
1167 lines
45 KiB

use proc_macro2_diagnostics::SpanDiagnosticExt;
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use syn::Expr;
use crate::*;
pub fn generate(f: &Field, accs: &AccountsStruct) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let constraints = linearize(&f.constraints);
let rent = constraints
.any(|c| matches!(c, Constraint::RentExempt(ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce)))
.then(|| quote! { let __anchor_rent = Rent::get()?; })
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote! {});
let checks: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = constraints
.map(|c| generate_constraint(f, c, accs))
let mut all_checks = quote! {#(#checks)*};
// If the field is optional we do all the inner checks as if the account
// wasn't optional. If the account is init we also need to return an Option
// by wrapping the resulting value with Some or returning None if it doesn't exist.
if f.is_optional && !constraints.is_empty() {
let ident = &f.ident;
let ty_decl = f.ty_decl(false);
all_checks = match &constraints[0] {
Constraint::Init(_) | Constraint::Zeroed(_) => {
quote! {
let #ident: #ty_decl = if let Some(#ident) = #ident {
} else {
_ => {
quote! {
if let Some(#ident) = &#ident {
quote! {
pub fn generate_composite(f: &CompositeField) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let checks: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = linearize(&f.constraints)
.filter_map(|c| match c {
Constraint::Raw(_) => Some(c),
Constraint::Literal(_) => Some(c),
_ => panic!("Invariant violation: composite constraints can only be raw or literals"),
.map(|c| generate_constraint_composite(f, c))
quote! {
// Linearizes the constraint group so that constraints with dependencies
// run after those without.
pub fn linearize(c_group: &ConstraintGroup) -> Vec<Constraint> {
let ConstraintGroup {
} = c_group.clone();
let mut constraints = Vec::new();
if let Some(c) = zeroed {
if let Some(c) = init {
if let Some(c) = realloc {
if let Some(c) = seeds {
if let Some(c) = associated_token {
if let Some(c) = mutable {
if let Some(c) = signer {
constraints.append(&mut has_one.into_iter().map(Constraint::HasOne).collect());
constraints.append(&mut literal.into_iter().map(Constraint::Literal).collect());
constraints.append(&mut raw.into_iter().map(Constraint::Raw).collect());
if let Some(c) = owner {
if let Some(c) = rent_exempt {
if let Some(c) = executable {
if let Some(c) = close {
if let Some(c) = address {
if let Some(c) = token_account {
if let Some(c) = mint {
fn generate_constraint(
f: &Field,
c: &Constraint,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match c {
Constraint::Init(c) => generate_constraint_init(f, c, accs),
Constraint::Zeroed(c) => generate_constraint_zeroed(f, c),
Constraint::Mut(c) => generate_constraint_mut(f, c),
Constraint::HasOne(c) => generate_constraint_has_one(f, c, accs),
Constraint::Signer(c) => generate_constraint_signer(f, c),
Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(&f.ident, c),
Constraint::Raw(c) => generate_constraint_raw(&f.ident, c),
Constraint::Owner(c) => generate_constraint_owner(f, c),
Constraint::RentExempt(c) => generate_constraint_rent_exempt(f, c),
Constraint::Seeds(c) => generate_constraint_seeds(f, c),
Constraint::Executable(c) => generate_constraint_executable(f, c),
Constraint::Close(c) => generate_constraint_close(f, c, accs),
Constraint::Address(c) => generate_constraint_address(f, c),
Constraint::AssociatedToken(c) => generate_constraint_associated_token(f, c, accs),
Constraint::TokenAccount(c) => generate_constraint_token_account(f, c, accs),
Constraint::Mint(c) => generate_constraint_mint(f, c, accs),
Constraint::Realloc(c) => generate_constraint_realloc(f, c, accs),
fn generate_constraint_composite(f: &CompositeField, c: &Constraint) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match c {
Constraint::Raw(c) => generate_constraint_raw(&f.ident, c),
Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(&f.ident, c),
_ => panic!("Invariant violation"),
fn generate_constraint_address(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintAddress) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let field = &f.ident;
let addr = &c.address;
let error = generate_custom_error(
quote! { ConstraintAddress },
&Some(&(quote! { actual }, quote! { expected })),
quote! {
let actual = #field.key();
let expected = #addr;
if actual != expected {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_init(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintInitGroup,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
generate_constraint_init_group(f, c, accs)
pub fn generate_constraint_zeroed(f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintZeroed) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let field = &f.ident;
let name_str = field.to_string();
let ty_decl = f.ty_decl(true);
let from_account_info = f.from_account_info(None, false);
quote! {
let #field: #ty_decl = {
