// Test tools import zlib from 'zlib'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import {spawn} from 'child_process'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as stream from 'stream'; import {lookup} from 'dns'; import vm from 'vm'; import chai from 'chai'; import chaiPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import chaiIterator from 'chai-iterator'; import chaiString from 'chai-string'; import then from 'promise'; import resumer from 'resumer'; import FormData from 'form-data'; import stringToArrayBuffer from 'string-to-arraybuffer'; import {AbortController} from 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/abortcontroller'; import AbortController2 from 'abort-controller'; // Test subjects import Blob from 'fetch-blob'; import fetch, { FetchError, Headers, Request, Response } from '../src'; import FetchErrorOrig from '../src/errors/fetch-error'; import HeadersOrig, {createHeadersLenient} from '../src/headers'; import RequestOrig from '../src/request'; import ResponseOrig from '../src/response'; import Body, {getTotalBytes, extractContentType} from '../src/body'; import TestServer from './utils/server'; const { Uint8Array: VMUint8Array } = vm.runInNewContext('this'); import chaiTimeout from './utils/chai-timeout'; chai.use(chaiPromised); chai.use(chaiIterator); chai.use(chaiString); chai.use(chaiTimeout); const {expect} = chai; const local = new TestServer(); const base = `http://${local.hostname}:${local.port}/`; before(done => { local.start(done); }); after(done => { local.stop(done); }); const itIf = value => value ? it : it.skip; function streamToPromise(stream, dataHandler) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on('data', (...args) => { Promise.resolve() .then(() => dataHandler(...args)) .catch(reject); }); stream.on('end', resolve); stream.on('error', reject); }); } describe('node-fetch', () => { it('should return a promise', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const p = fetch(url); expect(p).to.be.an.instanceof(fetch.Promise); expect(p).to.have.property('then'); }); it('should allow custom promise', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const old = fetch.Promise; fetch.Promise = then; expect(fetch(url)).to.be.an.instanceof(then); expect(fetch(url)).to.not.be.an.instanceof(old); fetch.Promise = old; }); it('should throw error when no promise implementation are found', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const old = fetch.Promise; fetch.Promise = undefined; expect(() => { fetch(url); }).to.throw(Error); fetch.Promise = old; }); it('should expose Headers, Response and Request constructors', () => { expect(FetchError).to.equal(FetchErrorOrig); expect(Headers).to.equal(HeadersOrig); expect(Response).to.equal(ResponseOrig); expect(Request).to.equal(RequestOrig); }); it('should support proper toString output for Headers, Response and Request objects', () => { expect(new Headers().toString()).to.equal('[object Headers]'); expect(new Response().toString()).to.equal('[object Response]'); expect(new Request(base).toString()).to.equal('[object Request]'); }); it('should reject with error if url is protocol relative', () => { const url = '//example.com/'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(TypeError, 'Only absolute URLs are supported'); }); it('should reject with error if url is relative path', () => { const url = '/some/path'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(TypeError, 'Only absolute URLs are supported'); }); it('should reject with error if protocol is unsupported', () => { const url = 'ftp://example.com/'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(TypeError, 'Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported'); }); itIf(process.platform !== 'win32')('should reject with error on network failure', () => { const url = 'http://localhost:50000/'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.include({type: 'system', code: 'ECONNREFUSED', errno: 'ECONNREFUSED'}); }); it('error should contain system error if one occurred', () => { const err = new FetchError('a message', 'system', new Error('an error')); return expect(err).to.have.property('erroredSysCall'); }); it('error should not contain system error if none occurred', () => { const err = new FetchError('a message', 'a type'); return expect(err).to.not.have.property('erroredSysCall'); }); itIf(process.platform !== 'win32')('system error is extracted from failed requests', () => { const url = 'http://localhost:50000/'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('erroredSysCall'); }); it('should resolve into response', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res).to.be.an.instanceof(Response); expect(res.headers).to.be.an.instanceof(Headers); expect(res.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.false; expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('OK'); }); }); it('Response.redirect should resolve into response', () => { const res = Response.redirect('http://localhost'); expect(res).to.be.an.instanceof(Response); expect(res.headers).to.be.an.instanceof(Headers); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.equal('http://localhost/'); expect(res.status).to.equal(302); }); it('Response.redirect /w invalid url should fail', () => { expect(() => { Response.redirect('localhost'); }).to.throw(); }); it('Response.redirect /w invalid status should fail', () => { expect(() => { Response.redirect('http://localhost', 200); }).to.throw(); }); it('should accept plain text response', () => { const url = `${base}plain`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('text'); }); }); }); it('should accept html response (like plain text)', () => { const url = `${base}html`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/html'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal(''); }); }); }); it('should accept json response', () => { const url = `${base}json`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('application/json'); return res.json().then(result => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; expect(result).to.be.an('object'); expect(result).to.deep.equal({name: 'value'}); }); }); }); it('should send request with custom headers', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: {'x-custom-header': 'abc'} }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers['x-custom-header']).to.equal('abc'); }); }); it('should