use std::collections::HashMap; use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; use anyhow::Context; use itertools::Itertools; use jsonrpsee::core::StringError; use jsonrpsee::{ core::SubscriptionResult, server::ServerBuilder, DisconnectError, PendingSubscriptionSink, }; use log::{debug, error, warn}; use prometheus::{opts, register_int_counter, IntCounter}; use solana_lite_rpc_core::types::BlockStream; use solana_lite_rpc_prioritization_fees::account_prio_service::AccountPrioService; use solana_lite_rpc_prioritization_fees::prioritization_fee_calculation_method::PrioritizationFeeCalculationMethod; use solana_rpc_client::nonblocking::rpc_client::RpcClient; use solana_rpc_client_api::response::SlotInfo; use solana_rpc_client_api::{ config::{ RpcBlockSubscribeConfig, RpcBlockSubscribeFilter, RpcBlocksConfigWrapper, RpcContextConfig, RpcGetVoteAccountsConfig, RpcLeaderScheduleConfig, RpcProgramAccountsConfig, RpcRequestAirdropConfig, RpcSignatureStatusConfig, RpcSignatureSubscribeConfig, RpcSignaturesForAddressConfig, RpcTransactionLogsConfig, RpcTransactionLogsFilter, }, response::{ Response as RpcResponse, RpcBlockhash, RpcConfirmedTransactionStatusWithSignature, RpcContactInfo, RpcPerfSample, RpcPrioritizationFee, RpcResponseContext, RpcVersionInfo, RpcVoteAccountStatus, }, }; use solana_sdk::epoch_info::EpochInfo; use solana_sdk::{commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, pubkey::Pubkey, slot_history::Slot}; use solana_transaction_status::{TransactionStatus, UiConfirmedBlock}; use tokio::net::ToSocketAddrs; use tokio::sync::broadcast::error::RecvError::{Closed, Lagged}; use solana_lite_rpc_blockstore::history::History; use solana_lite_rpc_core::{ encoding, stores::{block_information_store::BlockInformation, data_cache::DataCache, tx_store::TxProps}, AnyhowJoinHandle, }; use solana_lite_rpc_services::{ transaction_service::TransactionService, tx_sender::TXS_IN_CHANNEL, }; use crate::{ configs::{IsBlockHashValidConfig, SendTransactionConfig}, jsonrpsee_subscrption_handler_sink::JsonRpseeSubscriptionHandlerSink, rpc::LiteRpcServer, }; use solana_lite_rpc_prioritization_fees::rpc_data::{ AccountPrioFeesStats, AccountPrioFeesUpdateMessage, PrioFeesStats, PrioFeesUpdateMessage, }; use solana_lite_rpc_prioritization_fees::PrioFeesService; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref RPC_SEND_TX: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_send_tx", "RPC call send transaction")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_GET_LATEST_BLOCKHASH: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_get_latest_blockhash", "RPC call to get latest block hash")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_IS_BLOCKHASH_VALID: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_is_blockhash_valid", "RPC call to check if blockhash is vali calld")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_GET_SIGNATURE_STATUSES: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_get_signature_statuses", "RPC call to get signature statuses")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_GET_VERSION: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_get_version", "RPC call to version")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_REQUEST_AIRDROP: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_airdrop", "RPC call to request airdrop")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_SIGNATURE_SUBSCRIBE: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_signature_subscribe", "RPC call to subscribe to signature")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_BLOCK_PRIOFEES_SUBSCRIBE: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_block_priofees_subscribe", "RPC call to subscribe to block prio fees")).unwrap(); static ref RPC_ACCOUNT_PRIOFEES_SUBSCRIBE: IntCounter = register_int_counter!(opts!("literpc_rpc_account_priofees_subscribe", "RPC call to subscribe to account prio fees")).unwrap(); } /// A bridge between clients and tpu #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct LiteBridge { data_cache: DataCache, // should be removed rpc_client: Arc, transaction_service: TransactionService, history: History, prio_fees_service: PrioFeesService, account_priofees_service: AccountPrioService, block_stream: BlockStream, } impl LiteBridge { pub fn new( rpc_client: Arc, data_cache: DataCache, transaction_service: TransactionService, history: History, prio_fees_service: PrioFeesService, account_priofees_service: AccountPrioService, block_stream: BlockStream, ) -> Self { Self { rpc_client, data_cache, transaction_service, history, prio_fees_service, account_priofees_service, block_stream, } } /// List for `JsonRpc` requests pub async fn start( self, http_addr: T, ws_addr: T, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let rpc = self.into_rpc(); let ws_server_handle = ServerBuilder::default() .ws_only() .build(ws_addr.clone()) .await? .start(rpc.clone())?; let http_server_handle = ServerBuilder::default() .http_only() .build(http_addr.clone()) .await? .start(rpc)?; let ws_server: AnyhowJoinHandle = tokio::spawn(async move { log::info!