/// import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { AccountMeta, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { Idl } from "../../idl.js"; import { InstructionCoder } from "../index.js"; /** * Namespace for state method function signatures. */ export declare const SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE = "state"; /** * Namespace for global instruction function signatures (i.e. functions * that aren't namespaced by the state or any of its trait implementations). */ export declare const SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = "global"; /** * Encodes and decodes program instructions. */ export declare class BorshInstructionCoder implements InstructionCoder { private idl; private ixLayout; private sighashLayouts; constructor(idl: Idl); /** * Encodes a program instruction. */ encode(ixName: string, ix: any): Buffer; /** * Encodes a program state instruction. */ encodeState(ixName: string, ix: any): Buffer; private _encode; private static parseIxLayout; /** * Decodes a program instruction. */ decode(ix: Buffer | string, encoding?: "hex" | "base58"): Instruction | null; /** * Returns a formatted table of all the fields in the given instruction data. */ format(ix: Instruction, accountMetas: AccountMeta[]): InstructionDisplay | null; } export declare type Instruction = { name: string; data: Object; }; export declare type InstructionDisplay = { args: { name: string; type: string; data: string; }[]; accounts: { name?: string; pubkey: PublicKey; isSigner: boolean; isWritable: boolean; }[]; }; //# sourceMappingURL=instruction.d.ts.map