accept headers instance', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: new Headers({'x-custom-header': 'abc'}) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers['x-custom-header']).to.equal('abc'); }); }); it('should accept custom host header', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: { host: 'example.com' } }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers.host).to.equal('example.com'); }); }); it('should accept custom HoSt header', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: { HoSt: 'example.com' } }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers.host).to.equal('example.com'); }); }); it('should follow redirect code 301', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; }); }); it('should follow redirect code 302', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/302`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should follow redirect code 303', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/303`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should follow redirect code 307', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/307`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should follow redirect code 308', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/308`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should follow redirect chain', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/chain`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should follow POST request redirect code 301 with GET', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result.method).to.equal('GET'); expect(result.body).to.equal(''); }); }); }); it('should follow PATCH request redirect code 301 with PATCH', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { method: 'PATCH', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('PATCH'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); }); it('should follow POST request redirect code 302 with GET', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/302`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result.method).to.equal('GET'); expect(result.body).to.equal(''); }); }); }); it('should follow PATCH request redirect code 302 with PATCH', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/302`; const options = { method: 'PATCH', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('PATCH'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); }); it('should follow redirect code 303 with GET', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/303`; const options = { method: 'PUT', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result.method).to.equal('GET'); expect(result.body).to.equal(''); }); }); }); it('should follow PATCH request redirect code 307 with PATCH', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/307`; const options = { method: 'PATCH', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result.method).to.equal('PATCH'); expect(result.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); }); it('should not follow non-GET redirect if body is a readable stream', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/307`; const options = { method: 'PATCH', body: resumer().queue('a=1').end() }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'unsupported-redirect'); }); it('should obey maximum redirect, reject case', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/chain`; const options = { follow: 1 }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'max-redirect'); }); it('should obey redirect chain, resolve case', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/chain`; const options = { follow: 2 }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should allow not following redirect', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { follow: 0 }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'max-redirect'); }); it('should support redirect mode, manual flag', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { redirect: 'manual' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.status).to.equal(301); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); }); }); it('should support redirect mode, error flag', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { redirect: 'error' }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'no-redirect'); }); it('should support redirect mode, manual flag when there is no redirect', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const options = { redirect: 'manual' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.be.null; }); }); it('should follow redirect code 301 and keep existing headers', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const options = { headers: new Headers({'x-custom-header': 'abc'}) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}inspect`); return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers['x-custom-header']).to.equal('abc'); }); }); it('should treat broken redirect as ordinary response (follow)', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/no-location`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.status).to.equal(301); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.be.null; }); }); it('should treat broken redirect as ordinary response (manual)', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/no-location`; const options = { redirect: 'manual' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.status).to.equal(301); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.be.null; }); }); it('should set redirected property on response when redirect', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.redirected).to.be.true; }); }); it('should not set redirected property on response without redirect', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.redirected).to.be.false; }); }); it('should ignore invalid headers', () => { let headers = { 'Invalid-Header ': 'abc\r\n', 'Invalid-Header-Value': '\u0007k\r\n', 'Set-Cookie': ['\u0007k\r\n', '\u0007kk\r\n'] }; headers = createHeadersLenient(headers); expect(headers).to.not.have.property('Invalid-Header '); expect(headers).to.not.have.property('Invalid-Header-Value'); expect(headers).to.not.have.property('Set-Cookie'); }); it('should handle client-error response', () => { const url = `${base}error/400`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); expect(res.status).to.equal(400); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('Bad