
515 lines
14 KiB

import camelCase from "camelcase";
import { snakeCase } from "snake-case";
import { Layout } from "buffer-layout";
import * as sha256 from "js-sha256";
import * as borsh from "@project-serum/borsh";
import {
} from "./idl";
import { IdlError } from "./error";
* Number of bytes of the account discriminator.
* Namespace for state method function signatures.
export const SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE = "state";
* Namespace for global instruction function signatures (i.e. functions
* that aren't namespaced by the state or any of its trait implementations).
export const SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = "global";
* Coder provides a facade for encoding and decoding all IDL related objects.
export default class Coder {
* Instruction coder.
readonly instruction: InstructionCoder;
* Account coder.
readonly accounts: AccountsCoder;
* Types coder.
readonly types: TypesCoder;
* Coder for state structs.
readonly state: StateCoder;
* Coder for events.
readonly events: EventCoder;
constructor(idl: Idl) {
this.instruction = new InstructionCoder(idl);
this.accounts = new AccountsCoder(idl);
this.types = new TypesCoder(idl); = new EventCoder(idl);
if (idl.state) {
this.state = new StateCoder(idl);
public sighash(nameSpace: string, ixName: string): Buffer {
return sighash(nameSpace, ixName);
* Encodes and decodes program instructions.
class InstructionCoder {
* Instruction args layout. Maps namespaced method
private ixLayout: Map<string, Layout>;
public constructor(idl: Idl) {
this.ixLayout = InstructionCoder.parseIxLayout(idl);
* Encodes a program instruction.
public encode(ixName: string, ix: any) {
return this._encode(SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE, ixName, ix);
* Encodes a program state instruction.
public encodeState(ixName: string, ix: any) {
return this._encode(SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE, ixName, ix);
public _encode(nameSpace: string, ixName: string, ix: any): Buffer {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const methodName = camelCase(ixName);
const len = this.ixLayout.get(methodName).encode(ix, buffer);
const data = buffer.slice(0, len);
return Buffer.concat([sighash(nameSpace, ixName), data]);
private static parseIxLayout(idl: Idl): Map<string, Layout> {
const stateMethods = idl.state ? idl.state.methods : [];
const ixLayouts = stateMethods
.map((m: IdlStateMethod) => {
let fieldLayouts = IdlField) => {
return IdlCoder.fieldLayout(arg, idl.types);
const name = camelCase(;
return [name, borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name)];
.concat( => {
let fieldLayouts = IdlField) =>
IdlCoder.fieldLayout(arg, idl.types)
const name = camelCase(;
return [name, borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name)];
// @ts-ignore
return new Map(ixLayouts);
* Encodes and decodes account objects.
class AccountsCoder {
* Maps account type identifier to a layout.
private accountLayouts: Map<string, Layout>;
public constructor(idl: Idl) {
if (idl.accounts === undefined) {
this.accountLayouts = new Map();
const layouts: [string, Layout][] = => {
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(acc, idl.types)];
this.accountLayouts = new Map(layouts);
public async encode<T = any>(
accountName: string,
account: T
): Promise<Buffer> {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const layout = this.accountLayouts.get(accountName);
const len = layout.encode(account, buffer);
let accountData = buffer.slice(0, len);
let discriminator = await accountDiscriminator(accountName);
return Buffer.concat([discriminator, accountData]);
public decode<T = any>(accountName: string, ix: Buffer): T {
// Chop off the discriminator before decoding.
const data = ix.slice(8);
const layout = this.accountLayouts.get(accountName);
return layout.decode(data);
* Encodes and decodes user defined types.
class TypesCoder {
* Maps account type identifier to a layout.
private layouts: Map<string, Layout>;
public constructor(idl: Idl) {
if (idl.types === undefined) {
this.layouts = new Map();
const layouts = => {
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(acc, idl.types)];
// @ts-ignore
this.layouts = new Map(layouts);
public encode<T = any>(accountName: string, account: T): Buffer {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const layout = this.layouts.get(accountName);
const len = layout.encode(account, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
public decode<T = any>(accountName: string, ix: Buffer): T {
const layout = this.layouts.get(accountName);
return layout.decode(ix);
class EventCoder {
* Maps account type identifier to a layout.
private layouts: Map<string, Layout>;
public constructor(idl: Idl) {
if ( === undefined) {
this.layouts = new Map();
const layouts = => {
let eventTypeDef: IdlTypeDef = {
type: {
kind: "struct",
fields: => {
return { name:, type: f.type };
return [, IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(eventTypeDef, idl.types)];
// @ts-ignore
this.layouts = new Map(layouts);
public encode<T = any>(eventName: string, account: T): Buffer {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const layout = this.layouts.get(eventName);
const len = layout.encode(account, buffer);
return buffer.slice(0, len);
public decode<T = any>(eventName: string, ix: Buffer): T {
const layout = this.layouts.get(eventName);
return layout.decode(ix);
class StateCoder {
private layout: Layout;
public constructor(idl: Idl) {
if (idl.state === undefined) {
throw new Error("Idl state not defined.");
this.layout = IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(idl.state.struct, idl.types);
public async encode<T = any>(name: string, account: T): Promise<Buffer> {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1000); // TODO: use a tighter buffer.
const len = this.layout.encode(account, buffer);
const disc = await stateDiscriminator(name);
const accData = buffer.slice(0, len);
return Buffer.concat([disc, accData]);
public decode<T = any>(ix: Buffer): T {
// Chop off discriminator.
