--- home: true heroText: Anchor tagline: A framework for building Solana programs actionText: Get Started → actionLink: /getting-started/introduction features: - title: Security details: Anchor eliminates many footguns of raw Solana programs by default and allows you to add more security checks without disrupting your business logic. - title: Code Generation details: (De)Serialization, cross-program invocations, account initialization, and more. - title: IDL & Client Generation details: Anchor generates an IDL based on your program and automatically creates a typescript client with it. - title: Verifiability details: Anchor programs can be built verifiably, so users know that the on-chain program matches the code base. - title: Workspace Management details: The CLI helps you manage workspaces with multiple programs, e2e tests, and more. - title: Compatibility details: Anchor programs can interact with all non-anchor programs on Solana. footer: Apache License 2.0 ---
This documentation is being sunset in favor of The Anchor Book. At this point in time, either documentation may contain information that the other does not.