#![allow(unused_variables)] use fixed::types::I80F48; #[macro_use] pub mod util; extern crate core; extern crate static_assertions; use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use accounts_ix::*; pub mod accounts_ix; pub mod accounts_zerocopy; pub mod address_lookup_table_program; mod allocator; pub mod error; pub mod events; pub mod health; pub mod i80f48; pub mod logs; pub mod serum3_cpi; pub mod state; pub mod types; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] pub mod instructions; #[cfg(all(not(feature = "no-entrypoint"), not(feature = "enable-gpl")))] compile_error!("compiling the program entrypoint without 'enable-gpl' makes no sense, enable it or use the 'cpi' or 'client' features"); use state::{ IxGate, OpenbookV2MarketIndex, OracleConfigParams, PerpMarketIndex, PlaceOrderType, SelfTradeBehavior, Serum3MarketIndex, Side, TokenConditionalSwap, TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle, TokenConditionalSwapIntention, TokenConditionalSwapType, TokenIndex, TCS_START_INCENTIVE, }; declare_id!("4MangoMjqJ2firMokCjjGgoK8d4MXcrgL7XJaL3w6fVg"); #[program] pub mod mango_v4 { use super::*; use error::*; pub fn admin_token_withdraw_fees(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::admin_token_withdraw_fees(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn admin_perp_withdraw_fees(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::admin_perp_withdraw_fees(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn group_create( ctx: Context, group_num: u32, testing: u8, version: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::group_create(ctx, group_num, testing, version)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn group_edit( ctx: Context, admin_opt: Option, fast_listing_admin_opt: Option, security_admin_opt: Option, testing_opt: Option, version_opt: Option, deposit_limit_quote_opt: Option, buyback_fees_opt: Option, buyback_fees_bonus_factor_opt: Option, buyback_fees_swap_mango_account_opt: Option, mngo_token_index_opt: Option, buyback_fees_expiry_interval_opt: Option, allowed_fast_listings_per_interval_opt: Option, collateral_fee_interval_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::group_edit( ctx, admin_opt, fast_listing_admin_opt, security_admin_opt, testing_opt, version_opt, deposit_limit_quote_opt, buyback_fees_opt, buyback_fees_bonus_factor_opt, buyback_fees_swap_mango_account_opt, mngo_token_index_opt, buyback_fees_expiry_interval_opt, allowed_fast_listings_per_interval_opt, collateral_fee_interval_opt, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn group_withdraw_insurance_fund( ctx: Context, amount: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::group_withdraw_insurance_fund(ctx, amount)?; Ok(()) } pub fn group_change_insurance_fund(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::group_change_insurance_fund(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn ix_gate_set(ctx: Context, ix_gate: u128) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::ix_gate_set(ctx, ix_gate)?; Ok(()) } pub fn group_close(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::group_close(ctx)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn token_register( ctx: Context, token_index: TokenIndex, name: String, oracle_config: OracleConfigParams, interest_rate_params: InterestRateParams, loan_fee_rate: f32, loan_origination_fee_rate: f32, maint_asset_weight: f32, init_asset_weight: f32, maint_liab_weight: f32, init_liab_weight: f32, liquidation_fee: f32, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds: u32, stable_price_delay_growth_limit: f32, stable_price_growth_limit: f32, min_vault_to_deposits_ratio: f64, net_borrow_limit_window_size_ts: u64, net_borrow_limit_per_window_quote: i64, borrow_weight_scale_start_quote: f64, deposit_weight_scale_start_quote: f64, reduce_only: u8, token_conditional_swap_taker_fee_rate: f32, token_conditional_swap_maker_fee_rate: f32, flash_loan_swap_fee_rate: f32, interest_curve_scaling: f32, interest_target_utilization: f32, group_insurance_fund: bool, deposit_limit: u64, zero_util_rate: f32, platform_liquidation_fee: f32, disable_asset_liquidation: bool, collateral_fee_per_day: f32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_register( ctx, token_index, name, oracle_config, interest_rate_params, loan_fee_rate, loan_origination_fee_rate, maint_asset_weight, init_asset_weight, maint_liab_weight, init_liab_weight, liquidation_fee, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds, stable_price_delay_growth_limit, stable_price_growth_limit, min_vault_to_deposits_ratio, net_borrow_limit_window_size_ts, net_borrow_limit_per_window_quote, borrow_weight_scale_start_quote, deposit_weight_scale_start_quote, reduce_only, token_conditional_swap_taker_fee_rate, token_conditional_swap_maker_fee_rate, flash_loan_swap_fee_rate, interest_curve_scaling, interest_target_utilization, group_insurance_fund, deposit_limit, zero_util_rate, platform_liquidation_fee, disable_asset_liquidation, collateral_fee_per_day, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_register_trustless( ctx: Context, token_index: TokenIndex, name: String, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_register_trustless(ctx, token_index, name)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn token_edit( ctx: Context, oracle_opt: Option, oracle_config_opt: Option, group_insurance_fund_opt: Option, interest_rate_params_opt: Option, loan_fee_rate_opt: Option, loan_origination_fee_rate_opt: Option, maint_asset_weight_opt: Option, init_asset_weight_opt: Option, maint_liab_weight_opt: Option, init_liab_weight_opt: Option, liquidation_fee_opt: Option, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds_opt: Option, stable_price_delay_growth_limit_opt: Option, stable_price_growth_limit_opt: Option, min_vault_to_deposits_ratio_opt: Option, net_borrow_limit_per_window_quote_opt: Option, net_borrow_limit_window_size_ts_opt: Option, borrow_weight_scale_start_quote_opt: Option, deposit_weight_scale_start_quote_opt: Option, reset_stable_price: bool, reset_net_borrow_limit: bool, reduce_only_opt: Option, name_opt: Option, force_close_opt: Option, token_conditional_swap_taker_fee_rate_opt: Option, token_conditional_swap_maker_fee_rate_opt: Option, flash_loan_swap_fee_rate_opt: Option, interest_curve_scaling_opt: Option, interest_target_utilization_opt: Option, maint_weight_shift_start_opt: Option, maint_weight_shift_end_opt: Option, maint_weight_shift_asset_target_opt: Option, maint_weight_shift_liab_target_opt: Option, maint_weight_shift_abort: bool, set_fallback_oracle: bool, deposit_limit_opt: Option, zero_util_rate_opt: Option, platform_liquidation_fee_opt: Option, disable_asset_liquidation_opt: Option, collateral_fee_per_day_opt: Option, force_withdraw_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_edit( ctx, oracle_opt, oracle_config_opt, group_insurance_fund_opt, interest_rate_params_opt, loan_fee_rate_opt, loan_origination_fee_rate_opt, maint_asset_weight_opt, init_asset_weight_opt, maint_liab_weight_opt, init_liab_weight_opt, liquidation_fee_opt, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds_opt, stable_price_delay_growth_limit_opt, stable_price_growth_limit_opt, min_vault_to_deposits_ratio_opt, net_borrow_limit_per_window_quote_opt, net_borrow_limit_window_size_ts_opt, borrow_weight_scale_start_quote_opt, deposit_weight_scale_start_quote_opt, reset_stable_price, reset_net_borrow_limit, reduce_only_opt, name_opt, force_close_opt, token_conditional_swap_taker_fee_rate_opt, token_conditional_swap_maker_fee_rate_opt, flash_loan_swap_fee_rate_opt, interest_curve_scaling_opt, interest_target_utilization_opt, maint_weight_shift_start_opt, maint_weight_shift_end_opt, maint_weight_shift_asset_target_opt, maint_weight_shift_liab_target_opt, maint_weight_shift_abort, set_fallback_oracle, deposit_limit_opt, zero_util_rate_opt, platform_liquidation_fee_opt, disable_asset_liquidation_opt, collateral_fee_per_day_opt, force_withdraw_opt, )?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn token_add_bank( ctx: Context, token_index: TokenIndex, bank_num: u32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_add_bank(ctx, token_index, bank_num)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_deregister<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, TokenDeregister<'info>>, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_deregister(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_update_index_and_rate(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_update_index_and_rate(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_create( ctx: Context, account_num: u32, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, name: String, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_create( &ctx.accounts.account, *ctx.bumps.get("account").ok_or(MangoError::SomeError)?, ctx.accounts.group.key(), ctx.accounts.owner.key(), account_num, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, 0, 0, name, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_create_v2( ctx: Context, account_num: u32, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, token_conditional_swap_count: u8, name: String, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_create( &ctx.accounts.account, *ctx.bumps.get("account").ok_or(MangoError::SomeError)?, ctx.accounts.group.key(), ctx.accounts.owner.key(), account_num, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, token_conditional_swap_count, 0, name, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_create_v3( ctx: Context, account_num: u32, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, token_conditional_swap_count: u8, openbook_v2_count: u8, name: String, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_create( &ctx.accounts.account, *ctx.bumps.get("account").ok_or(MangoError::SomeError)?, ctx.accounts.group.key(), ctx.accounts.owner.key(), account_num, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, token_conditional_swap_count, openbook_v2_count, name, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_expand( ctx: Context, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_expand( ctx, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, 0, 0, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_expand_v2( ctx: Context, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, token_conditional_swap_count: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_expand( ctx, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, token_conditional_swap_count, 0, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_expand_v3( ctx: Context, token_count: u8, serum3_count: u8, perp_count: u8, perp_oo_count: u8, token_conditional_swap_count: u8, openbook_v2_count: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_expand( ctx, token_count, serum3_count, perp_count, perp_oo_count, token_conditional_swap_count, openbook_v2_count, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_size_migration(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_size_migration(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_edit( ctx: Context, name_opt: Option, delegate_opt: Option, temporary_delegate_opt: Option, temporary_delegate_expiry_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_edit( ctx, name_opt, delegate_opt, temporary_delegate_opt, temporary_delegate_expiry_opt, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_toggle_freeze(ctx: Context, freeze: bool) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_toggle_freeze(ctx, freeze)?