const data = ix.slice(8);
return this.layout.decode(data);
class IdlCoder {
public static fieldLayout(field: IdlField, types?: IdlTypeDef[]): Layout {
const fieldName = !== undefined ? camelCase( : undefined;
switch (field.type) {
case "bool": {
return borsh.bool(fieldName);
case "u8": {
return borsh.u8(fieldName);
case "u32": {
return borsh.u32(fieldName);
case "u64": {
return borsh.u64(fieldName);
case "i64": {
return borsh.i64(fieldName);
case "u128": {
return borsh.u128(fieldName);
case "i128": {
return borsh.i128(fieldName);
case "bytes": {
return borsh.vecU8(fieldName);
case "string": {
return borsh.str(fieldName);
case "publicKey": {
return borsh.publicKey(fieldName);
// TODO: all the other types that need to be exported by the borsh package.
default: {
// @ts-ignore
if (field.type.vec) {
return borsh.vec(
name: undefined,
// @ts-ignore
type: field.type.vec,
// @ts-ignore
} else if (field.type.option) {
return borsh.option(
name: undefined,
// @ts-ignore
type: field.type.option,
// @ts-ignore
} else if (field.type.defined) {
// User defined type.
if (types === undefined) {
throw new IdlError("User defined types not provided");
// @ts-ignore
const filtered = types.filter((t) => === field.type.defined);
if (filtered.length !== 1) {
throw new IdlError(`Type not found: ${JSON.stringify(field)}`);
return IdlCoder.typeDefLayout(filtered[0], types, fieldName);
} else {
throw new Error(`Not yet implemented: ${field}`);
public static typeDefLayout(
typeDef: IdlTypeDef,
types: IdlTypeDef[],
name?: string
): Layout {
if (typeDef.type.kind === "struct") {
const fieldLayouts = => {
const x = IdlCoder.fieldLayout(field, types);
return x;
return borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name);
} else if (typeDef.type.kind === "enum") {
let variants = IdlEnumVariant) => {
const name = camelCase(;
if (variant.fields === undefined) {
return borsh.struct([], name);
// @ts-ignore
const fieldLayouts = IdlField | IdlType) => {
// @ts-ignore
if ( === undefined) {
throw new Error("Tuple enum variants not yet implemented.");
// @ts-ignore
return IdlCoder.fieldLayout(f, types);
return borsh.struct(fieldLayouts, name);
if (name !== undefined) {
// Buffer-layout lib requires the name to be null (on construction)
// when used as a field.
return borsh.rustEnum(variants).replicate(name);
return borsh.rustEnum(variants, name);
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown type kint: ${typeDef}`);
// Calculates unique 8 byte discriminator prepended to all anchor accounts.
export async function accountDiscriminator(name: string): Promise<Buffer> {
// @ts-ignore
return Buffer.from(sha256.digest(`account:${name}`)).slice(0, 8);
// Calculates unique 8 byte discriminator prepended to all anchor state accounts.
export async function stateDiscriminator(name: string): Promise<Buffer> {
// @ts-ignore
return Buffer.from(sha256.digest(`account:${name}`)).slice(0, 8);
export function eventDiscriminator(name: string): Buffer {
// @ts-ignore
return Buffer.from(sha256.digest(`event:${name}`)).slice(0, 8);
// Returns the size of the type in bytes. For variable length types, just return
// 1. Users should override this value in such cases.
function typeSize(idl: Idl, ty: IdlType): number {
switch (ty) {
case "bool":
return 1;
case "u8":
return 1;
case "i8":
return 1;
case "u16":
return 2;
case "u32":
return 4;
case "u64":
return 8;
case "i64":
return 8;
case "u128":
return 16;
case "i128":
return 16;
case "bytes":
return 1;
case "string":
return 1;
case "publicKey":
return 32;
// @ts-ignore
if (ty.vec !== undefined) {
return 1;
// @ts-ignore
if (ty.option !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
return 1 + typeSize(idl, ty.option);
// @ts-ignore
if (ty.defined !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
const filtered = idl.types.filter((t) => === ty.defined);
if (filtered.length !== 1) {
throw new IdlError(`Type not found: ${JSON.stringify(ty)}`);
let typeDef = filtered[0];
return accountSize(idl, typeDef);
throw new Error(`Invalid type ${JSON.stringify(ty)}`);
export function accountSize(
idl: Idl,
idlAccount: IdlTypeDef
): number | undefined {
if (idlAccount.type.kind === "enum") {
let variantSizes =
(variant: IdlEnumVariant) => {
if (variant.fields === undefined) {
return 0;
// @ts-ignore
return (
// @ts-ignore
.map((f: IdlField | IdlType) => {
// @ts-ignore
if ( === undefined) {
throw new Error("Tuple enum variants not yet implemented.");
// @ts-ignore
return typeSize(idl, f.type);
.reduce((a: number, b: number) => a + b)
return Math.max(...variantSizes) + 1;
if (idlAccount.type.fields === undefined) {
return 0;
return idlAccount.type.fields
.map((f) => typeSize(idl, f.type))
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// Not technically sighash, since we don't include the arguments, as Rust
// doesn't allow function overloading.
function sighash(nameSpace: string, ixName: string): Buffer {
let name = snakeCase(ixName);
let preimage = `${nameSpace}::${name}`;
// @ts-ignore
return Buffer.from(sha256.digest(preimage)).slice(0, 8);