
678 lines
23 KiB

use crate::{
AccountField, AccountsStruct, CompositeField, Constraint, ConstraintAssociated,
ConstraintBelongsTo, ConstraintExecutable, ConstraintLiteral, ConstraintOwner,
ConstraintRentExempt, ConstraintSeeds, ConstraintSigner, ConstraintState, Field, Ty,
use heck::SnakeCase;
use quote::quote;
pub fn generate(accs: AccountsStruct) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
// All fields without an `#[account(associated)]` attribute.
let non_associated_fields: Vec<&AccountField> =
accs.fields.iter().filter(|af| !is_associated(af)).collect();
// Deserialization for each field
let deser_fields: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|af: &AccountField| {
match af {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => {
let name = &s.ident;
let ty = &s.raw_field.ty;
quote! {
let #name: #ty = anchor_lang::Accounts::try_accounts(program_id, accounts)?;
AccountField::Field(f) => {
// Associated fields are *first* deserialized into
// AccountInfos, and then later deserialized into
// ProgramAccounts in the "constraint check" phase.
if is_associated(af) {
let name = &f.ident;
let #name = &accounts[0];
*accounts = &accounts[1..];
} else {
let name = &f.typed_ident();
match f.is_init {
false => quote! {
let #name = anchor_lang::Accounts::try_accounts(program_id, accounts)?;
true => quote! {
let #name = anchor_lang::AccountsInit::try_accounts_init(program_id, accounts)?;
// Deserialization for each *associated* field. This must be after
// the deser_fields.
let deser_associated_fields: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.filter_map(|af| match af {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(_s) => None,
AccountField::Field(f) => match is_associated(af) {
false => None,
true => Some(f),
.map(|field: &Field| {
// TODO: the constraints should be sorted so that the associated
// constraint comes first.
let checks = field
.map(|c| generate_field_constraint(&field, c))
quote! {
// Constraint checks for each account fields.
let access_checks: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = non_associated_fields
.map(|af: &&AccountField| {
let checks: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = match af {
AccountField::Field(f) => f
.map(|c| generate_field_constraint(&f, c))
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => s
.map(|c| generate_composite_constraint(&s, c))
quote! {
// Each field in the final deserialized accounts struct.
let return_tys: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| {
let name = match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => &s.ident,
AccountField::Field(f) => &f.ident,
quote! {
// Exit program code-blocks for each account.
let on_save: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|af: &AccountField| match af {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => {
let name = &s.ident;
quote! {
anchor_lang::AccountsExit::exit(&self.#name, program_id)?;
AccountField::Field(f) => {
let ident = &f.ident;
match f.is_mut {
false => quote! {},
true => quote! {
anchor_lang::AccountsExit::exit(&self.#ident, program_id)?;
// Implementation for `ToAccountInfos` trait.
let to_acc_infos: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| {
let name = match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => &s.ident,
AccountField::Field(f) => &f.ident,
quote! {
// Implementation for `ToAccountMetas` trait.
let to_acc_metas: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| {
let (name, is_signer) = match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => (&s.ident, quote! {None}),
AccountField::Field(f) => {
let is_signer = match f.is_signer {
false => quote! {None},
true => quote! {Some(true)},
(&f.ident, is_signer)
quote! {
let name = &accs.ident;
let (combined_generics, trait_generics, strct_generics) = match accs.generics.lt_token {
None => (quote! {<'info>}, quote! {<'info>}, quote! {}),
Some(_) => {
let g = &accs.generics;
(quote! {#g}, quote! {#g}, quote! {#g})
let account_mod_name: proc_macro2::TokenStream = format!(
let account_struct_fields: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => {
let name = &s.ident;
let symbol: proc_macro2::TokenStream = format!(
quote! {
pub #name: #symbol
AccountField::Field(f) => {
let name = &f.ident;
quote! {
pub #name: anchor_lang::solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey
let account_struct_metas: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = accs
.map(|f: &AccountField| match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => {
let name = &s.ident;
quote! {
AccountField::Field(f) => {
let is_signer = match f.is_signer {
false => quote! {false},
true => quote! {true},
let meta = match f.is_mut {
false => quote! { anchor_lang::solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta::new_readonly },
true => quote! { anchor_lang::solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta::new },
let name = &f.ident;
quote! {
account_metas.push(#meta(self.#name, #is_signer));
// Re-export all composite account structs (i.e. other structs deriving
// accounts embedded into this struct. Required because, these embedded
// structs are *not* visible from the #[program] macro, which is responsible
// for generating the `accounts` mod, which aggregates all the the generated
// accounts used for structs.
