
749 lines
20 KiB

import camelCase from "camelcase";
import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3";
import * as bs58 from "bs58";
import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
import Provider from "./provider";
import {
} from "./idl";
import { IdlError, ProgramError } from "./error";
import Coder, {
} from "./coder";
* Dynamically generated rpc namespace.
export interface Rpcs {
[key: string]: RpcFn;
* Dynamically generated instruction namespace.
export interface Ixs {
[key: string]: IxFn;
* Dynamically generated transaction namespace.
export interface Txs {
[key: string]: TxFn;
* Accounts is a dynamically generated object to fetch any given account
* of a program.
export interface Accounts {
[key: string]: AccountFn;
* RpcFn is a single rpc method generated from an IDL.
export type RpcFn = (...args: any[]) => Promise<TransactionSignature>;
* Ix is a function to create a `TransactionInstruction` generated from an IDL.
export type IxFn = IxProps & ((...args: any[]) => any);
type IxProps = {
accounts: (ctx: RpcAccounts) => any;
* Tx is a function to create a `Transaction` generate from an IDL.
export type TxFn = (...args: any[]) => Transaction;
* Account is a function returning a deserialized account, given an address.
export type AccountFn<T = any> = AccountProps & ((address: PublicKey) => T);
* Deserialized account owned by a program.
export type ProgramAccount<T = any> = {
publicKey: PublicKey;
account: T;
* Non function properties on the acccount namespace.
type AccountProps = {
size: number;
all: (filter?: Buffer) => Promise<ProgramAccount<any>[]>;
subscribe: (address: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => EventEmitter;
unsubscribe: (address: PublicKey) => void;
createInstruction: (account: Account) => Promise<TransactionInstruction>;
associated: (...args: PublicKey[]) => Promise<any>;
associatedAddress: (...args: PublicKey[]) => Promise<PublicKey>;
* Options for an RPC invocation.
export type RpcOptions = ConfirmOptions;
* RpcContext provides all arguments for an RPC/IX invocation that are not
* covered by the instruction enum.
type RpcContext = {
// Accounts the instruction will use.
accounts?: RpcAccounts;
remainingAccounts?: AccountMeta[];
// Instructions to run *before* the specified rpc instruction.
instructions?: TransactionInstruction[];
// Accounts that must sign the transaction.
signers?: Array<Account>;
// RpcOptions.
options?: RpcOptions;
__private?: { logAccounts: boolean };
* Dynamic object representing a set of accounts given to an rpc/ix invocation.
* The name of each key should match the name for that account in the IDL.
type RpcAccounts = {
[key: string]: PublicKey | RpcAccounts;
export type State = () =>
| Promise<any>
| {
address: () => Promise<PublicKey>;
rpc: Rpcs;
instruction: Ixs;
subscribe: (address: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => EventEmitter;
unsubscribe: (address: PublicKey) => void;
// Tracks all subscriptions.
const subscriptions: Map<string, Subscription> = new Map();
* RpcFactory builds an Rpcs object for a given IDL.
export class RpcFactory {
* build dynamically generates RPC methods.
* @returns an object with all the RPC methods attached.
public static build(
idl: Idl,
coder: Coder,
programId: PublicKey,
provider: Provider
): [Rpcs, Ixs, Txs, Accounts, State] {
const idlErrors = parseIdlErrors(idl);
const rpcs: Rpcs = {};
const ixFns: Ixs = {};
const txFns: Txs = {};
const state = RpcFactory.buildState(
idl.instructions.forEach((idlIx) => {
const name = camelCase(;
// Function to create a raw `TransactionInstruction`.
const ix = RpcFactory.buildIx(idlIx, coder, programId);
// Ffnction to create a `Transaction`.
const tx = RpcFactory.buildTx(idlIx, ix);
// Function to invoke an RPC against a cluster.
