use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use checked_math as cm; use fixed::types::I80F48; use crate::accounts_zerocopy::*; use crate::error::*; use crate::state::compute_health; use crate::state::new_fixed_order_account_retriever; use crate::state::Bank; use crate::state::HealthType; use crate::state::MangoAccount; use crate::state::{AccountLoaderDynamic, Group, PerpMarket}; use crate::logs::{emit_perp_balances, PerpSettleFeesLog, TokenBalanceLog}; #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct PerpSettleFees<'info> { pub group: AccountLoader<'info, Group>, #[account(mut, has_one = group, has_one = oracle)] pub perp_market: AccountLoader<'info, PerpMarket>, // This account MUST have a loss #[account(mut, has_one = group)] pub account: AccountLoaderDynamic<'info, MangoAccount>, /// CHECK: Oracle can have different account types, constrained by address in perp_market pub oracle: UncheckedAccount<'info>, #[account(mut, has_one = group)] pub settle_bank: AccountLoader<'info, Bank>, /// CHECK: Oracle can have different account types #[account(address = settle_bank.load()?.oracle)] pub settle_oracle: UncheckedAccount<'info>, } pub fn perp_settle_fees(ctx: Context, max_settle_amount: u64) -> Result<()> { // max_settle_amount must greater than zero require!( max_settle_amount > 0, MangoError::MaxSettleAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero ); let mut account = ctx.accounts.account.load_mut()?; let mut bank = ctx.accounts.settle_bank.load_mut()?; let mut perp_market = ctx.accounts.perp_market.load_mut()?; // Verify that the bank is the quote currency bank require_eq!( bank.token_index, perp_market.settle_token_index, MangoError::InvalidBank ); // Get oracle price for market. Price is validated inside let oracle_price = perp_market.oracle_price( &AccountInfoRef::borrow(, None, // staleness checked in health )?; // Fetch perp positions for accounts let perp_position = account.perp_position_mut(perp_market.perp_market_index)?; // Settle funding before settling any PnL perp_position.settle_funding(&perp_market); // Calculate PnL for each account let pnl = perp_position.pnl_for_price(&perp_market, oracle_price)?; // Account perp position must have a loss to be able to settle against the fee account require!(pnl.is_negative(), MangoError::ProfitabilityMismatch); require!( perp_market.fees_accrued.is_positive(), MangoError::ProfitabilityMismatch ); // Settle for the maximum possible capped to max_settle_amount let settlement = pnl .abs() .min(perp_market.fees_accrued.abs()) .min(I80F48::from(max_settle_amount)); perp_position.record_settle(-settlement); // settle the negative pnl on the user perp position perp_market.fees_accrued = cm!(perp_market.fees_accrued - settlement); emit_perp_balances(, ctx.accounts.account.key(), perp_market.perp_market_index, perp_position, &perp_market, ); // Update the account's perp_spot_transfers with the new PnL let settlement_i64 = settlement.round().checked_to_num::().unwrap(); // Safety check to prevent any accidental negative transfer require!( settlement_i64 >= 0, MangoError::SettlementAmountMustBePositive ); cm!(perp_position.perp_spot_transfers -= settlement_i64); cm!(account.fixed.perp_spot_transfers -= settlement_i64); // Transfer token balances let token_position = account .token_position_mut(perp_market.settle_token_index)? .0; bank.withdraw_with_fee( token_position, settlement, Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp.try_into().unwrap(), )?; // Update the settled balance on the market itself perp_market.fees_settled = cm!(perp_market.fees_settled + settlement); emit!(TokenBalanceLog { mango_group:, mango_account: ctx.accounts.account.key(), token_index: perp_market.settle_token_index, indexed_position: token_position.indexed_position.to_bits(), deposit_index: bank.deposit_index.to_bits(), borrow_index: bank.borrow_index.to_bits(), }); emit!(PerpSettleFeesLog { mango_group:, mango_account: ctx.accounts.account.key(), perp_market_index: perp_market.perp_market_index, settlement: settlement.to_bits(), }); // Bank & perp_market are dropped to prevent re-borrow from remaining_accounts drop(bank); drop(perp_market); // Verify that the result of settling did not violate the health of the account that lost money let retriever = new_fixed_order_account_retriever(ctx.remaining_accounts, &account.borrow())?; let health = compute_health(&account.borrow(), HealthType::Init, &retriever)?; require!(health >= 0, MangoError::HealthMustBePositive); msg!("settled fees = {}", settlement); Ok(()) }