Health: Pass price to max_swap_source_for_health_ratio

Because it's not correct to think we'll always swap at oracle price.
That was an ok assumption for liquidations, where we'll swap at slightly
better than that, but not for jup.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Kamm 2022-09-16 12:24:18 +02:00
parent a6d25071cd
commit 11160ae2fe
2 changed files with 151 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -188,8 +188,14 @@ pub fn maybe_liquidate_account(
let health_cache =
new_health_cache_(&mango_client.context, account_fetcher, &liqor).expect("always ok");
let source_price = health_cache.token_info(source).unwrap().oracle_price;
let target_price = health_cache.token_info(target).unwrap().oracle_price;
// TODO: This is where we could multiply in the liquidation fee factors
let oracle_swap_price = source_price / target_price;
let amount = health_cache
.max_swap_source_for_health_ratio(source, target, min_health_ratio)
.max_swap_source_for_health_ratio(source, target, oracle_swap_price, min_health_ratio)
.context("getting max_swap_source")?;

View File

@ -386,16 +386,16 @@ pub fn compute_health(
#[derive(Clone, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize)]
pub struct TokenInfo {
token_index: TokenIndex,
maint_asset_weight: I80F48,
init_asset_weight: I80F48,
maint_liab_weight: I80F48,
init_liab_weight: I80F48,
oracle_price: I80F48, // native/native
pub token_index: TokenIndex,
pub maint_asset_weight: I80F48,
pub init_asset_weight: I80F48,
pub maint_liab_weight: I80F48,
pub init_liab_weight: I80F48,
pub oracle_price: I80F48, // native/native
// in health-reference-token native units
balance: I80F48,
pub balance: I80F48,
// in health-reference-token native units
serum3_max_reserved: I80F48,
pub serum3_max_reserved: I80F48,
impl TokenInfo {
@ -428,10 +428,10 @@ impl TokenInfo {
#[derive(Clone, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize)]
pub struct Serum3Info {
reserved: I80F48,
base_index: usize,
quote_index: usize,
market_index: Serum3MarketIndex,
pub reserved: I80F48,
pub base_index: usize,
pub quote_index: usize,
pub market_index: Serum3MarketIndex,
impl Serum3Info {
@ -475,15 +475,15 @@ impl Serum3Info {
#[derive(Clone, AnchorDeserialize, AnchorSerialize)]
pub struct PerpInfo {
perp_market_index: PerpMarketIndex,
maint_asset_weight: I80F48,
init_asset_weight: I80F48,
maint_liab_weight: I80F48,
init_liab_weight: I80F48,
pub perp_market_index: PerpMarketIndex,
pub maint_asset_weight: I80F48,
pub init_asset_weight: I80F48,
pub maint_liab_weight: I80F48,
pub init_liab_weight: I80F48,
// in health-reference-token native units, needs scaling by asset/liab
base: I80F48,
pub base: I80F48,
// in health-reference-token native units, no asset/liab factor needed
quote: I80F48,
pub quote: I80F48,
impl PerpInfo {
@ -644,7 +644,11 @@ impl HealthCache {
fn token_entry_index(&mut self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> Result<usize> {
pub fn token_info(&self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> Result<&TokenInfo> {
fn token_info_index(&self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> Result<usize> {
.position(|t| t.token_index == token_index)
@ -652,7 +656,7 @@ impl HealthCache {
pub fn adjust_token_balance(&mut self, token_index: TokenIndex, change: I80F48) -> Result<()> {
let entry_index = self.token_entry_index(token_index)?;
let entry_index = self.token_info_index(token_index)?;
let mut entry = &mut self.token_infos[entry_index];
// Work around the fact that -((-x) * y) == x * y does not hold for I80F48:
@ -673,8 +677,8 @@ impl HealthCache {
reserved_quote_change: I80F48,
free_quote_change: I80F48,
) -> Result<()> {
let base_entry_index = self.token_entry_index(base_token_index)?;
let quote_entry_index = self.token_entry_index(quote_token_index)?;
let base_entry_index = self.token_info_index(base_token_index)?;
let quote_entry_index = self.token_info_index(quote_token_index)?;
// Compute the total reserved amount change in health reference units
let mut reserved_amount;
@ -823,17 +827,22 @@ impl HealthCache {
/// How much source native tokens may be swapped for target tokens while staying
/// above the min_ratio health ratio.