const rpc = RpcFactory.buildRpc(idlIx, tx, idlErrors, provider);
rpcs[name] = rpc;
ixFns[name] = ix;
txFns[name] = tx;
const accountFns = idl.accounts
? RpcFactory.buildAccounts(idl, coder, programId, provider)
: {};
return [rpcs, ixFns, txFns, accountFns, state];
// Builds the state namespace.
private static buildState(
idl: Idl,
coder: Coder,
programId: PublicKey,
idlErrors: Map<number, string>,
provider: Provider
): State | undefined {
if (idl.state === undefined) {
return undefined;
// Fetches the state object from the blockchain.
const state = async (): Promise<any> => {
const addr = await programStateAddress(programId);
const accountInfo = await provider.connection.getAccountInfo(addr);
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new Error(`Account does not exist ${addr.toString()}`);
// Assert the account discriminator is correct.
const expectedDiscriminator = await stateDiscriminator(
if (, 8))) {
throw new Error("Invalid account discriminator");
return coder.state.decode(;
// Namespace with all rpc functions.
const rpc: Rpcs = {};
const ix: Ixs = {};
idl.state.methods.forEach((m: IdlStateMethod) => {
const accounts = async (accounts: RpcAccounts): Promise<any> => {
const keys = await stateInstructionKeys(
return keys.concat(RpcFactory.accountsArray(accounts, m.accounts));
const ixFn = async (...args: any[]): Promise<TransactionInstruction> => {
const [ixArgs, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(m, [...args]);
return new TransactionInstruction({
keys: await accounts(ctx.accounts),
data: coder.instruction.encodeState(,
toInstruction(m, ...ixArgs)
ixFn["accounts"] = accounts;
ix[] = ixFn;
rpc[] = async (...args: any[]): Promise<TransactionSignature> => {
const [_, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(m, [...args]);
const tx = new Transaction();
if (ctx.instructions !== undefined) {
tx.add(await ix[](...args));
try {
const txSig = await provider.send(tx, ctx.signers, ctx.options);
return txSig;
} catch (err) {
let translatedErr = translateError(idlErrors, err);
if (translatedErr === null) {
throw err;
throw translatedErr;
state["rpc"] = rpc;
state["instruction"] = ix;
// Calculates the address of the program's global state object account.
state["address"] = async (): Promise<PublicKey> =>
// Subscription singleton.
let sub: null | Subscription = null;
// Subscribe to account changes.
state["subscribe"] = (commitment?: Commitment): EventEmitter => {
if (sub !== null) {
const ee = new EventEmitter();
state["address"]().then((address) => {
const listener = provider.connection.onAccountChange(
(acc) => {
const account = coder.state.decode(;
ee.emit("change", account);
sub = {
return ee;
// Unsubscribe from account changes.
state["unsubscribe"] = () => {
if (sub !== null) {
.then(async () => {
sub = null;
return state;
// Builds the instuction namespace.
private static buildIx(
idlIx: IdlInstruction,
coder: Coder,
programId: PublicKey
): IxFn {
if ( === "_inner") {
throw new IdlError("the _inner name is reserved");
const ix = (...args: any[]): TransactionInstruction => {
const [ixArgs, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
validateAccounts(idlIx.accounts, ctx.accounts);
validateInstruction(idlIx, ...args);
const keys = RpcFactory.accountsArray(ctx.accounts, idlIx.accounts);
if (ctx.remainingAccounts !== undefined) {
if (ctx.__private && ctx.__private.logAccounts) {
console.log("Outgoing account metas:", keys);
return new TransactionInstruction({
data: coder.instruction.encode(,
toInstruction(idlIx, ...ixArgs)
// Utility fn for ordering the accounts for this instruction.
ix["accounts"] = (accs: RpcAccounts) => {
return RpcFactory.accountsArray(accs, idlIx.accounts);
return ix;
private static accountsArray(
ctx: RpcAccounts,
accounts: IdlAccountItem[]
): any {
return accounts
.map((acc: IdlAccountItem) => {
// Nested accounts.
