
438 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// use std::cell::RefMut;
// use std::mem::size_of;
// use crate::error::MangoError;
// use crate::state::PerpMarket;
// use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
// use fixed::types::I80F48;
// use num_enum::{IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive};
// use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo;
// use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;
// use solana_program::sysvar::rent::Rent;
// use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
// // use mango_logs::FillLog;
// use mango_macro::Pod;
// use super::metadata::MetaData;
// use super::ob_utils::strip_header_mut;
// use super::order_type::Side;
// // use safe_transmute::{self, trivial::TriviallyTransmutable};
// // use crate::error::{check_assert, MangoErrorCode, MangoResult, SourceFileId};
// // use crate::matching::Side;
// // use crate::state::{DataType, MetaData, PerpMarket};
// // use crate::utils::strip_header_mut;
// // Don't want event queue to become single threaded if it's logging liquidations
// // Most common scenario will be liqors depositing USDC and withdrawing some other token
// // So tying it to token deposited is not wise
// // also can't tie it to token withdrawn because during bull market, liqs will be depositing all base tokens and withdrawing quote
// //
// pub trait QueueHeader: bytemuck::Pod {
// type Item: bytemuck::Pod + Copy;
// fn head(&self) -> usize;
// fn set_head(&mut self, value: usize);
// fn count(&self) -> usize;
// fn set_count(&mut self, value: usize);
// fn incr_event_id(&mut self);
// fn decr_event_id(&mut self, n: usize);
// }
// pub struct Queue<'a, H: QueueHeader> {
// pub header: RefMut<'a, H>,
// pub buf: RefMut<'a, [H::Item]>,
// }
// impl<'a, H: QueueHeader> Queue<'a, H> {
// pub fn new(header: RefMut<'a, H>, buf: RefMut<'a, [H::Item]>) -> Self {
// Self { header, buf }
// }
// pub fn load_mut(account: &'a AccountInfo) -> Result<Self> {
// let (header, buf) = strip_header_mut::<H, H::Item>(account)?;
// Ok(Self { header, buf })
// }
// pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
// self.header.count()
// }
// pub fn full(&self) -> bool {
// self.header.count() == self.buf.len()
// }
// pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
// self.header.count() == 0
// }
// pub fn push_back(&mut self, value: H::Item) -> std::result::Result<(), H::Item> {
// if self.full() {
// return Err(value);
// }
// let slot = (self.header.head() + self.header.count()) % self.buf.len();
// self.buf[slot] = value;
// let count = self.header.count();
// self.header.set_count(count + 1);
// self.header.incr_event_id();
// Ok(())
// }
// pub fn peek_front(&self) -> Option<&H::Item> {
// if self.empty() {
// return None;
// }
// Some(&self.buf[self.header.head()])
// }
// pub fn peek_front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut H::Item> {
// if self.empty() {
// return None;
// }
// Some(&mut self.buf[self.header.head()])
// }
// pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<H::Item, ()> {
// if self.empty() {
// return Err(());
// }
// let value = self.buf[self.header.head()];
// let count = self.header.count();
// self.header.set_count(count - 1);
// let head = self.header.head();
// self.header.set_head((head + 1) % self.buf.len());
// Ok(value)
// }
// pub fn revert_pushes(&mut self, desired_len: usize) -> Result<()> {
// require!(desired_len <= self.header.count(), MangoError::SomeError);
// let len_diff = self.header.count() - desired_len;
// self.header.set_count(desired_len);
// self.header.decr_event_id(len_diff);
// Ok(())
// }
// pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &H::Item> {
// QueueIterator {
// queue: self,
// index: 0,
// }
// }
// }
// struct QueueIterator<'a, 'b, H: QueueHeader> {
// queue: &'b Queue<'a, H>,
