
229 lines
6.9 KiB

use anchor_client::solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
use anchor_client::solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use anchor_client::solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file;
use anchor_client::solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer};
use anchor_client::solana_sdk::system_instruction;
use anchor_client::{Client, Cluster, EventContext};
use anyhow::Result;
use solana_sdk::system_program;
// The `accounts` and `instructions` modules are generated by the framework.
use basic_2::accounts as basic_2_accounts;
use basic_2::instruction as basic_2_instruction;
use basic_2::Counter;
use events::instruction as events_instruction;
use events::MyEvent;
// The `accounts` and `instructions` modules are generated by the framework.
use basic_4::accounts as basic_4_accounts;
use basic_4::basic_4::Counter as CounterState;
use basic_4::instruction as basic_4_instruction;
use clap::Parser;
// The `accounts` and `instructions` modules are generated by the framework.
use composite::accounts::{Bar, CompositeUpdate, Foo, Initialize};
use composite::instruction as composite_instruction;
use composite::{DummyA, DummyB};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::Duration;
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
pub struct Opts {
composite_pid: Pubkey,
basic_2_pid: Pubkey,
basic_4_pid: Pubkey,
events_pid: Pubkey,
// This example assumes a local validator is running with the programs
// deployed at the addresses given by the CLI args.
fn main() -> Result<()> {
println!("Starting test...");
let opts = Opts::parse();
// Wallet and cluster params.
let payer = read_keypair_file(&*shellexpand::tilde("~/.config/solana/id.json"))
.expect("Example requires a keypair file");
let url = Cluster::Custom(
// Client.
let client = Client::new_with_options(url, Rc::new(payer), CommitmentConfig::processed());
// Run tests.
composite(&client, opts.composite_pid)?;
basic_2(&client, opts.basic_2_pid)?;
basic_4(&client, opts.basic_4_pid)?;
events(&client, opts.events_pid)?;
// Success.
// Runs a client for examples/tutorial/composite.
// Make sure to run a localnet with the program deploy to run this example.
fn composite(client: &Client, pid: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
// Program client.
let program = client.program(pid);
// `Initialize` parameters.
let dummy_a = Keypair::new();
let dummy_b = Keypair::new();
// Build and send a transaction.
.accounts(Initialize {
dummy_a: dummy_a.pubkey(),
dummy_b: dummy_b.pubkey(),
// Assert the transaction worked.
let dummy_a_account: DummyA = program.account(dummy_a.pubkey())?;
let dummy_b_account: DummyB = program.account(dummy_b.pubkey())?;
assert_eq!(, 0);
assert_eq!(, 0);
// Build and send another transaction, using composite account parameters.
.accounts(CompositeUpdate {
foo: Foo {
dummy_a: dummy_a.pubkey(),
bar: Bar {
dummy_b: dummy_b.pubkey(),
.args(composite_instruction::CompositeUpdate {
dummy_a: 1234,
dummy_b: 4321,
// Assert the transaction worked.
let dummy_a_account: DummyA = program.account(dummy_a.pubkey())?;
let dummy_b_account: DummyB = program.account(dummy_b.pubkey())?;
assert_eq!(, 1234);
assert_eq!(, 4321);
println!("Composite success!");
// Runs a client for examples/tutorial/basic-2.
// Make sure to run a localnet with the program deploy to run this example.
fn basic_2(client: &Client, pid: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
let program = client.program(pid);
// `Create` parameters.
let counter = Keypair::new();
let authority = program.payer();
// Build and send a transaction.
.accounts(basic_2_accounts::Create {
counter: counter.pubkey(),
user: authority,
system_program: system_program::ID,
.args(basic_2_instruction::Create { authority })
let counter_account: Counter = program.account(counter.pubkey())?;
assert_eq!(counter_account.authority, authority);
assert_eq!(counter_account.count, 0);
println!("Basic 2 success!");
fn events(client: &Client, pid: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
let program = client.program(pid);
let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let handle = program.on(move |_ctx: &EventContext, event: MyEvent| {
.args(events_instruction::Initialize {})
let event = receiver.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 5);
assert_eq!(event.label, "hello".to_string());
// TODO: remove once
// is addressed. Until then, drop the subscription handle in another
// thread so that we deadlock in the other thread as to not block
// this thread.
std::thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Events success!");
pub fn basic_4(client: &Client, pid: Pubkey) -> Result<()> {
let program = client.program(pid);
let authority = program.payer();
// Invoke the state's `new` constructor.
.accounts(basic_4_accounts::Auth { authority })
let counter_account: CounterState = program.state()?;
assert_eq!(counter_account.authority, authority);
assert_eq!(counter_account.count, 0);
// Call a state method.
.accounts(basic_4_accounts::Auth { authority })
let counter_account: CounterState = program.state()?;
assert_eq!(counter_account.authority, authority);
assert_eq!(counter_account.count, 1);
println!("Basic 4 success!");