use futures_util::pin_mut; use log::debug; use solana_lite_rpc_core::structures::epoch::EpochRef; use solana_lite_rpc_core::{encoding::BASE64, structures::produced_block::TransactionInfo}; use solana_sdk::slot_history::Slot; use solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError; use tokio::time::Instant; use tokio_postgres::binary_copy::BinaryCopyInWriter; use tokio_postgres::types::Type; use tokio_postgres::CopyInSink; use super::postgres_epoch::*; use super::postgres_session::*; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PostgresTransaction { pub signature: String, // TODO clarify pub slot: i64, pub err: Option, pub cu_requested: Option, pub prioritization_fees: Option, pub cu_consumed: Option, pub recent_blockhash: String, pub message: String, } impl PostgresTransaction { pub fn new(value: &TransactionInfo, slot: Slot) -> Self { Self { signature: value.signature.clone(), err: value .err .clone() .map(|x| BASE64.serialize(&x).ok()) .unwrap_or(None), cu_requested:|x| x as i64), prioritization_fees:|x| x as i64), cu_consumed:|x| x as i64), recent_blockhash: value.recent_blockhash.clone(), message: value.message.clone(), slot: slot as i64, } } pub fn to_transaction_info(&self) -> TransactionInfo { TransactionInfo { signature: self.signature.clone(), err: self .err .as_ref() .and_then(|x| BASE64.deserialize::(x).ok()), cu_requested:|x| x as u32), prioritization_fees:|x| x as u64), cu_consumed:|x| x as u64), recent_blockhash: self.recent_blockhash.clone(), message: self.message.clone(), // TODO readable_accounts etc. readable_accounts: vec![], writable_accounts: vec![], is_vote: false, } } pub fn build_create_table_statement(epoch: EpochRef) -> String { let schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); format!( r#" -- lookup table; maps signatures to generated int8 transaction ids -- no updates or deletes, only INSERTs CREATE TABLE {schema}.transaction_ids( transaction_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY WITH (FILLFACTOR=90), -- never put sig on TOAST signature text STORAGE PLAIN NOT NULL, UNIQUE(signature) ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100); -- parameter 'schema' is something like 'rpc2a_epoch_592' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {schema}.transaction_blockdata( -- transaction_id must exist in the transaction_ids table transaction_id bigint PRIMARY KEY WITH (FILLFACTOR=90), slot bigint NOT NULL, cu_requested bigint, prioritization_fees bigint, cu_consumed bigint, recent_blockhash text NOT NULL, err text, message text NOT NULL -- model_transaction_blockdata ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=90,TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET=128); CREATE INDEX idx_slot ON {schema}.transaction_blockdata USING btree (slot) WITH (FILLFACTOR=90); "#, schema = schema ) } // removed the foreign key as it slows down inserts pub fn build_foreign_key_statement(epoch: EpochRef) -> String { let schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); format!( r#" ALTER TABLE {schema}.transaction_blockdata ADD CONSTRAINT fk_transactions FOREIGN KEY (slot) REFERENCES {schema}.blocks (slot); "#, schema = schema ) } pub async fn save_transactions_from_block( postgres_session: PostgresSession, epoch: EpochRef, transactions: &[Self], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch); let statmement = r#" CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transaction_raw_blockdata( signature text, slot bigint, cu_requested bigint, prioritization_fees bigint, cu_consumed bigint, recent_blockhash text STORAGE PLAIN, err text STORAGE PLAIN, message text STORAGE PLAIN -- model_transaction_blockdata ); TRUNCATE transaction_raw_blockdata; "#; postgres_session.execute_multiple(statmement).await?; let statement = r#" COPY transaction_raw_blockdata( signature, slot, cu_requested, prioritization_fees, cu_consumed, recent_blockhash, err, message -- model_transaction_blockdata ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#; let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = postgres_session.copy_in(statement).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new( sink, &[ Type::TEXT, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::TEXT, Type::TEXT, Type::TEXT, // model_transaction_blockdata ], ); pin_mut!(writer); for tx in transactions { let PostgresTransaction { signature, slot, cu_requested, prioritization_fees, cu_consumed, err, recent_blockhash, message, // model_transaction_blockdata } = tx; writer .as_mut() .write(&[ &signature, &slot, &cu_requested, &prioritization_fees, &cu_consumed, &err, &recent_blockhash, &message, // model_transaction_blockdata ]) .await?; } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} raw transaction data rows into temp table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO {schema}.transaction_ids(signature) SELECT signature from transaction_raw_blockdata ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#, ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = postgres_session.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "inserted {} signatures into transaction_ids table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO {schema}.transaction_blockdata SELECT ( SELECT transaction_id FROM {schema}.transaction_ids tx_lkup WHERE tx_lkup.signature = transaction_raw_blockdata.signature ), slot, cu_requested, prioritization_fees, cu_consumed, err, recent_blockhash, message -- model_transaction_blockdata FROM transaction_raw_blockdata "#, schema = schema, ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = postgres_session.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "inserted {} rows into transaction block table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); Ok(()) } pub fn build_query_statement(epoch: EpochRef, slot: Slot) -> String { format!( r#" SELECT (SELECT signature FROM {schema}.transaction_ids tx_ids WHERE tx_ids.transaction_id = transaction_blockdata.transaction_id), cu_requested, prioritization_fees, cu_consumed, err, recent_blockhash, message -- model_transaction_blockdata FROM {schema}.transaction_blockdata WHERE slot = {} "#, slot, schema = PostgresEpoch::build_schema_name(epoch), ) } }