("Websocket Server started at {ws_addr:?}"); ws_server_handle.stopped().await; anyhow::bail!("Websocket server stopped"); }); let http_server: AnyhowJoinHandle = tokio::spawn(async move { log::info!("HTTP Server started at {http_addr:?}"); http_server_handle.stopped().await; anyhow::bail!("HTTP server stopped"); }); tokio::select! { res = ws_server => { anyhow::bail!("WebSocket server {res:?}"); }, res = http_server => { anyhow::bail!("HTTP server {res:?}"); }, } } } #[jsonrpsee::core::async_trait] impl LiteRpcServer for LiteBridge { async fn get_block(&self, _slot: u64) -> crate::rpc::Result> { // let block = self.blockstore.block_storage.query_block(slot).await; // if block.is_ok() { // // TO DO Convert to UIConfirmed Block // Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::HttpNotImplemented) // } else { // Ok(None) // } // TODO get_block might deserve different implementation based on whether we serve from "blockstore module" vs. from "send tx module" todo!("get_block: decide where to look") } async fn get_blocks( &self, _start_slot: Slot, _config: Option, _commitment: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { todo!() } async fn get_signatures_for_address( &self, _address: String, _config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { todo!() } async fn get_cluster_nodes(&self) -> crate::rpc::Result> { Ok(self .data_cache .cluster_info .cluster_nodes .iter() .map(|v| v.value().as_ref().clone()) .collect_vec()) } async fn get_slot(&self, config: Option) -> crate::rpc::Result { let commitment_config = config .map(|config| config.commitment.unwrap_or_default()) .unwrap_or_default(); let BlockInformation { slot, .. } = self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_latest_block(commitment_config) .await; Ok(slot) } async fn get_block_height(&self, config: Option) -> crate::rpc::Result { let commitment_config = config.map_or(CommitmentConfig::finalized(), |x| { x.commitment.unwrap_or_default() }); let block_info = self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_latest_block(commitment_config) .await; Ok(block_info.block_height) } async fn get_block_time(&self, slot: u64) -> crate::rpc::Result { let block_info = self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_block_info_by_slot(slot); match block_info { Some(info) => Ok(info.block_time), None => Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "Unable to find block information in LiteRPC cache".to_string(), )), } } async fn get_first_available_block(&self) -> crate::rpc::Result { todo!() } async fn get_latest_blockhash( &self, config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> {; let commitment_config = config .map(|config| config.commitment.unwrap_or_default()) .unwrap_or_default(); let BlockInformation { slot, block_height, blockhash, .. } = self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_latest_block(commitment_config) .await; log::trace!("glb {blockhash} {slot} {block_height}"); Ok(RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot, api_version: None, }, value: RpcBlockhash { blockhash, last_valid_block_height: block_height + 150, }, }) } async fn is_blockhash_valid( &self, blockhash: String, config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> {; let commitment = config.unwrap_or_default().commitment.unwrap_or_default(); let commitment = CommitmentConfig { commitment }; let (is_valid, slot) = self .data_cache .block_information_store .is_blockhash_valid(&blockhash, commitment) .await; Ok(RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot, api_version: None, }, value: is_valid, }) } async fn get_epoch_info( &self, config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result { let commitment_config = config .map(|config| config.commitment.unwrap_or_default()) .unwrap_or_default(); let block_info = self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_latest_block_info(commitment_config) .await; //TODO manage transaction_count of epoch info. Currently None. let epoch_info = self .data_cache .get_current_epoch(commitment_config) .await .as_epoch_info(block_info.block_height, None); Ok(epoch_info) } async fn get_recent_performance_samples( &self, _limit: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { todo!