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_close(ctx: Context, force_close: bool) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_close(ctx, force_close)?; Ok(()) } pub fn account_buyback_fees_with_mngo( ctx: Context, max_buyback_usd: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::account_buyback_fees_with_mngo(ctx, max_buyback_usd)?; Ok(()) } pub fn sequence_check(ctx: Context, expected_sequence_number: u8) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::sequence_check(ctx, expected_sequence_number)?; Ok(()) } pub fn health_check( ctx: Context, min_health_value: f64, check_kind: HealthCheckKind, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::health_check(ctx, min_health_value, check_kind)?; Ok(()) } // todo: // ckamm: generally, using an I80F48 arg will make it harder to call // because generic anchor clients won't know how to deal with it // and it's tricky to use in typescript generally // lets do an interface pass later pub fn stub_oracle_create(ctx: Context, price: I80F48) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::stub_oracle_create(ctx, price)?; Ok(()) } pub fn stub_oracle_close(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::stub_oracle_close(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn stub_oracle_set(ctx: Context, price: I80F48) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::stub_oracle_set(ctx, price)?; Ok(()) } pub fn stub_oracle_set_test( ctx: Context, price: I80F48, last_update_slot: u64, deviation: I80F48, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::stub_oracle_set_test(ctx, price, last_update_slot, deviation)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_deposit(ctx: Context, amount: u64, reduce_only: bool) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_deposit(ctx, amount, reduce_only)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_deposit_into_existing( ctx: Context, amount: u64, reduce_only: bool, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_deposit_into_existing(ctx, amount, reduce_only)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_withdraw( ctx: Context, amount: u64, allow_borrow: bool, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_withdraw(ctx, amount, allow_borrow)?; Ok(()) } pub fn flash_loan_begin<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, FlashLoanBegin<'info>>, loan_amounts: Vec, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::flash_loan_begin( ctx.program_id, &ctx.accounts.account, ctx.accounts.owner.key, &ctx.accounts.instructions, &ctx.accounts.token_program, ctx.remaining_accounts, loan_amounts, )?; Ok(()) } /// A version of flash_loan_begin that's specialized for swaps and needs fewer /// bytes in the transaction pub fn flash_loan_swap_begin<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, FlashLoanSwapBegin<'info>>, loan_amount: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::flash_loan_swap_begin(ctx, loan_amount)?; Ok(()) } pub fn flash_loan_end<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, FlashLoanEnd<'info>>, flash_loan_type: FlashLoanType, ) -> Result<()> { Err(error_msg!("FlashLoanEnd was replaced by FlashLoanEndV2")) } pub fn flash_loan_end_v2<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, FlashLoanEnd<'info>>, num_loans: u8, flash_loan_type: FlashLoanType, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::flash_loan_end(ctx, num_loans, flash_loan_type)?; Ok(()) } pub fn health_region_begin<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, HealthRegionBegin<'info>>, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::health_region_begin(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn health_region_end<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info>( ctx: Context<'key, 'accounts, 'remaining, 'info, HealthRegionEnd<'info>>, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::health_region_end(ctx)?; Ok(()) } /// /// Serum /// pub fn serum3_register_market( ctx: Context, market_index: Serum3MarketIndex, name: String, oracle_price_band: f32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_register_market(ctx, market_index, name, oracle_price_band)?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_edit_market( ctx: Context, reduce_only_opt: Option, force_close_opt: Option, name_opt: Option, oracle_price_band_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_edit_market( ctx, reduce_only_opt, force_close_opt, name_opt, oracle_price_band_opt, )?; Ok(()) } // note: // pub fn serum3_edit_market - doesn't exist since a mango serum3 market only contains the properties // registered base and quote token pairs, and serum3 external market its pointing to, and none of them // should be edited once set on creation pub fn serum3_deregister_market(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_deregister_market(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_create_open_orders(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_create_open_orders(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_close_open_orders(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_close_open_orders(ctx)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn serum3_place_order( ctx: Context, side: Serum3Side, limit_price: u64, max_base_qty: u64, max_native_quote_qty_including_fees: u64, self_trade_behavior: Serum3SelfTradeBehavior, order_type: Serum3OrderType, client_order_id: u64, limit: u16, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_place_order( ctx, side, limit_price, max_base_qty, max_native_quote_qty_including_fees, self_trade_behavior, order_type, client_order_id, limit, false, )?; Ok(()) } /// requires the receiver_bank in the health account