# Liquidatable Accounts Feed This implements a service that listens to Solana updates of Mango related accounts and checks if they are liquidatable. If they are, it notifies connected clients about it. Its purpose is to hand potentially liquidatable accounts to a Mango liquidator like https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/liquidator-v3. It is a separate service because computing account health is around two orders of magnitude faster this way. ## Architecture Data flows into this service through - Solana JSON RPC PubSub websocket streams, for slot and account updates - Solana JSON RPC getProgramAccounts requests, for snapshots The service models the current bank state for relevant accounts, checks their health and sends interesting data back out to all clients that connected to its websocket server. All data resides in memory. The service does not write to disk. ## Running Run `liquidatable-accounts-feed myconfig.toml`. The service is supposed to run until aborted. Please report any panics or early exits as issues. ### Configuration Check `example-config.toml`. Note that you will need to configure an RPC server that allows websocket connections as well as getProgramAccounts RPC calls. ## Output Websocket messages look like this (without the comments): ``` { "jsonrpc": "2.0", // "candidate" is sent each time an account is looked at // "candidateStart" is sent the first time account health is below threshold // "candidateStop" is send when a candidate's health is above threshold again "method": "candidate", "params": { "account": "DopjuzaqPURVDy3DQhffGa1YZ9maMe5StGY1aXfJAymk", // the being_liquidated flag on the account "being_liquidated": false, // assets divided by liabilities; <1.0 means liquidatable "health_fraction": 1.0000339686978705, // weighted sum of assets "assets": 48741, // weighted sum of liabilities "liabilities": 48740 } } ```