use jsonrpc_core::futures::StreamExt; use jsonrpc_core_client::transports::{http, ws}; use jsonrpc_derive::rpc; use jsonrpc_http_server::ServerBuilder; use solana_account_decoder::UiAccountEncoding; use solana_client::{ rpc_config::{RpcAccountInfoConfig, RpcProgramAccountsConfig}, rpc_filter::RpcFilterType, rpc_response::{Response, RpcKeyedAccount}, }; use solana_rpc::{rpc::rpc_full::FullClient, rpc::OptionalContext, rpc_pubsub::RpcSolPubSubClient}; use solana_sdk::{account::Account, commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, pubkey::Pubkey}; //use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo; //use mango::state::{MangoAccount, MangoCache, MangoGroup}; use fixed::types::I80F48; use futures::FutureExt; use log::{error, info, trace, warn}; use postgres_query::{query, FromSqlRow}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ cmp::max, collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}, mem::size_of, ops::Deref, rc::Rc, str::FromStr, sync::{mpsc, Arc, RwLock}, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tokio::{runtime::Runtime, time}; pub mod accountsdb_proto { tonic::include_proto!("accountsdb"); } use accountsdb_proto::accounts_db_client::AccountsDbClient; struct SimpleLogger; impl log::Log for SimpleLogger { fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool { metadata.level() <= log::Level::Info } fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { println!("{} - {}", record.level(), record.args()); } } fn flush(&self) {} } static LOGGER: SimpleLogger = SimpleLogger; /* pub struct MangoData { group: Option, cache: Option, } impl MangoData { fn new() -> Self { Self { group: None, cache: None, } } } // // updating mango data // async fn get_account(client: &FullClient, pubkey: String) -> Option { client .get_account_info( pubkey, Some(RpcAccountInfoConfig { encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()), data_slice: None, }), ) .await .ok()? .value? .decode() } async fn get_mango_group( client: &FullClient, group_key: &Pubkey, program_id: &Pubkey, ) -> Option { let mut account = get_account(client, group_key.to_string()).await?; let accountInfo = AccountInfo::from((group_key, &mut account)); let group = MangoGroup::load_checked(&accountInfo, program_id) .ok()? .deref() .clone(); Some(group) } async fn get_mango_cache( client: &FullClient, group: &MangoGroup, program_id: &Pubkey, ) -> Option { let mut account = get_account(client, group.mango_cache.to_string()).await?; let accountInfo = AccountInfo::from((&group.mango_cache, &mut account)); let cache = MangoCache::load_checked(&accountInfo, program_id, group) .ok()? .deref() .clone(); Some(cache) } async fn update_mango_data(mango_data: Arc>) { let program_id = Pubkey::from_str("mv3ekLzLbnVPNxjSKvqBpU3ZeZXPQdEC3bp5MDEBG68").expect("valid pubkey"); let mango_group_address = Pubkey::from_str("98pjRuQjK3qA6gXts96PqZT4Ze5QmnCmt3QYjhbUSPue").expect("valid pubkey"); let rpc_http_url = ""; let rpc_client = http::connect_with_options::(&rpc_http_url, true) .await .unwrap(); loop { let group = get_mango_group(&rpc_client, &mango_group_address, &program_id) .await .unwrap(); let cache = get_mango_cache(&rpc_client, &group, &program_id) .await .unwrap(); { let mut writer = mango_data.write().unwrap(); = Some(group); writer.cache = Some(cache); } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; } }*/ // // main etc. // enum WebsocketMessage { SingleUpdate(Response), SnapshotUpdate(Response>), SlotUpdate(Arc), } trait AnyhowWrap { type Value; fn map_err_anyhow(self) -> anyhow::Result; } impl AnyhowWrap for Result { type Value = T; fn map_err_anyhow(self) -> anyhow::Result { self.map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!("{:?