
453 lines
26 KiB

import { MangoClient, MangoGroup, MarginAccount } from '../src/client';
import { findLargestTokenAccountForOwner } from '../src/utils';
import IDS from '../src/ids.json';
import { Account, Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Market } from '@project-serum/serum';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import { blob, struct, u8, nu64 } from 'buffer-layout';
import { sleep } from '../src/utils';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
if (!process.env.AGGREGATOR_PATH) {"You have not set the AGGREGATOR_PATH in .env, some tests will fail");
import {
} from './test_utils';
console.log = function () {}; // NOTE: Disable all unnecessary logging
let cluster = "devnet";
const client = new MangoClient();
const clusterIds = IDS[cluster];
const mangoProgramId = new PublicKey(clusterIds.mango_program_id);
const dexProgramId = new PublicKey(clusterIds.dex_program_id);
let connection = new Connection(IDS.cluster_urls[cluster], 'singleGossip');
let mainnetCluster = "mainnet-beta";
const mainnetClusterIds = IDS[mainnetCluster];
const mainnetMangoProgramId = new PublicKey(mainnetClusterIds.mango_program_id);
const mainnetDexProgramId = new PublicKey(mainnetClusterIds.dex_program_id);
let mainnetConnection = new Connection(IDS.cluster_urls[mainnetCluster], 'singleGossip');
function chunkOrders(orders: any[], chunkSize: number) {
return orders.reduce((resultArray: any[], item, index) => {
const chunkIndex = Math.floor(index/chunkSize)
if(!resultArray[chunkIndex]) {
resultArray[chunkIndex] = []
return resultArray;
}, []);
async function initAccountsWithBalances(neededBalances: number[]) {
const owner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
const mangoGroupTokenMappings = await createMangoGroupSymbolMappings(connection, mangoGroupIds);
await Promise.all( (x, i) => {
if (x > 0) {
const baseSymbol = mangoGroupSymbols[i];
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, owner, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, x);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(owner, "Account");
async function getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket: any): Promise<any> {
const [spotMarketSymbol, spotMarketAddress] = mangoGroupSpotMarket;
const [baseSymbol, quoteSymbol] = spotMarketSymbol.split('/');
const spotMarket = await Market.load(connection, new PublicKey(spotMarketAddress), { skipPreflight: true, commitment: 'singleGossip'}, dexProgramId);
return { spotMarket, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol };
async function requestPriceChange(mangoGroup: MangoGroup, requiredPrice: number, baseSymbol: string) {
let prices = await mangoGroup.getPrices(connection);
while (prices[0].toFixed(2) !== requiredPrice.toFixed(2)) {"Running oracle to change price");
await performPriceChange(Math.round( requiredPrice * 1e2 ) / 1e2, baseSymbol.toLowerCase());"Finished running oracle to change price");
try {
prices = await mangoGroup.getPrices(connection);
} catch (e) {"Error, trying to reset connection");
connection = new Connection(IDS.cluster_urls[cluster], 'singleGossip');
prices = await mangoGroup.getPrices(connection);
return prices;
function performPriceChange(requiredPrice: number, baseSymbol: string): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(function(resolve, _){
const priceChangerOracle = spawn('yarn', ['solink', 'oracle', (requiredPrice * 100).toString()], {cwd: process.env.AGGREGATOR_PATH});
priceChangerOracle.stdout.on("data", data => {
if (data.includes(`Submit OK {"aggregator":"${baseSymbol}:usd"`)) {
async function cleanOrderBook(mangoGroupSpotMarket: any) {"Cleaning order book, this will take a while...");
const mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk);
const mangoGroupTokenMappings = await createMangoGroupSymbolMappings(connection, mangoGroupIds);
const { spotMarket, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol } = await getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
let bna = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsks(connection, spotMarket);
let allAsks: any[] = [...bna.askOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size })).reverse();
let allBids: any[] = [...bna.bidOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size })).reverse();
if (allAsks.length || allBids.length) {
const owner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
try {
const marginAccountPk = await client.initMarginAccount(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, owner);
let marginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, marginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const amountNeededToClearAsks: number = Math.ceil(allAsks.reduce((acc, ask) => acc + (ask.price * ask.size), 0) + 10);