// @ts-ignore
const nestedAccounts: IdlAccountItem[] | undefined = acc.accounts;
if (nestedAccounts !== undefined) {
const rpcAccs = ctx[] as RpcAccounts;
return RpcFactory.accountsArray(rpcAccs, nestedAccounts).flat();
} else {
const account: IdlAccount = acc as IdlAccount;
return {
pubkey: ctx[],
isWritable: account.isMut,
isSigner: account.isSigner,
// Builds the rpc namespace.
private static buildRpc(
idlIx: IdlInstruction,
txFn: TxFn,
idlErrors: Map<number, string>,
provider: Provider
): RpcFn {
const rpc = async (...args: any[]): Promise<TransactionSignature> => {
const tx = txFn(...args);
const [_, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
try {
const txSig = await provider.send(tx, ctx.signers, ctx.options);
return txSig;
} catch (err) {
console.log("Translating error", err);
let translatedErr = translateError(idlErrors, err);
if (translatedErr === null) {
throw err;
throw translatedErr;
return rpc;
// Builds the transaction namespace.
private static buildTx(idlIx: IdlInstruction, ixFn: IxFn): TxFn {
const txFn = (...args: any[]): Transaction => {
const [_, ctx] = splitArgsAndCtx(idlIx, [...args]);
const tx = new Transaction();
if (ctx.instructions !== undefined) {
return tx;
return txFn;
// Returns the generated accounts namespace.
private static buildAccounts(
idl: Idl,
coder: Coder,
programId: PublicKey,
provider: Provider
): Accounts {
const accountFns: Accounts = {};
idl.accounts.forEach((idlAccount) => {
const name = camelCase(;
// Fetches the decoded account from the network.
const accountsNamespace = async (address: PublicKey): Promise<any> => {
const accountInfo = await provider.connection.getAccountInfo(address);
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new Error(`Account does not exist ${address.toString()}`);
// Assert the account discriminator is correct.
const discriminator = await accountDiscriminator(;
if (, 8))) {
throw new Error("Invalid account discriminator");
return coder.accounts.decode(,;
// Returns the size of the account.
// @ts-ignore
accountsNamespace["size"] =
ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR_SIZE + accountSize(idl, idlAccount);
// Returns an instruction for creating this account.
// @ts-ignore
accountsNamespace["createInstruction"] = async (
account: Account,
sizeOverride?: number
): Promise<TransactionInstruction> => {
// @ts-ignore
const size = accountsNamespace["size"];
return SystemProgram.createAccount({
fromPubkey: provider.wallet.publicKey,
newAccountPubkey: account.publicKey,
space: sizeOverride ?? size,
lamports: await provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
sizeOverride ?? size
// Subscribes to all changes to this account.
// @ts-ignore
accountsNamespace["subscribe"] = (
address: PublicKey,
commitment?: Commitment
): EventEmitter => {
if (subscriptions.get(address.toString())) {
return subscriptions.get(address.toString()).ee;
const ee = new EventEmitter();
const listener = provider.connection.onAccountChange(
(acc) => {
const account = coder.accounts.decode(,;
ee.emit("change", account);
subscriptions.set(address.toString(), {
return ee;
// Unsubscribes to account changes.
// @ts-ignore
accountsNamespace["unsubscribe"] = (address: PublicKey) => {
let sub = subscriptions.get(address.toString());
if (!sub) {
console.warn("Address is not subscribed");
if (subscriptions) {
.then(() => {
// Returns all instances of this account type for the program.
// @ts-ignore
accountsNamespace["all"] = async (
filter?: Buffer
): Promise<ProgramAccount<any>[]> => {
let bytes = await accountDiscriminator(;
if (filter !== undefined) {
bytes = Buffer.concat([bytes, filter]);
// @ts-ignore
let resp = await provider.connection._rpcRequest("getProgramAccounts", [
commitment: provider.connection.commitment,
filters: [
memcmp: {
offset: 0,
bytes: bs58.encode(bytes),
encoding: 'base64',
if (resp.error) {
throw new Error("Failed to get accounts");
return (
.map(({ pubkey, account: { data } }) => {
data = bs58.decode(bs58.encode(Uint8Array.from(atob(data[0]), c => c.charCodeAt(0))));
return {
publicKey: new PublicKey(pubkey),
account: coder.accounts.decode(, data),
// Function returning the associated address. Args are keys to associate.
