
1347 lines
52 KiB

use std::cell::RefMut;
use crate::{
orderbook::{bookside::BookSide, nodes::LeafNode},
MangoAccount, PerpMarket,
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use bytemuck::cast;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use fixed_macro::types::I80F48;
use super::{
order_type::{OrderType, Side},
queue::{EventQueue, FillEvent, OutEvent},
pub const CENTIBPS_PER_UNIT: I80F48 = I80F48!(1_000_000);
// todo move to a constants module or something
pub const MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS: usize = 64;
/// Drop at most this many expired orders from a BookSide when trying to match orders.
/// This exists as a guard against excessive compute use.
const DROP_EXPIRED_ORDER_LIMIT: usize = 5;
pub struct Book<'a> {
pub bids: RefMut<'a, BookSide>, // todo: why refmut?
pub asks: RefMut<'a, BookSide>,
impl<'a> Book<'a> {
pub fn load_checked(
bids_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
asks_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
perp_market: &PerpMarket,
) -> std::result::Result<Self, Error> {
require!(bids_ai.key == &perp_market.bids, MangoError::SomeError); // MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccount
require!(asks_ai.key == &perp_market.asks, MangoError::SomeError); // MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccount
Ok(Self {
bids: BookSide::load_mut_checked(bids_ai, perp_market)?,
asks: BookSide::load_mut_checked(asks_ai, perp_market)?,
/// returns best valid bid
pub fn get_best_bid_price(&self, now_ts: u64) -> Option<i64> {
/// returns best valid ask
pub fn get_best_ask_price(&self, now_ts: u64) -> Option<i64> {
/// Get the quantity of valid bids above and including the price
pub fn get_bids_size_above(&self, price: i64, max_depth: i64, now_ts: u64) -> i64 {
let mut s = 0;
for (_, bid) in self.bids.iter_valid(now_ts) {
if price > bid.price() || s >= max_depth {
s += bid.quantity;
/// Walk up the book `quantity` units and return the price at that level. If `quantity` units
/// not on book, return None
pub fn get_impact_price(&self, side: Side, quantity: i64, now_ts: u64) -> Option<i64> {
let mut s = 0;
let book_side = match side {
Side::Bid => self.bids.iter_valid(now_ts),
Side::Ask => self.asks.iter_valid(now_ts),
for (_, order) in book_side {
s += order.quantity;
if s >= quantity {
return Some(order.price());
/// Get the quantity of valid asks below and including the price
pub fn get_asks_size_below(&self, price: i64, max_depth: i64, now_ts: u64) -> i64 {
let mut s = 0;
for (_, ask) in self.asks.iter_valid(now_ts) {
if price < ask.price() || s >= max_depth {
s += ask.quantity;
/// Get the quantity of valid bids above this order id. Will return full size of book if order id not found
pub fn get_bids_size_above_order(&self, order_id: i128, max_depth: i64, now_ts: u64) -> i64 {
let mut s = 0;
for (_, bid) in self.bids.iter_valid(now_ts) {
if bid.key == order_id || s >= max_depth {
s += bid.quantity;
/// Get the quantity of valid asks above this order id. Will return full size of book if order id not found
pub fn get_asks_size_below_order(&self, order_id: i128, max_depth: i64, now_ts: u64) -> i64 {
let mut s = 0;
for (_, ask) in self.asks.iter_valid(now_ts) {
if ask.key == order_id || s >= max_depth {
s += ask.quantity;
// #[inline(never)]
// pub fn new_order(
// &mut self,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// // mango_group: &MangoGroup,
// mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// // mango_cache: &MangoCache,
// event_queue: &mut EventQueue,
// market: &mut PerpMarket,
// oracle_price: I80F48,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// mango_account_pk: &Pubkey,
// market_index: usize,
// side: Side,
// price: i64,
// max_base_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
// max_quote_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
// order_type: OrderType,
// time_in_force: u8,
// client_order_id: u64,
// now_ts: u64,
// referrer_mango_account_ai: Option<&AccountInfo>,
// limit: u8,
// ) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
// match side {
// Side::Bid => self.new_bid(
// program_id,
// // mango_group,
// mango_group_pk,
// // mango_cache,
// event_queue,
// market,
// oracle_price,
// mango_account,
// mango_account_pk,
// market_index,
// price,
// max_base_quantity,
// max_quote_quantity,
// order_type,
// time_in_force,
// client_order_id,
// now_ts,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// limit,
// ),
// Side::Ask => self.new_ask(
// program_id,
// // mango_group,
// mango_group_pk,
// // mango_cache,
// event_queue,
// market,
// oracle_price,
