node-fetch ========== [![npm version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![coverage status][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![install size][install-size-image]][install-size-url] A light-weight module that brings `window.fetch` to Node.js (We are looking for [v2 maintainers and collaborators]( - [Motivation](#motivation) - [Features](#features) - [Difference from client-side fetch](#difference-from-client-side-fetch) - [Installation](#installation) - [Loading and configuring the module](#loading-and-configuring-the-module) - [Common Usage](#common-usage) - [Plain text or HTML](#plain-text-or-html) - [JSON](#json) - [Simple Post](#simple-post) - [Post with JSON](#post-with-json) - [Post with form parameters](#post-with-form-parameters) - [Handling exceptions](#handling-exceptions) - [Handling client and server errors](#handling-client-and-server-errors) - [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) - [Streams](#streams) - [Buffer](#buffer) - [Accessing Headers and other Meta data](#accessing-headers-and-other-meta-data) - [Post data using a file stream](#post-data-using-a-file-stream) - [Post with form-data (detect multipart)](#post-with-form-data-detect-multipart) - [Request cancellation with AbortSignal](#request-cancellation-with-abortsignal) - [API](#api) - [fetch(url[, options])](#fetchurl-options) - [Options](#options) - [Class: Request](#class-request) - [Class: Response](#class-response) - [Class: Headers](#class-headers) - [Interface: Body](#interface-body) - [Class: FetchError](#class-fetcherror) - [License](#license) - [Acknowledgement](#acknowledgement) ## Motivation Instead of implementing `XMLHttpRequest` in Node.js to run browser-specific [Fetch polyfill](, why not go from native `http` to `fetch` API directly? Hence `node-fetch`, minimal code for a `window.fetch` compatible API on Node.js runtime. See Matt Andrews' [isomorphic-fetch]( or Leonardo Quixada's [cross-fetch]( for isomorphic usage (exports `node-fetch` for server-side, `whatwg-fetch` for client-side). ## Features - Stay consistent with `window.fetch` API. - Make conscious trade-off when following [WHATWG fetch spec][whatwg-fetch] and [stream spec]( implementation details, document known differences. - Use native promise, but allow substituting it with [insert your favorite promise library]. - Use native Node streams for body, on both request and response. - Decode content encoding (gzip/deflate) properly, and convert string output (such as `res.text()` and `res.json()`) to UTF-8 automatically. - Useful extensions such as timeout, redirect limit, response size limit, [explicit errors]( for troubleshooting. ## Difference from client-side fetch - See [Known Differences]( for details. - If you happen to use a missing feature that `window.fetch` offers, feel free to open an issue. - Pull requests are welcomed too! ## Installation Current stable release (`2.x`) ```sh $ npm install node-fetch --save ``` ## Loading and configuring the module We suggest you load the module via `require`, pending the stabalizing of es modules in node: ```js const fetch = require('node-fetch'); ``` If you are using a Promise library other than native, set it through fetch.Promise: ```js const Bluebird = require('bluebird'); fetch.Promise = Bluebird; ``` ## Common Usage NOTE: The documentation below is up-to-date with `2.x` releases, [see `1.x` readme](, [changelog]( and [2.x upgrade guide]( for the differences. #### Plain text or HTML ```js fetch('') .then(res => res.text()) .then(body => console.log(body)); ``` #### JSON ```js fetch('') .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Simple Post ```js fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: 'a=1' }) .then(res => res.json()) // expecting a json response .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Post with JSON ```js const body = { a: 1 }; fetch('', { method: 'post', body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Post with form parameters `URLSearchParams` is available in Node.js as of v7.5.0. See [official documentation]( for more usage methods. NOTE: The `Content-Type` header is only set automatically to `x-www-form-urlencoded` when an instance of `URLSearchParams` is given as such: ```js const { URLSearchParams } = require('url'); const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('a', 1); fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: params }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Handling exceptions NOTE: 3xx-5xx responses are *NOT* exceptions, and should be handled in `then()`, see the next section. Adding a catch to the fetch promise chain will catch *all* exceptions, such as errors originating from node core libraries, like network errors, and operational errors which are instances of FetchError. See the [error handling document]( for more details. ```js