use crate::{ ConstraintAddress, ConstraintAssociated, ConstraintAssociatedGroup, ConstraintAssociatedPayer, ConstraintAssociatedSpace, ConstraintAssociatedWith, ConstraintBelongsTo, ConstraintClose, ConstraintExecutable, ConstraintGroup, ConstraintInit, ConstraintLiteral, ConstraintMut, ConstraintOwner, ConstraintRaw, ConstraintRentExempt, ConstraintSeeds, ConstraintSeedsGroup, ConstraintSigner, ConstraintState, ConstraintToken, ConstraintTokenAuthority, ConstraintTokenMint, Context, PdaKind, Ty, }; use syn::ext::IdentExt; use syn::parse::{Error as ParseError, Parse, ParseStream, Result as ParseResult}; use syn::punctuated::Punctuated; use syn::spanned::Spanned; use syn::token::Comma; use syn::{bracketed, Expr, Ident, LitStr, Token}; pub fn parse( f: &syn::Field, f_ty: Option<&Ty>, has_instruction_api: bool, ) -> ParseResult<(ConstraintGroup, ConstraintGroup)> { let mut constraints = ConstraintGroupBuilder::new(f_ty); for attr in f.attrs.iter().filter(is_account) { for c in attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::::parse_terminated)? { constraints.add(c)?; } } let account_constraints =; let mut constraints = ConstraintGroupBuilder::new(f_ty); for attr in f.attrs.iter().filter(is_instruction) { if !has_instruction_api { return Err(ParseError::new( attr.span(), "an instruction api must be declared", )); } for c in attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::::parse_terminated)? { constraints.add(c)?; } } let instruction_constraints =; Ok((account_constraints, instruction_constraints)) } pub fn is_account(attr: &&syn::Attribute) -> bool { attr.path .get_ident() .map_or(false, |ident| ident == "account") } pub fn is_instruction(attr: &&syn::Attribute) -> bool { attr.path .get_ident() .map_or(false, |ident| ident == "instruction") } // Parses a single constraint from a parse stream for `#[account()]`. pub fn parse_token(stream: ParseStream) -> ParseResult { let is_lit = stream.peek(LitStr); if is_lit { let lit: LitStr = stream.parse()?; let c = ConstraintToken::Literal(Context::new(lit.span(), ConstraintLiteral { lit })); return Ok(c); } let ident =; let kw = ident.to_string(); let c = match kw.as_str() { "init" => ConstraintToken::Init(Context::new(ident.span(), ConstraintInit {})), "mut" => ConstraintToken::Mut(Context::new(ident.span(), ConstraintMut {})), "signer" => ConstraintToken::Signer(Context::new(ident.span(), ConstraintSigner {})), "executable" => { ConstraintToken::Executable(Context::new(ident.span(), ConstraintExecutable {})) } _ => { stream.parse::()?; let span = ident.span().join(stream.span()).unwrap_or(ident.span()); match kw.as_str() { "belongs_to" | "has_one" => ConstraintToken::BelongsTo(Context::new( span, ConstraintBelongsTo { join_target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "owner" => ConstraintToken::Owner(Context::new( span, ConstraintOwner { owner_target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "rent_exempt" => ConstraintToken::RentExempt(Context::new( span, match stream.parse::()?.to_string().as_str() { "skip" => ConstraintRentExempt::Skip, "enforce" => ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce, _ => { return Err(ParseError::new( span, "rent_exempt must be either skip or enforce", )) } }, )), "state" => ConstraintToken::State(Context::new( span, ConstraintState { program_target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "associated" => ConstraintToken::Associated(Context::new( span, ConstraintAssociated { target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "payer" => ConstraintToken::AssociatedPayer(Context::new( span, ConstraintAssociatedPayer { target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "with" => ConstraintToken::AssociatedWith(Context::new( span, ConstraintAssociatedWith { target: stream.parse()?, }, )), "space" => ConstraintToken::AssociatedSpace(Context::new( span, ConstraintAssociatedSpace { space: stream.parse()?, }, )), "seeds" => { let seeds; let bracket = bracketed!(seeds in stream); ConstraintToken::Seeds(Context::new( span.join(bracket.span).unwrap_or(span), ConstraintSeeds { seeds: seeds.parse_terminated(Expr::parse)?, }, )) } "constraint" => ConstraintToken::Raw(Context::new( span, ConstraintRaw { raw: stream.parse()?, }, )), "close" => ConstraintToken::Close(Context::new( span, ConstraintClose { sol_dest: stream.parse()?, }, )), "address" => ConstraintToken::Address(Context::new( span, ConstraintAddress { address: stream.parse()?, }, )), "token" => ConstraintToken::TokenMint(Context::new( ident.span(), ConstraintTokenMint { mint: stream.parse()?, }, )), "authority" => ConstraintToken::TokenAuthority(Context::new( ident.span(), ConstraintTokenAuthority { auth: stream.parse()?, }, )), _ => Err(ParseError::new(ident.span(), "Invalid attribute"))?, } } }; Ok(c) } #[derive(Default)] pub struct ConstraintGroupBuilder<'ty> { pub f_ty: Option<&'ty Ty>, pub init: Option>, pub mutable: Option>, pub signer: Option>, pub belongs_to: Vec>, pub literal: Vec>, pub raw: Vec>, pub owner: Option>, pub rent_exempt: Option>, pub seeds: Option>, pub executable: Option>, pub state: Option>, pub associated: Option>, pub associated_payer: Option>, pub associated_space: Option>, pub associated_with: Vec>, pub close: Option>, pub address: Option>, pub token_mint: Option>, pub token_authority: Option>, } impl<'ty> ConstraintGroupBuilder<'ty> { pub fn new(f_ty: Option<&'ty Ty>) -> Self { Self { f_ty, init: None, mutable: None, signer: None, belongs_to: Vec::new(), literal: Vec::new(), raw: Vec::new(), owner: None, rent_exempt: None, seeds: None, executable: None, state: None, associated: None, associated_payer: None, associated_space: None, associated_with: Vec::new(), close: None, address: None, token_mint: None, token_authority: None, } } pub fn build(mut self) -> ParseResult { // Init implies mutable and rent exempt. if let Some(i) = &self.init { match self.mutable { Some(m) => { return Err(ParseError::new( m.span(), "mut cannot be provided with init", )) } None => self .mutable .replace(Context::new(i.span(), ConstraintMut {})), }; if self.rent_exempt.is_none() { self.rent_exempt .replace(Context::new(i.span(), ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce)); } } if let Some(i) = &self.seeds { if self.init.is_some() && self.associated_payer.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( i.span(), "payer must be provided when creating a program derived address", )); } } if let Some(token_mint) = &self.token_mint { if self.init.is_none() || (self.associated.is_none() && self.seeds.is_none()) { return Err(ParseError::new( token_mint.span(), "init is required for a pda token", )); } } let ConstraintGroupBuilder { f_ty: _, init, mutable, signer, belongs_to, literal, raw, owner, rent_exempt, seeds, executable, state, associated, associated_payer, associated_space, associated_with, close, address, token_mint, token_authority, } = self; // Converts Option> -> Option. macro_rules! into_inner { ($opt:ident) => { $|c| c.into_inner()) }; ($opt:expr) => { $|c| c.into_inner()) }; } // Converts Vec> - Vec. macro_rules! into_inner_vec { ($opt:ident) => { $opt.into_iter().map(|c| c.into_inner()).collect() }; } let is_init = init.is_some(); Ok(ConstraintGroup { init: into_inner!(init), mutable: into_inner!(mutable), signer: into_inner!(signer), belongs_to: into_inner_vec!(belongs_to), literal: into_inner_vec!(literal), raw: into_inner_vec!(raw), owner: into_inner!(owner), rent_exempt: into_inner!(rent_exempt), seeds: seeds .map(|c| { Ok(ConstraintSeedsGroup { is_init, seeds: c.into_inner().seeds, payer: into_inner!(associated_payer.clone()).map(|a|, space: associated_space.clone().map(|s|, kind: match &token_mint { None => PdaKind::Program, Some(tm) => PdaKind::Token { mint: tm.clone().into_inner().mint, owner: match &token_authority { Some(a) => a.clone().into_inner().auth, None => return Err(ParseError::new( tm.span(), "authority must be provided to initialize a token program derived address" )), }, }, }, }) }) .transpose()?, executable: into_inner!(executable), state: into_inner!(state), associated:|associated| ConstraintAssociatedGroup { is_init, associated_target:, associated_seeds: associated_with.iter().map(|s|, payer:|p|, space:|s|, kind: match token_mint { None => PdaKind::Program, Some(tm) => PdaKind::Token { mint: tm.into_inner().mint, owner: match token_authority { Some(a) => a.into_inner().auth, None =>, }, }, }, }), close: into_inner!(close), address: into_inner!(address), }) } pub fn add(&mut self, c: ConstraintToken) -> ParseResult<()> { match c { ConstraintToken::Init(c) => self.add_init(c), ConstraintToken::Mut(c) => self.add_mut(c), ConstraintToken::Signer(c) => self.add_signer(c), ConstraintToken::BelongsTo(c) => self.add_belongs_to(c), ConstraintToken::Literal(c) => self.add_literal(c), ConstraintToken::Raw(c) => self.add_raw(c), ConstraintToken::Owner(c) => self.add_owner(c), ConstraintToken::RentExempt(c) => self.add_rent_exempt(c), ConstraintToken::Seeds(c) => self.add_seeds(c), ConstraintToken::Executable(c) => self.add_executable(c), ConstraintToken::State(c) => self.add_state(c), ConstraintToken::Associated(c) => self.add_associated(c), ConstraintToken::AssociatedPayer(c) => self.add_associated_payer(c), ConstraintToken::AssociatedSpace(c) => self.add_associated_space(c), ConstraintToken::AssociatedWith(c) => self.add_associated_with(c), ConstraintToken::Close(c) => self.add_close(c), ConstraintToken::Address(c) => self.add_address(c), ConstraintToken::TokenAuthority(c) => self.add_token_authority(c), ConstraintToken::TokenMint(c) => self.add_token_mint(c), } } fn add_init(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.init.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "init already provided")); } self.init.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_close(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if !matches!