// mango_account,
// mango_account_pk,
// market_index,
// price,
// max_base_quantity,
// max_quote_quantity,
// order_type,
// time_in_force,
// client_order_id,
// now_ts,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// limit,
// ),
// }
// }
/// Iterate over the book and return
/// return changes to (taker_base, taker_quote, bids_quantity, asks_quantity)
pub fn sim_new_bid(
market: &PerpMarket,
// info: &PerpMarketInfo,
oracle_price: I80F48,
price: i64,
max_base_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
max_quote_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
order_type: OrderType,
now_ts: u64,
) -> std::result::Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64), Error> {
let (mut taker_base, mut taker_quote, mut bids_quantity, asks_quantity) = (0, 0, 0i64, 0);
let (post_only, mut post_allowed, price) = match order_type {
OrderType::Limit => (false, true, price),
OrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => (false, false, price),
OrderType::PostOnly => (true, true, price),
OrderType::Market => (false, false, i64::MAX),
OrderType::PostOnlySlide => {
let price = if let Some(best_ask_price) = self.get_best_ask_price(now_ts) {
// math_err
} else {
(true, true, price)
// if post_allowed {
// // price limit check computed lazily to save CU on average
// let native_price = market.lot_to_native_price(price);
// if native_price.checked_div(oracle_price).unwrap() > info.maint_liab_weight {
// msg!("Posting on book disallowed due to price limits");
// post_allowed = false;
// }
// }
let mut rem_base_quantity = max_base_quantity; // base lots (aka contracts)
let mut rem_quote_quantity = max_quote_quantity;
for (_, best_ask) in self.asks.iter_valid(now_ts) {
let best_ask_price = best_ask.price();
if price < best_ask_price {
} else if post_only {
return Ok((taker_base, taker_quote, bids_quantity, asks_quantity));
let max_match_by_quote = rem_quote_quantity / best_ask_price;
let match_quantity = rem_base_quantity
let match_quote = match_quantity * best_ask_price;
rem_base_quantity -= match_quantity;
rem_quote_quantity -= match_quote;
taker_base += match_quantity;
taker_quote -= match_quote;
if match_quantity == max_match_by_quote || rem_base_quantity == 0 {
let book_base_quantity = rem_base_quantity.min(rem_quote_quantity / price);
if post_allowed && book_base_quantity > 0 {
bids_quantity = bids_quantity.checked_add(book_base_quantity).unwrap();
Ok((taker_base, taker_quote, bids_quantity, asks_quantity))
pub fn sim_new_ask(
market: &PerpMarket,
// info: &PerpMarketInfo,
oracle_price: I80F48,
price: i64,
max_base_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
max_quote_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
order_type: OrderType,
now_ts: u64,
) -> std::result::Result<(i64, i64, i64, i64), Error> {
let (mut taker_base, mut taker_quote, bids_quantity, mut asks_quantity) = (0, 0, 0, 0i64);
let (post_only, mut post_allowed, price) = match order_type {
OrderType::Limit => (false, true, price),
OrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => (false, false, price),
OrderType::PostOnly => (true, true, price),
OrderType::Market => (false, false, 1),
OrderType::PostOnlySlide => {
let price = if let Some(best_bid_price) = self.get_best_bid_price(now_ts) {
// todo math_err
} else {
(true, true, price)
// if post_allowed {
// // price limit check computed lazily to save CU on average
// let native_price = market.lot_to_native_price(price);
// if native_price.checked_div(oracle_price).unwrap() < info.maint_asset_weight {
// msg!("Posting on book disallowed due to price limits");
// post_allowed = false;
// }
// }
let mut rem_base_quantity = max_base_quantity; // base lots (aka contracts)
let mut rem_quote_quantity = max_quote_quantity;
for (_, best_bid) in self.bids.iter_valid(now_ts) {
let best_bid_price = best_bid.price();
if price > best_bid_price {
} else if post_only {
return Ok((taker_base, taker_quote, bids_quantity, asks_quantity));
let max_match_by_quote = rem_quote_quantity / best_bid_price;
let match_quantity = rem_base_quantity
let match_quote = match_quantity * best_bid_price;
rem_base_quantity -= match_quantity;
rem_quote_quantity -= match_quote;
taker_base -= match_quantity;
taker_quote += match_quote;
if match_quantity == max_match_by_quote || rem_base_quantity == 0 {
let book_base_quantity = rem_base_quantity.min(rem_quote_quantity / price);
if post_allowed && book_base_quantity > 0 {
asks_quantity = asks_quantity.checked_add(book_base_quantity).unwrap();
Ok((taker_base, taker_quote, bids_quantity, asks_quantity))
// todo: can new_bid and new_ask be elegantly folded into one method?