fetch('https://domain.invalid/') .catch(err => console.error(err)); ``` #### Handling client and server errors It is common to create a helper function to check that the response contains no client (4xx) or server (5xx) error responses: ```js function checkStatus(res) { if (res.ok) { // res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300 return res; } else { throw MyCustomError(res.statusText); } } fetch('') .then(checkStatus) .then(res => console.log('will not get here...')) ``` ## Advanced Usage #### Streams The "Node.js way" is to use streams when possible: ```js fetch('') .then(res => { const dest = fs.createWriteStream('./octocat.png'); res.body.pipe(dest); }); ``` #### Buffer If you prefer to cache binary data in full, use buffer(). (NOTE: buffer() is a `node-fetch` only API) ```js const fileType = require('file-type'); fetch('') .then(res => res.buffer()) .then(buffer => fileType(buffer)) .then(type => { /* ... */ }); ``` #### Accessing Headers and other Meta data ```js fetch('') .then(res => { console.log(res.ok); console.log(res.status); console.log(res.statusText); console.log(res.headers.raw()); console.log(res.headers.get('content-type')); }); ``` #### Post data using a file stream ```js const { createReadStream } = require('fs'); const stream = createReadStream('input.txt'); fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: stream }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Post with form-data (detect multipart) ```js const FormData = require('form-data'); const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 1); fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: form }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); // OR, using custom headers // NOTE: getHeaders() is non-standard API const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 1); const options = { method: 'POST', body: form, headers: form.getHeaders() } fetch('', options) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)); ``` #### Request cancellation with AbortSignal > NOTE: You may only cancel streamed requests on Node >= v8.0.0 You may cancel requests with `AbortController`. A suggested implementation is [`abort-controller`]( An example of timing out a request after 150ms could be achieved as follows: ```js import AbortController from 'abort-controller'; const controller = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout( () => { controller.abort(); }, 150, ); fetch(url, { signal: controller.signal }) .then(res => res.json()) .then( data => { useData(data) }, err => { if ( === 'AbortError') { // request was aborted } }, ) .finally(() => { clearTimeout(timeout); }); ``` See [test cases]( for more examples. ## API ### fetch(url[, options]) - `url` A string representing the URL for fetching - `options` [Options](#fetch-options) for the HTTP(S) request - Returns: Promise<[Response](#class-response)> Perform an HTTP(S) fetch. `url` should be an absolute url, such as ``. A path-relative URL (`/file/under/root`) or protocol-relative URL (`//`) will result in a rejected promise. ### Options The default values are shown after each option key. ```js { // These properties are part of the Fetch Standard method: 'GET', headers: {}, // request headers. format is the identical to that accepted by the Headers constructor (see below) body: null, // request body. can be null, a string, a Buffer, a Blob, or a Node.js Readable stream redirect: 'follow', // set to `manual` to extract redirect headers, `error` to reject redirect signal: null, // pass an instance of AbortSignal to optionally abort requests // The following properties are node-fetch extensions follow: 20, // maximum redirect count. 0 to not follow redirect timeout: 0, // req/res timeout in ms, it resets on redirect. 0 to disable (OS limit applies). Signal is recommended instead. compress: true, // support gzip/deflate content encoding. false to disable size: 0, // maximum response body size in bytes. 0 to disable agent: null // http(s).Agent instance, allows custom proxy, certificate, dns lookup etc. } ``` ##### Default Headers If no values are set, the following request headers will be sent automatically: Header | Value ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- `Accept-Encoding` | `gzip,deflate` _(when `options.compress === true`)_ `Accept` | `*/*` `Connection` | `close` _(when no `options.agent` is present)_ `Content-Length` | _(automatically calculated, if possible)_ `Transfer-Encoding` | `chunked` _(when `req.body` is a stream)_ `User-Agent` | `node-fetch/1.0 (+` ### Class: Request An HTTP(S) request containing information about URL, method, headers, and the body. This class implements the [Body](#iface-body) interface. Due to the nature of Node.js, the following properties are not implemented at this moment: - `type` - `destination` - `referrer` - `referrerPolicy` - `mode` - `credentials` - `cache` - `integrity` - `keepalive` The