?; let idl_buffer = create_idl_buffer(cfg, &keypair, &program_id, &idl)?; idl_write(cfg, &program_id, &idl, idl_buffer)?; println!("Idl buffer created: {:?}", idl_buffer); Ok(idl_buffer) }) } fn idl_set_buffer(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, buffer: Pubkey) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(&cfg.provider.wallet.to_string()) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to read keypair file"))?; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); // Instruction to set the buffer onto the IdlAccount. let set_buffer_ix = { let accounts = vec![ AccountMeta::new(buffer, false), AccountMeta::new(IdlAccount::address(&program_id), false), AccountMeta::new(keypair.pubkey(), true), ]; let mut data = anchor_lang::idl::IDL_IX_TAG.to_le_bytes().to_vec(); data.append(&mut IdlInstruction::SetBuffer.try_to_vec()?); Instruction { program_id, accounts, data, } }; // Build the transaction. let (recent_hash, _fee_calc) = client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &[set_buffer_ix], Some(&keypair.pubkey()), &[&keypair], recent_hash, ); // Send the transaction. client.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), RpcSendTransactionConfig { skip_preflight: true, ..RpcSendTransactionConfig::default() }, )?; Ok(()) }) } fn idl_upgrade( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, idl_filepath: String, ) -> Result<()> { let buffer = idl_write_buffer(cfg_override, program_id, idl_filepath)?; idl_set_buffer(cfg_override, program_id, buffer) } fn idl_authority(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); let idl_address = { let account = client .get_account_with_commitment(&program_id, CommitmentConfig::processed())? .value .map_or(Err(anyhow!("Account not found")), Ok)?; if account.executable { IdlAccount::address(&program_id) } else { program_id } }; let account = client.get_account(&idl_address)?; let mut data: &[u8] = &account.data; let idl_account: IdlAccount = AccountDeserialize::try_deserialize(&mut data)?; println!("{:?}", idl_account.authority); Ok(()) }) } fn idl_set_authority( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, address: Option, new_authority: Pubkey, ) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { // Misc. let idl_address = match address { None => IdlAccount::address(&program_id), Some(addr) => addr, }; let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(&cfg.provider.wallet.to_string()) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to read keypair file"))?; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); // Instruction data. let data = serialize_idl_ix(anchor_lang::idl::IdlInstruction::SetAuthority { new_authority })?; // Instruction accounts. let accounts = vec![ AccountMeta::new(idl_address, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(keypair.pubkey(), true), ]; // Instruction. let ix = Instruction { program_id, accounts, data, }; // Send transaction. let (recent_hash, _fee_calc) = client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &[ix], Some(&keypair.pubkey()), &[&keypair], recent_hash, ); client.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), RpcSendTransactionConfig { skip_preflight: true, ..RpcSendTransactionConfig::default() }, )?; println!("Authority update complete."); Ok(()) }) } fn idl_erase_authority(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey) -> Result<()> { println!("Are you sure you want to erase the IDL authority: [y/n]"); let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut stdin_lines = stdin.lock().lines(); let input = stdin_lines.next().unwrap().unwrap(); if input != "y" { println!("Not erasing."); return Ok(()); } // Program will treat the zero authority as erased. let new_authority = Pubkey::new_from_array([0u8; 32]); idl_set_authority(cfg_override, program_id, None, new_authority)?; Ok(()) } // Write the idl to the account buffer, chopping up the IDL into pieces // and sending multiple transactions in the event the IDL doesn't fit into // a single transaction. fn idl_write(cfg: &Config, program_id: &Pubkey, idl: &Idl, idl_address: Pubkey) -> Result<()> { // Remove the metadata before deploy. let mut idl = idl.clone(); idl.metadata = None; // Misc. let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(&cfg.provider.wallet.to_string()) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to read keypair file"))?; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); // Serialize and compress the idl. let idl_data = { let json_bytes = serde_json::to_vec(&idl)?; let mut e = ZlibEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default()); e.write_all(&json_bytes)?; e.finish()? }; const MAX_WRITE_SIZE: usize = 1000; let mut offset = 0; while offset < idl_data.len() { // Instruction data. let data = { let start = offset; let end = std::cmp::min(offset + MAX_WRITE_SIZE, idl_data.len()); serialize_idl_ix(anchor_lang::idl::IdlInstruction::Write { data: idl_data[start..end].to_vec(), })? }; // Instruction accounts. let accounts = vec![ AccountMeta::new(idl_address, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(keypair.pubkey(), true), ]; // Instruction. let ix = Instruction { program_id: *program_id, accounts, data, }; // Send transaction. let (recent_hash, _fee_calc) = client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &[ix], Some(&keypair.pubkey()), &[&keypair], recent_hash, ); client.