(self.f_ty, Some(Ty::ProgramAccount(_))) && !matches!(self.f_ty, Some(Ty::Loader(_))) { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "close must be on a ProgramAccount", )); } if self.mutable.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "mut must be provided before close", )); } if self.close.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "close already provided")); } self.close.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_address(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.address.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "address already provided")); } self.address.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_token_mint(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.token_mint.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "token mint already provided")); } if self.init.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "init must be provided before token", )); } self.token_mint.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_token_authority(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.token_authority.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "token authority already provided", )); } if self.token_mint.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "token must bne provided before authority", )); } self.token_authority.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_mut(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.mutable.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "mut already provided")); } self.mutable.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_signer(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.signer.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "signer already provided")); } self.signer.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_belongs_to(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self .belongs_to .iter() .filter(|item| item.join_target == c.join_target) .count() > 0 { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "belongs_to target already provided", )); } self.belongs_to.push(c); Ok(()) } fn add_literal(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { self.literal.push(c); Ok(()) } fn add_raw(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { self.raw.push(c); Ok(()) } fn add_owner(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.owner.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "owner already provided")); } self.owner.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_rent_exempt(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.rent_exempt.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "rent already provided")); } self.rent_exempt.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_seeds(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.seeds.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "seeds already provided")); } if self.associated.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "both seeds and associated cannot be defined together", )); } self.seeds.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_executable(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.executable.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "executable already provided")); } self.executable.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_state(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.state.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "state already provided")); } self.state.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_associated(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.associated.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "associated already provided")); } if self.seeds.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "both seeds and associated cannot be defined together", )); } self.associated.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_associated_payer(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.associated.is_none() && self.seeds.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "associated or seeds must be provided before payer", )); } if self.associated_payer.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "payer already provided")); } self.associated_payer.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_associated_space(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.associated.is_none() && self.seeds.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "associated or seeds must be provided before space", )); } if self.associated_space.is_some() { return Err(ParseError::new(c.span(), "space already provided")); } self.associated_space.replace(c); Ok(()) } fn add_associated_with(&mut self, c: Context) -> ParseResult<()> { if self.associated.is_none() { return Err(ParseError::new( c.span(), "associated must be provided before with", )); } self.associated_with.push(c); Ok(()) } }