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, owner, quoteSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, amountNeededToClearAsks);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, owner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, quoteSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, marginAccount, 'deposit', amountNeededToClearAsks);
const chunkedAsks = chunkOrders(allAsks, 15);
for (let ask of chunkedAsks) {
marginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, marginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const price: number = Math.max( any) => x.price));
const size: number = ask.reduce(( a: any, b: any ) => a + b.size, 0);
const roundedSize = Math.round( size * 1e2 ) / 1e2;
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, marginAccount, spotMarket, owner, 'buy', price, roundedSize);
const amountNeededToClearBids: number = Math.ceil(allBids.reduce((acc, bid) => acc + (bid.size), 0) + 10);
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, owner, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, amountNeededToClearBids);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, owner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, marginAccount, 'deposit', amountNeededToClearBids);
const chunkedBids = chunkOrders(allBids, 15);
for (let bid of chunkedBids) {
marginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, marginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const price: number = Math.min( any) => x.price));
const size: number = bid.reduce(( a: any, b: any ) => a + b.size, 0);
const roundedSize = Math.round( size * 1e2 ) / 1e2;
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, marginAccount, spotMarket, owner, 'sell', price, roundedSize);
bna = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsks(connection, spotMarket);
allAsks = [...bna.askOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
allBids = [...bna.bidOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(owner, "Cleaner");
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`
Test Error: ${error.message},
${prettyPrintOwnerKeys(owner, "Cleaner")}
async function placeNOrdersAfterLimit(mangoGroupSpotMarket: any, marketIndex: number, orderQuantityAfter: number) {
let openOrdersForOwner: any[];
const orderQuantity = 128; // Max orders
const buyerOwner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(buyerOwner, "Buyer");
const mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk);
const mangoGroupTokenMappings = await createMangoGroupSymbolMappings(connection, mangoGroupIds);
const buyerMarginAccountPk = await client.initMarginAccount(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerOwner);
let buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const { spotMarket, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol } = await getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
const baseSymbolIndex = mangoGroupSymbols.findIndex(x => x === baseSymbol);
const quoteSymbolIndex = mangoGroupSymbols.findIndex(x => x === quoteSymbol);
const [orderSize, orderPrice, _] = await getOrderSizeAndPrice(connection, spotMarket, mangoGroupTokenMappings, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, 'buy');
const neededQuoteAmount = orderPrice * orderSize;
const neededBaseAmountForAllTrades = orderSize * orderQuantity;
const neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades = neededQuoteAmount * orderQuantity;"neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades:", neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, buyerOwner, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, buyerOwner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, buyerMarginAccount, 'deposit', neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);
await requestPriceChange(mangoGroup, orderPrice, baseSymbol);
for (let i = 0; i < orderQuantity; i++) {`Placing a buy order of ${orderSize} ${baseSymbol} for ${orderPrice} ${quoteSymbol} = ~${neededQuoteAmount} ${quoteSymbol} - ${i + 1}/${orderQuantity}`);
buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccount.publicKey, dexProgramId);
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerMarginAccount, spotMarket, buyerOwner, 'buy', orderPrice, orderSize);
buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccount.publicKey, dexProgramId);
openOrdersForOwner = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsksForOwner(connection, spotMarket, buyerMarginAccount.openOrdersAccounts[marketIndex]);
// TODO: this should be a for loop of cancellations
// NOTE: Maybe trying cancelling last order not first
await client.cancelOrder(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerMarginAccount, buyerOwner, spotMarket, openOrdersForOwner[0]);
buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccount.publicKey, dexProgramId);
