//! Anchor ⚓ is a framework for Solana's Sealevel runtime providing several //! convenient developer tools. //! //! - Rust eDSL for writing safe, secure, and high level Solana programs //! - [IDL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_description_language) specification //! - TypeScript package for generating clients from IDL //! - CLI and workspace management for developing complete applications //! //! If you're familiar with developing in Ethereum's //! [Solidity](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.7.4/), //! [Truffle](https://www.trufflesuite.com/), //! [web3.js](https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js) or Parity's //! [Ink!](https://github.com/paritytech/ink), then the experience will be //! familiar. Although the syntax and semantics are targeted at Solana, the high //! level workflow of writing RPC request handlers, emitting an IDL, and //! generating clients from IDL is the same. //! //! For detailed tutorials and examples on how to use Anchor, see the guided //! [tutorials](https://project-serum.github.io/anchor) or examples in the GitHub //! [repository](https://github.com/project-serum/anchor). //! //! Presented here are the Rust primitives for building on Solana. extern crate self as anchor_lang; use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable}; use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo; use solana_program::entrypoint::ProgramResult; use solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta; use solana_program::program_error::ProgramError; use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey; use std::io::Write; mod account; mod account_info; mod account_meta; mod boxed; mod common; mod context; mod cpi_account; mod cpi_state; mod ctor; mod error; #[doc(hidden)] pub mod idl; mod loader; mod loader_account; mod program; mod program_account; mod signer; pub mod state; mod system_account; mod system_program; mod sysvar; mod unchecked_account; mod vec; pub use crate::account::Account; #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::context::CpiStateContext; pub use crate::context::{Context, CpiContext}; #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::cpi_account::CpiAccount; #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::cpi_state::CpiState; #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::loader::Loader; pub use crate::loader_account::AccountLoader; pub use crate::program::Program; #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::program_account::ProgramAccount; pub use crate::signer::Signer; #[doc(hidden)] #[allow(deprecated)] pub use crate::state::ProgramState; pub use crate::system_account::SystemAccount; pub use crate::system_program::System; pub use crate::sysvar::Sysvar; pub use crate::unchecked_account::UncheckedAccount; pub use anchor_attribute_access_control::access_control; pub use anchor_attribute_account::{account, declare_id, zero_copy}; pub use anchor_attribute_error::error; pub use anchor_attribute_event::{emit, event}; pub use anchor_attribute_interface::interface; pub use anchor_attribute_program::program; pub use anchor_attribute_state::state; pub use anchor_derive_accounts::Accounts; /// Borsh is the default serialization format for instructions and accounts. pub use borsh::{BorshDeserialize as AnchorDeserialize, BorshSerialize as AnchorSerialize}; pub use solana_program; /// A data structure of validated accounts that can be deserialized from the /// input to a Solana program. Implementations of this trait should perform any /// and all requisite constraint checks on accounts to ensure the accounts /// maintain any invariants required for the program to run securely. In most /// cases, it's recommended to use the [`Accounts`](./derive.Accounts.html) /// derive macro to implement this trait. pub trait Accounts<'info>: ToAccountMetas + ToAccountInfos<'info> + Sized { /// Returns the validated accounts struct. What constitutes "valid" is /// program dependent. However, users of these types should never have to /// worry about account substitution attacks. For example, if a program /// expects a `Mint` account from the SPL token program in a particular /// field, then it should be impossible for this method to return `Ok` if /// any other account type is given--from the SPL token program or elsewhere. /// /// `program_id` is the currently executing program. `accounts` is the /// set of accounts to construct the type from. For every account used, /// the implementation should mutate the slice, consuming the used entry /// so that it cannot be used again. fn try_accounts( program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &mut &[AccountInfo<'info>], ix_data: &[u8], ) -> Result; } /// The exit procedure for an account. Any cleanup or persistence to storage /// should be done here. pub trait AccountsExit<'info>: ToAccountMetas + ToAccountInfos<'info> { /// `program_id` is the currently executing program. fn exit(&self, program_id: &Pubkey) -> ProgramResult; } /// The close procedure to initiate garabage collection of an account, allowing /// one to retrieve the rent exemption. pub trait AccountsClose<'info>: ToAccountInfos<'info> { fn close(&self, sol_destination: AccountInfo<'info>) -> ProgramResult; } /// Transformation to /// [`AccountMeta`](../solana_program/instruction/struct.AccountMeta.html) /// structs. pub trait ToAccountMetas { /// `is_signer` is given as an optional override for the signer meta field. /// This covers the edge case when a program-derived-address needs to relay /// a transaction from a client to another program but sign the transaction /// before the relay. The client cannot mark the field as a signer, and so /// we have to override the is_signer meta field given by the client. fn to_account_metas(&self, is_signer: Option) -> Vec; } /// Transformation to /// [`AccountInfo`](../solana_program/account_info/struct.AccountInfo.html) /// structs. pub trait ToAccountInfos<'info> { fn to_account_infos(&self) -> Vec>; } /// Transformation to an `AccountInfo` struct. pub trait ToAccountInfo<'info> { fn to_account_info(&self) -> AccountInfo<'info>; } /// A data structure that can be serialized and stored into account storage, /// i.e. an /// [`AccountInfo`](../solana_program/account_info/struct.AccountInfo.html#structfield.data)'s /// mutable data slice. /// /// Implementors of this trait should ensure