/// TODO: Add slippage/fees.
/// `price`: The amount of target native you receive for one source native. So if we
/// swap BTC -> SOL and they're at ui prices of $20000 and $40, that means price
/// should be 500000 native_SOL for a native_BTC. Because 1 BTC gives you 500 SOL
/// so 1e6 native_BTC gives you 500e9 native_SOL.
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub fn max_swap_source_for_health_ratio(
source: TokenIndex,
target: TokenIndex,
price: I80F48,
min_ratio: I80F48,
) -> Result<I80F48> {
// The health_ratio is a nonlinear based on swap amount.
// For large swap amounts the slope is guaranteed to be negative, but small amounts
// can have positive slope (e.g. using source deposits to pay back target borrows).
// For large swap amounts the slope is guaranteed to be negative (unless the price
// is extremely good), but small amounts can have positive slope (e.g. using
// source deposits to pay back target borrows).
// That means:
// - even if the initial ratio is < min_ratio it can be useful to swap to *increase* health
@ -849,22 +858,39 @@ impl HealthCache {
let source = &self.token_infos[source_index];
let target = &self.token_infos[target_index];
// There are two key slope changes: Assume source.balance > 0 and target.balance < 0. Then
// initially health ratio goes up. When one of balances flips sign, the health ratio slope
// may be positive or negative for a bit, until both balances have flipped and the slope is
// negative.
// The maximum will be at one of these points (ignoring serum3 effects).
let cache_after_swap = |amount| {
let oracle_swap_price = cm!(source.oracle_price / target.oracle_price);
let price_factor = cm!(price / oracle_swap_price);
// If the price is sufficiently good, then health will just increase from swapping:
// once we've swapped enough, swapping x reduces health by x * source_liab_weight and
// increases it by x * target_asset_weight * price_factor.
let final_health_slope = -source.init_liab_weight + target.init_asset_weight * price_factor;
if final_health_slope >= 0 {
return Ok(I80F48::MAX);
let cache_after_swap = |amount: I80F48| {
let mut adjusted_cache = self.clone();
adjusted_cache.token_infos[source_index].balance -= amount;
adjusted_cache.token_infos[target_index].balance += amount;
adjusted_cache.token_infos[target_index].balance += cm!(amount * price_factor);
let health_ratio_after_swap =
|amount| cache_after_swap(amount).health_ratio(HealthType::Init);
let point0_amount = source.balance.min(-target.balance).max(I80F48::ZERO);
let point1_amount = source.balance.max(-target.balance).max(I80F48::ZERO);
// There are two key slope changes: Assume source.balance > 0 and target.balance < 0.
// When these values flip sign, the health slope decreases, but could still be positive.
// After point1 it's definitely negative (due to final_health_slope check above).
// The maximum health ratio will be at 0 or at one of these points (ignoring serum3 effects).
let source_for_zero_target_balance = -target.balance / price_factor;
let point0_amount = source
let point1_amount = source
let point0_ratio = health_ratio_after_swap(point0_amount);
let (point1_ratio, point1_health) = {
let cache = cache_after_swap(point1_amount);
@ -926,12 +952,11 @@ impl HealthCache {
// If point1_ratio is still bigger than min_ratio, the target amount must be >point1_amount
// search to the right of point1_amount: but how far?
// At point1, source.balance < 0 and target.balance > 0, so use a simple estimation for
// zero health: health - source_liab_weight * a + target_asset_weight * a = 0.
// zero health: health - source_liab_weight * a + target_asset_weight * a * price_factor = 0.
if point1_health <= 0 {
return Ok(I80F48::ZERO);
let zero_health_amount = point1_amount
+ point1_health / (source.init_liab_weight - target.init_asset_weight);
let zero_health_amount = point1_amount - point1_health / final_health_slope;
let zero_health_ratio = health_ratio_after_swap(zero_health_amount);
@ -950,12 +975,14 @@ impl HealthCache {
} else {
// can't happen because slope between 0 and point0_amount is positive!