list to be writable #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn serum3_place_order_v2( ctx: Context, side: Serum3Side, limit_price: u64, max_base_qty: u64, max_native_quote_qty_including_fees: u64, self_trade_behavior: Serum3SelfTradeBehavior, order_type: Serum3OrderType, client_order_id: u64, limit: u16, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_place_order( ctx, side, limit_price, max_base_qty, max_native_quote_qty_including_fees, self_trade_behavior, order_type, client_order_id, limit, true, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_cancel_order( ctx: Context, side: Serum3Side, order_id: u128, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_cancel_order(ctx, side, order_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_cancel_order_by_client_order_id( ctx: Context, client_order_id: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_cancel_order_by_client_order_id(ctx, client_order_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_cancel_all_orders(ctx: Context, limit: u8) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_cancel_all_orders(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } /// Deprecated instruction that used to settles all free funds from the OpenOrders account /// into the MangoAccount. /// /// Any serum "referrer rebates" (ui fees) are considered Mango fees. pub fn serum3_settle_funds(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { Err(error_msg!( "Serum3SettleFunds was replaced by Serum3SettleFundsV2" )) } /// Like Serum3SettleFunds, but `fees_to_dao` determines if referrer rebates are considered fees /// or are credited to the MangoAccount. pub fn serum3_settle_funds_v2( ctx: Context, fees_to_dao: bool, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_settle_funds( &mut ctx.accounts.v1, Some(&mut ctx.accounts.v2), fees_to_dao, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn serum3_liq_force_cancel_orders( ctx: Context, limit: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::serum3_liq_force_cancel_orders(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } // DEPRECATED: use token_liq_with_token pub fn liq_token_with_token( ctx: Context, asset_token_index: TokenIndex, liab_token_index: TokenIndex, max_liab_transfer: I80F48, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_liq_with_token( ctx, asset_token_index, liab_token_index, max_liab_transfer, )?; Ok(()) } // DEPRECATED: use token_liq_bankruptcy pub fn liq_token_bankruptcy( ctx: Context, max_liab_transfer: I80F48, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_liq_bankruptcy(ctx, max_liab_transfer)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_liq_with_token( ctx: Context, asset_token_index: TokenIndex, liab_token_index: TokenIndex, max_liab_transfer: I80F48, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_liq_with_token( ctx, asset_token_index, liab_token_index, max_liab_transfer, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_force_close_borrows_with_token( ctx: Context, asset_token_index: TokenIndex, liab_token_index: TokenIndex, max_liab_transfer: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_force_close_borrows_with_token( ctx, asset_token_index, liab_token_index, max_liab_transfer, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_liq_bankruptcy( ctx: Context, max_liab_transfer: I80F48, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_liq_bankruptcy(ctx, max_liab_transfer)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_force_withdraw(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_force_withdraw(ctx)?; Ok(()) } /// /// Perps /// #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_create_market( ctx: Context, perp_market_index: PerpMarketIndex, name: String, oracle_config: OracleConfigParams, base_decimals: u8, quote_lot_size: i64, base_lot_size: i64, maint_base_asset_weight: f32, init_base_asset_weight: f32, maint_base_liab_weight: f32, init_base_liab_weight: f32, maint_overall_asset_weight: f32, init_overall_asset_weight: f32, base_liquidation_fee: f32, maker_fee: f32, taker_fee: f32, min_funding: f32, max_funding: f32, impact_quantity: i64, group_insurance_fund: bool, fee_penalty: f32, settle_fee_flat: f32, settle_fee_amount_threshold: f32, settle_fee_fraction_low_health: f32, settle_token_index: TokenIndex, settle_pnl_limit_factor: f32, settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts: u64, positive_pnl_liquidation_fee: f32, platform_liquidation_fee: f32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_create_market( ctx, perp_market_index, settle_token_index, name, oracle_config, base_decimals, quote_lot_size, base_lot_size, maint_base_asset_weight, init_base_asset_weight, maint_base_liab_weight, init_base_liab_weight, maint_overall_asset_weight, init_overall_asset_weight, base_liquidation_fee, maker_fee, taker_fee, min_funding, max_funding, impact_quantity, group_insurance_fund, fee_penalty, settle_fee_flat, settle_fee_amount_threshold, settle_fee_fraction_low_health, settle_pnl_limit_factor, settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts, positive_pnl_liquidation_fee, platform_liquidation_fee, )?