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), RpcSendTransactionConfig { skip_preflight: true, ..RpcSendTransactionConfig::default() }, )?; offset += MAX_WRITE_SIZE; } Ok(()) } fn idl_parse(file: String, out: Option) -> Result<()> { let idl = extract_idl(&file)?; let out = match out { None => OutFile::Stdout, Some(out) => OutFile::File(PathBuf::from(out)), }; write_idl(&idl, out) } fn idl_fetch(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, address: Pubkey, out: Option) -> Result<()> { let idl = fetch_idl(cfg_override, address)?; let out = match out { None => OutFile::Stdout, Some(out) => OutFile::File(PathBuf::from(out)), }; write_idl(&idl, out) } fn write_idl(idl: &Idl, out: OutFile) -> Result<()> { let idl_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(idl)?; match out { OutFile::Stdout => println!("{}", idl_json), OutFile::File(out) => std::fs::write(out, idl_json)?, }; Ok(()) } enum OutFile { Stdout, File(PathBuf), } // Builds, deploys, and tests all workspace programs in a single command. fn test( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, skip_deploy: bool, skip_local_validator: bool, skip_build: bool, file: Option, ) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { // Build if needed. if !skip_build { build(cfg_override, None, false, None)?; } // Run the deploy against the cluster in two cases: // // 1. The cluster is not localnet. // 2. The cluster is localnet, but we're not booting a local validator. // // In either case, skip the deploy if the user specifies. let is_localnet = cfg.provider.cluster == Cluster::Localnet; if (!is_localnet || skip_local_validator) && !skip_deploy { deploy(cfg_override, None)?; } // Start local test validator, if needed. let mut validator_handle = None; if is_localnet && (!skip_local_validator) { let flags = match skip_deploy { true => None, false => Some(genesis_flags(cfg)?), }; validator_handle = Some(start_test_validator(cfg, flags)?); } // Setup log reader. let log_streams = stream_logs(cfg.provider.cluster.url()); // Run the tests. let test_result: Result<_> = { let ts_config_exist = Path::new("tsconfig.json").exists(); let cmd = if ts_config_exist { "ts-mocha" } else { "mocha" }; let mut args = if ts_config_exist { vec![cmd, "-p", "./tsconfig.json"] } else { vec![cmd] }; args.extend_from_slice(&[ "-t", "1000000", if let Some(ref file) = file { file } else if ts_config_exist { "tests/**/*.spec.ts" } else { "tests/" }, ]); std::process::Command::new("npx") .args(args) .env("ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL", cfg.provider.cluster.url()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(anyhow::Error::from) .context(cmd) }; // Check all errors and shut down. if let Some(mut child) = validator_handle { if let Err(err) = child.kill() { println!("Failed to kill subprocess {}: {}", child.id(), err); } } for mut child in log_streams? { if let Err(err) = child.kill() { println!("Failed to kill subprocess {}: {}", child.id(), err); } } match test_result { Ok(exit) => { if !exit.status.success() { std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap()); } } Err(err) => { println!("Failed to run test: {:#}", err) } } Ok(()) }) } // Returns the solana-test-validator flags to embed the workspace programs // in the genesis block. This allows us to run tests without every deploying. fn genesis_flags(cfg: &Config) -> Result> { let mut flags = Vec::new(); for mut program in read_all_programs()? { let binary_path = program.binary_path().display().to_string(); let kp = Keypair::generate(&mut OsRng); let address = kp.pubkey().to_string(); flags.push("--bpf-program".to_string()); flags.push(address.clone()); flags.push(binary_path); // Add program address to the IDL. program.idl.metadata = Some(serde_json::to_value(IdlTestMetadata { address })?); // Persist it. let idl_out = PathBuf::from("target/idl") .join(&program.idl.name) .with_extension("json"); write_idl(&program.idl, OutFile::File(idl_out))?; } if let Some(test) = cfg.test.as_ref() { for entry in &test.genesis { flags.push("--bpf-program".to_string()); flags.push(entry.address.clone()); flags.push(entry.program.clone()); } } Ok(flags) } fn stream_logs(url: &str) -> Result> { let program_logs_dir = ".anchor/program-logs"; if Path::new(program_logs_dir).exists() { std::fs::remove_dir_all(program_logs_dir)?; } fs::create_dir_all(program_logs_dir)?; let mut handles = vec![]; for program in read_all_programs()? { let mut file = File::open(&format!("target/idl/{}.json", program.lib_name))?; let mut contents = vec![]; file.read_to_end(&mut contents)?; let idl: Idl = serde_json::from_slice(&contents)?; let metadata = idl .metadata .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Program address not found."))