// index: usize,
// }
// impl<'a, 'b, H: QueueHeader> Iterator for QueueIterator<'a, 'b, H> {
// type Item = &'b H::Item;
// fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// if self.index == self.queue.len() {
// None
// } else {
// let item =
// &self.queue.buf[(self.queue.header.head() + self.index) % self.queue.buf.len()];
// self.index += 1;
// Some(item)
// }
// }
// }
// #[account(zero_copy)]
// pub struct EventQueueHeader {
// pub meta_data: MetaData,
// head: usize,
// count: usize,
// pub seq_num: usize,
// }
// // unsafe impl TriviallyTransmutable for EventQueueHeader {}
// impl QueueHeader for EventQueueHeader {
// type Item = AnyEvent;
// fn head(&self) -> usize {
// self.head
// }
// fn set_head(&mut self, value: usize) {
// self.head = value;
// }
// fn count(&self) -> usize {
// self.count
// }
// fn set_count(&mut self, value: usize) {
// self.count = value;
// }
// fn incr_event_id(&mut self) {
// self.seq_num += 1;
// }
// fn decr_event_id(&mut self, n: usize) {
// self.seq_num -= n;
// }
// }
// pub type EventQueue<'a> = Queue<'a, EventQueueHeader>;
// impl<'a> EventQueue<'a> {
// pub fn load_mut_checked(
// account: &'a AccountInfo,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// perp_market: &PerpMarket,
// ) -> Result<Self> {
// require!(account.owner == program_id, MangoError::SomeError); // MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner
// // require!(
// // &perp_market.event_queue == account.key,
// // MangoError::SomeError
// // ); // MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccount
// Self::load_mut(account)
// }
// pub fn load_and_init(
// account: &'a AccountInfo,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// rent: &Rent,
// ) -> Result<Self> {
// // NOTE: check this first so we can borrow account later
// require!(
// rent.is_exempt(account.lamports(), account.data_len()),
// MangoError::SomeError
// ); //MangoErrorCode::AccountNotRentExempt
// let mut state = Self::load_mut(account)?;
// require!(account.owner == program_id, MangoError::SomeError); // MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner
// // require!(
// // !state.header.meta_data.is_initialized,
// // MangoError::SomeError
// // );
// // state.header.meta_data = MetaData::new(DataType::EventQueue, 0, true);
// Ok(state)
// }
// }
// #[derive(Copy, Clone, IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive, Eq, PartialEq)]
// #[repr(u8)]
// pub enum EventType {
// Fill,
// Out,
// Liquidate,
// }
// const EVENT_SIZE: usize = 200;
// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Pod)]
// #[repr(C)]
// pub struct AnyEvent {
// pub event_type: u8,
// pub padding: [u8; EVENT_SIZE - 1],
// }
// // unsafe impl TriviallyTransmutable for AnyEvent {}
// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Pod)]
// #[repr(C)]
// pub struct FillEvent {
// pub event_type: u8,
// pub taker_side: Side, // side from the taker's POV
// pub maker_slot: u8,
// pub maker_out: bool, // true if maker order quantity == 0
// pub version: u8,
// pub market_fees_applied: bool,
// pub padding: [u8; 2],
// pub timestamp: u64,
// pub seq_num: usize, // note: usize same as u64
// pub maker: Pubkey,
// pub maker_order_id: i128,
// pub maker_client_order_id: u64,
// pub maker_fee: I80F48,
// // The best bid/ask at the time the maker order was placed. Used for liquidity incentives
// pub best_initial: i64,
// // Timestamp of when the maker order was placed; copied over from the LeafNode
// pub maker_timestamp: u64,
// pub taker: Pubkey,
// pub taker_order_id: i128,
// pub taker_client_order_id: u64,
// pub taker_fee: I80F48,
// pub price: i64,
// pub quantity: i64, // number of quote lots
// }
// // unsafe impl TriviallyTransmutable for FillEvent {}
// impl FillEvent {
// pub fn new(
// taker_side: Side,
// maker_slot: u8,
// maker_out: bool,
// timestamp: u64,
