
330 lines
12 KiB

extern crate proc_macro;
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
mod id;
/// An attribute for a data structure representing a Solana account.
/// `#[account]` generates trait implementations for the following traits:
/// - [`AccountSerialize`](./trait.AccountSerialize.html)
/// - [`AccountDeserialize`](./trait.AccountDeserialize.html)
/// - [`AnchorSerialize`](./trait.AnchorSerialize.html)
/// - [`AnchorDeserialize`](./trait.AnchorDeserialize.html)
/// - [`Owner`](./trait.Owner.html)
/// - [`Discriminator`](./trait.Discriminator.html)
/// When implementing account serialization traits the first 8 bytes are
/// reserved for a unique account discriminator, self described by the first 8
/// bytes of the SHA256 of the account's Rust ident.
/// As a result, any calls to `AccountDeserialize`'s `try_deserialize` will
/// check this discriminator. If it doesn't match, an invalid account was given,
/// and the account deserialization will exit with an error.
/// # Zero Copy Deserialization
/// **WARNING**: Zero copy deserialization is an experimental feature. It's
/// recommended to use it only when necessary, i.e., when you have extremely
/// large accounts that cannot be Borsh deserialized without hitting stack or
/// heap limits.
/// ## Usage
/// To enable zero-copy-deserialization, one can pass in the `zero_copy`
/// argument to the macro as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// #[account(zero_copy)]
/// ```
/// This can be used to conveniently implement
/// [`ZeroCopy`](./trait.ZeroCopy.html) so that the account can be used
/// with [`Loader`](./struct.Loader.html).
/// Other than being more efficient, the most salient benefit this provides is
/// the ability to define account types larger than the max stack or heap size.
/// When using borsh, the account has to be copied and deserialized into a new
/// data structure and thus is constrained by stack and heap limits imposed by
/// the BPF VM. With zero copy deserialization, all bytes from the account's
/// backing `RefCell<&mut [u8]>` are simply re-interpreted as a reference to
/// the data structure. No allocations or copies necessary. Hence the ability
/// to get around stack and heap limitations.
/// To facilitate this, all fields in an account must be constrained to be
/// "plain old data", i.e., they must implement
/// [`Pod`](../bytemuck/trait.Pod.html). Please review the
/// [`safety`](../bytemuck/trait.Pod.html#safety)
/// section before using.
pub fn account(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let mut namespace = "".to_string();
let mut is_zero_copy = false;
let args_str = args.to_string();
let args: Vec<&str> = args_str.split(',').collect();
if args.len() > 2 {
panic!("Only two args are allowed to the account attribute.")
for arg in args {
let ns = arg
.replace('\"', "")
.filter(|c| !c.is_whitespace())
if ns == "zero_copy" {
is_zero_copy = true;
} else {
namespace = ns;
let account_strct = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::ItemStruct);
let account_name = &account_strct.ident;
let (impl_gen, type_gen, where_clause) = account_strct.generics.split_for_impl();
let owner_impl = {
if namespace.is_empty() {
quote! {
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::Owner for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
fn owner() -> Pubkey {
} else {
quote! {}
let discriminator: proc_macro2::TokenStream = {
let discriminator = anchor_common::header::create_discriminator(
if namespace.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("{:?}", discriminator).parse().unwrap()
let disc_bytes = quote! {
let given_disc = anchor_lang::accounts::header::read_discriminator(&buf);
let disc_fn = {
if cfg!(feature = "deprecated-layout") {
quote! {
fn discriminator() -> [u8; 8] {
} else {
quote! {
fn discriminator() -> [u8; 4] {
if is_zero_copy {
quote! {
unsafe impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::__private::bytemuck::Pod for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {}
unsafe impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::__private::bytemuck::Zeroable for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {}
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::ZeroCopy for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {}
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::Discriminator for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
// This trait is useful for clients deserializing accounts.
// It's expected on-chain programs deserialize via zero-copy.
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::AccountDeserialize for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
fn try_deserialize(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> std::result::Result<Self, ProgramError> {
// Header is always 8 bytes.
if buf.len() < 8 {
return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDiscriminatorNotFound.into());
if &#discriminator != given_disc {
return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDiscriminatorMismatch.into());
fn try_deserialize_unchecked(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> std::result::Result<Self, ProgramError> {
let data: &[u8] = &buf[8..];
// Re-interpret raw bytes into the POD data structure.
let account = anchor_lang::__private::bytemuck::from_bytes(data);
// Copy out the bytes into a new, owned data structure.
} else {
quote! {
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Clone)]
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::AccountSerialize for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
fn try_serialize<W: std::io::Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> std::result::Result<(), ProgramError> {
.map_err(|_| anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDidNotSerialize)?;
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::AccountDeserialize for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
fn try_deserialize(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> std::result::Result<Self, ProgramError> {
if buf.len() < #discriminator.len() {
return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDiscriminatorNotFound.into());
if &#discriminator != given_disc {
return Err(anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDiscriminatorMismatch.into());
fn try_deserialize_unchecked(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> std::result::Result<Self, ProgramError> {
let mut data: &[u8] = &buf[8..];
AnchorDeserialize::deserialize(&mut data)
.map_err(|_| anchor_lang::__private::ErrorCode::AccountDidNotDeserialize.into())
impl #impl_gen anchor_lang::Discriminator for #account_name #type_gen #where_clause {
#[proc_macro_derive(ZeroCopyAccessor, attributes(accessor))]
pub fn derive_zero_copy_accessor(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let account_strct = parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemStruct);
let account_name = &account_strct.ident;
let (impl_gen, ty_gen, where_clause) = account_strct.generics.split_for_impl();
let fields = match &account_strct.fields {
syn::Fields::Named(n) => n,
_ => panic!("Fields must be named"),
let methods: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = fields
.filter_map(|field: &syn::Field| {
.find(|attr| anchor_syn::parser::tts_to_string(&attr.path) == "accessor")
.map(|attr| {
let mut tts = attr.tokens.clone().into_iter();
let g_stream = match"Must have a token group") {
proc_macro2::TokenTree::Group(g) =>,
_ => panic!("Invalid syntax"),
let accessor_ty = match g_stream.into_iter().next() {
Some(token) => token,
_ => panic!("Missing accessor type"),
let field_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let get_field: proc_macro2::TokenStream =
format!("get_{}", field_name).parse().unwrap();
let set_field: proc_macro2::TokenStream =
format!("set_{}", field_name).parse().unwrap();
quote! {
pub fn #get_field(&self) -> #accessor_ty {
pub fn #set_field(&mut self, input: &#accessor_ty) {
self.#field_name = anchor_lang::__private::ZeroCopyAccessor::set(input);
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
impl #impl_gen #account_name #ty_gen #where_clause {
/// A data structure that can be used as an internal field for a zero copy
/// deserialized account, i.e., a struct marked with `#[account(zero_copy)]`.
/// This is just a convenient alias for
/// ```ignore
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// #[repr(packed)]
/// struct MyStruct {...}
/// ```
pub fn zero_copy(
_args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let account_strct = parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemStruct);
// Takes the first repr. It's assumed that more than one are not on the
// struct.
let attr = account_strct
.find(|attr| anchor_syn::parser::tts_to_string(&attr.path) == "repr");
let repr = match attr {
Some(_attr) => quote! {},
None => quote! {#[repr(C)]},
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
#[derive(anchor_lang::__private::ZeroCopyAccessor, Copy, Clone)]
/// Defines the program's ID. This should be used at the root of all Anchor
/// based programs.
pub fn declare_id(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let id = parse_macro_input!(input as id::Id);
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {#id})