
177 lines
5.4 KiB

from typing import Dict
import asyncio
import pytest
from solana.account import Account
from solana.publickey import PublicKey
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.rpc.async_api import AsyncClient
from pyserum.connection import conn
from pyserum.async_connection import async_conn
def __bs_params() -> Dict[str, str]:
params = {}
with open("tests/crank.log") as crank_log:
for line in crank_log.readlines():
if ":" not in line:
key, val = line.strip().replace(",", "").split(": ")
assert key, "key must not be None"
assert val, "val must not be None"
params[key] = val
return params
def __bootstrap_account(pubkey: str, secretkey: str) -> Account:
secret = [int(b) for b in secretkey[1:-1].split(" ")]
account = Account(secret)
assert str(account.public_key()) == pubkey, "account must map to provided public key"
return account
def stubbed_dex_program_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Bootstrapped dex program id."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["dex_program_id"])
def stubbed_payer(__bs_params) -> Account:
"""Bootstrapped payer account."""
return __bootstrap_account(__bs_params["payer"], __bs_params["payer_secret"])
def stubbed_base_mint(__bs_params) -> Account:
"""Bootstrapped base mint account."""
return __bootstrap_account(__bs_params["coin_mint"], __bs_params["coin_mint_secret"])
def stubbed_quote_mint(__bs_params) -> Account:
"""Bootstrapped quote mint account."""
return __bootstrap_account(__bs_params["pc_mint"], __bs_params["pc_mint_secret"])
def stubbed_base_wallet(__bs_params) -> Account:
"""Bootstrapped base mint account."""
return __bootstrap_account(__bs_params["coin_wallet"], __bs_params["coin_wallet_secret"])
def stubbed_quote_wallet(__bs_params) -> Account:
"""Bootstrapped quote mint account."""
return __bootstrap_account(__bs_params["pc_wallet"], __bs_params["pc_wallet_secret"])
def stubbed_market_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the boostrapped market."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["market"])
def stubbed_req_q_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the bootstrapped request queue."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["req_q"])
def stubbed_event_q_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the bootstrapped request queue."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["event_q"])
def stubbed_bids_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the bootstrapped bids book."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["bids"])
def stubbed_asks_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the bootstrapped asks book."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["asks"])
def stubbed_base_vault_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the base vault account."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["coin_vault"])
def stubbed_quote_vault_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the quote vault account."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["pc_vault"])
def stubbed_vault_signer_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the bootstrapped vault signer."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["vault_signer_key"])
def stubbed_bid_account_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the initial bid order account."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["bid_account"])
def stubbed_ask_account_pk(__bs_params) -> PublicKey:
"""Public key of the initial ask order account."""
return PublicKey(__bs_params["ask_account"])
def http_client() -> Client:
"""Solana http client."""
cc = conn("http://localhost:8899") # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if not cc.is_connected():
raise Exception("Could not connect to local node. Please run `make int-tests` to run integration tests.")
return cc
def event_loop():
"""Event loop for pytest-asyncio."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
yield loop
def async_http_client(event_loop) -> AsyncClient: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
"""Solana async http client."""
cc = async_conn("http://localhost:8899") # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if not event_loop.run_until_complete(cc.is_connected()):
raise Exception(
"Could not connect to local node. Please run `make async-int-tests` to run async integration tests."
yield cc