pub fn new_bid(
&mut self,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group: &MangoGroup,
// mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// mango_cache: &MangoCache,
// event_queue: &mut EventQueue,
market: &mut PerpMarket,
oracle_price: I80F48,
mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
mango_account_pk: &Pubkey,
// market_index: usize,
price: i64,
max_base_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
max_quote_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
order_type: OrderType,
time_in_force: u8,
client_order_id: u64,
now_ts: u64,
// referrer_mango_account_ai: Option<&AccountInfo>,
mut limit: u8, // max number of FillEvents allowed; guaranteed to be greater than 0
) -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
// TODO proper error handling
// TODO handle the case where we run out of compute (right now just fails)
let (post_only, mut post_allowed, price) = match order_type {
OrderType::Limit => (false, true, price),
OrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => (false, false, price),
OrderType::PostOnly => (true, true, price),
OrderType::Market => (false, false, i64::MAX),
OrderType::PostOnlySlide => {
let price = if let Some(best_ask_price) = self.get_best_ask_price(now_ts) {
// math_err
} else {
(true, true, price)
// let info = &mango_group.perp_markets[market_index];
// if post_allowed {
// // price limit check computed lazily to save CU on average
// let native_price = market.lot_to_native_price(price);
// if native_price.checked_div(oracle_price).unwrap() > info.maint_liab_weight {
// msg!("Posting on book disallowed due to price limits");
// post_allowed = false;
// }
// }
// referral fee related variables
// let mut ref_fee_rate = None;
// let mut referrer_mango_account_opt = None;
// generate new order id
let order_id = market.gen_order_id(Side::Bid, price);
// Iterate through book and match against this new bid
// Any changes to matching asks are collected in ask_changes
// and then applied after this loop.
let mut rem_base_quantity = max_base_quantity; // base lots (aka contracts)
let mut rem_quote_quantity = max_quote_quantity;
let mut ask_changes: Vec<(NodeHandle, i64)> = vec![];
let mut ask_deletes: Vec<i128> = vec![];
let mut number_of_dropped_expired_orders = 0;
for (best_ask_h, best_ask) in self.asks.iter_all_including_invalid() {
if !best_ask.is_valid(now_ts) {
// Remove the order from the book unless we've done that enough
if number_of_dropped_expired_orders < DROP_EXPIRED_ORDER_LIMIT {
number_of_dropped_expired_orders += 1;
// let event = OutEvent::new(
// Side::Ask,
// best_ask.owner_slot,
// now_ts,
// event_queue.header.seq_num,
// best_ask.owner,
// best_ask.quantity,
// );
// event_queue.push_back(cast(event)).unwrap();
// ask_deletes.push(best_ask.key);
let best_ask_price = best_ask.price();
if price < best_ask_price {
} else if post_only {
msg!("Order could not be placed due to PostOnly");
post_allowed = false;
break; // return silently to not fail other instructions in tx
} else if limit == 0 {
msg!("Order matching limit reached");
post_allowed = false;
let max_match_by_quote = rem_quote_quantity / best_ask_price;
let match_quantity = rem_base_quantity
let done = match_quantity == max_match_by_quote || match_quantity == rem_base_quantity;
let match_quote = match_quantity * best_ask_price;
rem_base_quantity -= match_quantity;
rem_quote_quantity -= match_quote;
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].add_taker_trade(match_quantity, -match_quote);
let new_best_ask_quantity = best_ask.quantity - match_quantity;
let maker_out = new_best_ask_quantity == 0;
if maker_out {
} else {
ask_changes.push((best_ask_h, new_best_ask_quantity));
// todo
// if ref_fee_rate is none, determine it
// if ref_valid, then pay into referrer, else pay to perp market
// if ref_fee_rate.is_none() {
// let (a, b) = determine_ref_vars(
// program_id,
// mango_group,
// mango_group_pk,
// mango_cache,
// mango_account,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// now_ts,
// )?;
// ref_fee_rate = Some(a);
// referrer_mango_account_opt = b;
// }
// let fill = FillEvent::new(
// Side::Bid,
// best_ask.owner_slot,
// maker_out,
// now_ts,
// event_queue.header.seq_num,
// best_ask.owner,
// best_ask.key,
// best_ask.client_order_id,
// info.maker_fee,
// best_ask.best_initial,
// best_ask.timestamp,
// *mango_account_pk,
// order_id,
// client_order_id,
// info.taker_fee + ref_fee_rate.unwrap(),
// best_ask_price,
// match_quantity,
// best_ask.version,
// );
// event_queue.push_back(cast(fill)).unwrap();
limit -= 1;
if done {
let total_quote_taken = max_quote_quantity - rem_quote_quantity;
// Apply changes to matched asks (handles invalidate on delete!)
for (handle, new_quantity) in ask_changes {
.quantity = new_quantity;
for key in ask_deletes {
let _removed_leaf = self.asks.remove_by_key(key).unwrap();
// If there are still quantity unmatched, place on the book
let book_base_quantity = rem_base_quantity.min(rem_quote_quantity / price);
if post_allowed && book_base_quantity > 0 {
// Drop an expired order if possible
if let Some(expired_bid) = self.bids.remove_one_expired(now_ts) {
// let event = OutEvent::new(
// Side::Bid,
// expired_bid.owner_slot,
// now_ts,
// event_queue.header.seq_num,
// expired_bid.owner,
// expired_bid.quantity,
// );
// event_queue.push_back(cast(event)).unwrap();
if self.bids.is_full() {
// If this bid is higher than lowest bid, boot that bid and insert this one
let min_bid = self.bids.remove_min().unwrap();
require!(price > min_bid.price(), MangoError::SomeError); // MangoErrorCode::OutOfSpace
// let event = OutEvent::new(
// Side::Bid,
// min_bid.owner_slot,
// now_ts,
// event_queue.header.seq_num,
// min_bid.owner,
// min_bid.quantity,
// );
// event_queue.push_back(cast(event)).unwrap();
// iterate through book on the bid side
// let best_initial = if market.meta_data.version == 0 {
// match self.get_best_bid_price(now_ts) {
// None => price,
// Some(p) => p,
// }
// } else {
// let max_depth: i64 = market.liquidity_mining_info.max_depth_bps.to_num();
// self.get_bids_size_above(price, max_depth, now_ts)
// };
// let owner_slot = mango_account
// .next_order_slot()
// .ok_or(MangoError::SomeError)?; // TooManyOpenOrders
let new_bid = LeafNode::new(
1, // todo market.meta_data.version,
0, // todo owner_slot as u8,
0, // todo best_initial,
let _result = self.bids.insert_leaf(&new_bid)?;
// TODO OPT remove if PlacePerpOrder needs more compute
"bid on book order_id={} quantity={} price={}",
// mango_account.add_order(market_index, Side::Bid, &new_bid)?;
// if there were matched taker quote apply ref fees
// we know ref_fee_rate is not None if total_quote_taken > 0
// if total_quote_taken > 0 {
// apply_fees(
// market,
// info,
// mango_account,
// mango_account_pk,
// market_index,
// referrer_mango_account_opt,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// total_quote_taken,
// ref_fee_rate.unwrap(),
// // &mango_cache.perp_market_cache[market_index],
// );
// }
pub fn new_ask(
&mut self,
program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group: &MangoGroup,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// mango_cache: &MangoCache,
event_queue: &mut EventQueue,
market: &mut PerpMarket,
oracle_price: I80F48,
mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
mango_account_pk: &Pubkey,
market_index: usize,
price: i64,
max_base_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
max_quote_quantity: i64, // guaranteed to be greater than zero due to initial check
order_type: OrderType,
time_in_force: u8,
client_order_id: u64,
now_ts: u64,
referrer_mango_account_ai: Option<&AccountInfo>,
mut limit: u8, // max number of FillEvents allowed; guaranteed to be greater than 0
) -> Result<()> {
let (post_only, mut post_allowed, price) = match order_type {
OrderType::Limit => (false, true, price),
OrderType::ImmediateOrCancel => (false, false, price),
OrderType::PostOnly => (true, true, price),
OrderType::Market => (false, false, 1),
OrderType::PostOnlySlide => {
let price = if let Some(best_bid_price) = self.get_best_bid_price(now_ts) {
// math_err
} else {
(true, true, price)
// let info = &mango_group.perp_markets[market_index];
// if post_allowed {
// // price limit check computed lazily to save CU on average
// let native_price = market.lot_to_native_price(price);
// if native_price.checked_div(oracle_price).unwrap() < info.maint_asset_weight {
// msg!("Posting on book disallowed due to price limits");
// post_allowed = false;
// }
// }
// referral fee related variables
// let mut ref_fee_rate = None;
// let mut referrer_mango_account_opt = None;
// generate new order id
let order_id = market.gen_order_id(Side::Ask, price);
// Iterate through book and match against this new ask
// Any changes to matching bids are collected in bid_changes
// and then applied after this loop.
let mut rem_base_quantity = max_base_quantity; // base lots (aka contracts)
let mut rem_quote_quantity = max_quote_quantity;
let mut bid_changes: Vec<(NodeHandle, i64)> = vec![];
let mut bid_deletes: Vec<i128> = vec![];
let mut number_of_dropped_expired_orders = 0;
for (best_bid_h, best_bid) in self.bids.iter_all_including_invalid() {
if !best_bid.is_valid(now_ts) {
// Remove the order from the book unless we've done that enough
if number_of_dropped_expired_orders < DROP_EXPIRED_ORDER_LIMIT {
number_of_dropped_expired_orders += 1;
let event = OutEvent::new(
let best_bid_price = best_bid.price();
if price > best_bid_price {
} else if post_only {
msg!("Order could not be placed due to PostOnly");
post_allowed = false;
break; // return silently to not fail other instructions in tx
} else if limit == 0 {
msg!("Order matching limit reached");
post_allowed = false;
let max_match_by_quote = rem_quote_quantity / best_bid_price;
let match_quantity = rem_base_quantity
let done = match_quantity == max_match_by_quote || match_quantity == rem_base_quantity;
let match_quote = match_quantity * best_bid_price;
rem_base_quantity -= match_quantity;
rem_quote_quantity -= match_quote;
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].add_taker_trade(-match_quantity, match_quote);
let new_best_bid_quantity = best_bid.quantity - match_quantity;
let maker_out = new_best_bid_quantity == 0;
if maker_out {
} else {
bid_changes.push((best_bid_h, new_best_bid_quantity));
// todo
// if ref_fee_rate is none, determine it
// if ref_valid, then pay into referrer, else pay to perp market
// if ref_fee_rate.is_none() {
// let (a, b) = determine_ref_vars(
// program_id,
// mango_group,
// mango_group_pk,
// mango_cache,
// mango_account,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// now_ts,
// )?;
// ref_fee_rate = Some(a);
// referrer_mango_account_opt = b;
// }
// let fill = FillEvent::new(
// Side::Ask,
// best_bid.owner_slot,
// maker_out,
// now_ts,
// event_queue.header.seq_num,
// best_bid.owner,
// best_bid.key,
// best_bid.client_order_id,
// info.maker_fee,
// best_bid.best_initial,
// best_bid.timestamp,
// *mango_account_pk,
// order_id,
// client_order_id,
// info.taker_fee + ref_fee_rate.unwrap(),
// best_bid_price,
// match_quantity,
// best_bid.version,
// );
// event_queue.push_back(cast(fill)).unwrap();
limit -= 1;
if done {
let total_quote_taken = max_quote_quantity - rem_quote_quantity;
// Apply changes to matched bids (handles invalidate on delete!)
for (handle, new_quantity) in bid_changes {
.quantity = new_quantity;
for key in bid_deletes {
let _removed_leaf = self.bids.remove_by_key(key).unwrap();
// If there are still quantity unmatched, place on the book
let book_base_quantity = rem_base_quantity.min(rem_quote_quantity / price);
if book_base_quantity > 0 && post_allowed {
// Drop an expired order if possible
if let Some(expired_ask) = self.asks.remove_one_expired(now_ts) {
let event = OutEvent::new(
if self.asks.is_full() {
// If this asks is lower than highest ask, boot that ask and insert this one
let max_ask = self.asks.remove_max().unwrap();
require!(price < max_ask.price(), MangoError::SomeError); // OutOfSpace
let event = OutEvent::new(
// let best_initial = if market.meta_data.version == 0 {
// match self.get_best_ask_price(now_ts) {
// None => price,
// Some(p) => p,
// }
// } else {
// let max_depth: i64 = market.liquidity_mining_info.max_depth_bps.to_num();
// self.get_asks_size_below(price, max_depth, now_ts)
// };
// let owner_slot = mango_account
// .next_order_slot()
// .ok_or(MangoError::SomeError)?; // TooManyOpenOrders
let new_ask = LeafNode::new(
1, // todo market.meta_data.version,
0, // todo owner_slot as u8,
0, // todo best_initial,
let _result = self.asks.insert_leaf(&new_ask)?;
// TODO OPT remove if PlacePerpOrder needs more compute
"ask on book order_id={} quantity={} price={}",
// mango_account.add_order(market_index, Side::Ask, &new_ask)?;
// if there were matched taker quote apply ref fees
// we know ref_fee_rate is not None if total_quote_taken > 0
// if total_quote_taken > 0 {
// apply_fees(
// market,
// info,
// mango_account,
// mango_account_pk,
// market_index,
// referrer_mango_account_opt,
// referrer_mango_account_ai,
// total_quote_taken,
// ref_fee_rate.unwrap(),
// // &mango_cache.perp_market_cache[market_index],
// );
// }
// pub fn cancel_order(&mut self, order_id: i128, side: Side) -> Result<()> {
// match side {
// Side::Bid => self
// .bids
// .remove_by_key(order_id)
// .ok_or(MangoError::SomeError), // InvalidOrderId
// Side::Ask => self
// .asks
// .remove_by_key(order_id)
// .ok_or(MangoError::SomeError), // InvalidOrderId
// }
// }
// /// Used by force cancel so does not need to give liquidity incentives
// pub fn cancel_all(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// market_index: usize,
// mut limit: u8,
// ) -> Result<()> {
// let market_index = market_index as u8;
// for i in 0..MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS {
// if mango_account.order_market[i] != market_index {
// // means slot is free or belongs to different perp market
// continue;
// }
// let order_id = mango_account.orders[i];
// match self.cancel_order(order_id, mango_account.order_side[i]) {
// Ok(order) => {
// mango_account.remove_order(order.owner_slot as usize, order.quantity)?;
// }
// Err(_) => {
// // If it's not on the book, then it has been matched and only Keeper can remove
// }
// };
// limit -= 1;
// if limit == 0 {
// break;
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// pub fn cancel_all_side_with_size_incentives(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
// market_index: usize,
// side: Side,
// mut limit: u8,
// ) -> std::result::Result<(Vec<i128>, Vec<i128>), MangoError> {
// // TODO - test different limits
// let now_ts = Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp as u64;
// let max_depth: i64 = perp_market.liquidity_mining_info.max_depth_bps.to_num();
// let mut all_order_ids = vec![];
// let mut canceled_order_ids = vec![];
// let mut keys = vec![];
// let market_index_u8 = market_index as u8;
// for i in 0..MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS {
// if mango_account.order_market[i] == market_index_u8
// && mango_account.order_side[i] == side
// {
// all_order_ids.push(mango_account.orders[i]);
// keys.push(mango_account.orders[i])
// }
// }
// match side {
// Side::Bid => self.cancel_all_bids_with_size_incentives(
// mango_account,
// perp_market,
// market_index,
// max_depth,
// now_ts,
// &mut limit,
// keys,
// &mut canceled_order_ids,
// )?,
// Side::Ask => self.cancel_all_asks_with_size_incentives(
// mango_account,
// perp_market,
// market_index,
// max_depth,
// now_ts,
// &mut limit,
// keys,
// &mut canceled_order_ids,
// )?,
// };
// Ok((all_order_ids, canceled_order_ids))
// }
// pub fn cancel_all_with_size_incentives(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
// market_index: usize,
// mut limit: u8,
// ) -> std::result::Result<(Vec<i128>, Vec<i128>), Error> {
// // TODO - test different limits
// let now_ts = Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp as u64;
// let max_depth: i64 = perp_market.liquidity_mining_info.max_depth_bps.to_num();
// let mut all_order_ids = vec![];
// let mut canceled_order_ids = vec![];
// let market_index_u8 = market_index as u8;
// let mut bids_keys = vec![];
// let mut asks_keys = vec![];
// for i in 0..MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS {
// if mango_account.order_market[i] != market_index_u8 {
// continue;
// }
// all_order_ids.push(mango_account.orders[i]);
// match mango_account.order_side[i] {
// Side::Bid => bids_keys.push(mango_account.orders[i]),
// Side::Ask => asks_keys.push(mango_account.orders[i]),
// }
// }
// self.cancel_all_bids_with_size_incentives(
// mango_account,
// perp_market,
// market_index,
// max_depth,
// now_ts,
// &mut limit,
// bids_keys,
// &mut canceled_order_ids,
// )?;
// self.cancel_all_asks_with_size_incentives(
// mango_account,
// perp_market,
// market_index,
// max_depth,
// now_ts,
// &mut limit,
// asks_keys,
// &mut canceled_order_ids,
// )?;
// Ok((all_order_ids, canceled_order_ids))
// }
// /// Internal
// fn cancel_all_bids_with_size_incentives(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
// market_index: usize,
// max_depth: i64,
// now_ts: u64,
// limit: &mut u8,
// mut my_bids: Vec<i128>,
// canceled_order_ids: &mut Vec<i128>,
// ) -> Result<()> {
// my_bids.sort_unstable();
// let mut bids_and_sizes = vec![];
// let mut cuml_bids = 0;
// let mut iter = self.bids.iter_all_including_invalid();
// let mut curr =;
// while let Some((_, bid)) = curr {
// match my_bids.last() {
// None => break,
// Some(&my_highest_bid) => {
// if bid.key > my_highest_bid {
// if bid.is_valid(now_ts) {
// // if bid is not valid, it doesn't count towards book liquidity
// cuml_bids += bid.quantity;
// }
// curr =;
// } else if bid.key == my_highest_bid {
// bids_and_sizes.push((bid.key, cuml_bids));
// my_bids.pop();
// curr =;
// } else {
// // my_highest_bid is not on the book; it must be on EventQueue waiting to be processed
// // check the next my_highest_bid against bid
// my_bids.pop();
// }
// if cuml_bids >= max_depth {
// for bid_key in my_bids {
// bids_and_sizes.push((bid_key, max_depth));
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// for (key, cuml_size) in bids_and_sizes {
// if *limit == 0 {
// return Ok(());
// } else {
// *limit -= 1;
// }
// match self.cancel_order(key, Side::Bid) {
// Ok(order) => {
// mango_account.remove_order(order.owner_slot as usize, order.quantity)?;