let re_exports: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = {
// First, dedup the exports.
let mut re_exports = std::collections::HashSet::new();
for f in accs.fields.iter().filter_map(|f: &AccountField| match f {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(s) => Some(s),
AccountField::Field(_) => None,
}) {
.map(|symbol: &String| {
let symbol: proc_macro2::TokenStream = symbol.parse().unwrap();
quote! {
pub use #symbol;
quote! {
/// An internal, Anchor generated module. This is used (as an
/// implementation detail), to generate a struct for a given
/// `#[derive(Accounts)]` implementation, where each field is a Pubkey,
/// instead of an `AccountInfo`. This is useful for clients that want
/// to generate a list of accounts, without explicitly knowing the
/// order all the fields should be in.
/// To access the struct in this module, one should use the sibling
/// `accounts` module (also generated), which re-exports this.
mod #account_mod_name {
use super::*;
use anchor_lang::prelude::borsh;
pub struct #name {
impl anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas for #name {
fn to_account_metas(&self, is_signer: Option<bool>) -> Vec<anchor_lang::solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta> {
let mut account_metas = vec![];
impl#combined_generics anchor_lang::Accounts#trait_generics for #name#strct_generics {
fn try_accounts(program_id: &anchor_lang::solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey, accounts: &mut &[anchor_lang::solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo<'info>]) -> std::result::Result<Self, anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError> {
// Deserialize each account.
// Deserialize each associated account.
// Associated accounts are treated specially, because the fields
// do deserialization + constraint checks in a single go,
// whereas all other fields, i.e. the `deser_fields`, first
// deserialize, and then do constraint checks.
// Perform constraint checks on each account.
// Success. Return the validated accounts.
Ok(#name {
impl#combined_generics anchor_lang::ToAccountInfos#trait_generics for #name#strct_generics {
fn to_account_infos(&self) -> Vec<anchor_lang::solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo<'info>> {
let mut account_infos = vec![];
impl#combined_generics anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas for #name#strct_generics {
fn to_account_metas(&self, is_signer: Option<bool>) -> Vec<anchor_lang::solana_program::instruction::AccountMeta> {
let mut account_metas = vec![];
impl#combined_generics anchor_lang::AccountsExit#trait_generics for #name#strct_generics {
fn exit(&self, program_id: &anchor_lang::solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey) -> anchor_lang::solana_program::entrypoint::ProgramResult {
// Returns true if the given AccountField has an associated constraint.
fn is_associated(af: &AccountField) -> bool {
match af {
AccountField::AccountsStruct(_s) => false,
AccountField::Field(f) => f
.filter(|c| match c {
Constraint::Associated(_c) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn generate_field_constraint(f: &Field, c: &Constraint) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match c {
Constraint::BelongsTo(c) => generate_constraint_belongs_to(f, c),
Constraint::Signer(c) => generate_constraint_signer(f, c),
Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(c),
Constraint::Owner(c) => generate_constraint_owner(f, c),
Constraint::RentExempt(c) => generate_constraint_rent_exempt(f, c),
Constraint::Seeds(c) => generate_constraint_seeds(f, c),
Constraint::Executable(c) => generate_constraint_executable(f, c),
Constraint::State(c) => generate_constraint_state(f, c),
Constraint::Associated(c) => generate_constraint_associated(f, c),
pub fn generate_composite_constraint(
_f: &CompositeField,
c: &Constraint,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match c {
Constraint::Literal(c) => generate_constraint_literal(c),
_ => panic!("Composite fields can only use literal constraints"),
pub fn generate_constraint_belongs_to(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintBelongsTo,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let target = c.join_target.clone();
let ident = &f.ident;
let field = match &f.ty {
Ty::Loader(_) => quote! {#ident.load()?},
_ => quote! {#ident},
quote! {
if &#field.#target != #target.to_account_info().key {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(1)); // todo: error codes
pub fn generate_constraint_signer(f: &Field, _c: &ConstraintSigner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let info = match f.ty {
Ty::AccountInfo => quote! { #ident },
Ty::ProgramAccount(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
_ => panic!("Invalid syntax: signer cannot be specified."),
quote! {
// Don't enforce on CPI, since usually a program is signing and so
// the `try_accounts` deserializatoin will fail *if* the one
// tries to manually invoke it.