return Err(error_msg!(
"internal error: assert that init ratio {} <= point0 ratio {}",
// Must be between 0 and point0_amount
Ok(amount / source.oracle_price)
@ -1605,7 +1632,12 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(health_cache.health_ratio(HealthType::Init), I80F48::MAX);
.max_swap_source_for_health_ratio(0, 1, I80F48::from_num(50.0))
I80F48::from_num(2.0 / 3.0),
@ -1614,39 +1646,66 @@ mod tests {
let ti = &mut c.token_infos[ti as usize];
ti.balance += I80F48::from_num(usdc);
let find_max_swap_actual =
|c: &HealthCache, source: TokenIndex, target: TokenIndex, ratio: f64| {
let source_amount = c
.max_swap_source_for_health_ratio(source, target, I80F48::from_num(ratio))
let mut c = c.clone();
let source_price = c.token_infos[source as usize].oracle_price;
let target_price = c.token_infos[target as usize].oracle_price;
c.adjust_token_balance(source, -source_amount).unwrap();
c.adjust_token_balance(target, source_amount * source_price / target_price)
let find_max_swap_actual = |c: &HealthCache,
source: TokenIndex,
target: TokenIndex,
ratio: f64,
price_factor: f64| {
let mut c = c.clone();
let source_price = c.token_infos[source as usize].oracle_price;
let target_price = c.token_infos[target as usize].oracle_price;
let swap_price = I80F48::from_num(price_factor) * source_price / target_price;
let source_amount = c
let check_max_swap_result =
|c: &HealthCache, source: TokenIndex, target: TokenIndex, ratio: f64| {
let (source_amount, actual_ratio) = find_max_swap_actual(c, source, target, ratio);
"checking {} to {} for target ratio {}: actual ratio: {}, amount: {}",
source, target, ratio, actual_ratio, source_amount
if source_amount == I80F48::MAX {
return (f64::MAX, f64::MAX);
c.adjust_token_balance(source, -source_amount).unwrap();
c.adjust_token_balance(target, source_amount * swap_price)
let check_max_swap_result = |c: &HealthCache,
source: TokenIndex,
target: TokenIndex,
ratio: f64,
price_factor: f64| {
let (source_amount, actual_ratio) =
find_max_swap_actual(c, source, target, ratio, price_factor);
"checking {source} to {target} for price_factor: {price_factor}, target ratio {ratio}: actual ratio: {actual_ratio}, amount: {source_amount}",
assert!((ratio - actual_ratio).abs() < 1.0);
assert!((ratio - actual_ratio).abs() < 1.0);
println!("test 0");
let mut health_cache = health_cache.clone();
adjust_by_usdc(&mut health_cache, 1, 100.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 50.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, 50.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 2, 50.0);
for price_factor in [0.1, 0.9, 1.1] {
for target in 1..100 {
let target = target as f64;
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, target, price_factor);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, target, price_factor);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 2, target, price_factor);
// At this unlikely price it's healthy to swap infinitely
find_max_swap_actual(&health_cache, 0, 1, 50.0, 1.5).0,
@ -1654,10 +1713,16 @@ mod tests {
let mut health_cache = health_cache.clone();
adjust_by_usdc(&mut health_cache, 0, -20.0);
adjust_by_usdc(&mut health_cache, 1, 100.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 50.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, 50.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 2, 50.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 2, 0, 50.0);
for price_factor in [0.1, 0.9, 1.1] {
for target in 1..100 {
let target = target as f64;
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, target, price_factor);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, target, price_factor);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 2, target, price_factor);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 2, 0, target, price_factor);
@ -1666,7 +1731,7 @@ mod tests {
adjust_by_usdc(&mut health_cache, 0, -50.0);
adjust_by_usdc(&mut health_cache, 1, 100.0);
// possible even though the init ratio is <100
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, 100.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 1, 0, 100.0, 1.0);
@ -1679,7 +1744,7 @@ mod tests {
// swapping with a high ratio advises paying back all liabs
// and then swapping even more because increasing assets in 0 has better asset weight
let init_ratio = health_cache.health_ratio(HealthType::Init);
let (amount, actual_ratio) = find_max_swap_actual(&health_cache, 1, 0, 100.0);
let (amount, actual_ratio) = find_max_swap_actual(&health_cache, 1, 0, 100.0, 1.0);
"init {}, after {}, amount {}",
init_ratio, actual_ratio, amount
@ -1698,9 +1763,9 @@ mod tests {
let init_ratio = health_cache.health_ratio(HealthType::Init);
assert!(init_ratio > 3 && init_ratio < 4);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 1.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 3.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 4.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 1.0, 1.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 3.0, 1.0);
check_max_swap_result(&health_cache, 0, 1, 4.0, 1.0);