import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as anchor from '../../'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; // Global workspace settings. const WORKSPACE = { idl: JSON.parse(readFileSync('../examples/basic/idl.json', 'utf8')), programId: new anchor.web3.PublicKey('CrQZpSbUnkXxwf1FnepmefoZ7VsbYE6HXmG1TjChH6y'), provider: anchor.Provider.local(), }; describe('Constraints program tests', () => { it('Parses a workspace', async () => { }); it('Runs against a localnetwork', async () => { // Configure the local cluster. anchor.setProvider(WORKSPACE.provider); // Generate the program from IDL. const program = new anchor.Program(WORKSPACE.idl, WORKSPACE.programId); // New account to create. const root = new anchor.web3.Account(); // Execute the RPC (instruction) against the cluster, passing in the arguments // exactly as defined by the Solana program. // // The last parameter defines context for the transaction. Consisting of // // 1) Any additional instructions one wishes to execute *before* executing // the program. // 2) Any signers (in addition to the provider). // 3) Accounts for the program's instruction. Ordering does *not* matter, // only that they names are as specified in the IDL. await program.rpc.createRoot(WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, new anchor.BN(1234), { accounts: { root: root.publicKey, }, signers: [root], instructions: [ anchor.web3.SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, newAccountPubkey: root.publicKey, space: 41, lamports: await WORKSPACE.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(41), programId: WORKSPACE.programId, }), ], }); // Read the newly created account data. let account = await program.account.root(root.publicKey); assert.ok(account.initialized); assert.ok( anchor.BN(1234))); assert.ok(account.authority.equals(WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey)); // Execute another RPC to update the data. await program.rpc.updateRoot(new anchor.BN(999), { accounts: { root: root.publicKey, authority: WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, }, }); // Check the update actually persisted. account = await program.account.root(root.publicKey); assert.ok( anchor.BN(999))); // Create and initialize a leaf account. const leaf = new anchor.web3.Account(); let customType = { myData: new anchor.BN(4), key: WORKSPACE.programId }; await program.rpc.createLeaf(new anchor.BN(2), customType, { accounts: { root: root.publicKey, leaf: leaf.publicKey, }, signers: [leaf], instructions: [ anchor.web3.SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, newAccountPubkey: leaf.publicKey, space: 100, lamports: await WORKSPACE.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(100), programId: WORKSPACE.programId, }), ], }); // Check the account was initialized. account = await program.account.leaf(leaf.publicKey); assert.ok(account.initialized); assert.ok(account.root.equals(root.publicKey)); assert.ok( anchor.BN(2))); assert.ok(account.custom.myData.eq(new anchor.BN(4))); assert.ok(account.custom.key.equals(WORKSPACE.programId)); // Update the account. await program.rpc.updateLeaf(new anchor.BN(5), null, { accounts: { authority: WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, root: root.publicKey, leaf: leaf.publicKey, }, }); // Check it was updated. account = await program.account.leaf(leaf.publicKey); assert.ok( anchor.BN(5))); // Now update with the option. customType = { myData: new anchor.BN(7), key: WORKSPACE.programId }; await program.rpc.updateLeaf(new anchor.BN(6), customType, { accounts: { authority: WORKSPACE.provider.wallet.publicKey, root: root.publicKey, leaf: leaf.publicKey, }, }); // Check it was updated. account = await program.account.leaf(leaf.publicKey); assert.ok( anchor.BN(6))); assert.ok(account.custom.myData.eq(new anchor.BN(7))); assert.ok(account.custom.key.equals(WORKSPACE.programId)); }); });