let mut __data: &[u8] = &#field.try_borrow_data()?;
let mut __disc_bytes = [0u8; 8];
let __discriminator = u64::from_le_bytes(__disc_bytes);
if __discriminator != 0 {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintZero).with_account_name(#name_str));
pub fn generate_constraint_close(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintClose,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let field = &f.ident;
let name_str = field.to_string();
let target = &c.sol_dest;
let target_optional_check =
OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, field).generate_check(target);
quote! {
if #field.key() == #target.key() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintClose).with_account_name(#name_str));
pub fn generate_constraint_mut(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintMut) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let error = generate_custom_error(ident, &c.error, quote! { ConstraintMut }, &None);
quote! {
if !#ident.to_account_info().is_writable {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_has_one(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintHasOne,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let target = &c.join_target;
let ident = &f.ident;
let field = match &f.ty {
Ty::Loader(_) => quote! {#ident.load()?},
Ty::AccountLoader(_) => quote! {#ident.load()?},
_ => quote! {#ident},
let error = generate_custom_error(
quote! { ConstraintHasOne },
&Some(&(quote! { my_key }, quote! { target_key })),
let target_optional_check =
OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, &field).generate_check(target);
quote! {
let my_key = #field.#target;
let target_key = #target.key();
if my_key != target_key {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_signer(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSigner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let info = match f.ty {
Ty::AccountInfo => quote! { #ident },
Ty::ProgramAccount(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
Ty::Account(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
Ty::Loader(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
Ty::AccountLoader(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
Ty::CpiAccount(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
_ => panic!("Invalid syntax: signer cannot be specified."),
let error = generate_custom_error(ident, &c.error, quote! { ConstraintSigner }, &None);
quote! {
if !#info.is_signer {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_literal(
ident: &Ident,
c: &ConstraintLiteral,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name_str = ident.to_string();
let lit: proc_macro2::TokenStream = {
let lit = &c.lit;
let constraint = lit.value().replace('\"', "");
let message = format!(
"Deprecated. Should be used with constraint: #[account(constraint = {})]",
quote! {
if !(#lit) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::Deprecated).with_account_name(#name_str));
pub fn generate_constraint_raw(ident: &Ident, c: &ConstraintRaw) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let raw = &c.raw;
let error = generate_custom_error(ident, &c.error, quote! { ConstraintRaw }, &None);
quote! {
if !(#raw) {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_owner(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintOwner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let owner_address = &c.owner_address;
let error = generate_custom_error(
quote! { ConstraintOwner },
&Some(&(quote! { *my_owner }, quote! { owner_address })),
quote! {
let my_owner = AsRef::<AccountInfo>::as_ref(&#ident).owner;
let owner_address = #owner_address;
if my_owner != &owner_address {
return #error;
pub fn generate_constraint_rent_exempt(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintRentExempt,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let name_str = ident.to_string();
let info = quote! {
match c {
ConstraintRentExempt::Skip => quote! {},
ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce => quote! {
if !__anchor_rent.is_exempt(#info.lamports(), #info.try_data_len()?) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintRentExempt).with_account_name(#name_str));
fn generate_constraint_realloc(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintReallocGroup,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let field = &f.ident;
let account_name = field.to_string();
let new_space = &;
let payer = &c.payer;
let zero = &;
let mut optional_check_scope = OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, field);
let payer_optional_check = optional_check_scope.generate_check(payer);
let system_program_optional_check =
optional_check_scope.generate_check(quote! {system_program});
quote! {
// Blocks duplicate account reallocs in a single instruction to prevent accidental account overwrites
// and to ensure the calculation of the change in bytes is based on account size at program entry
// which inheritantly guarantee idempotency.