?; let metadata: IdlTestMetadata = serde_json::from_value(metadata)?; let log_file = File::create(format!( "{}/{}.{}.log", program_logs_dir, metadata.address, program.idl.name ))?; let stdio = std::process::Stdio::from(log_file); let child = std::process::Command::new("solana") .arg("logs") .arg(metadata.address) .arg("--url") .arg(url) .stdout(stdio) .spawn()?; handles.push(child); } Ok(handles) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct IdlTestMetadata { address: String, } fn start_test_validator(cfg: &Config, flags: Option>) -> Result { fs::create_dir_all(".anchor")?; let test_ledger_filename = ".anchor/test-ledger"; let test_ledger_log_filename = ".anchor/test-ledger-log.txt"; if Path::new(test_ledger_filename).exists() { std::fs::remove_dir_all(test_ledger_filename)?; } if Path::new(test_ledger_log_filename).exists() { std::fs::remove_file(test_ledger_log_filename)?; } // Start a validator for testing. let test_validator_stdout = File::create(test_ledger_log_filename)?; let test_validator_stderr = test_validator_stdout.try_clone()?; let validator_handle = std::process::Command::new("solana-test-validator") .arg("--ledger") .arg(test_ledger_filename) .arg("--mint") .arg(cfg.wallet_kp()?.pubkey().to_string()) .args(flags.unwrap_or_default()) .stdout(Stdio::from(test_validator_stdout)) .stderr(Stdio::from(test_validator_stderr)) .spawn() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; // Wait for the validator to be ready. let client = RpcClient::new("http://localhost:8899".to_string()); let mut count = 0; let ms_wait = 5000; while count < ms_wait { let r = client.get_recent_blockhash(); if r.is_ok() { break; } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)); count += 1; } if count == 5000 { println!("Unable to start test validator."); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(validator_handle) } fn deploy(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_name: Option) -> Result<()> { _deploy(cfg_override, program_name).map(|_| ()) } fn _deploy( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_str: Option, ) -> Result> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let url = cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string(); let keypair = cfg.provider.wallet.to_string(); // Deploy the programs. println!("Deploying workspace: {}", url); println!("Upgrade authority: {}", keypair); let mut programs = Vec::new(); for mut program in read_all_programs()? { if let Some(single_prog_str) = &program_str { let program_name = program.path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); if single_prog_str.as_str() != program_name { continue; } } let binary_path = program.binary_path().display().to_string(); println!( "Deploying program {:?}...", program.path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() ); println!("Program path: {}...", binary_path); // Write the program's keypair filepath. This forces a new deploy // address. let program_kp = Keypair::generate(&mut OsRng); let mut file = File::create(program.anchor_keypair_path())?; file.write_all(format!("{:?}", &program_kp.to_bytes()).as_bytes())?; // Send deploy transactions. let exit = std::process::Command::new("solana") .arg("program") .arg("deploy") .arg("--url") .arg(&url) .arg("--keypair") .arg(&keypair) .arg("--program-id") .arg(program.anchor_keypair_path().display().to_string()) .arg(&binary_path) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("Must deploy"); if !exit.status.success() { println!("There was a problem deploying: {:?}.", exit); std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } // Add program address to the IDL. program.idl.metadata = Some(serde_json::to_value(IdlTestMetadata { address: program_kp.pubkey().to_string(), })?); // Persist it. let idl_out = PathBuf::from("target/idl") .join(&program.idl.name) .with_extension("json"); write_idl(&program.idl, OutFile::File(idl_out))?; programs.push((program_kp.pubkey(), program)) } println!("Deploy success"); Ok(programs) }) } fn upgrade( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, program_id: Pubkey, program_filepath: String, ) -> Result<()> { let path: PathBuf = program_filepath.parse().unwrap(); let program_filepath = path.canonicalize()?.display().to_string(); with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let exit = std::process::Command::new("solana") .arg("program") .arg("deploy") .arg("--url") .arg(cfg.provider.cluster.url()) .arg("--keypair") .arg(&cfg.provider.wallet.to_string()) .arg("--program-id") .arg(program_id.to_string()) .arg(&program_filepath) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("Must deploy"); if !exit.status.success() { println!("There was a problem deploying: {:?}.", exit); std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } Ok(()) }) } fn launch( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, verifiable: bool, program_name: Option, ) -> Result<()> { // Build and deploy. build(cfg_override, None, verifiable, program_name.clone())?; let programs = _deploy(cfg_override, program_name)?; with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let keypair = cfg.provider.wallet.to_string(); // Add metadata to all IDLs. for (address, program) in programs { // Store the IDL on chain. let idl_address = create_idl_account(cfg, &keypair, &address, &program.idl)?; println!