
200 lines
7.6 KiB

use crate::codegen::program::common::*;
use crate::parser;
use crate::Program;
use heck::CamelCase;
use quote::quote;
pub fn generate(program: &Program) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ctor_variant = match &program.state {
None => quote! {},
Some(state) => {
let ctor_args: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = generate_ctor_typed_args(state)
.map(|arg| {
format!("pub {}", parser::tts_to_string(&arg))
let strct = {
if ctor_args.is_empty() {
quote! {
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct New;
} else {
quote! {
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct New {
let sighash_arr = sighash_ctor();
let sighash_tts: proc_macro2::TokenStream =
format!("{:?}", sighash_arr).parse().unwrap();
quote! {
/// Instruction arguments to the `#[state]`'s `new`
/// constructor.
impl anchor_lang::InstructionData for New {
fn data(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut d = #sighash_tts.to_vec();
d.append(&mut self.try_to_vec().expect("Should always serialize"));
let state_method_variants: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = match &program.state {
None => vec![],
Some(state) => state
.map(|(_impl_block, methods)| {
.map(|method| {
let ix_name_camel: proc_macro2::TokenStream = method
let raw_args: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = method
.map(|arg| {
format!("pub {}", parser::tts_to_string(&arg.raw_arg))
let ix_data_trait = {
let name = method.raw_method.sig.ident.to_string();
let sighash_arr = sighash(SIGHASH_STATE_NAMESPACE, &name);
let sighash_tts: proc_macro2::TokenStream =
format!("{:?}", sighash_arr).parse().unwrap();
quote! {
impl anchor_lang::InstructionData for #ix_name_camel {
fn data(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut d = #sighash_tts.to_vec();
d.append(&mut self.try_to_vec().expect("Should always serialize"));
// If no args, output a "unit" variant instead of a struct variant.
if method.args.is_empty() {
quote! {
/// Anchor generated instruction.
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct #ix_name_camel;
} else {
quote! {
/// Anchor generated instruction.
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct #ix_name_camel {
let variants: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = program
.map(|ix| {
let name = &ix.raw_method.sig.ident.to_string();
let ix_name_camel =
proc_macro2::Ident::new(&name.to_camel_case(), ix.raw_method.sig.ident.span());
let raw_args: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = ix
.map(|arg| {
format!("pub {}", parser::tts_to_string(&arg.raw_arg))
let ix_data_trait = {
let sighash_arr = sighash(SIGHASH_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE, name);
let sighash_tts: proc_macro2::TokenStream =
format!("{:?}", sighash_arr).parse().unwrap();
quote! {
impl anchor_lang::Discriminator for #ix_name_camel {
fn discriminator() -> [u8; 8] {
impl anchor_lang::InstructionData for #ix_name_camel {
fn data(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut d = #sighash_tts.to_vec();
d.append(&mut self.try_to_vec().expect("Should always serialize"));
// If no args, output a "unit" variant instead of a struct variant.
if ix.args.is_empty() {
quote! {
/// Instruction.
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct #ix_name_camel;
} else {
quote! {
/// Instruction.
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct #ix_name_camel {
quote! {
/// An Anchor generated module containing the program's set of
/// instructions, where each method handler in the `#[program]` mod is
/// associated with a struct defining the input arguments to the
/// method. These should be used directly, when one wants to serialize
/// Anchor instruction data, for example, when speciying
/// instructions on a client.
pub mod instruction {
use super::*;
/// Instruction struct definitions for `#[state]` methods.
pub mod state {
use super::*;