use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::{bail, Context}; use dashmap::DashMap; use futures::StreamExt; use jsonrpsee::SubscriptionSink; use log::info; use solana_client::{ nonblocking::{pubsub_client::PubsubClient, rpc_client::RpcClient}, rpc_client::SerializableTransaction, rpc_config::{RpcBlockSubscribeConfig, RpcBlockSubscribeFilter}, rpc_response::{Response as RpcResponse, RpcResponseContext}, }; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::{CommitmentConfig, CommitmentLevel}; use solana_transaction_status::{ TransactionConfirmationStatus, TransactionStatus, UiConfirmedBlock, UiTransactionStatusMeta, }; use tokio::{ sync::{mpsc::Sender, RwLock}, task::JoinHandle, }; use crate::postgres::{Postgres, PostgresBlock, PostgresTx}; use super::{TxProps, TxSender}; /// Background worker which listen's to new blocks /// and keeps a track of confirmed txs #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BlockListener { pub_sub_client: Arc, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, tx_sender: TxSender, latest_block_info: Arc>, pub signature_subscribers: Arc>, } struct BlockInformation { pub slot: u64, pub blockhash: String, pub block_height: u64, } pub struct BlockListnerNotificatons { pub block: Sender, pub tx: Sender, } impl BlockListener { pub async fn new( pub_sub_client: Arc, rpc_client: Arc, tx_sender: TxSender, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> anyhow::Result { let (latest_block_hash, block_height) = rpc_client .get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment(commitment_config) .await?; Ok(Self { pub_sub_client, tx_sender, latest_block_info: Arc::new(RwLock::new(BlockInformation { slot: rpc_client.get_slot().await?, blockhash: latest_block_hash.to_string(), block_height, })), commitment_config, signature_subscribers: Default::default(), }) } pub async fn num_of_sigs_commited(&self, sigs: &[String]) -> usize { let mut num_of_sigs_commited = 0; for sig in sigs { if self.tx_sender.txs_sent.contains_key(sig) { num_of_sigs_commited += 1; } } num_of_sigs_commited } pub async fn get_slot(&self) -> u64 { } pub async fn get_latest_blockhash(&self) -> (String, u64) { let block =; (block.blockhash.clone(), block.block_height) } pub fn signature_subscribe(&self, signature: String, sink: SubscriptionSink) { let _ = self.signature_subscribers.insert(signature, sink); } pub fn signature_un_subscribe(&self, signature: String) { self.signature_subscribers.remove(&signature); } pub fn listen(self, postgres: Option) -> JoinHandle> { tokio::spawn(async move { info!("Subscribing to blocks"); let commitment = self.commitment_config.commitment; let comfirmation_status = match commitment { CommitmentLevel::Finalized => TransactionConfirmationStatus::Finalized, _ => TransactionConfirmationStatus::Confirmed, }; let (mut recv, _) = self .pub_sub_client .block_subscribe( RpcBlockSubscribeFilter::All, Some(RpcBlockSubscribeConfig { commitment: Some(self.commitment_config), encoding: None, transaction_details: Some( solana_transaction_status::TransactionDetails::Full, ), show_rewards: None, max_supported_transaction_version: None, }), ) .await .context("Error calling block_subscribe")?; info!("Listening to {commitment:?} blocks"); while let Some(block) = recv.as_mut().next().await { let slot = block.value.slot; let Some(block) = block.value.block else { continue; }; let Some(block_height) = block.block_height else { continue; }; let blockhash = block.blockhash; let Some(transactions) = block.transactions else { continue; }; *self.latest_block_info.write().await = BlockInformation { slot, blockhash, block_height, }; if let Some(postgres) = &postgres { postgres.send_block(PostgresBlock { slot: slot as i64, leader_id: 0, //FIX: parent_slot: 0, //FIX: }).await?; } for tx in transactions { let Some(UiTransactionStatusMeta { err, status, .. }) = tx.meta else { info!("tx with no meta"); continue; }; let Some(tx) = tx.transaction.decode() else { info!("unable to decode tx"); continue; }; let sig = tx.get_signature().to_string(); if let Some(mut tx_status) = self.tx_sender.txs_sent.get_mut(&sig) { if let Some(postgres) = &postgres { postgres.send_tx(PostgresTx { signature: tx.get_signature().as_ref(), recent_slot: slot as i64, forwarded_slot: 0, processed_slot: None, cu_consumed: None, cu_requested: None, quic_response: 0, }).await?; } tx_status.value_mut().status = Some(TransactionStatus { slot, confirmations: None, //TODO: talk about this status, err: err.clone(), confirmation_status: Some(comfirmation_status.clone()), }); }; // subscribers if let Some((_sig, mut sink)) = self.signature_subscribers.remove(&sig) { // none if transaction succeeded sink.send(&RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot, api_version: None, }, value: serde_json::json!({ "err": err }), })?; } } } bail!("Stopped Listening to {commitment:?} blocks") }) } }