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_edit_market( ctx: Context, oracle_opt: Option, oracle_config_opt: Option, base_decimals_opt: Option, maint_base_asset_weight_opt: Option, init_base_asset_weight_opt: Option, maint_base_liab_weight_opt: Option, init_base_liab_weight_opt: Option, maint_overall_asset_weight_opt: Option, init_overall_asset_weight_opt: Option, base_liquidation_fee_opt: Option, maker_fee_opt: Option, taker_fee_opt: Option, min_funding_opt: Option, max_funding_opt: Option, impact_quantity_opt: Option, group_insurance_fund_opt: Option, fee_penalty_opt: Option, settle_fee_flat_opt: Option, settle_fee_amount_threshold_opt: Option, settle_fee_fraction_low_health_opt: Option, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds_opt: Option, stable_price_delay_growth_limit_opt: Option, stable_price_growth_limit_opt: Option, settle_pnl_limit_factor_opt: Option, settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts_opt: Option, reduce_only_opt: Option, reset_stable_price: bool, positive_pnl_liquidation_fee_opt: Option, name_opt: Option, force_close_opt: Option, platform_liquidation_fee_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_edit_market( ctx, oracle_opt, oracle_config_opt, base_decimals_opt, maint_base_asset_weight_opt, init_base_asset_weight_opt, maint_base_liab_weight_opt, init_base_liab_weight_opt, maint_overall_asset_weight_opt, init_overall_asset_weight_opt, base_liquidation_fee_opt, maker_fee_opt, taker_fee_opt, min_funding_opt, max_funding_opt, impact_quantity_opt, group_insurance_fund_opt, fee_penalty_opt, settle_fee_flat_opt, settle_fee_amount_threshold_opt, settle_fee_fraction_low_health_opt, stable_price_delay_interval_seconds_opt, stable_price_delay_growth_limit_opt, stable_price_growth_limit_opt, settle_pnl_limit_factor_opt, settle_pnl_limit_window_size_ts_opt, reduce_only_opt, reset_stable_price, positive_pnl_liquidation_fee_opt, name_opt, force_close_opt, platform_liquidation_fee_opt, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_close_market(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_close_market(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_deactivate_position(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_deactivate_position(ctx)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_place_order( ctx: Context, side: Side, // The price in lots (quote lots per base lots) // - fill orders on the book up to this price or // - place an order on the book at this price. // - ignored for Market orders and potentially adjusted for PostOnlySlide orders. price_lots: i64, max_base_lots: i64, max_quote_lots: i64, client_order_id: u64, order_type: PlaceOrderType, reduce_only: bool, // Timestamp of when order expires // // Send 0 if you want the order to never expire. // Timestamps in the past mean the instruction is skipped. // Timestamps in the future are reduced to now + 65535s. expiry_timestamp: u64, // Maximum number of orders from the book to fill. // // Use this to limit compute used during order matching. // When the limit is reached, processing stops and the instruction succeeds. limit: u8, ) -> Result> { require_gte!(price_lots, 0); use crate::state::{Order, OrderParams}; let time_in_force = match Order::tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp) { Some(t) => t, None => { msg!("Order is already expired"); return Ok(None); } }; let order = Order { side, max_base_lots, max_quote_lots, client_order_id, reduce_only, time_in_force, self_trade_behavior: SelfTradeBehavior::default(), params: match order_type { PlaceOrderType::Market => OrderParams::Market {}, PlaceOrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => OrderParams::ImmediateOrCancel { price_lots }, _ => OrderParams::Fixed { price_lots, order_type: order_type.to_post_order_type()?, }, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] return instructions::perp_place_order(ctx, order, limit); #[cfg(not(feature = "enable-gpl"))] Ok(None) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_place_order_v2( ctx: Context, side: Side, // The price in lots (quote lots per base lots) // - fill orders on the book up to this price or // - place an order on the book at this price. // - ignored for Market orders and potentially adjusted for PostOnlySlide orders. price_lots: i64, max_base_lots: i64, max_quote_lots: i64, client_order_id: u64, order_type: PlaceOrderType, self_trade_behavior: SelfTradeBehavior, reduce_only: bool, // Timestamp of when order expires // // Send 0 if you want the order to never expire. // Timestamps in the past mean the instruction is skipped. // Timestamps in the future are reduced to now + 65535s. expiry_timestamp: u64, // Maximum number of orders from the book to fill. // // Use this to limit compute used during order matching. // When the limit is reached, processing stops and the instruction succeeds. limit: u8, ) -> Result> { require_gte!(price_lots, 0); use crate::state::{Order, OrderParams}; let time_in_force = match Order::tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp) { Some(t) => t, None => { msg!("Order is already expired"); return Ok(None); } }; let order = Order { side, max_base_lots, max_quote_lots, client_order_id, reduce_only, time_in_force, self_trade_behavior, params: match order_type { PlaceOrderType::Market => OrderParams::Market {}, PlaceOrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => OrderParams::ImmediateOrCancel { price_lots }, _ => OrderParams::Fixed { price_lots, order_type: order_type.to_post_order_type()?, }, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] return instructions::perp_place_order(ctx, order, limit); #[cfg(not(feature = "enable-gpl"))] Ok(None) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_place_order_pegged( ctx: Context, side: Side, // The adjustment from the oracle price, in lots (quote lots per base lots). // Orders on the book may be filled at oracle + adjustment (depends on order type). price_offset_lots: i64, // The limit at which the pegged order shall expire. // May be -1 to denote no peg limit. // // Example: An bid pegged to -20 with peg_limit 100 would expire if the oracle hits 121. peg_limit: i64, max_base_lots: i64, max_quote_lots: i64, client_order_id: u64, order_type: PlaceOrderType, reduce_only: bool, // Timestamp of when order expires // // Send 0 if you want the order to never expire. // Timestamps in the past mean the instruction is skipped. // Timestamps in the future are reduced to now + 65535s. expiry_timestamp: u64, // Maximum number of orders from the book to fill. // // Use this to limit compute used during order matching. // When the limit is reached, processing stops and the instruction succeeds. limit: u8, // Oracle staleness limit, in slots. Set to -1 to disable. // // WARNING: Not currently implemented. max_oracle_staleness_slots: i32, ) -> Result> { require_gte!