("IDL account created: {}", idl_address.to_string()); } // Run migration script. if Path::new("migrations/deploy.js").exists() || Path::new("migrations/deploy.ts").exists() { migrate(cfg_override)?; } Ok(()) }) } // The Solana CLI doesn't redeploy a program if this file exists. // So remove it to make all commands explicit. fn clear_program_keys() -> Result<()> { for program in read_all_programs()? { let anchor_keypair_path = program.anchor_keypair_path(); if Path::exists(&anchor_keypair_path) { std::fs::remove_file(anchor_keypair_path).expect("Always remove"); } } Ok(()) } fn create_idl_account( cfg: &Config, keypair_path: &str, program_id: &Pubkey, idl: &Idl, ) -> Result { // Misc. let idl_address = IdlAccount::address(program_id); let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(keypair_path) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to read keypair file"))?; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); let idl_data = serialize_idl(idl)?; // Run `Create instruction. { let data = serialize_idl_ix(anchor_lang::idl::IdlInstruction::Create { data_len: (idl_data.len() as u64) * 2, // Double for future growth. })?; let program_signer = Pubkey::find_program_address(&[], program_id).0; let accounts = vec![ AccountMeta::new_readonly(keypair.pubkey(), true), AccountMeta::new(idl_address, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(program_signer, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::system_program::ID, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*program_id, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false), ]; let ix = Instruction { program_id: *program_id, accounts, data, }; let (recent_hash, _fee_calc) = client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &[ix], Some(&keypair.pubkey()), &[&keypair], recent_hash, ); client.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), RpcSendTransactionConfig { skip_preflight: true, ..RpcSendTransactionConfig::default() }, )?; } // Write directly to the IDL account buffer. idl_write(cfg, program_id, idl, IdlAccount::address(program_id))?; Ok(idl_address) } fn create_idl_buffer( cfg: &Config, keypair_path: &str, program_id: &Pubkey, idl: &Idl, ) -> Result { let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(keypair_path) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to read keypair file"))?; let client = RpcClient::new(cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string()); let buffer = Keypair::generate(&mut OsRng); // Creates the new buffer account with the system program. let create_account_ix = { let space = 8 + 32 + 4 + serialize_idl(idl)?.len() as usize; let lamports = client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(space)?; solana_sdk::system_instruction::create_account( &keypair.pubkey(), &buffer.pubkey(), lamports, space as u64, program_id, ) }; // Program instruction to create the buffer. let create_buffer_ix = { let accounts = vec![ AccountMeta::new(buffer.pubkey(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(keypair.pubkey(), true), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::ID, false), ]; let mut data = anchor_lang::idl::IDL_IX_TAG.to_le_bytes().to_vec(); data.append(&mut IdlInstruction::CreateBuffer.try_to_vec()?); Instruction { program_id: *program_id, accounts, data, } }; // Build the transaction. let (recent_hash, _fee_calc) = client.get_recent_blockhash()?; let tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer( &[create_account_ix, create_buffer_ix], Some(&keypair.pubkey()), &[&keypair, &buffer], recent_hash, ); // Send the transaction. client.send_and_confirm_transaction_with_spinner_and_config( &tx, CommitmentConfig::confirmed(), RpcSendTransactionConfig { skip_preflight: true, ..RpcSendTransactionConfig::default() }, )?; Ok(buffer.pubkey()) } // Serialize and compress the idl. fn serialize_idl(idl: &Idl) -> Result> { let json_bytes = serde_json::to_vec(idl)?; let mut e = ZlibEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default()); e.write_all(&json_bytes)?; e.finish().map_err(Into::into) } fn serialize_idl_ix(ix_inner: anchor_lang::idl::IdlInstruction) -> Result> { let mut data = anchor_lang::idl::IDL_IX_TAG.to_le_bytes().to_vec(); data.append(&mut ix_inner.try_to_vec()?); Ok(data) } fn migrate(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { println!