// seq_num: usize,
// maker: Pubkey,
// maker_order_id: i128,
// maker_client_order_id: u64,
// maker_fee: I80F48,
// best_initial: i64,
// maker_timestamp: u64,
// taker: Pubkey,
// taker_order_id: i128,
// taker_client_order_id: u64,
// taker_fee: I80F48,
// price: i64,
// quantity: i64,
// version: u8,
// ) -> FillEvent {
// Self {
// event_type: EventType::Fill as u8,
// taker_side,
// maker_slot,
// maker_out,
// version,
// market_fees_applied: true, // Since mango v3.3.5, market fees are adjusted at matching time
// padding: [0u8; 2],
// timestamp,
// seq_num,
// maker,
// maker_order_id,
// maker_client_order_id,
// maker_fee,
// best_initial,
// maker_timestamp,
// taker,
// taker_order_id,
// taker_client_order_id,
// taker_fee,
// price,
// quantity,
// }
// }
// pub fn base_quote_change(&self, side: Side) -> (i64, i64) {
// match side {
// Side::Bid => (
// self.quantity,
// -self.price.checked_mul(self.quantity).unwrap(),
// ),
// Side::Ask => (
// -self.quantity,
// self.price.checked_mul(self.quantity).unwrap(),
// ),
// }
// }
// // pub fn to_fill_log(&self, mango_group: Pubkey, market_index: usize) -> FillLog {
// // FillLog {
// // mango_group,
// // market_index: market_index as u64,
// // taker_side: self.taker_side as u8,
// // maker_slot: self.maker_slot,
// // maker_out: self.maker_out,
// // timestamp: self.timestamp,
// // seq_num: self.seq_num as u64,
// // maker: self.maker,
// // maker_order_id: self.maker_order_id,
// // maker_client_order_id: self.maker_client_order_id,
// // maker_fee: self.maker_fee.to_bits(),
// // best_initial: self.best_initial,
// // maker_timestamp: self.maker_timestamp,
// // taker: self.taker,
// // taker_order_id: self.taker_order_id,
// // taker_client_order_id: self.taker_client_order_id,
// // taker_fee: self.taker_fee.to_bits(),
// // price: self.price,
// // quantity: self.quantity,
// // }
// // }
// }
// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Pod)]
// #[repr(C)]
// pub struct OutEvent {
// pub event_type: u8,
// pub side: Side,
// pub slot: u8,
// padding0: [u8; 5],
// pub timestamp: u64,
// pub seq_num: usize,
// pub owner: Pubkey,
// pub quantity: i64,
// padding1: [u8; EVENT_SIZE - 64],
// }
// // unsafe impl TriviallyTransmutable for OutEvent {}
// impl OutEvent {
// pub fn new(
// side: Side,
// slot: u8,
// timestamp: u64,
// seq_num: usize,
// owner: Pubkey,
// quantity: i64,
// ) -> Self {
// Self {
// event_type: EventType::Out.into(),
// side,
// slot,
// padding0: [0; 5],
// timestamp,
// seq_num,
// owner,
// quantity,
// padding1: [0; EVENT_SIZE - 64],
// }
// }
// }
// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Pod)]
// #[repr(C)]
// /// Liquidation for the PerpMarket this EventQueue is for
// pub struct LiquidateEvent {
// pub event_type: u8,
// padding0: [u8; 7],
// pub timestamp: u64,
// pub seq_num: usize,
// pub liqee: Pubkey,
// pub liqor: Pubkey,
// pub price: I80F48, // oracle price at the time of liquidation
// pub quantity: i64, // number of contracts that were moved from liqee to liqor
// pub liquidation_fee: I80F48, // liq fee for this earned for this market
// padding1: [u8; EVENT_SIZE - 128],
// }
// // unsafe impl TriviallyTransmutable for LiquidateEvent {}
// impl LiquidateEvent {
// pub fn new(
// timestamp: u64,
// seq_num: usize,
// liqee: Pubkey,
// liqor: Pubkey,
// price: I80F48,
// quantity: i64,
// liquidation_fee: I80F48,
// ) -> Self {
// Self {
// event_type: EventType::Liquidate.into(),
// padding0: [0u8; 7],
// timestamp,
// seq_num,
// liqee,
// liqor,
// price,
// quantity,
// liquidation_fee,
// padding1: [0u8; EVENT_SIZE - 128],
// }
// }
// }
// const_assert_eq!(size_of::<AnyEvent>(), size_of::<FillEvent>());
// const_assert_eq!(size_of::<AnyEvent>(), size_of::<OutEvent>());
// const_assert_eq!(size_of::<AnyEvent>(), size_of::<LiquidateEvent>());