(peg_limit, -1); require_eq!(max_oracle_staleness_slots, -1); // unimplemented use crate::state::{Order, OrderParams}; let time_in_force = match Order::tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp) { Some(t) => t, None => { msg!("Order is already expired"); return Ok(None); } }; let order = Order { side, max_base_lots, max_quote_lots, client_order_id, reduce_only, time_in_force, self_trade_behavior: SelfTradeBehavior::DecrementTake, params: OrderParams::OraclePegged { price_offset_lots, order_type: order_type.to_post_order_type()?, peg_limit, max_oracle_staleness_slots, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] return instructions::perp_place_order(ctx, order, limit); #[cfg(not(feature = "enable-gpl"))] Ok(None) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn perp_place_order_pegged_v2( ctx: Context, side: Side, // The adjustment from the oracle price, in lots (quote lots per base lots). // Orders on the book may be filled at oracle + adjustment (depends on order type). price_offset_lots: i64, // The limit at which the pegged order shall expire. // May be -1 to denote no peg limit. // // Example: An bid pegged to -20 with peg_limit 100 would expire if the oracle hits 121. peg_limit: i64, max_base_lots: i64, max_quote_lots: i64, client_order_id: u64, order_type: PlaceOrderType, self_trade_behavior: SelfTradeBehavior, reduce_only: bool, // Timestamp of when order expires // // Send 0 if you want the order to never expire. // Timestamps in the past mean the instruction is skipped. // Timestamps in the future are reduced to now + 65535s. expiry_timestamp: u64, // Maximum number of orders from the book to fill. // // Use this to limit compute used during order matching. // When the limit is reached, processing stops and the instruction succeeds. limit: u8, // Oracle staleness limit, in slots. Set to -1 to disable. // // WARNING: Not currently implemented. max_oracle_staleness_slots: i32, ) -> Result> { require_gte!(peg_limit, -1); require_eq!(max_oracle_staleness_slots, -1); // unimplemented use crate::state::{Order, OrderParams}; let time_in_force = match Order::tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp) { Some(t) => t, None => { msg!("Order is already expired"); return Ok(None); } }; let order = Order { side, max_base_lots, max_quote_lots, client_order_id, reduce_only, time_in_force, self_trade_behavior, params: OrderParams::OraclePegged { price_offset_lots, order_type: order_type.to_post_order_type()?, peg_limit, max_oracle_staleness_slots, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] return instructions::perp_place_order(ctx, order, limit); #[cfg(not(feature = "enable-gpl"))] Ok(None) } pub fn perp_cancel_order(ctx: Context, order_id: u128) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_cancel_order(ctx, order_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_cancel_order_by_client_order_id( ctx: Context, client_order_id: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_cancel_order_by_client_order_id(ctx, client_order_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_cancel_all_orders(ctx: Context, limit: u8) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_cancel_all_orders(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_cancel_all_orders_by_side( ctx: Context, side_option: Option, limit: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_cancel_all_orders_by_side(ctx, side_option, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_consume_events(ctx: Context, limit: usize) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_consume_events(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_update_funding(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_update_funding(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_settle_pnl(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_settle_pnl(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_force_close_position(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_force_close_position(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_settle_fees(ctx: Context, max_settle_amount: u64) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_settle_fees(ctx, max_settle_amount)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_liq_base_or_positive_pnl( ctx: Context, max_base_transfer: i64, max_pnl_transfer: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_liq_base_or_positive_pnl(ctx, max_base_transfer, max_pnl_transfer)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_liq_force_cancel_orders( ctx: Context, limit: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_liq_force_cancel_orders(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn perp_liq_negative_pnl_or_bankruptcy( ctx: Context, max_liab_transfer: u64, ) -> Result<()> { Err(error_msg!