const anchor = require("@project-serum/anchor"); const serumCmn = require("@project-serum/common"); const TokenInstructions = require("@project-serum/serum").TokenInstructions; const utils = require("../../deps/stake/tests/utils"); const lockup = anchor.workspace.Lockup; const registry = anchor.workspace.Registry; const provider = anchor.Provider.env(); let lockupAddress = null; let mint = null; let god = null; let registrarAccount = null; let registrarSigner = null; let nonce = null; let poolMint = null; const registrar = new anchor.web3.Account(); const rewardQ = new anchor.web3.Account(); const withdrawalTimelock = new anchor.BN(4); const stakeRate = new anchor.BN(2); const rewardQLen = 170; let member = null; let memberAccount = null; let memberSigner = null; let balances = null; let balancesLocked = null; const WHITELIST_SIZE = 10; async function setupStakePool(mint, god) { // Registry genesis. const [_registrarSigner, _nonce] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress( [registrar.publicKey.toBuffer()], registry.programId ); registrarSigner = _registrarSigner; nonce = _nonce; poolMint = await serumCmn.createMint(provider, registrarSigner); try { // Init registry. await{ accounts: { lockupProgram: lockup.programId }, }); // Init lockup. await{ accounts: { authority: provider.wallet.publicKey, }, }); } catch (err) { // Skip errors for convenience when developing locally, // since the state constructors can only be called once. } // Initialize stake pool. await registry.rpc.initialize( mint, provider.wallet.publicKey, nonce, withdrawalTimelock, stakeRate, rewardQLen, { accounts: { registrar: registrar.publicKey, poolMint, rewardEventQ: rewardQ.publicKey, rent: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, signers: [registrar, rewardQ], instructions: [ await registry.account.registrar.createInstruction(registrar), await registry.account.rewardQueue.createInstruction(rewardQ, 8250), ], } ); registrarAccount = await registry.account.registrar.fetch( registrar.publicKey ); console.log("Registrar", registrar.publicKey.toString()); console.log("Wallet", registry.provider.wallet.publicKey.toString()); // Create account for staker. const seed = anchor.utils.sha256 .hash(`${registrar.publicKey.toString()}:Member`) .slice(0, 32); member = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.createWithSeed( registry.provider.wallet.publicKey, seed, registry.programId ); const [_memberSigner, nonce2] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress( [registrar.publicKey.toBuffer(), member.toBuffer()], registry.programId ); memberSigner = _memberSigner; const [mainTx, _balances] = await utils.createBalanceSandbox( provider, registrarAccount, memberSigner ); const [lockedTx, _balancesLocked] = await utils.createBalanceSandbox( provider, registrarAccount, memberSigner ); balances = _balances; balancesLocked = _balancesLocked; const tx = registry.transaction.createMember(nonce2, { accounts: { registrar: registrar.publicKey, member: member, beneficiary: provider.wallet.publicKey, memberSigner, balances, balancesLocked, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, rent: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, }, instructions: [ anchor.web3.SystemProgram.createAccountWithSeed({ fromPubkey: registry.provider.wallet.publicKey, newAccountPubkey: member, basePubkey: registry.provider.wallet.publicKey, seed, lamports: await registry.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( registry.account.member.size ), space: registry.account.member.size, programId: registry.programId, }), ], }); const signers = [provider.wallet.payer]; const allTxs = [mainTx, lockedTx, { tx, signers }]; await provider.sendAll(allTxs); memberAccount = await registry.account.member.fetch(member); // Deposit into stake program. const depositAmount = new anchor.BN(120); await registry.rpc.deposit(depositAmount, { accounts: { depositor: god, depositorAuthority: provider.wallet.publicKey, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, vault: memberAccount.balances.vault, beneficiary: provider.wallet.publicKey, member: member, }, }); // Stake. const stakeAmount = new anchor.BN(10); await registry.rpc.stake(stakeAmount, false, { accounts: { // Stake instance. registrar: registrar.publicKey, rewardEventQ: rewardQ.publicKey, poolMint, // Member. member: member, beneficiary: provider.wallet.publicKey, balances, balancesLocked, // Program signers. memberSigner, registrarSigner, // Misc. clock: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }, }); } module.exports = { setupStakePool, };