if __reallocs.contains(&#field.key()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::AccountDuplicateReallocs).with_account_name(#account_name));
let __anchor_rent = anchor_lang::prelude::Rent::get()?;
let __field_info = #field.to_account_info();
let __new_rent_minimum = __anchor_rent.minimum_balance(#new_space);
let __delta_space = (::std::convert::TryInto::<isize>::try_into(#new_space).unwrap())
if __delta_space != 0 {
if __delta_space > 0 {
if ::std::convert::TryInto::<usize>::try_into(__delta_space).unwrap() > anchor_lang::solana_program::entrypoint::MAX_PERMITTED_DATA_INCREASE {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::AccountReallocExceedsLimit).with_account_name(#account_name));
if __new_rent_minimum > __field_info.lamports() {
anchor_lang::system_program::Transfer {
from: #payer.to_account_info(),
to: __field_info.clone(),
} else {
let __lamport_amt = __field_info.lamports().checked_sub(__new_rent_minimum).unwrap();
**#payer.to_account_info().lamports.borrow_mut() = #payer.to_account_info().lamports().checked_add(__lamport_amt).unwrap();
**__field_info.lamports.borrow_mut() = __field_info.lamports().checked_sub(__lamport_amt).unwrap();
#field.to_account_info().realloc(#new_space, #zero)?;
fn generate_constraint_init_group(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintInitGroup,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let field = &f.ident;
let name_str = f.ident.to_string();
let ty_decl = f.ty_decl(true);
let if_needed = if c.if_needed {
quote! {true}
} else {
quote! {false}
let space = &;
let payer = &c.payer;
// Convert from account info to account context wrapper type.
let from_account_info = f.from_account_info(Some(&c.kind), true);
let from_account_info_unchecked = f.from_account_info(Some(&c.kind), false);
// PDA bump seeds.
let (find_pda, seeds_with_bump) = match &c.seeds {
None => (quote! {}, quote! {}),
Some(c) => {
let seeds = &mut c.seeds.clone();
// If the seeds came with a trailing comma, we need to chop it off
// before we interpolate them below.
if let Some(pair) = seeds.pop() {
let maybe_seeds_plus_comma = (!seeds.is_empty()).then(|| {
quote! { #seeds, }
let validate_pda = {
// If the bump is provided with init *and target*, then force it to be the
// canonical bump.
// Note that for `#[account(init, seeds)]`, find_program_address has already
// been run in the init constraint find_pda variable.
if c.bump.is_some() {
let b = c.bump.as_ref().unwrap();
quote! {
if #field.key() != __pda_address {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((#field.key(), __pda_address)));
if __bump != #b {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds).with_account_name(#name_str).with_values((__bump, #b)));
} else {
// Init seeds but no bump. We already used the canonical to create bump so
// just check the address.
// Note that for `#[account(init, seeds)]`, find_program_address has already
// been run in the init constraint find_pda variable.
quote! {
if #field.key() != __pda_address {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((#field.key(), __pda_address)));
quote! {
let (__pda_address, __bump) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
__bumps.insert(#name_str.to_string(), __bump);
quote! {
// Optional check idents
let system_program = &quote! {system_program};
let token_program = &quote! {token_program};
let associated_token_program = &quote! {associated_token_program};
let rent = &quote! {rent};
let mut check_scope = OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, field);
match &c.kind {
InitKind::Token { owner, mint } => {
let owner_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(owner);
let mint_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(mint);
let system_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(system_program);
let token_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(token_program);
let rent_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(rent);
let optional_checks = quote! {
let payer_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(payer);
let create_account = generate_create_account(
quote! {anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount::LEN},
quote! {&token_program.key()},
quote! {#payer},
quote! {
// Define the bump and pda variable.
let #field: #ty_decl = {
// Checks that all the required accounts for this operation are present.
if !#if_needed || AsRef::<AccountInfo>::as_ref(&#field).owner == &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program::ID {
// Create the account with the system program.