( "PerpLiqNegativePnlOrBankruptcy was replaced by PerpLiqNegativePnlOrBankruptcyV2" )) } pub fn perp_liq_negative_pnl_or_bankruptcy_v2( ctx: Context, max_liab_transfer: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::perp_liq_negative_pnl_or_bankruptcy(ctx, max_liab_transfer)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_create( ctx: Context, max_buy: u64, max_sell: u64, expiry_timestamp: u64, price_lower_limit: f64, price_upper_limit: f64, price_premium_rate: f64, allow_creating_deposits: bool, allow_creating_borrows: bool, ) -> Result<()> { token_conditional_swap_create_v2( ctx, max_buy, max_sell, expiry_timestamp, price_lower_limit, price_upper_limit, price_premium_rate, allow_creating_deposits, allow_creating_borrows, TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle::SellTokenPerBuyToken, TokenConditionalSwapIntention::Unknown, ) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_create_v2( ctx: Context, max_buy: u64, max_sell: u64, expiry_timestamp: u64, price_lower_limit: f64, price_upper_limit: f64, price_premium_rate: f64, allow_creating_deposits: bool, allow_creating_borrows: bool, display_price_style: TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle, intention: TokenConditionalSwapIntention, ) -> Result<()> { require!( ctx.accounts .group .load()? .is_ix_enabled(IxGate::TokenConditionalSwapCreate), MangoError::IxIsDisabled ); let tcs = TokenConditionalSwap { id: u64::MAX, // set inside max_buy, max_sell, bought: 0, sold: 0, expiry_timestamp, price_lower_limit, price_upper_limit, price_premium_rate, taker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside maker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside buy_token_index: ctx.accounts.buy_bank.load()?.token_index, sell_token_index: ctx.accounts.sell_bank.load()?.token_index, is_configured: 1, allow_creating_deposits: u8::from(allow_creating_deposits), allow_creating_borrows: u8::from(allow_creating_borrows), display_price_style: display_price_style.into(), intention: intention.into(), tcs_type: TokenConditionalSwapType::FixedPremium.into(), padding: Default::default(), start_timestamp: 0, // not started duration_seconds: 0, // duration does not matter for FixedPremium reserved: [0; 88], }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_create(ctx, tcs)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_create_premium_auction( ctx: Context, max_buy: u64, max_sell: u64, expiry_timestamp: u64, price_lower_limit: f64, price_upper_limit: f64, max_price_premium_rate: f64, allow_creating_deposits: bool, allow_creating_borrows: bool, // TODO: require that this is false? display_price_style: TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle, intention: TokenConditionalSwapIntention, duration_seconds: u64, ) -> Result<()> { require!( ctx.accounts .group .load()? .is_ix_enabled(IxGate::TokenConditionalSwapCreatePremiumAuction), MangoError::IxIsDisabled ); require_gte!(duration_seconds, 1); let tcs = TokenConditionalSwap { id: u64::MAX, // set inside max_buy, max_sell, bought: 0, sold: 0, expiry_timestamp, price_lower_limit, price_upper_limit, price_premium_rate: max_price_premium_rate, taker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside maker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside buy_token_index: ctx.accounts.buy_bank.load()?.token_index, sell_token_index: ctx.accounts.sell_bank.load()?.token_index, is_configured: 1, allow_creating_deposits: u8::from(allow_creating_deposits), allow_creating_borrows: u8::from(allow_creating_borrows), display_price_style: display_price_style.into(), intention: intention.into(), tcs_type: TokenConditionalSwapType::PremiumAuction.into(), padding: Default::default(), start_timestamp: 0, // not started duration_seconds, reserved: [0; 88], }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_create(ctx, tcs)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_create_linear_auction( ctx: Context, max_buy: u64, max_sell: u64, expiry_timestamp: u64, price_start: f64, price_end: f64, allow_creating_deposits: bool, allow_creating_borrows: bool, display_price_style: TokenConditionalSwapDisplayPriceStyle, start_timestamp: u64, duration_seconds: u64, ) -> Result<()> { require!( ctx.accounts .group .load()? .is_ix_enabled(IxGate::TokenConditionalSwapCreateLinearAuction), MangoError::IxIsDisabled ); require_gte!(duration_seconds, 1); let buy_token_price = ctx.accounts.buy_bank.load()?.stable_price().to_num::(); let sell_token_price = ctx .accounts .sell_bank .load()? .stable_price() .to_num::(); let max_volume = (buy_token_price * max_buy as f64).min(sell_token_price * max_sell as f64) as u64; require_gte!( max_volume, TCS_START_INCENTIVE * 10, MangoError::TokenConditionalSwapTooSmallForStartIncentive ); let tcs = TokenConditionalSwap { id: u64::MAX, // set inside max_buy, max_sell, bought: 0, sold: 0, expiry_timestamp, price_lower_limit: price_start, price_upper_limit: price_end, price_premium_rate: 0.0, // ignored for linear auctions taker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside maker_fee_rate: 0.0, // set inside buy_token_index: ctx.accounts.buy_bank.load()?.token_index, sell_token_index: ctx.accounts.sell_bank.load()?.token_index, is_configured: 1, allow_creating_deposits: u8::from(allow_creating_deposits), allow_creating_borrows: u8::from(allow_creating_borrows), display_price_style: display_price_style.into(), intention: TokenConditionalSwapIntention::Unknown.into(), tcs_type: TokenConditionalSwapType::LinearAuction.into(), padding: Default::default(), start_timestamp, duration_seconds, reserved: [0; 88], }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_create(ctx, tcs)?