use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use crate::block_stores::postgres::{LITERPC_QUERY_ROLE, LITERPC_ROLE}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::{debug, info, trace, warn}; use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::epoch::EpochRef; use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::{epoch::EpochCache, produced_block::ProducedBlock}; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentLevel; use solana_sdk::slot_history::Slot; use tokio_postgres::error::SqlState; use super::postgres_block::*; use super::postgres_config::*; use super::postgres_epoch::*; use super::postgres_session::*; use super::postgres_transaction::*; const PARALLEL_WRITE_SESSIONS: usize = 4; const MIN_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 500; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PostgresBlockStore { session_cache: PostgresSessionCache, // use this session only for the write path! write_sessions: Vec, epoch_schedule: EpochCache, } impl PostgresBlockStore { pub async fn new(epoch_schedule: EpochCache, pg_session_config: PostgresSessionConfig) -> Self { let session_cache = PostgresSessionCache::new(pg_session_config.clone()) .await .unwrap(); let mut write_sessions = Vec::new(); for _i in 0..PARALLEL_WRITE_SESSIONS { write_sessions.push( PostgresWriteSession::new(pg_session_config.clone()) .await .unwrap(), ); } assert!( !write_sessions.is_empty(), "must have at least one write session" ); Self::check_write_role(&session_cache).await; Self { session_cache, write_sessions, epoch_schedule, } } async fn check_write_role(session_cache: &PostgresSessionCache) { let role = LITERPC_ROLE; let statement = format!("SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='{role}'"); let count = session_cache .get_session() .await .expect("must get session") .execute(&statement, &[]) .await .expect("must execute query to check for role"); if count == 0 { panic!( "Missing mandatory postgres write/ownership role '{}' for Lite RPC - see permissions.sql", role ); } else { info!( "Self check - found postgres write role/ownership '{}'", role ); } } // return true if schema was actually created async fn start_new_epoch_if_necessary(&self, epoch: EpochRef) -> Result { // create schema for new epoch let schema_name = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); let session = self.get_session().await; let statement = PostgresEpoch::build_create_schema_statement(epoch); // note: requires GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE xyz let result_create_schema = session.execute_multiple(&statement).await; if let Err(err) = result_create_schema { if err .code() .map(|sqlstate| sqlstate == &SqlState::DUPLICATE_SCHEMA) .unwrap_or(false) { // TODO: do we want to allow this; continuing with existing epoch schema might lead to inconsistent data in blocks and transactions table info!( "Schema {} for epoch {} already exists - data will be appended", schema_name, epoch ); return Ok(false); } else { return Err(err).context("create schema for new epoch"); } } // set permissions for new schema let statement = build_assign_permissions_statements(epoch); session .execute_multiple(&statement) .await .context("Set postgres permissions for new schema")?; // Create blocks table let statement = PostgresBlock::build_create_table_statement(epoch); session .execute_multiple(&statement) .await .context("create blocks table for new epoch")?; // create transaction table let statement = PostgresTransaction::build_create_table_statement(epoch); session .execute_multiple(&statement) .await .context("create transaction table for new epoch")?; // add foreign key constraint between transactions and blocks let statement = PostgresTransaction::build_foreign_key_statement(epoch); session .execute_multiple(&statement) .await .context("create foreign key constraint between transactions and blocks")?; info!("Start new epoch in postgres schema {}", schema_name); Ok(true) } async fn get_session(&self) -> PostgresSession { self.session_cache .get_session() .await .expect("should get new postgres session") } // optimistically try to progress commitment level for a block that is already stored pub async fn progress_block_commitment_level(&self, block: &ProducedBlock) -> Result<()> { // ATM we only support updating confirmed block to finalized if block.commitment_config.commitment == CommitmentLevel::Finalized { debug!( "Checking block {} if we can progress it to finalized ...", block.slot ); // TODO model commitment levels in new table } Ok(()) } pub async fn save_block(&self, block: &ProducedBlock) -> Result<()> { self.progress_block_commitment_level(block).await?; // let PostgresData { current_epoch, .. } = { * }; trace!( "Saving block {}@{} to postgres storage...", block.slot, block.commitment_config.commitment ); let slot = block.slot; let transactions = block .transactions .iter() .map(|x| PostgresTransaction::new(x, slot)) .collect_vec(); let postgres_block = PostgresBlock::from(block); let epoch = self.epoch_schedule.get_epoch_at_slot(slot); let write_session_single = self.write_sessions[0].get_write_session().await; let started_block = Instant::now(); let inserted = postgres_block .save(&write_session_single, epoch.into()) .await?; if !inserted { debug!("Block {} already exists - skip update", slot); return Ok(()); } let elapsed_block_insert = started_block.elapsed(); let started_txs = Instant::now(); let mut queries_fut = Vec::new(); let chunk_size = div_ceil(transactions.len(), self.write_sessions.len()).max(MIN_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); let chunks = transactions.chunks(chunk_size).collect_vec(); assert!