that any subsequent usage of the /// `AccountDeserialize` trait succeeds if and only if the account is of the /// correct type. /// /// In most cases, one can use the default implementation provided by the /// [`#[account]`](./attr.account.html) attribute. pub trait AccountSerialize { /// Serializes the account data into `writer`. fn try_serialize(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ProgramError>; } /// A data structure that can be deserialized and stored into account storage, /// i.e. an /// [`AccountInfo`](../solana_program/account_info/struct.AccountInfo.html#structfield.data)'s /// mutable data slice. pub trait AccountDeserialize: Sized { /// Deserializes previously initialized account data. Should fail for all /// uninitialized accounts, where the bytes are zeroed. Implementations /// should be unique to a particular account type so that one can never /// successfully deserialize the data of one account type into another. /// For example, if the SPL token program where to implement this trait, /// it should impossible to deserialize a `Mint` account into a token /// `Account`. fn try_deserialize(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result; /// Deserializes account data without checking the account discriminator. /// This should only be used on account initialization, when the bytes of /// the account are zeroed. fn try_deserialize_unchecked(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result; } /// An account data structure capable of zero copy deserialization. pub trait ZeroCopy: Discriminator + Copy + Clone + Zeroable + Pod {} /// Calculates the data for an instruction invocation, where the data is /// `Sha256(::)[..8] || BorshSerialize(args)`. /// `args` is a borsh serialized struct of named fields for each argument given /// to an instruction. pub trait InstructionData: AnchorSerialize { fn data(&self) -> Vec; } /// An event that can be emitted via a Solana log. pub trait Event: AnchorSerialize + AnchorDeserialize + Discriminator { fn data(&self) -> Vec; } // The serialized event data to be emitted via a Solana log. // TODO: remove this on the next major version upgrade. #[doc(hidden)] #[deprecated(since = "0.4.2", note = "Please use Event instead")] pub trait EventData: AnchorSerialize + Discriminator { fn data(&self) -> Vec; } /// 8 byte unique identifier for a type. pub trait Discriminator { fn discriminator() -> [u8; 8]; } /// Bump seed for program derived addresses. pub trait Bump { fn seed(&self) -> u8; } /// Defines an address expected to own an account. pub trait Owner { fn owner() -> Pubkey; } /// Defines the id of a program. pub trait Id { fn id() -> Pubkey; } /// Defines the Pubkey of an account. pub trait Key { fn key(&self) -> Pubkey; } impl Key for Pubkey { fn key(&self) -> Pubkey { *self } } /// The prelude contains all commonly used components of the crate. /// All programs should include it via `anchor_lang::prelude::*;`. pub mod prelude { pub use super::{ access_control, account, declare_id, emit, error, event, interface, program, require, state, zero_copy, Account, AccountDeserialize, AccountLoader, AccountSerialize, Accounts, AccountsExit, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize, Context, CpiContext, Id, Key, Owner, Program, Signer, System, SystemAccount, Sysvar, ToAccountInfo, ToAccountInfos, ToAccountMetas, UncheckedAccount, }; #[allow(deprecated)] pub use super::{CpiAccount, CpiState, CpiStateContext, Loader, ProgramAccount, ProgramState}; pub use borsh; pub use solana_program::account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo}; pub use solana_program::entrypoint::ProgramResult; pub use solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta; pub use solana_program::msg; pub use solana_program::program_error::ProgramError; pub use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey; pub use solana_program::sysvar::clock::Clock; pub use solana_program::sysvar::epoch_schedule::EpochSchedule; pub use solana_program::sysvar::fees::Fees; pub use solana_program::sysvar::instructions::Instructions; pub use solana_program::sysvar::recent_blockhashes::RecentBlockhashes; pub use solana_program::sysvar::rent::Rent; pub use solana_program::sysvar::rewards::Rewards; pub use solana_program::sysvar::slot_hashes::SlotHashes; pub use solana_program::sysvar::slot_history::SlotHistory; pub use solana_program::sysvar::stake_history::StakeHistory; pub use solana_program::sysvar::Sysvar as SolanaSysvar; pub use thiserror; } // Internal module used by macros and unstable apis. #[doc(hidden)] pub mod __private { use solana_program::program_error::ProgramError; use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey; pub use crate::ctor::Ctor; pub use crate::error::{Error, ErrorCode}; pub use anchor_attribute_account::ZeroCopyAccessor; pub use anchor_attribute_event::EventIndex; pub use base64; pub use bytemuck; pub mod state { pub use crate::state::*; } // The starting point for user defined error codes. pub const ERROR_CODE_OFFSET: u32 = 300; // Calculates the size of an account, which may be larger than the deserialized // data in it. This trait is currently only used for `#[state]` accounts. #[doc(hidden)] pub trait AccountSize { fn size(&self) -> Result; } // Very experimental trait. pub trait ZeroCopyAccessor { fn get(&self) -> Ty; fn set(input: &Ty) -> Self; } impl ZeroCopyAccessor for [u8; 32] { fn get(&self) -> Pubkey { Pubkey::new(self) } fn set(input: &Pubkey) -> [u8; 32] { input.to_bytes() } } pub use crate::state::PROGRAM_STATE_SEED; pub const CLOSED_ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR: [u8; 8] = [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]; } /// Ensures a condition is true, otherwise returns the given error. /// Use this with a custom error type. /// /// # Example /// /// After defining an `ErrorCode` /// /// ```ignore /// #[error] /// pub struct ErrorCode { /// InvalidArgument, /// } /// ``` /// /// One can write a `require` assertion as /// /// ```ignore /// require!(condition, InvalidArgument); /// ``` /// /// which would exit the program with the `InvalidArgument` error code if /// `condition` is false. #[macro_export] macro_rules! require { ($invariant:expr, $error:tt $(,)?) => { if !($invariant) { return Err(crate::ErrorCode::$error.into()); } }; ($invariant:expr, $error:expr $(,)?) => { if !($invariant) { return Err($error.into()); } }; }