openOrdersForOwner = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsksForOwner(connection, spotMarket, buyerMarginAccount.openOrdersAccounts[marketIndex]);
for (let i = 0; i < orderQuantityAfter; i++) {`Placing a buy order of ${orderSize} ${baseSymbol} for ${orderPrice} ${quoteSymbol} = ~${neededQuoteAmount} ${quoteSymbol} - ${i + 1}/${orderQuantityAfter}`);
buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccount.publicKey, dexProgramId);
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerMarginAccount, spotMarket, buyerOwner, 'buy', orderPrice, orderSize);
async function stressTestMatchOrder(mangoGroupSpotMarket: any, orderQuantity: number): Promise<void> {
let bna: any, allAsks: any[], allBids: any[];
const sellerOwner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(sellerOwner, "Seller");
const mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk);
const mangoGroupTokenMappings = await createMangoGroupSymbolMappings(connection, mangoGroupIds);
const sellerMarginAccountPk = await client.initMarginAccount(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, sellerOwner);
let sellerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, sellerMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const { spotMarket, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol } = await getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
const [orderSize, orderPrice, _] = await getOrderSizeAndPrice(connection, spotMarket, mangoGroupTokenMappings, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, 'sell');
const neededQuoteAmount = orderPrice * orderSize;
const neededBaseAmountForAllTrades = orderSize * orderQuantity;
const neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades = neededQuoteAmount * orderQuantity;
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, sellerOwner, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, sellerOwner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, sellerMarginAccount, 'deposit', neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);
for (let i = 0; i < orderQuantity; i++) {`Placing a sell order of ${orderSize} ${baseSymbol} for ${orderPrice} ${quoteSymbol} = ~${neededQuoteAmount} USD - ${i + 1}/${orderQuantity}`);
sellerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, sellerMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, sellerMarginAccount, spotMarket, sellerOwner, 'sell', orderPrice, orderSize);
bna = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsks(connection, spotMarket);
allAsks = [...bna.askOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
allBids = [...bna.bidOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
const buyerOwner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(buyerOwner, "Buyer");
const buyerMarginAccountPk = await client.initMarginAccount(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerOwner);
const buyerMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, buyerMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, buyerOwner, quoteSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, buyerOwner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, quoteSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, buyerMarginAccount, 'deposit', neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);`Placing a buy order of ${neededBaseAmountForAllTrades} ${baseSymbol} for ${orderPrice} ${quoteSymbol} = ~${neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades} ${quoteSymbol}`);
const buyTxHash = await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, buyerMarginAccount, spotMarket, buyerOwner, 'buy', orderPrice, neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);"buyTxHash:", buyTxHash);
await connection.confirmTransaction(buyTxHash, 'finalized');
const buyConfirmedTx: any = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction(buyTxHash);
const buyTxLogInfo = extractInfoFromLogs(buyConfirmedTx);"Buy txLogInfo:", buyTxLogInfo);
bna = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsks(connection, spotMarket);
allAsks = [...bna.askOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
allBids = [...bna.bidOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size }));
async function stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket: any, orderQuantity: number, shouldPartialLiquidate: boolean = false) {
let bna: any, allAsks: any[], allBids: any[], prices: number[];
let leverageCoefficient = 15;
const liqeeOwner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(liqeeOwner, "Liqee");
const mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk);
const mangoGroupTokenMappings = await createMangoGroupSymbolMappings(connection, mangoGroupIds);
const liqeeMarginAccountPk = await client.initMarginAccount(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, liqeeOwner);
let liqeeMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, liqeeMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
const { spotMarket, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol } = await getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
const baseSymbolIndex = mangoGroupSymbols.findIndex(x => x === baseSymbol);
const quoteSymbolIndex = mangoGroupSymbols.findIndex(x => x === quoteSymbol);
const [orderSize, orderPrice, _] = await getOrderSizeAndPrice(connection, spotMarket, mangoGroupTokenMappings, baseSymbol, quoteSymbol, 'buy');
const neededQuoteAmount = orderPrice * orderSize;
const neededBaseAmountForAllTrades = orderSize * orderQuantity;
const neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades = neededQuoteAmount * orderQuantity;"neededBaseAmountForAllTrades:", neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, liqeeOwner, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);
await performSingleDepositOrWithdrawal(connection, liqeeOwner, client, mangoGroup, mangoProgramId, baseSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, liqeeMarginAccount, 'deposit', neededBaseAmountForAllTrades);
prices = await requestPriceChange(mangoGroup, orderPrice, baseSymbol);
for (let i = 0; i < orderQuantity; i++) {`Placing a buy order of ${orderSize} ${baseSymbol} for ${orderPrice} ${quoteSymbol} = ~${neededQuoteAmount} ${quoteSymbol} - ${i + 1}/${orderQuantity}`);
liqeeMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, liqeeMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);
await client.placeAndSettle(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, liqeeMarginAccount, spotMarket, liqeeOwner, 'buy', orderPrice, orderSize);
liqeeMarginAccount = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, liqeeMarginAccountPk, dexProgramId);"collRatio before price change:", liqeeMarginAccount.getCollateralRatio(mangoGroup, prices));
prices = await requestPriceChange(mangoGroup, orderPrice / leverageCoefficient, baseSymbol);"collRatio after price change:", liqeeMarginAccount.getCollateralRatio(mangoGroup, prices));
const liqorOwner = await createWalletAndRequestAirdrop(connection, 5);
prettyPrintOwnerKeys(liqeeOwner, "Liqor");
for (let mangoGroupSymbol of mangoGroupSymbols) {
const requiredBalance = (mangoGroupSymbol === quoteSymbol) ? neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades : 0;
await createTokenAccountWithBalance(connection, liqorOwner, mangoGroupSymbol, mangoGroupTokenMappings, clusterIds.faucets, requiredBalance);
const tokenWallets = (await Promise.all(
(mint) => findLargestTokenAccountForOwner(connection, liqorOwner.publicKey, mint).then(
(response) => response.publicKey
let liquidationTxHash: string;
if (shouldPartialLiquidate) {
liquidationTxHash = await client.partialLiquidate(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, liqeeMarginAccount, liqorOwner, tokenWallets[quoteSymbolIndex], tokenWallets[baseSymbolIndex], quoteSymbolIndex, baseSymbolIndex, neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades);
} else {
const depositQuantities = new Array(tokenWallets.length).fill(0);
depositQuantities[quoteSymbolIndex] = neededQuoteAmountForAllTrades;
liquidationTxHash = await client.liquidate(connection, mangoProgramId, mangoGroup, liqeeMarginAccount, liqorOwner, tokenWallets, depositQuantities);
}"liquidationTxHash:", liquidationTxHash);
await connection.confirmTransaction(liquidationTxHash, 'finalized');
const liquidationConfirmedTx: any = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction(liquidationTxHash);
const liquidationTxLogInfo = extractInfoFromLogs(liquidationConfirmedTx);"Liquidation txLogInfo:", liquidationTxLogInfo);
const mangoGroupName = 'BTC_ETH_SOL_SRM_USDC';
const mangoGroupSymbols = mangoGroupName.split('_');
const mangoGroupIds = clusterIds.mango_groups[mangoGroupName];
const mangoGroupSpotMarkets: [string, string][] = Object.entries(mangoGroupIds.spot_market_symbols);
const mangoGroupPk = new PublicKey(mangoGroupIds.mango_group_pk);
const mangoGroupSpotMarket = mangoGroupSpotMarkets[0]; //BTC/USDC
// const mangoGroupSpotMarket = mangoGroupSpotMarkets[1]; //ETH/USDC
// const mangoGroupSpotMarket = mangoGroupSpotMarkets[2]; //SOL/USDC
// const mangoGroupSpotMarket = mangoGroupSpotMarkets[3]; //SRM/USDC
describe('Log stuff', async() => {
// it('should log token decimals', async() => {
// const MINT_LAYOUT = struct([blob(44), u8('decimals'), blob(37)]);
// const mainnetTokensToTest = [
// ['BTC', '9n4nbM75f5Ui33ZbPYXn59EwSgE8CGsHtAeTH5YFeJ9E'],
// ['ETH', '2FPyTwcZLUg1MDrwsyoP4D6s1tM7hAkHYRjkNb5w6Pxk'],
// ['SOL', 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'],
// ['SRM', 'SRMuApVNdxXokk5GT7XD5cUUgXMBCoAz2LHeuAoKWRt'],
// ['USDT', 'Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB'],
// ['USDC', 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v'],
// ];