Request'); expect(res.ok).to.be.false; return res.text().then(result => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('client error'); }); }); }); it('should handle server-error response', () => { const url = `${base}error/500`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); expect(res.status).to.equal(500); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('Internal Server Error'); expect(res.ok).to.be.false; return res.text().then(result => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('server error'); }); }); }); it('should handle network-error response', () => { const url = `${base}error/reset`; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('code', 'ECONNRESET'); }); it('should handle DNS-error response', () => { const url = 'http://domain.invalid'; return expect(fetch(url)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('code', 'ENOTFOUND'); }); it('should reject invalid json response', () => { const url = `${base}error/json`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('application/json'); return expect(res.json()).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error); }); }); it('should handle no content response', () => { const url = `${base}no-content`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(204); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('No Content'); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.be.empty; }); }); }); it('should reject when trying to parse no content response as json', () => { const url = `${base}no-content`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(204); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('No Content'); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; return expect(res.json()).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error); }); }); it('should handle no content response with gzip encoding', () => { const url = `${base}no-content/gzip`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(204); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('No Content'); expect(res.headers.get('content-encoding')).to.equal('gzip'); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.be.empty; }); }); }); it('should handle not modified response', () => { const url = `${base}not-modified`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(304); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('Not Modified'); expect(res.ok).to.be.false; return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.be.empty; }); }); }); it('should handle not modified response with gzip encoding', () => { const url = `${base}not-modified/gzip`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(304); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('Not Modified'); expect(res.headers.get('content-encoding')).to.equal('gzip'); expect(res.ok).to.be.false; return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.be.empty; }); }); }); it('should decompress gzip response', () => { const url = `${base}gzip`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should decompress slightly invalid gzip response', () => { const url = `${base}gzip-truncated`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should make capitalised Content-Encoding lowercase', () => { const url = `${base}gzip-capital`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-encoding')).to.equal('gzip'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should decompress deflate response', () => { const url = `${base}deflate`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should decompress deflate raw response from old apache server', () => { const url = `${base}deflate-raw`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should decompress brotli response', function () { if (typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress !== 'function') { this.skip(); } const url = `${base}brotli`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should handle no content response with brotli encoding', function () { if (typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress !== 'function') { this.skip(); } const url = `${base}no-content/brotli`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(204); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('No Content'); expect(res.headers.get('content-encoding')).to.equal('br'); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.be.empty; }); }); }); it('should skip decompression if unsupported', () => { const url = `${base}sdch`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.equal('fake sdch string'); }); }); }); it('should reject if response compression is invalid', () => { const url = `${base}invalid-content-encoding`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('code', 'Z_DATA_ERROR'); }); }); it('should handle errors on the body stream even if it is not used', done => { const url = `${base}invalid-content-encoding`; fetch(url) .then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }) .catch(() => { }) .then(() => { // Wait a few ms to see if a uncaught error occurs setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 20); }); }); it('should collect handled errors on the body stream to reject if the body is used later', () => { function delay(value) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(value); }, 20); }); } const url = `${base}invalid-content-encoding`; return fetch(url).then(delay).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('code', 'Z_DATA_ERROR'); }); }); it('should allow disabling auto decompression', () => { const url = `${base}gzip`; const options = { compress: false }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.be.a('string'); expect(result).to.not.equal('hello world'); }); }); }); it('should not overwrite existing accept-encoding header when auto decompression is true', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { compress: true, headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip' } }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.headers['accept-encoding']).to.equal('gzip'); }); }); it('should allow custom timeout', () => { const url = `${base}timeout`; const options = { timeout: 20 }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'request-timeout'); }); it('should allow custom timeout on response body', () => { const url = `${base}slow`; const options = { timeout: 20 }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.ok).to.be.true; return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'body-timeout'); }); }); it('should allow custom timeout on redirected requests', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/slow-chain`; const options = { timeout: 20 }; return expect(fetch(url, options)).