() } async fn get_signature_statuses( &self, sigs: Vec, _config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result>>> {; let sig_statuses = sigs .iter() .map(|sig| self.data_cache.txs.get(sig).and_then(|v| v.status)) .collect(); Ok(RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot: self .data_cache .block_information_store .get_latest_block_info(CommitmentConfig::finalized()) .await .slot, api_version: None, }, value: sig_statuses, }) } async fn get_recent_prioritization_fees( &self, pubkey_strs: Vec, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { // This method will get the latest global and account prioritization fee stats and then send the maximum p75 const PERCENTILE: f32 = 0.75; let accounts = pubkey_strs .iter() .filter_map(|pubkey| Pubkey::from_str(pubkey).ok()) .collect_vec(); if accounts.len() != pubkey_strs.len() { // if lengths do not match it means some of the accounts are invalid return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "Some accounts are invalid".to_string(), )); } let global_prio_fees = self.prio_fees_service.get_latest_priofees().await; let max_p75 = global_prio_fees .map(|(_, fees)| { let fees = fees.get_percentile(PERCENTILE).unwrap_or_default(); std::cmp::max(fees.0, fees.1) }) .unwrap_or_default(); let ret: Vec = accounts .iter() .map(|account| { let (slot, stats) = self.account_priofees_service.get_latest_stats(account); let stat = stats .all_stats .get_percentile(PERCENTILE) .unwrap_or_default(); RpcPrioritizationFee { slot, prioritization_fee: std::cmp::max(max_p75, std::cmp::max(stat.0, stat.1)), } }) .collect_vec(); Ok(ret) } async fn send_transaction( &self, tx: String, send_transaction_config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result {; // Copied these constants from solana labs code const MAX_BASE58_SIZE: usize = 1683; const MAX_BASE64_SIZE: usize = 1644; let SendTransactionConfig { encoding, max_retries, } = send_transaction_config.unwrap_or_default(); let expected_size = match encoding { encoding::BinaryEncoding::Base58 => MAX_BASE58_SIZE, encoding::BinaryEncoding::Base64 => MAX_BASE64_SIZE, }; if tx.len() > expected_size { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(format!( "Transaction too large, expected : {} transaction len {}", expected_size, tx.len() ))); } let raw_tx = match encoding.decode(tx) { Ok(raw_tx) => raw_tx, Err(err) => { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(err.to_string())); } }; match self .transaction_service .send_transaction(raw_tx, max_retries) .await { Ok(sig) => {; Ok(sig) } Err(e) => Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(e.to_string())), } } fn get_version(&self) -> crate::rpc::Result {; let version = solana_version::Version::default(); Ok(RpcVersionInfo { solana_core: version.to_string(), feature_set: Some(version.feature_set), }) } async fn request_airdrop( &self, pubkey_str: String, lamports: u64, config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result {; let pubkey = match Pubkey::from_str(&pubkey_str) { Ok(pubkey) => pubkey, Err(err) => { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(err.to_string())); } }; let airdrop_sig = match self .rpc_client .request_airdrop_with_config(&pubkey, lamports, config.unwrap_or_default()) .await .context("failed to request airdrop") { Ok(airdrop_sig) => airdrop_sig.to_string(), Err(err) => { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(err.to_string())); } }; if let Ok((_, block_height)) = self .rpc_client .get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::finalized()) .await .context("failed to get latest blockhash") { self.data_cache.txs.insert( airdrop_sig.clone(), TxProps { status: None, last_valid_blockheight: block_height, sent_by_lite_rpc: true, }, ); } Ok(airdrop_sig) } async fn program_subscribe( &self, _pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, _pubkey_str: String, _config: Option, ) -> SubscriptionResult { todo!() } async fn slot_subscribe(&self, pending: PendingSubscriptionSink) -> SubscriptionResult { let sink = pending.accept().await?; let mut block_stream = self.block_stream.resubscribe(); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { match block_stream.recv().await { Ok(produced_block) => { if !produced_block.commitment_config.is_processed() { continue; } let slot_info = SlotInfo { slot: produced_block.slot, parent: produced_block.parent_slot, root: 0, }; let result_message = jsonrpsee::SubscriptionMessage::from_json(&slot_info); match sink.send(result_message.unwrap()).await { Ok(()) => { // success continue; } Err(DisconnectError(_subscription_message)) => { debug!("Stopping subscription task on disconnect"); return; } }; } Err(e) => match e { Closed => { break; } Lagged(_) => { log::error!("Slot subscription stream lagged"); continue; } }, } } }); Ok(()) } async fn block_subscribe( &self, _pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, _filter: RpcBlockSubscribeFilter, _config: Option, ) -> SubscriptionResult { todo!() } async fn logs_subscribe( &self, _pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, _filter: RpcTransactionLogsFilter, _config: Option, ) -> SubscriptionResult { todo!() } // WARN: enable_received_notification: bool is ignored async fn signature_subscribe( &self, pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, signature: String, config: RpcSignatureSubscribeConfig, ) -> SubscriptionResult {; let sink = pending.accept().await?; let jsonrpsee_sink = JsonRpseeSubscriptionHandlerSink::new(sink); self.data_cache.tx_subs.signature_subscribe( signature, config.commitment.unwrap_or_default(), Arc::new(jsonrpsee_sink), ); Ok(()) } async fn slot_updates_subscribe( &self, _pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, ) -> SubscriptionResult { todo!