// const devnetTokensToTest = [
// ['BTC', 'bypQzRBaSDWiKhoAw3hNkf35eF3z3AZCU8Sxks6mTPP'],
// ['ETH', 'ErWGBLBQMwdyC4H3MR8ef6pFK6gyHAyBxy4o1mHoqKzm'],
// ['SOL', 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'],
// ['SRM', '9FbAMDvXqNjPqZSYt4EWTguJuDrGkfvwr3gSFpiSbX9S'],
// ['USDT', '7KBVenLz5WNH4PA5MdGkJNpDDyNKnBQTwnz1UqJv9GUm'],
// ['USDC', 'H6hy7Ykzc43EuGivv7VVuUKNpKgUoFAfUY3wdPr4UyRX'],
// ];
// for (let [tokenName, tokenMint] of mainnetTokensToTest) {
// const data: any = await mainnetConnection.getAccountInfo(new PublicKey(tokenMint));
// const info = MINT_LAYOUT.decode(;
//`Mainnet ${tokenName} decimals: ${info.decimals}`);
// }
// for (let [tokenName, tokenMint] of devnetTokensToTest) {
// const data: any = await connection.getAccountInfo(new PublicKey(tokenMint));
// const info = MINT_LAYOUT.decode(;
//`Devnet ${tokenName} decimals: ${info.decimals}`);
// };
// });
// it('should log lotSizes', async() => {
// const mainnetSpotMarketsToTest = [
// ['ETH/USDC', '4tSvZvnbyzHXLMTiFonMyxZoHmFqau1XArcRCVHLZ5gX'],
// ['SOL/USDC', '9wFFyRfZBsuAha4YcuxcXLKwMxJR43S7fPfQLusDBzvT'],
// ['SRM/USDC', 'ByRys5tuUWDgL73G8JBAEfkdFf8JWBzPBDHsBVQ5vbQA'],
// ];
// for (let [spotMarketName, spotMarketAddress] of mainnetSpotMarketsToTest) {
// const spotMarket = await Market.load(mainnetConnection, new PublicKey(spotMarketAddress), { skipPreflight: true, commitment: 'singleGossip'}, mainnetDexProgramId);
//`Mainnet ${spotMarketName} base/quote lotSizes: ${spotMarket['_decoded'].baseLotSize.toString()}/${spotMarket['_decoded'].quoteLotSize.toString()}`);
// }
// })
// it ('should log order', async() => {
// const { spotMarket } = await getSpotMarketDetails(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
// let bna = await getAndDecodeBidsAndAsks(connection, spotMarket);
// let allAsks: any[] = [...bna.askOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size })).reverse();
// let allBids: any[] = [...bna.bidOrderBook].map(x => ({ price: x.price, size: x.size })).reverse();
// })
describe('create account with test money', async() => {
it('should create an account with test money', async() => {
await initAccountsWithBalances([50, 50, 50, 1000, 100000]);
describe('stress test order limits', async() => {
// before(async () => {
// await cleanOrderBook(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
// });
// it('should be able to place 129th order after cancelling one', async() => {
// await placeNOrdersAfterLimit(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 0, 1);
// });
describe('stress testing matching orders', async() => {
// before(async () => {
// await cleanOrderBook(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
// });
// it('should match 1 order at a single price', async() => {
// await stressTestMatchOrder(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 1);
// });
// it('should match 10 orders at a single price', async() => {
// await stressTestMatchOrder(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 10);
// });
// it('should match 20 orders at a single price', async() => {
// await stressTestMatchOrder(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 20);
// });
// it('should match 25 orders at a single price', async() => {
// await stressTestMatchOrder(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 25);
// });
describe('stress testing liquidation', async() => {
// before(async () => {
// await cleanOrderBook(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
// });
// it('should liquidate an account with 1 open order', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 1);
// });
// it('should liquidate an account with 10 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 10);
// });
// it('should liquidate an account with 20 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 20);
// });
// it('should liquidate an account with 25 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 25);
// });
// it('should liquidate an account with 128 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 128);
// });
describe('stress testing partial liquidation', async() => {
// before(async () => {
// await cleanOrderBook(mangoGroupSpotMarket);
// });
// it('should partially liquidate an account with 1 open order', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 1, true);
// });
// it('should partially liquidate an account with 10 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 10, true);
// });
// it('should partially liquidate an account with 20 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 20, true);
// });
// it('should partially liquidate an account with 25 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 25, true);
// });
// it('should partially liquidate an account with 128 open orders', async() => {
// await stressTestLiquidation(mangoGroupSpotMarket, 128, true);
// });