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'request-timeout'); }); it('should clear internal timeout on fetch response', function (done) { this.timeout(2000); spawn('node', ['-e', `require(’./’)(’${base}hello’, { timeout: 10000 })`]) .on('exit', () => { done(); }); }); it('should clear internal timeout on fetch redirect', function (done) { this.timeout(2000); spawn('node', ['-e', `require(’./’)(’${base}redirect/301’, { timeout: 10000 })`]) .on('exit', () => { done(); }); }); it('should clear internal timeout on fetch error', function (done) { this.timeout(2000); spawn('node', ['-e', `require(’./’)(’${base}error/reset’, { timeout: 10000 })`]) .on('exit', () => { done(); }); }); it('should support request cancellation with signal', function () { this.timeout(500); const controller = new AbortController(); const controller2 = new AbortController2(); const fetches = [ fetch(`${base}timeout`, {signal: controller.signal}), fetch(`${base}timeout`, {signal: controller2.signal}), fetch( `${base}timeout`, { method: 'POST', signal: controller.signal, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'}) } } ) ]; setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); controller2.abort(); }, 100); return Promise.all(fetches.map(fetched => expect(fetched) .to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(Error) .and.include({ type: 'aborted', name: 'AbortError' }) )); }); it('should reject immediately if signal has already been aborted', () => { const url = `${base}timeout`; const controller = new AbortController(); const options = { signal: controller.signal }; controller.abort(); const fetched = fetch(url, options); return expect(fetched).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(Error) .and.include({ type: 'aborted', name: 'AbortError' }); }); it('should clear internal timeout when request is cancelled with an AbortSignal', function (done) { this.timeout(2000); const script = ` var AbortController = require(’abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/cjs-ponyfill’).AbortController; var controller = new AbortController(); require(’./’)( ’${base}timeout’, { signal: controller.signal, timeout: 10000 } ); setTimeout(function () { controller.abort(); }, 20); `; spawn('node', ['-e', script]) .on('exit', () => { done(); }); }); it('should remove internal AbortSignal event listener after request is aborted', () => { const controller = new AbortController(); const {signal} = controller; const promise = fetch( `${base}timeout`, {signal} ); const result = expect(promise).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError') .then(() => { expect(signal.listeners.abort.length).to.equal(0); }); controller.abort(); return result; }); it('should allow redirects to be aborted', () => { const abortController = new AbortController(); const request = new Request(`${base}redirect/slow`, { signal: abortController.signal }); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, 20); return expect(fetch(request)).to.be.eventually.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); }); it('should allow redirected response body to be aborted', () => { const abortController = new AbortController(); const request = new Request(`${base}redirect/slow-stream`, { signal: abortController.signal }); return expect(fetch(request).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); const result = res.text(); abortController.abort(); return result; })).to.be.eventually.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); }); it('should remove internal AbortSignal event listener after request and response complete without aborting', () => { const controller = new AbortController(); const {signal} = controller; const fetchHtml = fetch(`${base}html`, {signal}) .then(res => res.text()); const fetchResponseError = fetch(`${base}error/reset`, {signal}); const fetchRedirect = fetch(`${base}redirect/301`, {signal}).then(res => res.json()); return Promise.all([ expect(fetchHtml).to.eventually.be.fulfilled.and.equal(''), expect(fetchResponseError).to.be.eventually.rejected, expect(fetchRedirect).to.eventually.be.fulfilled ]).then(() => { expect(signal.listeners.abort.length).to.equal(0); }); }); it('should reject response body with AbortError when aborted before stream has been read completely', () => { const controller = new AbortController(); return expect(fetch( `${base}slow`, {signal: controller.signal} )) .to.eventually.be.fulfilled .then(res => { const promise = res.text(); controller.abort(); return expect(promise) .to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); }); }); it('should reject response body methods immediately with AbortError when aborted before stream is disturbed', () => { const controller = new AbortController(); return expect(fetch( `${base}slow`, {signal: controller.signal} )) .to.eventually.be.fulfilled .then(res => { controller.abort(); return expect(res.text()) .to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); }); }); it('should emit error event to response body with an AbortError when aborted before underlying stream is closed', done => { const controller = new AbortController(); expect(fetch( `${base}slow`, {signal: controller.signal} )) .to.eventually.be.fulfilled .then(res => { res.body.once('error', err => { expect(err) .to.be.an.instanceof(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); done(); }); controller.abort(); }); }); it('should cancel request body of type Stream with AbortError when aborted', () => { const controller = new AbortController(); const body = new stream.Readable({objectMode: true}); body._read = () => { }; const promise = fetch( `${base}slow`, {signal: controller.signal, body, method: 'POST'} ); const result = Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { body.on('error', error => { try { expect(error).to.be.an.instanceof(Error).and.have.property('name', 'AbortError'); resolve(); } catch (error_) { reject(error_); } }); }), expect(promise).