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_cancel( ctx: Context, token_conditional_swap_index: u8, token_conditional_swap_id: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_cancel( ctx, token_conditional_swap_index.into(), token_conditional_swap_id, )?; Ok(()) } // NOTE: It's the triggerer's job to compute liqor_max_* numbers that work with the liqee's health. pub fn token_conditional_swap_trigger( ctx: Context, token_conditional_swap_index: u8, token_conditional_swap_id: u64, max_buy_token_to_liqee: u64, max_sell_token_to_liqor: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_trigger( ctx, token_conditional_swap_index.into(), token_conditional_swap_id, max_buy_token_to_liqee, max_sell_token_to_liqor, 0, 0.0, )?; Ok(()) } // NOTE: It's the triggerer's job to compute liqor_max_* numbers that work with the liqee's health. pub fn token_conditional_swap_trigger_v2( ctx: Context, token_conditional_swap_index: u8, token_conditional_swap_id: u64, max_buy_token_to_liqee: u64, max_sell_token_to_liqor: u64, min_buy_token: u64, min_taker_price: f32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_trigger( ctx, token_conditional_swap_index.into(), token_conditional_swap_id, max_buy_token_to_liqee, max_sell_token_to_liqor, min_buy_token, min_taker_price as f64, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_conditional_swap_start( ctx: Context, token_conditional_swap_index: u8, token_conditional_swap_id: u64, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_conditional_swap_start( ctx, token_conditional_swap_index.into(), token_conditional_swap_id, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn token_charge_collateral_fees(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::token_charge_collateral_fees(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn alt_set(ctx: Context, index: u8) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::alt_set(ctx, index)?; Ok(()) } pub fn alt_extend( ctx: Context, index: u8, new_addresses: Vec, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::alt_extend(ctx, index, new_addresses)?; Ok(()) } /// Warning, this instruction is for testing purposes only! pub fn compute_account_data(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::compute_account_data(ctx)?; Ok(()) } /// /// OpenbookV2 /// pub fn openbook_v2_register_market( ctx: Context, market_index: OpenbookV2MarketIndex, name: String, oracle_price_band: f32, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_register_market(ctx, market_index, name, oracle_price_band)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_edit_market( ctx: Context, reduce_only_opt: Option, force_close_opt: Option, name_opt: Option, oracle_price_band_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_edit_market( ctx, reduce_only_opt, force_close_opt, name_opt, oracle_price_band_opt, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_deregister_market(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_deregister_market(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_create_open_orders(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_create_open_orders(ctx)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_close_open_orders(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_close_open_orders(ctx)?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn openbook_v2_place_order( ctx: Context, side: OpenbookV2Side, price_lots: i64, max_base_lots: i64, max_quote_lots_including_fees: i64, client_order_id: u64, order_type: OpenbookV2PlaceOrderType, self_trade_behavior: OpenbookV2SelfTradeBehavior, reduce_only: bool, expiry_timestamp: u64, limit: u8, ) -> Result<()> { use openbook_v2::state::{Order, OrderParams}; let time_in_force = match Order::tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp) { Some(t) => t, None => { msg!("Order is already expired"); return Ok(()); } }; let order = Order { side: side.to_external(), max_base_lots, max_quote_lots_including_fees, client_order_id, time_in_force, self_trade_behavior: self_trade_behavior.to_external(), params: match order_type { OpenbookV2PlaceOrderType::Market => OrderParams::Market {}, OpenbookV2PlaceOrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => { OrderParams::ImmediateOrCancel { price_lots } } _ => OrderParams::Fixed { price_lots, order_type: order_type.to_external_post_order_type()?, }, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_place_order(ctx, order, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_cancel_order( ctx: Context, side: OpenbookV2Side, order_id: u128, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_cancel_order(ctx, side.to_external(), order_id)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_settle_funds( ctx: Context, fees_to_dao: bool, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_settle_funds(ctx, fees_to_dao)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_liq_force_cancel_orders( ctx: Context, limit: u8, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_liq_force_cancel_orders(ctx, limit)?; Ok(()) } pub fn openbook_v2_cancel_all_orders( ctx: Context, limit: u8, side_opt: Option, ) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::openbook_v2_cancel_all_orders( ctx, limit, match side_opt { Some(side) => Some(side.to_external()), None => None, }, )?; Ok(()) } /// /// benchmark /// pub fn benchmark(ctx: Context) -> Result<()> { #[cfg(feature = "enable-gpl")] instructions::benchmark(ctx)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Mango; impl anchor_lang::Id for Mango { fn id() -> Pubkey { ID } } #[cfg(not(feature = "no-entrypoint"))] use {default_env::default_env, solana_security_txt::security_txt}; #[cfg(not(feature = "no-entrypoint"))] security_txt! { name: "Mango v4", project_url: "https://mango.markets", contacts: "email:hello@blockworks.foundation,link:https://docs.mango.markets/mango-markets/bug-bounty,discord:https://discord.gg/mangomarkets", policy: "https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/mango-v4/blob/main/SECURITY.md", preferred_languages: "en", source_code: "https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/mango-v4", source_revision: default_env!("GITHUB_SHA", "Unknown source revision"), source_release: default_env!("GITHUB_REF_NAME", "Unknown source release") }