( chunks.len() <= self.write_sessions.len(), "cannot have more chunks than session" ); for (i, chunk) in chunks.iter().enumerate() { let session = self.write_sessions[i].get_write_session().await.clone(); let future = PostgresTransaction::save_transactions_from_block(session, epoch.into(), chunk); queries_fut.push(future); } let all_results: Vec> = futures_util::future::join_all(queries_fut).await; for result in all_results { result.expect("Save query must succeed"); } let elapsed_txs_insert = started_txs.elapsed(); info!( "Saving block {}@{} to postgres took {:.2}ms for block and {:.2}ms for {} transactions ({}x{} chunks)", slot, block.commitment_config.commitment, elapsed_block_insert.as_secs_f64() * 1000.0, elapsed_txs_insert.as_secs_f64() * 1000.0, transactions.len(), chunks.len(), chunk_size, ); Ok(()) } // ATM we focus on blocks as this table gets INSERTS and does deduplication checks (i.e. heavy reads on index pk_block_slot) pub async fn optimize_blocks_table(&self, slot: Slot) -> Result<()> { let started = Instant::now(); let epoch: EpochRef = self.epoch_schedule.get_epoch_at_slot(slot).into(); let random_session = slot as usize % self.write_sessions.len(); let write_session_single = self.write_sessions[random_session] .get_write_session() .await; let statement = format!( r#" ANALYZE (SKIP_LOCKED) {schema}.blocks; "#, schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch), ); tokio::spawn(async move { write_session_single .execute_multiple(&statement) .await .unwrap(); let elapsed = started.elapsed(); debug!( "Postgres analyze of blocks table took {:.2}ms", elapsed.as_secs_f64() * 1000.0 ); if elapsed > Duration::from_millis(500) { warn!( "Very slow postgres ANALYZE on slot {} - took {:.2}ms", slot, elapsed.as_secs_f64() * 1000.0 ); } }); Ok(()) } // create current + next epoch // true if anything was created; false if a NOOP pub async fn prepare_epoch_schema(&self, slot: Slot) -> anyhow::Result { let epoch = self.epoch_schedule.get_epoch_at_slot(slot); let current_epoch = epoch.into(); let created_current = self.start_new_epoch_if_necessary(current_epoch).await?; let next_epoch = current_epoch.get_next_epoch(); let created_next = self.start_new_epoch_if_necessary(next_epoch).await?; Ok(created_current || created_next) } // used for testing only ATM pub async fn drop_epoch_schema(&self, epoch: EpochRef) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // create schema for new epoch let schema_name = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); let session = self.get_session().await; let statement = PostgresEpoch::build_drop_schema_statement(epoch); let result_drop_schema = session.execute_multiple(&statement).await; match result_drop_schema { Ok(_) => { warn!("Dropped schema {}", schema_name); Ok(()) } Err(_err) => { bail!("Error dropping schema {}", schema_name) } } } } fn build_assign_permissions_statements(epoch: EpochRef) -> String { let schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); format!( r#" GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {schema} TO {role}; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA {schema} TO {role}; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {schema} GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO {role}; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {schema} TO {query_role}; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {schema} GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO {query_role}; "#, role = LITERPC_ROLE, query_role = LITERPC_QUERY_ROLE, ) } fn div_ceil(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize { (a.saturating_add(b).saturating_sub(1)).saturating_div(b) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::produced_block::TransactionInfo; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig; use solana_sdk::signature::Signature; use std::str::FromStr; #[tokio::test] #[ignore] async fn postgres_write_session() { let write_session = PostgresWriteSession::new_from_env().await.unwrap(); let row_role = write_session .get_write_session() .await .query_one("SELECT current_role", &[]) .await .unwrap(); info!("row: {:?}", row_role); } #[tokio::test] #[ignore] async fn test_save_block() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let pg_session_config = PostgresSessionConfig { pg_config: "host=localhost dbname=literpc3 user=literpc_app password=litelitesecret" .to_string(), ssl: None, }; let _postgres_session_cache = PostgresSessionCache::new(pg_session_config.clone()) .await .unwrap(); let epoch_cache = EpochCache::new_for_tests(); let postgres_block_store = PostgresBlockStore::new(epoch_cache.clone(), pg_session_config.clone()).await; postgres_block_store .save_block(&create_test_block()) .await .unwrap(); } fn create_test_block() -> ProducedBlock { let sig1 = Signature::from_str("5VBroA4MxsbZdZmaSEb618WRRwhWYW9weKhh3md1asGRx7nXDVFLua9c98voeiWdBE7A9isEoLL7buKyaVRSK1pV").unwrap(); let sig2 = Signature::from_str("3d9x3rkVQEoza37MLJqXyadeTbEJGUB6unywK4pjeRLJc16wPsgw3dxPryRWw3UaLcRyuxEp1AXKGECvroYxAEf2").unwrap(); ProducedBlock { block_height: 42, blockhash: "blockhash".to_string(), previous_blockhash: "previous_blockhash".to_string(), parent_slot: 666, slot: 223555999, transactions: vec![create_test_tx(sig1), create_test_tx(sig2)], // TODO double if this is unix millis or seconds block_time: 1699260872000, commitment_config: CommitmentConfig::finalized(), leader_id: None, rewards: None, } } fn create_test_tx(signature: Signature) -> TransactionInfo { TransactionInfo { signature: signature.to_string(), is_vote: false, err: None, cu_requested: Some(40000), prioritization_fees: Some(5000), cu_consumed: Some(32000), recent_blockhash: "recent_blockhash".to_string(), message: "some message".to_string(), writable_accounts: vec![], readable_accounts: vec![], } } }