// This check will be performed on the other end of the invocation.
if cfg!(not(feature = "cpi")) {
if !#info.is_signer {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::MissingRequiredSignature);
pub fn generate_constraint_literal(c: &ConstraintLiteral) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let tokens = &c.tokens;
quote! {
if !(#tokens) {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(1)); // todo: error codes
pub fn generate_constraint_owner(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintOwner) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let owner_target = c.owner_target.clone();
quote! {
if #ident.to_account_info().owner != #owner_target.to_account_info().key {
return Err(ProgramError::Custom(76)); // todo: proper error.
pub fn generate_constraint_rent_exempt(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintRentExempt,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = &f.ident;
let info = match f.ty {
Ty::AccountInfo => quote! { #ident },
Ty::ProgramAccount(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
Ty::Loader(_) => quote! { #ident.to_account_info() },
_ => panic!("Invalid syntax: rent exemption cannot be specified."),
match c {
ConstraintRentExempt::Skip => quote! {},
ConstraintRentExempt::Enforce => quote! {
if !rent.is_exempt(#info.lamports(), #info.try_data_len()?) {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(2)); // todo: error codes
pub fn generate_constraint_seeds(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintSeeds) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
let seeds = &c.seeds;
quote! {
let program_signer = Pubkey::create_program_address(
).map_err(|_| anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(1))?; // todo
if #name.to_account_info().key != &program_signer {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(1)); // todo
pub fn generate_constraint_executable(
f: &Field,
_c: &ConstraintExecutable,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let name = &f.ident;
quote! {
if !#name.to_account_info().executable {
return Err(anchor_lang::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError::Custom(5)) // todo
pub fn generate_constraint_state(f: &Field, c: &ConstraintState) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let program_target = c.program_target.clone();
let ident = &f.ident;
let account_ty = match &f.ty {
Ty::CpiState(ty) => &ty.account_ident,
_ => panic!("Invalid state constraint"),
quote! {
// Checks the given state account is the canonical state account for
// the target program.
if #ident.to_account_info().key != &anchor_lang::CpiState::<#account_ty>::address(#program_target.to_account_info().key) {
return Err(ProgramError::Custom(1)); // todo: proper error.
if #ident.to_account_info().owner != #program_target.to_account_info().key {
return Err(ProgramError::Custom(1)); // todo: proper error.
pub fn generate_constraint_associated(
f: &Field,
c: &ConstraintAssociated,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let associated_target = c.associated_target.clone();
let field = &f.ident;
let (account_ty, is_zero_copy) = match &f.ty {
Ty::ProgramAccount(ty) => (&ty.account_ident, false),
Ty::Loader(ty) => (&ty.account_ident, true),
_ => panic!("Invalid associated constraint"),
let space = match & {
// If no explicit space param was given, serialize the type to bytes
// and take the length (with +8 for the discriminator.)
None => match is_zero_copy {
false => {
quote! {
let space = 8 + #account_ty::default().try_to_vec().unwrap().len();
true => {
quote! {
let space = 8 + anchor_lang::__private::bytemuck::bytes_of(&#account_ty::default()).len();
// Explicit account size given. Use it.
Some(s) => quote! {
let space = #s;
let payer = match &f.payer {
None => quote! {
let payer = #associated_target.to_account_info();
Some(p) => quote! {
let payer = #p.to_account_info();
let seeds_no_nonce = match f.associated_seeds.len() {
0 => quote! {
_ => {
let seeds = to_seeds_tts(&f.associated_seeds);
quote! {
let seeds_with_nonce = match f.associated_seeds.len() {
0 => quote! {
_ => {
let seeds = to_seeds_tts(&f.associated_seeds);
quote! {
let account_wrapper_ty = match is_zero_copy {
false => quote! {
true => quote! {
let nonce_assignment = match is_zero_copy {
false => quote! {},
// Zero copy is not deserialized, so the data must be lazy loaded.
true => quote! {
quote! {
let #field: #account_wrapper_ty<#account_ty> = {
let (associated_field, nonce) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
if &associated_field != #field.key {
return Err(ProgramError::Custom(45)); // todo: proper error.
let lamports = rent.minimum_balance(space);
let ix = anchor_lang::solana_program::system_instruction::create_account(
space as u64,
let seeds = #seeds_with_nonce;
let signer = &[&seeds[..]];
).map_err(|e| {
anchor_lang::solana_program::msg!("Unable to create associated account");
// For now, we assume all accounts created with the `associated`
// attribute have a `nonce` field in their account.
let mut pa: #account_wrapper_ty<#account_ty> = #account_wrapper_ty::try_from_init(
pa#nonce_assignment.__nonce = nonce;
// Returns the inner part of the seeds slice as a token stream.
fn to_seeds_tts(seeds: &[syn::Ident]) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
assert!(seeds.len() > 0);
let seed_0 = &seeds[0];
let mut tts = quote! {
for seed in &seeds[1..] {
tts = quote! {