() } async fn vote_subscribe(&self, _pending: PendingSubscriptionSink) -> SubscriptionResult { todo!() } async fn get_leader_schedule( &self, slot: Option, config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result>>> { //TODO verify leader identity. let schedule = self .data_cache .leader_schedule .read() .await .get_leader_schedule_for_slot(slot, config.and_then(|c| c.commitment), &self.data_cache) .await; Ok(schedule) } async fn get_slot_leaders( &self, start_slot: u64, limit: u64, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { let epock_schedule = self.data_cache.epoch_data.get_epoch_schedule(); self.data_cache .leader_schedule .read() .await .get_slot_leaders(start_slot, limit, epock_schedule) .await .map_err(|err| { jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom(format!("error during query processing:{err}")) }) } async fn get_vote_accounts( &self, _config: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result { todo!() } async fn get_latest_block_priofees( &self, method: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { let method = method.unwrap_or_default(); let res = match method { PrioritizationFeeCalculationMethod::Latest => { self.prio_fees_service.get_latest_priofees().await } PrioritizationFeeCalculationMethod::LastNBlocks(nb) => { self.prio_fees_service .get_last_n_priofees_aggregate(nb) .await } _ => { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "Invalid calculation method".to_string(), )) } }; match res { Some((confirmation_slot, priofees)) => Ok(RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot: confirmation_slot, api_version: None, }, value: priofees, }), None => Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "No latest priofees stats available found".to_string(), )), } } // use websocket-tungstenite-retry->examples/ to test async fn latest_block_priofees_subscribe( &self, pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, ) -> SubscriptionResult { let sink = pending.accept().await?; let mut block_fees_stream = self.prio_fees_service.block_fees_stream.subscribe(); tokio::spawn(async move {; 'recv_loop: loop { match block_fees_stream.recv().await { Ok(PrioFeesUpdateMessage { slot: confirmation_slot, priofees_stats, }) => { let result_message = jsonrpsee::SubscriptionMessage::from_json(&RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot: confirmation_slot, api_version: None, }, value: priofees_stats, }); match sink.send(result_message.unwrap()).await { Ok(()) => { // success continue 'recv_loop; } Err(DisconnectError(_subscription_message)) => { debug!("Stopping subscription task on disconnect"); return; } }; } Err(Lagged(lagged)) => { // this usually happens if there is one "slow receiver", see warn!( "subscriber laggs some({}) priofees update messages - continue", lagged ); continue 'recv_loop; } Err(Closed) => { error!("failed to receive block, sender closed - aborting"); return; } } } }); Ok(()) } async fn get_latest_account_priofees( &self, account: String, method: Option, ) -> crate::rpc::Result> { if let Ok(account) = Pubkey::from_str(&account) { let method = method.unwrap_or_default(); let (slot, value) = match method { PrioritizationFeeCalculationMethod::Latest => { self.account_priofees_service.get_latest_stats(&account) } PrioritizationFeeCalculationMethod::LastNBlocks(nb) => { self.account_priofees_service.get_n_last_stats(&account, nb) } _ => { return Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "Invalid calculation method".to_string(), )) } }; Ok(RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot, api_version: None, }, value, }) } else { Err(jsonrpsee::core::Error::Custom( "Invalid account".to_string(), )) } } async fn latest_account_priofees_subscribe( &self, pending: PendingSubscriptionSink, account: String, ) -> SubscriptionResult { let Ok(account) = Pubkey::from_str(&account) else { return Err(StringError::from("Invalid account".to_string())); }; let sink = pending.accept().await?; let mut account_fees_stream = self .account_priofees_service .priofees_update_sender .subscribe(); tokio::spawn(async move {; 'recv_loop: loop { match account_fees_stream.recv().await { Ok(AccountPrioFeesUpdateMessage { slot, accounts_data, }) => { if let Some(account_data) = accounts_data.get(&account) { let result_message = jsonrpsee::SubscriptionMessage::from_json(&RpcResponse { context: RpcResponseContext { slot, api_version: None, }, value: account_data, }); match sink.send(result_message.unwrap()).await { Ok(()) => { // success continue 'recv_loop; } Err(DisconnectError(_subscription_message)) => { debug!("Stopping subscription task on disconnect"); return; } }; } } Err(Lagged(lagged)) => { // this usually happens if there is one "slow receiver", see warn!( "subscriber laggs some({}) priofees update messages - continue", lagged ); continue 'recv_loop; } Err(Closed) => { error!("failed to receive block, sender closed - aborting"); return; } } } }); Ok(()) } }