// Initialize the token account.
let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info();
let accounts = anchor_spl::token::InitializeAccount3 {
account: #field.to_account_info(),
mint: #mint.to_account_info(),
authority: #owner.to_account_info(),
let cpi_ctx = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(cpi_program, accounts);
let pa: #ty_decl = #from_account_info_unchecked;
if #if_needed {
if != #mint.key() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenMint).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((, #mint.key())));
if pa.owner != #owner.key() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenOwner).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((pa.owner, #owner.key())));
InitKind::AssociatedToken { owner, mint } => {
let owner_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(owner);
let mint_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(mint);
let system_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(system_program);
let token_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(token_program);
let associated_token_program_optional_check =
let rent_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(rent);
let optional_checks = quote! {
let payer_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(payer);
quote! {
// Define the bump and pda variable.
let #field: #ty_decl = {
// Checks that all the required accounts for this operation are present.
if !#if_needed || AsRef::<AccountInfo>::as_ref(&#field).owner == &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program::ID {
let cpi_program = associated_token_program.to_account_info();
let cpi_accounts = anchor_spl::associated_token::Create {
payer: #payer.to_account_info(),
associated_token: #field.to_account_info(),
authority: #owner.to_account_info(),
mint: #mint.to_account_info(),
system_program: system_program.to_account_info(),
token_program: token_program.to_account_info(),
let cpi_ctx = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts);
let pa: #ty_decl = #from_account_info_unchecked;
if #if_needed {
if != #mint.key() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenMint).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((, #mint.key())));
if pa.owner != #owner.key() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenOwner).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((pa.owner, #owner.key())));
if pa.key() != anchor_spl::associated_token::get_associated_token_address(&#owner.key(), &#mint.key()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::AccountNotAssociatedTokenAccount).with_account_name(#name_str));
InitKind::Mint {
} => {
let owner_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(owner);
let freeze_authority_optional_check = match freeze_authority {
Some(fa) => check_scope.generate_check(fa),
None => quote! {},
let system_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(system_program);
let token_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(token_program);
let rent_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(rent);
let optional_checks = quote! {
let payer_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(payer);
let create_account = generate_create_account(
quote! {anchor_spl::token::Mint::LEN},
quote! {&token_program.key()},
quote! {#payer},
let freeze_authority = match freeze_authority {
Some(fa) => quote! { Option::<&anchor_lang::prelude::Pubkey>::Some(&#fa.key()) },
None => quote! { Option::<&anchor_lang::prelude::Pubkey>::None },
quote! {
// Define the bump and pda variable.
let #field: #ty_decl = {
// Checks that all the required accounts for this operation are present.
if !#if_needed || AsRef::<AccountInfo>::as_ref(&#field).owner == &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program::ID {
// Define payer variable.
// Create the account with the system program.
// Initialize the mint account.
let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info();
let accounts = anchor_spl::token::InitializeMint2 {
mint: #field.to_account_info(),
let cpi_ctx = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(cpi_program, accounts);
anchor_spl::token::initialize_mint2(cpi_ctx, #decimals, &#owner.key(), #freeze_authority)?;
let pa: #ty_decl = #from_account_info_unchecked;
if #if_needed {
if pa.mint_authority != anchor_lang::solana_program::program_option::COption::Some(#owner.key()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintMintAuthority).with_account_name(#name_str));
if pa.freeze_authority
.map(|fa| #freeze_authority.as_ref().map(|expected_fa| fa != *expected_fa).unwrap_or(true))
.unwrap_or(#freeze_authority.is_some()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintFreezeAuthority).with_account_name(#name_str));
if pa.decimals != #decimals {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintDecimals).with_account_name(#name_str).with_values((pa.decimals, #decimals)));
InitKind::Program { owner } => {
// Define the space variable.
let space = quote! {let space = #space;};
let system_program_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(system_program);
// Define the owner of the account being created. If not specified,
// default to the currently executing program.
let (owner, owner_optional_check) = match owner {
None => (
quote! {
quote! {},
Some(o) => {
// We clone the `check_scope` here to avoid collisions with the
// `payer_optional_check`, which is in a separate scope
let owner_optional_check = check_scope.clone().generate_check(o);
quote! {
let payer_optional_check = check_scope.generate_check(payer);
let optional_checks = quote! {
// CPI to the system program to create the account.
let create_account = generate_create_account(
quote! {space},
quote! {#payer},
// Put it all together.
quote! {
// Define the bump variable.
let #field = {
// Checks that all the required accounts for this operation are present.
let actual_field = #field.to_account_info();
let actual_owner = actual_field.owner;
// Define the account space variable.
// Create the account. Always do this in the event
// if needed is not specified or the system program is the owner.
let pa: #ty_decl = if !#if_needed || actual_owner == &anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program::ID {
// CPI to the system program to create.