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(Error) .and.have.property('name', 'AbortError') ]); controller.abort(); return result; }); it('should throw a TypeError if a signal is not of type AbortSignal', () => { return Promise.all([ expect(fetch(`${base}inspect`, {signal: {}})) .to.be.eventually.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(TypeError) .and.have.property('message').includes('AbortSignal'), expect(fetch(`${base}inspect`, {signal: ''})) .to.be.eventually.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(TypeError) .and.have.property('message').includes('AbortSignal'), expect(fetch(`${base}inspect`, {signal: Object.create(null)})) .to.be.eventually.rejected .and.be.an.instanceof(TypeError) .and.have.property('message').includes('AbortSignal') ]); }); it('should set default User-Agent', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; return fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.headers['user-agent']).to.startWith('node-fetch'); }); }); it('should allow setting User-Agent', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: { 'user-agent': 'faked' } }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.headers['user-agent']).to.equal('faked'); }); }); it('should set default Accept header', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.headers.accept).to.equal('*/*'); }); }); it('should allow setting Accept header', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { headers: { accept: 'application/json' } }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.headers.accept).to.equal('application/json'); }); }); it('should allow POST request', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('0'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with string body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with buffer body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: Buffer.from('a=1', 'utf-8') }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBuffer body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: stringToArrayBuffer('Hello, world!\n') }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('14'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBuffer body from a VM context', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new VMUint8Array(Buffer.from('Hello, world!\n')).buffer }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('14'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBufferView (Uint8Array) body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new Uint8Array(stringToArrayBuffer('Hello, world!\n')) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('14'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBufferView (DataView) body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new DataView(stringToArrayBuffer('Hello, world!\n')) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('14'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBufferView (Uint8Array) body from a VM context', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new VMUint8Array(Buffer.from('Hello, world!\n')) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('14'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with ArrayBufferView (Uint8Array, offset, length) body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new Uint8Array(stringToArrayBuffer('Hello, world!\n'), 7, 6) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json()).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('world!'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('6'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with blob body without type', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new Blob(['a=1']) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with blob body with type', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: new Blob(['a=1'], { type: 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' }) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('text/plain;charset=utf-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with readable stream as body', () => { let body = resumer().queue('a=1').end(); body = body.pipe(new stream.PassThrough()); const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.equal('chunked'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.be.undefined; }); }); it('should allow POST request with form-data as body', () => { const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', '1'); const url = `${base}multipart`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: form }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.startWith('multipart/form-data;boundary='); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.be.a('string'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); itIf(process.platform !== 'win32')('should allow POST request with form-data using stream as body', () => { const form = new FormData(); form.append('my_field', fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, './utils/dummy.txt'))); const url = `${base}multipart`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: form }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.startWith('multipart/form-data;boundary='); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.body).to.contain('my_field='); }); }); it('should allow POST request with form-data as body and custom headers', () => { const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', '1'); const headers = form.getHeaders(); headers.b = '2'; const url = `${base}multipart`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: form, headers }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.startWith('multipart/form-data; boundary='); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.be.a('string'); expect(res.headers.b).to.equal('2'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should allow POST request with object body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; // Note that fetch simply calls tostring on an object const options = { method: 'POST', body: {a: 1} }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('[object Object]'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('15'); }); }); it('constructing a Response with URLSearchParams as body should have a Content-Type', () => { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(); const res = new Response(parameters); res.headers.get('Content-Type'); expect(res.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); }); it('constructing a Request with URLSearchParams as body should have a Content-Type', () => { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(); const request = new Request(base, {method: 'POST', body: parameters}); expect(request.headers.get('Content-Type')).to.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); }); it('Reading a body with URLSearchParams should echo back the result', () => { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(); parameters.append('a', '1'); return new Response(parameters).text().then(text => { expect(text).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); // Body should been cloned... it('constructing a Request/Response with URLSearchParams and mutating it should not affected body', () => { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(); const request = new Request(`${base}inspect`, {method: 'POST', body: parameters}); parameters.append('a', '1'); return request.text().then(text => { expect(text).to.equal(''); }); }); it('should allow POST request with URLSearchParams as body', () => { const parameters = new URLSearchParams(); parameters.append('a', '1'); const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: parameters }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should still recognize URLSearchParams when extended', () => { class CustomSearchParameters extends URLSearchParams { } const parameters = new CustomSearchParameters(); parameters.append('a', '1'); const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: parameters }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); /* For 100% code coverage, checks for duck-typing-only detection * where both constructor.name and brand tests fail */ it('should still recognize URLSearchParams when extended from polyfill', () => { class CustomPolyfilledSearchParameters extends URLSearchParams { } const parameters = new CustomPolyfilledSearchParameters(); parameters.append('a', '1'); const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: parameters }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should overwrite Content-Length if possible', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; // Note that fetch simply calls tostring on an object const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Length': '1000' }, body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.equal('text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow PUT request', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'PUT', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('PUT'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should allow DELETE request', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'DELETE' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('DELETE'); }); }); it('should allow DELETE request with string body', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'DELETE', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('DELETE'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); expect(res.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.be.undefined; expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal('3'); }); }); it('should allow PATCH request', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { method: 'PATCH', body: 'a=1' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.method).to.equal('PATCH'); expect(res.body).to.equal('a=1'); }); }); it('should allow HEAD request', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const options = { method: 'HEAD' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('OK'); expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); expect(res.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); return res.text(); }).then(text => { expect(text).to.equal(''); }); }); it('should allow HEAD request with content-encoding header', () => { const url = `${base}error/404`; const options = { method: 'HEAD' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(404); expect(res.headers.get('content-encoding')).to.equal('gzip'); return res.text(); }).then(text => { expect(text).to.equal(''); }); }); it('should allow OPTIONS request', () => { const url = `${base}options`; const options = { method: 'OPTIONS' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.statusText).to.equal('OK'); expect(res.headers.get('allow')).to.equal('GET, HEAD, OPTIONS'); expect(res.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); }); }); it('should reject decoding body twice', () => { const url = `${base}plain`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return res.text().then(() => { expect(res.bodyUsed).to.be.true; return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error); }); }); }); it('should support maximum response size, multiple chunk', () => { const url = `${base}size/chunk`; const options = { size: 5 }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'max-size'); }); }); it('should support maximum response size, single chunk', () => { const url = `${base}size/long`; const options = { size: 5 }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.headers.get('content-type')).to.equal('text/plain'); return expect(res.text()).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.have.property('type', 'max-size'); }); }); it('should allow piping response body as stream', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; return fetch(url).then(res => { expect(res.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); return streamToPromise(res.body, chunk => { if (chunk === null) { return; } expect(chunk.toString()).to.equal('world'); }); }); }); it('should allow cloning a response, and use both as stream', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const r1 = res.clone(); expect(res.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); expect(r1.body).to.be.an.instanceof(stream.Transform); const dataHandler = chunk => { if (chunk === null) { return; } expect(chunk.toString()).to.equal('world'); }; return Promise.all([ streamToPromise(res.body, dataHandler), streamToPromise(r1.body, dataHandler) ]); }); }); it('should allow cloning a json response and log it as text response', () => { const url = `${base}json`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const r1 = res.clone(); return Promise.all([res.json(), r1.text()]).then(results => { expect(results[0]).to.deep.equal({name: 'value'}); expect(results[1]).to.equal('{"name":"value"}'); }); }); }); it('should allow cloning a json response, and then log it as text response', () => { const url = `${base}json`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const r1 = res.clone(); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result).to.deep.equal({name: 'value'}); return r1.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('{"name":"value"}'); }); }); }); }); it('should allow cloning a json response, first log as text response, then return json object', () => { const url = `${base}json`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const r1 = res.clone(); return r1.text().then(result => { expect(result).to.equal('{"name":"value"}'); return res.json().then(result => { expect(result).to.deep.equal({name: 'value'}); }); }); }); }); it('should not allow cloning a response after its been used', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; return fetch(url).then(res => res.text().then(() => { expect(() => { res.clone(); }).to.throw(Error); }) ); }); it('should timeout on cloning response without consuming one of the streams when the second packet size is equal default highWaterMark', function () { this.timeout(300); const url = local.mockResponse(res => { // Observed behavior of TCP packets splitting: // - response body size <= 65438 → single packet sent // - response body size > 65438 → multiple packets sent // Max TCP packet size is 64kB (https://stackoverflow.com/a/2614188/5763764), // but first packet probably transfers more than the response body. const firstPacketMaxSize = 65438; const secondPacketSize = 16 * 1024; // = defaultHighWaterMark res.end(crypto.randomBytes(firstPacketMaxSize + secondPacketSize)); }); return expect( fetch(url).then(res => res.clone().buffer()) ).to.timeout; }); it('should timeout on cloning response without consuming one of the streams when the second packet size is equal custom highWaterMark', function () { this.timeout(300); const url = local.mockResponse(res => { const firstPacketMaxSize = 65438; const secondPacketSize = 10; res.end(crypto.randomBytes(firstPacketMaxSize + secondPacketSize)); }); return expect( fetch(url, {highWaterMark: 10}).then(res => res.clone().buffer()) ).to.timeout; }); it('should not timeout on cloning response without consuming one of the streams when the second packet size is less than default highWaterMark', function () { this.timeout(300); const url = local.mockResponse(res => { const firstPacketMaxSize = 65438; const secondPacketSize = 16 * 1024; // = defaultHighWaterMark res.end(crypto.randomBytes(firstPacketMaxSize + secondPacketSize - 1)); }); return expect( fetch(url).then(res => res.clone().buffer()) ).not.to.timeout; }); it('should not timeout on cloning response without consuming one of the streams when the second packet size is less than custom highWaterMark', function () { this.timeout(300); const url = local.mockResponse(res => { const firstPacketMaxSize = 65438; const secondPacketSize = 10; res.end(crypto.randomBytes(firstPacketMaxSize + secondPacketSize - 1)); }); return expect( fetch(url, {highWaterMark: 10}).then(res => res.clone().buffer()) ).not.to.timeout; }); it('should not timeout on cloning response without consuming one of the streams when the response size is double the custom large highWaterMark - 1', function () { this.timeout(300); const url = local.mockResponse(res => { res.end(crypto.randomBytes(2 * 512 * 1024 - 1)); }); return expect( fetch(url, {highWaterMark: 512 * 1024}).then(res => res.clone().buffer()) ).not.to.timeout; }); it('should allow get all responses of a header', () => { const url = `${base}cookie`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const expected = 'a=1, b=1'; expect(res.headers.get('set-cookie')).to.equal(expected); expect(res.headers.get('Set-Cookie')).to.equal(expected); }); }); it('should return all headers using raw()', () => { const url = `${base}cookie`; return fetch(url).then(res => { const expected = [ 'a=1', 'b=1' ]; expect(res.headers.raw()['set-cookie']).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('should allow deleting header', () => { const url = `${base}cookie`; return fetch(url).then(res => { res.headers.delete('set-cookie'); expect(res.headers.get('set-cookie')).to.be.null; }); }); it('should send request with connection keep-alive if agent is provided', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const options = { agent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }) }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { expect(res.headers.connection).to.equal('keep-alive'); }); }); it('should support fetch with Request instance', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const request = new Request(url); return fetch(request).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should support fetch with Node.js URL object', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const urlObject = new URL(url); const request = new Request(urlObject); return fetch(request).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should support fetch with WHATWG URL object', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const urlObject = new URL(url); const request = new Request(urlObject); return fetch(request).then(res => { expect(res.url).to.equal(url); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; expect(res.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('should support reading blob as text', () => { return new Response('hello') .blob() .then(blob => blob.text()) .then(body => { expect(body).to.equal('hello'); }); }); it('should support reading blob as arrayBuffer', () => { return new Response('hello') .blob() .then(blob => blob.arrayBuffer()) .then(ab => { const string = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(ab)); expect(string).to.equal('hello'); }); }); it('should support reading blob as stream', () => { return new Response('hello') .blob() .then(blob => streamToPromise(blob.stream(), data => { const string = data.toString(); expect(string).to.equal('hello'); })); }); it('should support blob round-trip', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; let length; let type; return fetch(url).then(res => res.blob()).then(blob => { const url = `${base}inspect`; length = blob.size; type = blob.type; return fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: blob }); }).then(res => res.json()).then(({body, headers}) => { expect(body).to.equal('world'); expect(headers['content-type']).to.equal(type); expect(headers['content-length']).to.equal(String(length)); }); }); it('should support overwrite Request instance', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const request = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { a: '1' } }); return fetch(request, { method: 'GET', headers: { a: '2' } }).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(body => { expect(body.method).to.equal('GET'); expect(body.headers.a).to.equal('2'); }); }); it('should support arrayBuffer(), blob(), text(), json() and buffer() method in Body constructor', () => { const body = new Body('a=1'); expect(body).to.have.property('arrayBuffer'); expect(body).to.have.property('blob'); expect(body).to.have.property('text'); expect(body).to.have.property('json'); expect(body).to.have.property('buffer'); }); /* eslint-disable-next-line func-names */ it('should create custom FetchError', function funcName() { const systemError = new Error('system'); systemError.code = 'ESOMEERROR'; const err = new FetchError('test message', 'test-error', systemError); expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(Error); expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(FetchError); expect(err.name).to.equal('FetchError'); expect(err.message).to.equal('test message'); expect(err.type).to.equal('test-error'); expect(err.code).to.equal('ESOMEERROR'); expect(err.errno).to.equal('ESOMEERROR'); // Reading the stack is quite slow (~30-50ms) expect(err.stack).to.include('funcName').and.to.startWith(`${err.name}: ${err.message}`); }); it('should support https request', function () { this.timeout(5000); const url = 'https://github.com/'; const options = { method: 'HEAD' }; return fetch(url, options).then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect(res.ok).to.be.true; }); }); // Issue #414 it('should reject if attempt to accumulate body stream throws', () => { let body = resumer().queue('a=1').end(); body = body.pipe(new stream.PassThrough()); const res = new Response(body); const bufferConcat = Buffer.concat; const restoreBufferConcat = () => { Buffer.concat = bufferConcat; }; Buffer.concat = () => { throw new Error('embedded error'); }; const textPromise = res.text(); // Ensure that `Buffer.concat` is always restored: textPromise.then(restoreBufferConcat, restoreBufferConcat); return expect(textPromise).to.eventually.be.rejected .and.be.an.instanceOf(FetchError) .and.include({type: 'system'}) .and.have.property('message').that.includes('Could not create Buffer') .and.that.includes('embedded error'); }); it('supports supplying a lookup function to the agent', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; let called = 0; function lookupSpy(hostname, options, callback) { called++; return lookup(hostname, options, callback); } const agent = http.Agent({lookup: lookupSpy}); return fetch(url, {agent}).then(() => { expect(called).to.equal(2); }); }); it('supports supplying a famliy option to the agent', () => { const url = `${base}redirect/301`; const families = []; const family = Symbol('family'); function lookupSpy(hostname, options, callback) { families.push(options.family); return lookup(hostname, {}, callback); } const agent = http.Agent({lookup: lookupSpy, family}); return fetch(url, {agent}).then(() => { expect(families).to.have.length(2); expect(families[0]).to.equal(family); expect(families[1]).to.equal(family); }); }); it('should allow a function supplying the agent', () => { const url = `${base}inspect`; const agent = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }); let parsedURL; return fetch(url, { agent(_parsedURL) { parsedURL = _parsedURL; return agent; } }).then(res => { return res.json(); }).then(res => { // The agent provider should have been called expect(parsedURL.protocol).to.equal('http:'); // The agent we returned should have been used expect(res.headers.connection).to.equal('keep-alive'); }); }); it('should calculate content length and extract content type for each body type', () => { const url = `${base}hello`; const bodyContent = 'a=1'; let streamBody = resumer().queue(bodyContent).end(); streamBody = streamBody.pipe(new stream.PassThrough()); const streamRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', body: streamBody, size: 1024 }); const blobBody = new Blob([bodyContent], {type: 'text/plain'}); const blobRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', body: blobBody, size: 1024 }); const formBody = new FormData(); formBody.append('a', '1'); const formRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', body: formBody, size: 1024 }); const bufferBody = Buffer.from(bodyContent); const bufferRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', body: bufferBody, size: 1024 }); const stringRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'POST', body: bodyContent, size: 1024 }); const nullRequest = new Request(url, { method: 'GET', body: null, size: 1024 }); expect(getTotalBytes(streamRequest)).to.be.null; expect(getTotalBytes(blobRequest)).to.equal(blobBody.size); expect(getTotalBytes(formRequest)).to.not.be.null; expect(getTotalBytes(bufferRequest)).to.equal(bufferBody.length); expect(getTotalBytes(stringRequest)).to.equal(bodyContent.length); expect(getTotalBytes(nullRequest)).to.equal(0); expect(extractContentType(streamBody)).to.be.null; expect(extractContentType(blobBody)).to.equal('text/plain'); expect(extractContentType(formBody)).to.startWith('multipart/form-data'); expect(extractContentType(bufferBody)).to.be.null; expect(extractContentType(bodyContent)).to.equal('text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); expect(extractContentType(null)).to.be.null; }); it('should encode URLs as UTF-8', () => { const url = `${base}möbius`; fetch(url).then(res => expect(res.url).to.equal(`${base}m%C3%B6bius`)); }); describe('data uri', () => { const dataUrl = ''; const invalidDataUrl = 'data:@@@@'; it('should accept data uri', () => { return fetch(dataUrl).then(r => { console.assert(r.status === 200); console.assert(r.headers.get('Content-Type') === 'image/gif'); return r.buffer().then(b => { console.assert(b instanceof Buffer); }); }); }); it('should reject invalid data uri', () => { return fetch(invalidDataUrl).catch(error => { console.assert(error); console.assert(error.message.includes('invalid URL')); }); }); }); });