following node-fetch extension properties are provided: - `follow` - `compress` - `counter` - `agent` See [options](#fetch-options) for exact meaning of these extensions. #### new Request(input[, options]) *(spec-compliant)* - `input` A string representing a URL, or another `Request` (which will be cloned) - `options` [Options][#fetch-options] for the HTTP(S) request Constructs a new `Request` object. The constructor is identical to that in the [browser]( In most cases, directly `fetch(url, options)` is simpler than creating a `Request` object. ### Class: Response An HTTP(S) response. This class implements the [Body](#iface-body) interface. The following properties are not implemented in node-fetch at this moment: - `Response.error()` - `Response.redirect()` - `type` - `trailer` #### new Response([body[, options]]) *(spec-compliant)* - `body` A string or [Readable stream][node-readable] - `options` A [`ResponseInit`][response-init] options dictionary Constructs a new `Response` object. The constructor is identical to that in the [browser]( Because Node.js does not implement service workers (for which this class was designed), one rarely has to construct a `Response` directly. #### response.ok *(spec-compliant)* Convenience property representing if the request ended normally. Will evaluate to true if the response status was greater than or equal to 200 but smaller than 300. #### response.redirected *(spec-compliant)* Convenience property representing if the request has been redirected at least once. Will evaluate to true if the internal redirect counter is greater than 0. ### Class: Headers This class allows manipulating and iterating over a set of HTTP headers. All methods specified in the [Fetch Standard][whatwg-fetch] are implemented. #### new Headers([init]) *(spec-compliant)* - `init` Optional argument to pre-fill the `Headers` object Construct a new `Headers` object. `init` can be either `null`, a `Headers` object, an key-value map object, or any iterable object. ```js // Example adapted from const meta = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Breaking-Bad': '<3' }; const headers = new Headers(meta); // The above is equivalent to const meta = [ [ 'Content-Type', 'text/xml' ], [ 'Breaking-Bad', '<3' ] ]; const headers = new Headers(meta); // You can in fact use any iterable objects, like a Map or even another Headers const meta = new Map(); meta.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); meta.set('Breaking-Bad', '<3'); const headers = new Headers(meta); const copyOfHeaders = new Headers(headers); ``` ### Interface: Body `Body` is an abstract interface with methods that are applicable to both `Request` and `Response` classes. The following methods are not yet implemented in node-fetch at this moment: - `formData()` #### body.body *(deviation from spec)* * Node.js [`Readable` stream][node-readable] The data encapsulated in the `Body` object. Note that while the [Fetch Standard][whatwg-fetch] requires the property to always be a WHATWG `ReadableStream`, in node-fetch it is a Node.js [`Readable` stream][node-readable]. #### body.bodyUsed *(spec-compliant)* * `Boolean` A boolean property for if this body has been consumed. Per spec, a consumed body cannot be used again. #### body.arrayBuffer() #### body.blob() #### body.json() #### body.text() *(spec-compliant)* * Returns: Promise Consume the body and return a promise that will resolve to one of these formats. #### body.buffer() *(node-fetch extension)* * Returns: Promise<Buffer> Consume the body and return a promise that will resolve to a Buffer. #### body.textConverted() *(node-fetch extension)* * Returns: Promise<String> Identical to `body.text()`, except instead of always converting to UTF-8, encoding sniffing will be performed and text converted to UTF-8, if possible. (This API requires an optional dependency on npm package [encoding](, which you need to install manually. `webpack` users may see [a warning message]( due to this optional dependency.) ### Class: FetchError *(node-fetch extension)* An operational error in the fetching process. See [][] for more info. ### Class: AbortError *(node-fetch extension)* An Error thrown when the request is aborted in response to an `AbortSignal`'s `abort` event. It has a `name` property of `AbortError`. See [ERROR-HANDLING.MD][] for more info. ## Acknowledgement Thanks to [github/fetch]( for providing a solid implementation reference. `node-fetch` v1 was maintained by [@bitinn](; v2 was maintained by [@TimothyGu](, [@bitinn]( and [@jimmywarting](; v2 readme is written by [@jkantr]( ## License MIT [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [travis-image]: [travis-url]: [codecov-image]: [codecov-url]: [install-size-image]: [install-size-url]: [whatwg-fetch]: [response-init]: [node-readable]: [mdn-headers]: []: []: []: