
227 lines
8.3 KiB

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use std::cmp::min;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::logs::{LiquidateTokenAndTokenLog, TokenBalanceLog};
use crate::state::ScanningAccountRetriever;
use crate::state::*;
use crate::util::checked_math as cm;
pub struct LiqTokenWithToken<'info> {
pub group: AccountLoader<'info, Group>,
has_one = group,
pub liqor: AccountLoader<'info, MangoAccount>,
#[account(address = liqor.load()?.owner)]
pub liqor_owner: Signer<'info>,
has_one = group,
pub liqee: AccountLoader<'info, MangoAccount>,
pub fn liq_token_with_token(
ctx: Context<LiqTokenWithToken>,
asset_token_index: TokenIndex,
liab_token_index: TokenIndex,
max_liab_transfer: I80F48,
) -> Result<()> {
let group_pk = &;
require!(asset_token_index != liab_token_index, MangoError::SomeError);
let mut account_retriever = ScanningAccountRetriever::new(ctx.remaining_accounts, group_pk)?;
let mut liqor = ctx.accounts.liqor.load_mut()?;
require!(liqor.is_bankrupt == 0, MangoError::IsBankrupt);
let mut liqee = ctx.accounts.liqee.load_mut()?;
require!(liqee.is_bankrupt == 0, MangoError::IsBankrupt);
// Initial liqee health check
let mut liqee_health_cache = new_health_cache(&liqee, &account_retriever)?;
let init_health =;
if liqee.being_liquidated != 0 {
if init_health > I80F48::ZERO {
liqee.being_liquidated = 0;
msg!("Liqee init_health above zero");
return Ok(());
} else {
let maint_health =;
require!(maint_health < I80F48::ZERO, MangoError::SomeError);
liqee.being_liquidated = 1;
// Transfer some liab_token from liqor to liqee and
// transfer some asset_token from liqee to liqor.
// Get the mut banks and oracle prices
// This must happen _after_ the health computation, since immutable borrows of
// the bank are not allowed at the same time.
let (asset_bank, liab_bank, asset_price, liab_price) =
account_retriever.banks_mut_and_oracles(asset_token_index, liab_token_index)?;
let liqee_assets_native = liqee
require!(liqee_assets_native.is_positive(), MangoError::SomeError);
let liqee_liab_native = liqee.tokens.get(liab_bank.token_index)?.native(&liab_bank);
require!(liqee_liab_native.is_negative(), MangoError::SomeError);
// TODO why sum of both tokens liquidation fees? Add comment
let fee_factor = I80F48::ONE + asset_bank.liquidation_fee + liab_bank.liquidation_fee;
let liab_price_adjusted = liab_price * fee_factor;
let init_asset_weight = asset_bank.init_asset_weight;
let init_liab_weight = liab_bank.init_liab_weight;
// How much asset would need to be exchanged to liab in order to bring health to 0?
// That means: what is x (unit: native liab tokens) such that
// init_health + x * ilw * lp - y * iaw * ap = 0
// where
// ilw = init_liab_weight, lp = liab_price
// iap = init_asset_weight, ap = asset_price
// ff = fee_factor, lpa = lp * ff
// and the asset cost of getting x native units of liab is:
// y = x * lp / ap * ff = x * lpa / ap (native asset tokens)
// Result: x = -init_health / (lp * ilw - iaw * lpa)
let liab_needed = cm!(-init_health
/ (liab_price * init_liab_weight - init_asset_weight * liab_price_adjusted));
// How much liab can we get at most for the asset balance?
let liab_possible = cm!(liqee_assets_native * asset_price / liab_price_adjusted);
// The amount of liab native tokens we will transfer
let liab_transfer = min(
min(min(liab_needed, -liqee_liab_native), liab_possible),
// The amount of asset native tokens we will give up for them
let asset_transfer = cm!(liab_transfer * liab_price_adjusted / asset_price);
// Apply the balance changes to the liqor and liqee accounts
liab_bank.deposit(liqee.tokens.get_mut(liab_token_index)?, liab_transfer)?;
.withdraw_without_fee(liqee.tokens.get_mut(asset_token_index)?, asset_transfer)?;
// Update the health cache
liqee_health_cache.adjust_token_balance(liab_token_index, liab_transfer)?;
liqee_health_cache.adjust_token_balance(asset_token_index, -asset_transfer)?;
"liquidated {} liab for {} asset",
emit!(LiquidateTokenAndTokenLog {
liqee: ctx.accounts.liqee.key(),
liqor: ctx.accounts.liqor.key(),
asset_token_index: asset_token_index,
liab_token_index: liab_token_index,
asset_transfer: asset_transfer.to_bits(),
liab_transfer: liab_transfer.to_bits(),
asset_price: asset_price.to_bits(),
liab_price: liab_price.to_bits(),
// bankruptcy:
// liqee asset
emit!(TokenBalanceLog {
mango_account: ctx.accounts.liqee.key(),
token_index: asset_token_index,
indexed_position: liqee
deposit_index: asset_bank.deposit_index.to_bits(),
borrow_index: asset_bank.borrow_index.to_bits(),
price: asset_price.to_bits(),
// liqee liab
emit!(TokenBalanceLog {
mango_account: ctx.accounts.liqee.key(),
token_index: liab_token_index,
indexed_position: liqee
deposit_index: liab_bank.deposit_index.to_bits(),
borrow_index: liab_bank.borrow_index.to_bits(),
price: liab_price.to_bits(),
// liqor asset
emit!(TokenBalanceLog {
mango_account: ctx.accounts.liqor.key(),
token_index: asset_token_index,
indexed_position: liqor
deposit_index: asset_bank.deposit_index.to_bits(),
borrow_index: asset_bank.borrow_index.to_bits(),
price: asset_price.to_bits(),
// liqor liab
emit!(TokenBalanceLog {
mango_account: ctx.accounts.liqor.key(),
token_index: liab_token_index,
indexed_position: liqor
deposit_index: liab_bank.deposit_index.to_bits(),
borrow_index: liab_bank.borrow_index.to_bits(),
price: liab_price.to_bits(),
// Check liqee health again
let maint_health =;
if maint_health < I80F48::ZERO {
// TODO: bankruptcy check?
} else {
let init_health =;
// this is equivalent to one native USDC or 1e-6 USDC
// This is used as threshold to flip flag instead of 0 because of dust issues
liqee.being_liquidated = if init_health < -I80F48::ONE { 1 } else { 0 };
// Check liqor's health
let liqor_health = compute_health(&liqor, HealthType::Init, &account_retriever)?;
require!(liqor_health >= 0, MangoError::HealthMustBePositive);
// TOOD: this must deactivate token accounts if the deposit/withdraw calls above call for it