use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use fixed::types::I80F48; use crate::error::*; use crate::state::*; // todo: these are arbitrary // ckamm: Either we put hard limits on everything, or we have a simple model for how much // compute a token/serum/perp market needs, so users who don't use serum markets can have // more perp markets open at the same time etc // In particular if perp markets don't require the base token to be active on the account, // we could probably support 1 token (quote currency) + 15 active perp markets at the same time // It's a tradeoff between allowing users to trade on many markets with one account, // MangoAccount size and health compute needs. const MAX_INDEXED_POSITIONS: usize = 16; const MAX_SERUM_OPEN_ORDERS: usize = 8; const MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS: usize = 8; #[zero_copy] pub struct TokenAccount { // TODO: Why did we have deposits and borrows as two different values // if only one of them was allowed to be != 0 at a time? // todo: maybe we want to split collateral and lending? // todo: see // todo: how does ftx do this? /// The deposit_index (if positive) or borrow_index (if negative) scaled position pub indexed_value: I80F48, /// index into Group.tokens pub token_index: TokenIndex, /// incremented when a market requires this position to stay alive pub in_use_count: u8, } // TODO: static assert the size and alignment impl TokenAccount { pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { self.token_index != TokenIndex::MAX } pub fn is_active_for_token(&self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> bool { self.token_index == token_index } pub fn native(&self, bank: &Bank) -> I80F48 { if self.indexed_value.is_positive() { self.indexed_value * bank.deposit_index } else { self.indexed_value * bank.borrow_index } } pub fn is_in_use(&self) -> bool { self.in_use_count > 0 } } #[zero_copy] pub struct TokenAccountMap { pub values: [TokenAccount; MAX_INDEXED_POSITIONS], } impl TokenAccountMap { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { values: [TokenAccount { indexed_value: I80F48::ZERO, token_index: TokenIndex::MAX, in_use_count: 0, }; MAX_INDEXED_POSITIONS], } } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> Result<&mut TokenAccount> { self.values .iter_mut() .find(|p| p.is_active_for_token(token_index)) .ok_or_else(|| error!(MangoError::SomeError)) // TODO: not found error } pub fn get_mut_or_create( &mut self, token_index: TokenIndex, ) -> Result<(&mut TokenAccount, usize)> { // This function looks complex because of lifetimes. // Maybe there's a smart way to write it with double iter_mut() // that doesn't confuse the borrow checker. let mut pos = self .values .iter() .position(|p| p.is_active_for_token(token_index)); if pos.is_none() { pos = self.values.iter().position(|p| !p.is_active()); if let Some(i) = pos { self.values[i] = TokenAccount { indexed_value: I80F48::ZERO, token_index: token_index, in_use_count: 0, }; } } if let Some(i) = pos { Ok((&mut self.values[i], i)) } else { err!(MangoError::SomeError) // TODO: No free space } } pub fn deactivate(&mut self, index: usize) { assert!(self.values[index].in_use_count == 0); self.values[index].token_index = TokenIndex::MAX; } pub fn iter_active(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.values.iter().filter(|p| p.is_active()) } pub fn find(&self, token_index: TokenIndex) -> Option<&TokenAccount> { self.values .iter() .find(|p| p.is_active_for_token(token_index)) } } #[zero_copy] pub struct Serum3Account { pub open_orders: Pubkey, pub market_index: Serum3MarketIndex, /// Store the base/quote token index, so health computations don't need /// to get passed the static SerumMarket to find which tokens a market /// uses and look up the correct oracles. pub base_token_index: TokenIndex, pub quote_token_index: TokenIndex, } // TODO: static assert the size and alignment impl Serum3Account { pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { self.market_index != Serum3MarketIndex::MAX } pub fn is_active_for_market(&self, market_index: Serum3MarketIndex) -> bool { self.market_index == market_index } } impl Default for Serum3Account { fn default() -> Self { Self { open_orders: Pubkey::default(), market_index: Serum3MarketIndex::MAX, base_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX, quote_token_index: TokenIndex::MAX, } } } #[zero_copy] pub struct Serum3AccountMap { pub values: [Serum3Account; MAX_SERUM_OPEN_ORDERS], } impl Serum3AccountMap { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { values: [Serum3Account::default(); MAX_SERUM_OPEN_ORDERS], } } pub fn create(&mut self, market_index: Serum3MarketIndex) -> Result<&mut Serum3Account> { if self.find(market_index).is_some() { return err!(MangoError::SomeError); // exists already } if let Some(v) = self.values.iter_mut().find(|p| !p.is_active()) { *v = Serum3Account { market_index: market_index as Serum3MarketIndex, ..Serum3Account::default() }; Ok(v) } else { err!(MangoError::SomeError) // no space } } pub fn deactivate(&mut self, index: usize) { self.values[index].market_index = Serum3MarketIndex::MAX; } pub fn iter_active(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.values.iter().filter(|p| p.is_active()) } pub fn find(&self, market_index: Serum3MarketIndex) -> Option<&Serum3Account> { self.values .iter() .find(|p| p.is_active_for_market(market_index)) } } #[account(zero_copy)] pub struct MangoAccount { pub group: Pubkey, pub owner: Pubkey, // Alternative authority/signer of transactions for a mango account pub delegate: Pubkey, // Maps token_index -> deposit/borrow account for each token // that is active on this MangoAccount. pub token_account_map: TokenAccountMap, // Maps serum_market_index -> open orders for each serum market // that is active on this MangoAccount. pub serum3_account_map: Serum3AccountMap, /// This account cannot open new positions or borrow until `init_health >= 0` pub being_liquidated: bool, // TODO: for strict Pod compat, these should be u8, not bool /// This account cannot do anything except go through `resolve_bankruptcy` pub is_bankrupt: bool, pub account_num: u8, pub bump: u8, // pub info: [u8; INFO_LEN], // TODO: Info could be in a separate PDA? pub reserved: [u8; 5], } // TODO: static assert the size and alignment #[macro_export] macro_rules! account_seeds { ( $account:expr ) => { &[ $, b"account".as_ref(), $account.owner.as_ref(), &$account.account_num.to_le_bytes(), &[$account.bump], ] }; } pub use account_seeds;