/** * This plugin implementation for PostgreSQL requires the following tables */ CREATE TYPE "SlotStatus" AS ENUM ( 'Rooted', 'Confirmed', 'Processed' ); CREATE TABLE pubkey ( pubkey_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, pubkey VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); -- Returns a pubkey_id for a pubkey, by getting it from the table or inserting it. -- Getting this fully correct is complex, see: -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15939902/is-select-or-insert-in-a-function-prone-to-race-conditions/15950324 -- and currently this function assumes there are no deletions in the pubkey table! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION map_pubkey(_pubkey varchar(44), OUT _pubkey_id bigint) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN LOOP SELECT pubkey_id FROM pubkey WHERE pubkey = _pubkey INTO _pubkey_id; EXIT WHEN FOUND; INSERT INTO pubkey AS t (pubkey) VALUES (_pubkey) ON CONFLICT (pubkey) DO NOTHING RETURNING t.pubkey_id INTO _pubkey_id; EXIT WHEN FOUND; END LOOP; END $func$; -- The table storing account writes, keeping only the newest write_version per slot CREATE TABLE account_write ( pubkey_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pubkey, slot BIGINT NOT NULL, write_version BIGINT NOT NULL, owner_id BIGINT REFERENCES pubkey, lamports BIGINT NOT NULL, executable BOOL NOT NULL, rent_epoch BIGINT NOT NULL, data BYTEA, PRIMARY KEY (pubkey_id, slot, write_version) ); -- The table storing slot information CREATE TABLE slot ( slot BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, parent BIGINT, status "SlotStatus" NOT NULL, uncle BOOL NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX ON slot (parent);