// Order matters.
accountsNamespace["associatedAddress"] = async (
...args: PublicKey[]
): Promise<PublicKey> => {
let seeds = [Buffer.from([97, 110, 99, 104, 111, 114])]; // b"anchor".
args.forEach((arg) => {
const [assoc] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(seeds, programId);
return assoc;
// Function returning the associated account. Args are keys to associate.
// Order matters.
accountsNamespace["associated"] = async (
...args: PublicKey[]
): Promise<any> => {
const addr = await accountsNamespace["associatedAddress"](...args);
return await accountsNamespace(addr);
accountFns[name] = accountsNamespace;
return accountFns;
type Subscription = {
listener: number;
ee: EventEmitter;
function translateError(
idlErrors: Map<number, string>,
err: any
): Error | null {
// TODO: don't rely on the error string. web3.js should preserve the error
// code information instead of giving us an untyped string.
let components = err.toString().split("custom program error: ");
if (components.length === 2) {
try {
const errorCode = parseInt(components[1]);
let errorMsg = idlErrors.get(errorCode);
if (errorMsg === undefined) {
// Unexpected error code so just throw the untranslated error.
return null;
return new ProgramError(errorCode, errorMsg);
} catch (parseErr) {
// Unable to parse the error. Just return the untranslated error.
return null;
function parseIdlErrors(idl: Idl): Map<number, string> {
const errors = new Map();
if (idl.errors) {
idl.errors.forEach((e) => {
let msg = e.msg ??;
errors.set(e.code, msg);
return errors;
function splitArgsAndCtx(
idlIx: IdlInstruction,
args: any[]
): [any[], RpcContext] {
let options = {};
const inputLen = idlIx.args ? idlIx.args.length : 0;
if (args.length > inputLen) {
if (args.length !== inputLen + 1) {
throw new Error("provided too many arguments ${args}");
options = args.pop();
return [args, options];
// Allow either IdLInstruction or IdlStateMethod since the types share fields.
function toInstruction(idlIx: IdlInstruction | IdlStateMethod, ...args: any[]) {
if (idlIx.args.length != args.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid argument length");
const ix: { [key: string]: any } = {};
let idx = 0;
idlIx.args.forEach((ixArg) => {
ix[] = args[idx];
idx += 1;
return ix;
// Throws error if any account required for the `ix` is not given.
function validateAccounts(ixAccounts: IdlAccountItem[], accounts: RpcAccounts) {
ixAccounts.forEach((acc) => {
// @ts-ignore
if (acc.accounts !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
validateAccounts(acc.accounts, accounts[]);
} else {
if (accounts[] === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Invalid arguments: ${} not provided.`);
// Throws error if any argument required for the `ix` is not given.
function validateInstruction(ix: IdlInstruction, ...args: any[]) {
// todo
// Calculates the deterministic address of the program's "state" account.
async function programStateAddress(programId: PublicKey): Promise<PublicKey> {
let [registrySigner, _nonce] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
return PublicKey.createWithSeed(registrySigner, "unversioned", programId);
// Returns the common keys that are prepended to all instructions targeting
// the "state" of a program.
async function stateInstructionKeys(
programId: PublicKey,
provider: Provider,
m: IdlStateMethod,
accounts: RpcAccounts
) {
if ( === "new") {
// Ctor `new` method.
const [programSigner, _nonce] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
return [
pubkey: provider.wallet.publicKey,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: true,
pubkey: await programStateAddress(programId),
isWritable: true,
isSigner: false,
{ pubkey: programSigner, isWritable: false, isSigner: false },
pubkey: SystemProgram.programId,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
{ pubkey: programId, isWritable: false, isSigner: false },
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
} else {
validateAccounts(m.accounts, accounts);
return [
pubkey: await programStateAddress(programId),
isWritable: true,
isSigner: false,