import * as stream from 'node:stream'; import chai from 'chai'; import {Response, Blob} from '../src/index.js'; import TestServer from './utils/server.js'; const {expect} = chai; describe('Response', () => { const local = new TestServer(); let base; before(async () => { await local.start(); base = `http://${local.hostname}:${local.port}/`; }); after(async () => { return local.stop(); }); it('should have attributes conforming to Web IDL', () => { const res = new Response(); const enumerableProperties = []; for (const property in res) { enumerableProperties.push(property); } for (const toCheck of [ 'body', 'bodyUsed', 'arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'json', 'text', 'type', 'url', 'status', 'ok', 'redirected', 'statusText', 'headers', 'clone' ]) { expect(enumerableProperties).to.contain(toCheck); } for (const toCheck of [ 'body', 'bodyUsed', 'type', 'url', 'status', 'ok', 'redirected', 'statusText', 'headers' ]) { expect(() => { res[toCheck] = 'abc'; }).to.throw(); } }); it('should support empty options', () => { const res = new Response(stream.Readable.from('a=1')); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support parsing headers', () => { const res = new Response(null, { headers: { a: '1' } }); expect(res.headers.get('a')).to.equal('1'); }); it('should decode responses containing BOM to json', async () => { const json = await new Response('\uFEFF{"a":1}').json(); expect(json.a).to.equal(1); }); it('should decode responses containing BOM to text', async () => { const text = await new Response('\uFEFF{"a":1}').text(); expect(text).to.equal('{"a":1}'); }); it('should keep BOM when getting raw bytes', async () => { const ab = await new Response('\uFEFF{"a":1}').arrayBuffer(); expect(ab.byteLength).to.equal(10); }); it('should support text() method', () => { const res = new Response('a=1'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support json() method', () => { const res = new Response('{"a":1}'); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result.a).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should support buffer() method', () => { const res = new Response('a=1'); return res.buffer().then(result => { expect(result.toString()).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support blob() method', () => { const res = new Response('a=1', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } }); return res.blob().then(result => { expect(result); expect(result.size).to.equal(3); expect(result.type).to.equal('text/plain'); }); }); it('should support clone() method', () => { const body = stream.Readable.from('a=1'); const res = new Response(body, { headers: { a: '1' }, url: base, status: 346, statusText: 'production', highWaterMark: 789 }); const cl = res.clone(); expect(cl.headers.get('a')).to.equal('1'); expect(cl.type).to.equal('default'); expect(cl.url).to.equal(base); expect(cl.status).to.equal(346); expect(cl.statusText).to.equal('production'); expect(cl.highWaterMark).to.equal(789); expect(cl.ok); // Clone body shouldn't be the same body expect(cl.body).to.not.equal(body); return cl.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support stream as body', () => { const body = stream.Readable.from('a=1'); const res = new Response(body); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support string as body', () => { const res = new Response('a=1'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support ArrayBuffer as body', () => { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const res = new Response(encoder.encode('a=1')); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support blob as body', async () => { const res = new Response(new Blob(['a=1'])); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support Uint8Array as body', () => { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const res = new Response(encoder.encode('a=1')); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should support DataView as body', () => { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const res = new Response(new DataView(encoder.encode('a=1').buffer)); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should default to null as body', () => { const res = new Response(); expect(res.body).to.equal(null); return res.text().then(result => expect(result).to.equal('')); }); it('should default to 200 as status code', () => { const res = new Response(null); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); it('should default to empty string as url', () => { const res = new Response(); expect(res.url).to.equal(''); }); it('should cast string to stream using res.body', () => { const res = new Response('hi'); expect(res.body); }); it('should cast typed array to stream using res.body', () => { const res = new Response(Uint8Array.from([97])); expect(res.body); }); it('should cast blob to stream using res.body', () => { const res = new Response(new Blob(['a'])); expect(res.body); }); it('should not cast null to stream using res.body', () => { const res = new Response(null); expect(res.body); }); it('should cast typed array to text using res.text()', async () => { const res = new Response(Uint8Array.from([97])); expect(await res.text()).to.equal('a'); }); it('should cast stream to text using res.text() in a roundabout way', async () => { const {body} = new Response('a'); expect(body); const res = new Response(body); expect(await res.text()).to.equal('a'); }); it('should support error() static method', () => { const res = Response.error(); expect(res); expect(res.type).to.equal('error'); expect(res.status).to.equal(0); expect(res.statusText).to.equal(''); }); it('should warn once when using .data (response)', () => new Promise(resolve => { process.once('warning', evt => { expect(evt.message).to.equal('data doesn\'t exist, use json(), text(), arrayBuffer(), or body instead'); resolve(); }); new Response('a').data; })); });