// canceled_order_ids.push(key);
// if order.version == perp_market.meta_data.version
// && order.version != 0
// && order.is_valid(now_ts)
// {
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].apply_size_incentives(
// perp_market,
// order.best_initial,
// cuml_size,
// order.timestamp,
// now_ts,
// order.quantity,
// )?;
// }
// }
// Err(_) => {
// msg!("Failed to cancel bid oid: {}; Either error state or bid is on EventQueue unprocessed", key)
// }
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Internal
// fn cancel_all_asks_with_size_incentives(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
// market_index: usize,
// max_depth: i64,
// now_ts: u64,
// limit: &mut u8,
// mut my_asks: Vec<i128>,
// canceled_order_ids: &mut Vec<i128>,
// ) -> Result<()> {
// my_asks.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
// let mut asks_and_sizes = vec![];
// let mut cuml_asks = 0;
// let mut iter = self.asks.iter_all_including_invalid();
// let mut curr =;
// while let Some((_, ask)) = curr {
// match my_asks.last() {
// None => break,
// Some(&my_lowest_ask) => {
// if ask.key < my_lowest_ask {
// if ask.is_valid(now_ts) {
// // if ask is not valid, it doesn't count towards book liquidity
// cuml_asks += ask.quantity;
// }
// curr =;
// } else if ask.key == my_lowest_ask {
// asks_and_sizes.push((ask.key, cuml_asks));
// my_asks.pop();
// curr =;
// } else {
// // my_lowest_ask is not on the book; it must be on EventQueue waiting to be processed
// // check the next my_lowest_ask against ask
// my_asks.pop();
// }
// if cuml_asks >= max_depth {
// for key in my_asks {
// asks_and_sizes.push((key, max_depth))
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// for (key, cuml_size) in asks_and_sizes {
// if *limit == 0 {
// return Ok(());
// } else {
// *limit -= 1;
// }
// match self.cancel_order(key, Side::Ask) {
// Ok(order) => {
// mango_account.remove_order(order.owner_slot as usize, order.quantity)?;
// canceled_order_ids.push(key);
// if order.version == perp_market.meta_data.version
// && order.version != 0
// && order.is_valid(now_ts)
// {
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].apply_size_incentives(
// perp_market,
// order.best_initial,
// cuml_size,
// order.timestamp,
// now_ts,
// order.quantity,
// )?;
// }
// }
// Err(_) => {
// msg!("Failed to cancel ask oid: {}; Either error state or ask is on EventQueue unprocessed", key);
// }
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Cancel all the orders for MangoAccount for this PerpMarket up to `limit`
// /// Only used when PerpMarket version == 0
// pub fn cancel_all_with_price_incentives(
// &mut self,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// perp_market: &mut PerpMarket,
// market_index: usize,
// mut limit: u8,
// ) -> Result<()> {
// let now_ts = Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp as u64;
// for i in 0..MAX_PERP_OPEN_ORDERS {
// if mango_account.order_market[i] != market_index as u8 {
// // means slot is free or belongs to different perp market
// continue;
// }
// let order_id = mango_account.orders[i];
// let order_side = mango_account.order_side[i];
// let best_final = match order_side {
// Side::Bid => self.get_best_bid_price(now_ts).unwrap(),
// Side::Ask => self.get_best_ask_price(now_ts).unwrap(),
// };
// match self.cancel_order(order_id, order_side) {
// Ok(order) => {
// // technically these should be the same. Can enable this check to be extra sure
// // check!(i == order.owner_slot as usize, MathError)?;
// mango_account.remove_order(order.owner_slot as usize, order.quantity)?;
// if order.version != perp_market.meta_data.version {
// continue;
// }
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].apply_price_incentives(
// perp_market,
// order_side,
// order.price(),
// order.best_initial,
// best_final,
// order.timestamp,
// now_ts,
// order.quantity,
// )?;
// }
// Err(_) => {
// // If it's not on the book, then it has been matched and only Keeper can remove
// }
// };
// limit -= 1;
// if limit == 0 {
// break;
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// fn determine_ref_vars<'a>(
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group: &MangoGroup,
// mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// mango_cache: &MangoCache,
// mango_account: &MangoAccount,
// referrer_mango_account_ai: Option<&'a AccountInfo>,
// now_ts: u64,
// ) -> Result<(I80F48, Option<RefMut<'a, MangoAccount>>)> {
// let mngo_index = match mango_group.find_token_index(&mngo_token::id()) {
// None => return Ok((I80F48::ZERO, None)),
// Some(i) => i,
// };
// let mngo_cache = &mango_cache.root_bank_cache[mngo_index];
// // If the user's MNGO deposit is non-zero then the rootbank cache will be checked already in `place_perp_order`.
