use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Context; use log::debug; use native_tls::{Certificate, Identity, TlsConnector}; use postgres_native_tls::MakeTlsConnector; use solana_lite_rpc_core::encoding::BinaryEncoding; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use tokio_postgres::{ config::SslMode, tls::MakeTlsConnect, types::ToSql, Client, CopyInSink, Error, NoTls, Row, Socket, }; use super::postgres_config::{PostgresSessionConfig, PostgresSessionSslConfig}; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PostgresSession { pub client: Arc, } impl PostgresSession { pub async fn new_from_env() -> anyhow::Result { let pg_session_config = PostgresSessionConfig::new_from_env() .expect("failed to start Postgres Client") .expect("Postgres not enabled (use PG_ENABLED)"); PostgresSession::new(pg_session_config).await } pub async fn new( PostgresSessionConfig { pg_config, ssl }: PostgresSessionConfig, ) -> anyhow::Result { let pg_config = pg_config.parse::()?; let client = if let SslMode::Disable = pg_config.get_ssl_mode() { Self::spawn_connection(pg_config, NoTls).await? } else { let PostgresSessionSslConfig { ca_pem_b64, client_pks_b64, client_pks_pass, } = ssl.as_ref().unwrap(); let ca_pem = BinaryEncoding::Base64 .decode(ca_pem_b64) .context("ca pem decode")?; let client_pks = BinaryEncoding::Base64 .decode(client_pks_b64) .context("client pks decode")?; let connector = TlsConnector::builder() .add_root_certificate(Certificate::from_pem(&ca_pem)?) .identity(Identity::from_pkcs12(&client_pks, client_pks_pass).context("Identity")?) .danger_accept_invalid_hostnames(true) .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) .build()?; Self::spawn_connection(pg_config, MakeTlsConnector::new(connector)).await? }; Ok(Self { client: Arc::new(client), }) } async fn spawn_connection( pg_config: tokio_postgres::Config, connector: T, ) -> anyhow::Result where T: MakeTlsConnect + Send + 'static, >::Stream: Send, { let (client, connection) = pg_config .connect(connector) .await .context("Connecting to Postgres failed")?; tokio::spawn(async move { log::info!("Connecting to Postgres"); if let Err(err) = connection.await { log::error!("Connection to Postgres broke {err:?}"); return; } log::debug!("Postgres thread shutting down"); }); Ok(client) } pub fn multiline_query(query: &mut String, args: usize, rows: usize, types: &[&str]) { let mut arg_index = 1usize; for row in 0..rows { query.push('('); for i in 0..args { if row == 0 && !types.is_empty() { query.push_str(&format!("(${arg_index})::{}", types[i])); } else { query.push_str(&format!("${arg_index}")); } arg_index += 1; if i != (args - 1) { query.push(','); } } query.push(')'); if row != (rows - 1) { query.push(','); } } } pub fn values_vecvec(args: usize, rows: usize, types: &[&str]) -> String { let mut query = String::new(); Self::multiline_query(&mut query, args, rows, types); query } // workaround: produces ((a,b,c)) while (a,b,c) would suffice pub fn values_vec(args: usize, types: &[&str]) -> String { let mut query = String::new(); Self::multiline_query(&mut query, args, 1, types); query } pub async fn clear_session(&self) { // see // CLOSE ALL -> drop potental cursors // RESET ALL -> we do not want (would reset work_mem) // DEALLOCATE -> would drop prepared statements which we do not use ATM // DISCARD PLANS -> we want to keep the plans // DISCARD SEQUENCES -> we want to keep the sequences self.client .batch_execute( r#" DISCARD TEMP; CLOSE ALL;"#, ) .await .unwrap(); debug!("Clear postgres session"); } pub async fn execute( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result { self.client.execute(statement, params).await } // execute statements seperated by semicolon pub async fn execute_multiple(&self, statement: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.client.batch_execute(statement).await } pub async fn execute_prepared_batch( &self, statement: &str, params: &Vec>, ) -> Result { let prepared_stmt = self.client.prepare(statement).await?; let mut total_inserted = 0; for row in params { let result = self.client.execute(&prepared_stmt, row).await; total_inserted += result?; } Ok(total_inserted) } pub async fn execute_prepared( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result { let prepared_stmt = self.client.prepare(statement).await?; self.client.execute(&prepared_stmt, params).await } pub async fn execute_and_return( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result, Error> { self.client.query_opt(statement, params).await } pub async fn query_opt( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result, Error> { self.client.query_opt(statement, params).await } pub async fn query_one( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result { self.client.query_one(statement, params).await } pub async fn query_list( &self, statement: &str, params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)], ) -> Result, Error> { self.client.query(statement, params).await } pub async fn copy_in(&self, statement: &str) -> Result, Error> { // BinaryCopyInWriter // self.client.copy_in(statement).await } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PostgresSessionCache { session: Arc>, config: PostgresSessionConfig, } impl PostgresSessionCache { pub async fn new(config: PostgresSessionConfig) -> anyhow::Result { let session = PostgresSession::new(config.clone()).await?; Ok(Self { session: Arc::new(RwLock::new(session)), config, }) } pub async fn get_session(&self) -> anyhow::Result { let session =; if session.client.is_closed() { drop(session); let session = PostgresSession::new(self.config.clone()).await?; *self.session.write().await = session.clone(); Ok(session) } else { Ok(session.clone()) } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PostgresWriteSession { session: Arc>, pub pg_session_config: PostgresSessionConfig, } impl PostgresWriteSession { pub async fn new_from_env() -> anyhow::Result { let pg_session_config = PostgresSessionConfig::new_from_env() .expect("failed to start Postgres Client") .expect("Postgres not enabled (use PG_ENABLED)"); Self::new(pg_session_config).await } pub async fn new(pg_session_config: PostgresSessionConfig) -> anyhow::Result { let session = PostgresSession::new(pg_session_config.clone()).await?; let statement = r#" SET SESSION application_name='postgres-blockstore-write-session'; -- default: 64MB SET SESSION maintenance_work_mem = '256MB'; "#; session.execute_multiple(statement).await.unwrap(); Ok(Self { session: Arc::new(RwLock::new(session)), pg_session_config, }) } pub async fn get_write_session(&self) -> PostgresSession { let session =; if session.client.is_closed() || session.client.execute(";", &[]).await.is_err() { let session = PostgresSession::new(self.pg_session_config.clone()) .await .expect("should have created new postgres session"); let mut lock = self.session.write().await; *lock = session.clone(); session } else { session.clone() } } } #[test] fn multiline_query_test() { let mut query = String::new(); PostgresSession::multiline_query(&mut query, 3, 2, &[]); assert_eq!(query, "($1,$2,$3),($4,$5,$6)"); } #[test] fn value_query_test() { let values = PostgresSession::values_vecvec(3, 2, &[]); assert_eq!(values, "($1,$2,$3),($4,$5,$6)"); } #[test] fn multiline_query_test_types() { let mut query = String::new(); PostgresSession::multiline_query(&mut query, 3, 2, &["text", "int", "int"]); assert_eq!(query, "(($1)::text,($2)::int,($3)::int),($4,$5,$6)"); } #[test] fn value_vecvec_test_types() { let values = PostgresSession::values_vecvec(3, 2, &["text", "int", "int"]); assert_eq!(values, "(($1)::text,($2)::int,($3)::int),($4,$5,$6)"); } #[test] fn value_vec_test_types() { let values = PostgresSession::values_vec(3, &["text", "int", "int"]); assert_eq!(values, "(($1)::text,($2)::int,($3)::int)"); }