use anyhow::{bail, Context}; use solana_client::nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_lite_rpc_core::{ structures::{ produced_block::ProducedBlock, slot_notification::{AtomicSlot, SlotNotification}, }, AnyhowJoinHandle, }; use solana_rpc_client_api::config::RpcBlockConfig; use solana_sdk::{ commitment_config::{CommitmentConfig, CommitmentLevel}, slot_history::Slot, }; use solana_transaction_status::{TransactionDetails, UiTransactionEncoding}; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::sync::broadcast::{Receiver, Sender}; pub const NUM_PARALLEL_TASKS_DEFAULT: usize = 16; pub async fn process_block( rpc_client: &RpcClient, slot: Slot, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig, ) -> Option { let block = rpc_client .get_block_with_config( slot, RpcBlockConfig { transaction_details: Some(TransactionDetails::Full), commitment: Some(commitment_config), max_supported_transaction_version: Some(0), encoding: Some(UiTransactionEncoding::Base64), rewards: Some(true), }, ) .await; block .ok() .map(|block| ProducedBlock::from_ui_block(block, slot, commitment_config)) } pub fn poll_block( rpc_client: Arc, block_notification_sender: Sender, slot_notification: Receiver, num_parallel_tasks: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut tasks: Vec = vec![]; let recent_slot = AtomicSlot::default(); let (slot_retry_queue_sx, mut slot_retry_queue_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (block_schedule_queue_sx, block_schedule_queue_rx) = async_channel::unbounded::<(Slot, CommitmentConfig)>(); for _i in 0..num_parallel_tasks { let block_notification_sender = block_notification_sender.clone(); let rpc_client = rpc_client.clone(); let block_schedule_queue_rx = block_schedule_queue_rx.clone(); let slot_retry_queue_sx = slot_retry_queue_sx.clone(); let task: AnyhowJoinHandle = tokio::spawn(async move { loop { let (slot, commitment_config) = block_schedule_queue_rx .recv() .await .context("Recv error on block channel")?; let processed_block = process_block(rpc_client.as_ref(), slot, commitment_config).await; match processed_block { Some(processed_block) => { block_notification_sender .send(processed_block) .context("Processed block should be sent")?; // schedule to get finalized commitment if commitment_config.commitment != CommitmentLevel::Finalized { let retry_at = tokio::time::Instant::now() .checked_add(Duration::from_secs(2)) .unwrap(); slot_retry_queue_sx .send(((slot, CommitmentConfig::finalized()), retry_at)) .context("Failed to reschedule fetch of finalized block")?; } } None => { let retry_at = tokio::time::Instant::now() .checked_add(Duration::from_millis(10)) .unwrap(); slot_retry_queue_sx .send(((slot, commitment_config), retry_at)) .context("should be able to rescheduled for replay")?; } } } }); tasks.push(task); } //let replay task { let recent_slot = recent_slot.clone(); let block_schedule_queue_sx = block_schedule_queue_sx.clone(); let replay_task: AnyhowJoinHandle = tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(((slot, commitment_config), instant)) = slot_retry_queue_rx.recv().await { let recent_slot = recent_slot.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); // if slot is too old ignore if recent_slot.saturating_sub(slot) > 128 { // slot too old to retry // most probably its an empty slot continue; } let now = tokio::time::Instant::now(); if now < instant { tokio::time::sleep_until(instant).await; } if block_schedule_queue_sx .send((slot, commitment_config)) .await .is_err() { bail!("could not schedule replay for a slot") } } unreachable!(); }); tasks.push(replay_task) } //slot poller let slot_poller = tokio::spawn(async move { log::info!("block listener started"); let current_slot = rpc_client .get_slot() .await .context("Should get current slot")?;, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); let mut slot_notification = slot_notification; loop { let SlotNotification { estimated_processed_slot, .. } = slot_notification .recv() .await .context("Should get slot notification")?; let last_slot = recent_slot.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); if last_slot < estimated_processed_slot { estimated_processed_slot, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed, ); for slot in last_slot + 1..estimated_processed_slot + 1 { block_schedule_queue_sx .send((slot, CommitmentConfig::confirmed())) .await .context("Should be able to schedule message")?; } } } }); tasks.push(slot_poller); tasks }