// Convert from account info to account context wrapper type.
} else {
// Convert from account info to account context wrapper type.
// Assert the account was created correctly.
if #if_needed {
if space != actual_field.data_len() {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSpace).with_account_name(#name_str).with_values((space, actual_field.data_len())));
if actual_owner != #owner {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintOwner).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((*actual_owner, *#owner)));
let required_lamports = __anchor_rent.minimum_balance(space);
if pa.to_account_info().lamports() < required_lamports {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintRentExempt).with_account_name(#name_str));
// Done.
fn generate_constraint_seeds(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSeedsGroup) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
if c.is_init {
// Note that for `#[account(init, seeds)]`, the seed generation and checks is checked in
// the init constraint find_pda/validate_pda block, so we don't do anything here and
// return nothing!
quote! {}
} else {
let name = &f.ident;
let name_str = name.to_string();
let s = &mut c.seeds.clone();
let deriving_program_id = c
// If they specified a seeds::program to use when deriving the PDA, use it.
.map(|program_id| quote! { #program_id.key() })
// Otherwise fall back to the current program's program_id.
.unwrap_or(quote! { program_id });
// If the seeds came with a trailing comma, we need to chop it off
// before we interpolate them below.
if let Some(pair) = s.pop() {
let maybe_seeds_plus_comma = (!s.is_empty()).then(|| {
quote! { #s, }
// Not init here, so do all the checks.
let define_pda = match c.bump.as_ref() {
// Bump target not given. Find it.
None => quote! {
let (__pda_address, __bump) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
__bumps.insert(#name_str.to_string(), __bump);
// Bump target given. Use it.
Some(b) => quote! {
let __pda_address = Pubkey::create_program_address(
&[#maybe_seeds_plus_comma &[#b][..]],
).map_err(|_| anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds).with_account_name(#name_str))?;
quote! {
// Define the PDA.
// Check it.
if #name.key() != __pda_address {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintSeeds).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((#name.key(), __pda_address)));
fn generate_constraint_associated_token(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintAssociatedToken,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
let name_str = name.to_string();
let wallet_address = &c.wallet;
let spl_token_mint_address = &;
let mut optional_check_scope = OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, name);
let wallet_address_optional_check = optional_check_scope.generate_check(wallet_address);
let spl_token_mint_address_optional_check =
let optional_checks = quote! {
quote! {
let my_owner = #name.owner;
let wallet_address = #wallet_address.key();
if my_owner != wallet_address {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenOwner).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((my_owner, wallet_address)));
let __associated_token_address = anchor_spl::associated_token::get_associated_token_address(&wallet_address, &#spl_token_mint_address.key());
let my_key = #name.key();
if my_key != __associated_token_address {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintAssociated).with_account_name(#name_str).with_pubkeys((my_key, __associated_token_address)));
fn generate_constraint_token_account(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintTokenAccountGroup,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
let mut optional_check_scope = OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, name);
let authority_check = match &c.authority {
Some(authority) => {
let authority_optional_check = optional_check_scope.generate_check(authority);
quote! {
if #name.owner != #authority.key() { return Err(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenOwner.into()); }
None => quote! {},
let mint_check = match & {
Some(mint) => {
let mint_optional_check = optional_check_scope.generate_check(mint);
quote! {
if != #mint.key() { return Err(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintTokenMint.into()); }
None => quote! {},
quote! {
fn generate_constraint_mint(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintTokenMintGroup,
accs: &AccountsStruct,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
let decimal_check = match &c.decimals {
Some(decimals) => quote! {
if #name.decimals != #decimals {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintDecimals.into());
None => quote! {},
let mut optional_check_scope = OptionalCheckScope::new_with_field(accs, name);
let mint_authority_check = match &c.mint_authority {
Some(mint_authority) => {
let mint_authority_optional_check = optional_check_scope.generate_check(mint_authority);
quote! {
if #name.mint_authority != anchor_lang::solana_program::program_option::COption::Some(#mint_authority.key()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintMintAuthority.into());
None => quote! {},
let freeze_authority_check = match &c.freeze_authority {
Some(freeze_authority) => {
let freeze_authority_optional_check =
quote! {
if #name.freeze_authority != anchor_lang::solana_program::program_option::COption::Some(#freeze_authority.key()) {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintMintFreezeAuthority.into());
None => quote! {},
quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OptionalCheckScope<'a> {
seen: HashSet<String>,
accounts: &'a AccountsStruct,
impl<'a> OptionalCheckScope<'a> {
pub fn new(accounts: &'a AccountsStruct) -> Self {
Self {
seen: HashSet::new(),
pub fn new_with_field(accounts: &'a AccountsStruct, field: impl ToString) -> Self {
let mut check_scope = Self::new(accounts);
pub fn generate_check(&mut self, field: impl ToTokens) -> TokenStream {
let field_name = tts_to_string(&field);
if self.seen.contains(&field_name) {
quote! {}
} else {
if self.accounts.is_field_optional(&field) {
quote! {
let #field = if let Some(ref account) = #field {
} else {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintAccountIsNone).with_account_name(#field_name));
} else {
quote! {}
// Generated code to create an account with with system program with the
// given `space` amount of data, owned by `owner`.