// // If it's zero then cache may be out of date, but it doesn't matter because 0 * index = 0
// let mngo_deposits = mango_account.get_native_deposit(mngo_cache, mngo_index)?;
// let ref_mngo_req = I80F48::from_num(mango_group.ref_mngo_required);
// if mngo_deposits >= ref_mngo_req {
// return Ok((I80F48::ZERO, None));
// } else if let Some(referrer_mango_account_ai) = referrer_mango_account_ai {
// // If referrer_mango_account is invalid, just treat it as if it doesn't exist
// if let Ok(referrer_mango_account) =
// MangoAccount::load_mut_checked(referrer_mango_account_ai, program_id, mango_group_pk)
// {
// // Need to check if it's valid because user may not have mngo in active assets
// mngo_cache.check_valid(mango_group, now_ts)?;
// let ref_mngo_deposits =
// referrer_mango_account.get_native_deposit(mngo_cache, mngo_index)?;
// if !referrer_mango_account.is_bankrupt
// && !referrer_mango_account.being_liquidated
// && ref_mngo_deposits >= ref_mngo_req
// {
// return Ok((
// I80F48::from_num(mango_group.ref_share_centibps) / CENTIBPS_PER_UNIT,
// Some(referrer_mango_account),
// ));
// }
// }
// }
// Ok((
// I80F48::from_num(mango_group.ref_surcharge_centibps) / CENTIBPS_PER_UNIT,
// None,
// ))
// }
// /// Apply taker fees to the taker account and update the markets' fees_accrued for
// /// both the maker and taker fees.
// fn apply_fees(
// market: &mut PerpMarket,
// info: &PerpMarketInfo,
// mango_account: &mut MangoAccount,
// mango_account_pk: &Pubkey,
// market_index: usize,
// referrer_mango_account_opt: Option<RefMut<MangoAccount>>,
// referrer_mango_account_ai: Option<&AccountInfo>,
// total_quote_taken: i64,
// ref_fee_rate: I80F48,
// // perp_market_cache: &PerpMarketCache,
// ) {
// let taker_quote_native = I80F48::from_num(
// market
// .quote_lot_size
// .checked_mul(total_quote_taken)
// .unwrap(),
// );
// if ref_fee_rate > I80F48::ZERO {
// let ref_fees = taker_quote_native * ref_fee_rate;
// // if ref mango account is some, then we send some fees over
// if let Some(mut referrer_mango_account) = referrer_mango_account_opt {
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].transfer_quote_position(
// &mut referrer_mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index],
// ref_fees,
// );
// // todo
// // emit_perp_balances(
// // referrer_mango_account.mango_group,
// // *referrer_mango_account_ai.unwrap().key,
// // market_index as u64,
// // &referrer_mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index],
// // perp_market_cache,
// // );
// // mango_emit_stack::<_, 200>(ReferralFeeAccrualLog {
// // mango_group: referrer_mango_account.mango_group,
// // referrer_mango_account: *referrer_mango_account_ai.unwrap().key,
// // referree_mango_account: *mango_account_pk,
// // market_index: market_index as u64,
// // referral_fee_accrual: ref_fees.to_bits(),
// // });
// } else {
// // else user didn't have valid amount of MNGO and no valid referrer
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].quote_position -= ref_fees;
// market.fees_accrued += ref_fees;
// }
// }
// // Track maker fees immediately: they can be negative and applying them later
// // risks that fees_accrued is settled to 0 before they apply. It going negative
// // breaks assumptions.
// // The maker fees apply to the maker's account only when the fill event is consumed.
// let maker_fees = taker_quote_native * info.maker_fee;
// let taker_fees = taker_quote_native * info.taker_fee;
// mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index].quote_position -= taker_fees;
// market.fees_accrued += taker_fees + maker_fees;
// // todo
// // emit_perp_balances(
// // mango_account.mango_group,
// // *mango_account_pk,
// // market_index as u64,
// // &mango_account.perp_accounts[market_index],
// // perp_market_cache,
// // )
// }