("Running migration deploy script"); let url = cfg.provider.cluster.url().to_string(); let cur_dir = std::env::current_dir()?; let module_path = cur_dir.join("migrations/deploy.js"); let ts_config_exist = Path::new("tsconfig.json").exists(); let ts_deploy_file_exists = Path::new("migrations/deploy.ts").exists(); if ts_config_exist && ts_deploy_file_exists { let ts_module_path = cur_dir.join("migrations/deploy.ts"); let exit = std::process::Command::new("tsc") .arg(&ts_module_path) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output()?; if !exit.status.success() { std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap()); } }; let deploy_script_host_str = template::deploy_script_host(&url, &module_path.display().to_string()); if !Path::new(".anchor").exists() { fs::create_dir(".anchor")?; } std::env::set_current_dir(".anchor")?; std::fs::write("deploy.js", deploy_script_host_str)?; let exit = std::process::Command::new("node") .arg("deploy.js") .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output()?; if ts_config_exist && ts_deploy_file_exists { std::fs::remove_file(&module_path) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Unable to remove file {}", module_path.display()))?; } if !exit.status.success() { println!("Deploy failed."); std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap()); } println!("Deploy complete."); Ok(()) }) } fn set_workspace_dir_or_exit() { let d = match Config::discover(&ConfigOverride { cluster: None, wallet: None, }) { Err(_) => { println!("Not in anchor workspace."); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(d) => d, }; match d { None => { println!("Not in anchor workspace."); std::process::exit(1); } Some((_cfg, cfg_path, _inside_cargo)) => { match cfg_path.parent() { None => { println!("Unable to make new program"); } Some(parent) => { if std::env::set_current_dir(&parent).is_err() { println!("Not in anchor workspace."); std::process::exit(1); } } }; } } } #[cfg(feature = "dev")] fn airdrop(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride) -> Result<()> { let url = cfg_override .cluster .unwrap_or_else(|| "https://api.devnet.solana.com".to_string()); loop { let exit = std::process::Command::new("solana") .arg("airdrop") .arg("10") .arg("--url") .arg(&url) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("Must airdrop"); if !exit.status.success() { println!("There was a problem airdropping: {:?}.", exit); std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10000)); } } fn cluster(_cmd: ClusterCommand) -> Result<()> { println!("Cluster Endpoints:\n"); println!("* Mainnet - https://solana-api.projectserum.com"); println!("* Mainnet - https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"); println!("* Devnet - https://api.devnet.solana.com"); println!("* Testnet - https://api.testnet.solana.com"); Ok(()) } fn shell(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let programs = { let mut idls: HashMap = read_all_programs()? .iter() .map(|program| (program.idl.name.clone(), program.idl.clone())) .collect(); // Insert all manually specified idls into the idl map. if let Some(programs) = cfg.clusters.get(&cfg.provider.cluster) { let _ = programs .iter() .map(|(name, pd)| { if let Some(idl_fp) = &pd.idl { let file_str = std::fs::read_to_string(idl_fp).expect("Unable to read IDL file"); let idl = serde_json::from_str(&file_str).expect("Idl not readable"); idls.insert(name.clone(), idl); } }) .collect::>(); } match cfg.clusters.get(&cfg.provider.cluster) { None => Vec::new(), Some(programs) => programs .iter() .map(|(name, program_deployment)| ProgramWorkspace { name: name.to_string(), program_id: program_deployment.address, idl: match idls.get(name) { None => { println!("Unable to find IDL for {}", name); std::process::exit(1); } Some(idl) => idl.clone(), }, }) .collect::>(), } }; let js_code = template::node_shell( cfg.provider.cluster.url(), &cfg.provider.wallet.to_string(), programs, )?; let mut child = std::process::Command::new("node") .args(&["-e", &js_code, "-i", "--experimental-repl-await"]) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{}", e.to_string()))?; if !child.wait()?.success() { println!("Error running node shell"); return Ok(()); } Ok(()) }) } fn run(cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, script: String) -> Result<()> { with_workspace(cfg_override, |cfg, _path, _cargo| { let script = cfg .scripts .get(&script) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Unable to find script"))?; let exit = std::process::Command::new("bash") .arg("-c") .arg(&script) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .unwrap(); if !exit.status.success() { std::process::exit(exit.status.code().unwrap_or(1)); } Ok(()) }) } // with_workspace ensures the current working directory is always the top level // workspace directory, i.e., where the `Anchor.toml` file is located, before // and after the closure invocation. // // The closure passed into this function must never change the working directory // to be outside the workspace. Doing so will have undefined behavior. fn with_workspace( cfg_override: &ConfigOverride, f: impl FnOnce(&Config, PathBuf, Option) -> R, ) -> R { set_workspace_dir_or_exit(); clear_program_keys().unwrap(); let (cfg, cfg_path, cargo_toml) = Config::discover(cfg_override) .expect("Previously set the workspace dir") .expect("Anchor.toml must always exist"); let r = f(&cfg, cfg_path, cargo_toml); set_workspace_dir_or_exit(); clear_program_keys().unwrap(); r }