// `seeds_with_nonce` should be given for creating PDAs. Otherwise it's an
// empty stream.
// This should only be run within scopes where `system_program` is not Optional
fn generate_create_account(
field: &Ident,
space: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
owner: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
payer: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
seeds_with_nonce: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
// Field, payer, and system program are already validated to not be an Option at this point
quote! {
// If the account being initialized already has lamports, then
// return them all back to the payer so that the account has
// zero lamports when the system program's create instruction
// is eventually called.
let __current_lamports = #field.lamports();
if __current_lamports == 0 {
// Create the token account with right amount of lamports and space, and the correct owner.
let lamports = __anchor_rent.minimum_balance(#space);
let cpi_accounts = anchor_lang::system_program::CreateAccount {
from: #payer.to_account_info(),
to: #field.to_account_info()
let cpi_context = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(system_program.to_account_info(), cpi_accounts);
anchor_lang::system_program::create_account(cpi_context.with_signer(&[#seeds_with_nonce]), lamports, #space as u64, #owner)?;
} else {
require_keys_neq!(#payer.key(), #field.key(), anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::TryingToInitPayerAsProgramAccount);
// Fund the account for rent exemption.
let required_lamports = __anchor_rent
if required_lamports > 0 {
let cpi_accounts = anchor_lang::system_program::Transfer {
from: #payer.to_account_info(),
to: #field.to_account_info(),
let cpi_context = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(system_program.to_account_info(), cpi_accounts);
anchor_lang::system_program::transfer(cpi_context, required_lamports)?;
// Allocate space.
let cpi_accounts = anchor_lang::system_program::Allocate {
account_to_allocate: #field.to_account_info()
let cpi_context = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(system_program.to_account_info(), cpi_accounts);
anchor_lang::system_program::allocate(cpi_context.with_signer(&[#seeds_with_nonce]), #space as u64)?;
// Assign to the spl token program.
let cpi_accounts = anchor_lang::system_program::Assign {
account_to_assign: #field.to_account_info()
let cpi_context = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(system_program.to_account_info(), cpi_accounts);
anchor_lang::system_program::assign(cpi_context.with_signer(&[#seeds_with_nonce]), #owner)?;
pub fn generate_constraint_executable(
f: &Field,
_c: &ConstraintExecutable,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
let name_str = name.to_string();
// because we are only acting on the field, we know it isnt optional at this point
// as it was unwrapped in `generate_constraint`
quote! {
if !#name.to_account_info().executable {
return Err(anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::ConstraintExecutable).with_account_name(#name_str));
fn generate_custom_error(
account_name: &Ident,
custom_error: &Option<Expr>,
error: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
compared_values: &Option<&(proc_macro2::TokenStream, proc_macro2::TokenStream)>,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let account_name = account_name.to_string();
let mut error = match custom_error {
Some(error) => {
quote! { anchor_lang::error::Error::from(#error).with_account_name(#account_name) }
None => {
quote! { anchor_lang::error::Error::from(anchor_lang::error::ErrorCode::#error).with_account_name(#account_name) }
let compared_values = match compared_values {
Some((left, right)) => quote! { .with_pubkeys((#left, #right)) },
None => quote! {},
quote! {