}", err)) } } async fn feed_data(sender: mpsc::Sender) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let rpc_pubsub_url = ""; let rpc_http_url = ""; let program_id = Pubkey::from_str("mv3ekLzLbnVPNxjSKvqBpU3ZeZXPQdEC3bp5MDEBG68")?; let mango_group_address = Pubkey::from_str("98pjRuQjK3qA6gXts96PqZT4Ze5QmnCmt3QYjhbUSPue")?; let snapshot_duration = Duration::from_secs(300); let connect = ws::try_connect::(&rpc_pubsub_url).map_err_anyhow()?; let client = connect.await.map_err_anyhow()?; let rpc_client = http::connect_with_options::(&rpc_http_url, true) .await .map_err_anyhow()?; let account_info_config = RpcAccountInfoConfig { encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()), data_slice: None, }; // TODO: Make addresses filters configurable let program_accounts_config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig { filters: None, /*Some(vec![RpcFilterType::DataSize( size_of::() as u64 )]),*/ with_context: Some(true), account_config: account_info_config.clone(), }; let mut update_sub = client .program_subscribe( program_id.to_string(), Some(program_accounts_config.clone()), ) .map_err_anyhow()?; let mut slot_sub = client.slots_updates_subscribe().map_err_anyhow()?; let mut last_snapshot = Instant::now() - snapshot_duration; loop { // occasionally cause a new snapshot to be produced // including the first time if last_snapshot + snapshot_duration <= Instant::now() { let account_snapshot = rpc_client .get_program_accounts( program_id.to_string(), Some(program_accounts_config.clone()), ) .await .map_err_anyhow()?; if let OptionalContext::Context(account_snapshot_response) = account_snapshot { sender .send(WebsocketMessage::SnapshotUpdate(account_snapshot_response)) .expect("sending must succeed"); } last_snapshot = Instant::now(); } tokio::select! { account = => { match account { Some(account) => { sender.send(WebsocketMessage::SingleUpdate(account.map_err_anyhow()?)).expect("sending must succeed"); }, None => { warn!("account stream closed"); return Ok(()); }, } }, slot_update = => { match slot_update { Some(slot_update) => { sender.send(WebsocketMessage::SlotUpdate(slot_update.map_err_anyhow()?)).expect("sending must succeed"); }, None => { warn!("slot update stream closed"); return Ok(()); }, } }, _ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)) => { warn!("websocket timeout"); return Ok(()) } } } } async fn feed_data_accountsdb( sender: mpsc::Sender, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let rpc_http_url = ""; let mut client = AccountsDbClient::connect("http://[::1]:10000").await?; let mut update_stream = client .subscribe(accountsdb_proto::SubscribeRequest {}) .await? .into_inner(); let rpc_client = http::connect_with_options::(&rpc_http_url, true) .await .map_err_anyhow()?; let program_id = Pubkey::from_str("mv3ekLzLbnVPNxjSKvqBpU3ZeZXPQdEC3bp5MDEBG68")?; let account_info_config = RpcAccountInfoConfig { encoding: Some(UiAccountEncoding::Base64), commitment: Some(CommitmentConfig::processed()), data_slice: None, }; // TODO: Make addresses filters configurable let program_accounts_config = RpcProgramAccountsConfig { filters: None, /*Some(vec![RpcFilterType::DataSize( size_of::() as u64 )]),*/ with_context: Some(true), account_config: account_info_config.clone(), }; // Get an account snapshot on start let account_snapshot = rpc_client .get_program_accounts( program_id.to_string(), Some(program_accounts_config.clone()), ) .await .map_err_anyhow()?; if let OptionalContext::Context(account_snapshot_response) = account_snapshot { // TODO: send the snapshot data through the sender error!("Missing initial snapshot"); } loop { tokio::select! { update = => { match update { Some(update) => { sender.send(update?).expect("sending must succeed"); }, None => { warn!("accountdb stream closed"); return Ok(()); }, } }, _ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)) => { warn!("accountdb timeout"); return Ok(()) } } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct AccountWrite { pub pubkey: Pubkey, pub slot: i64, pub write_version: i64, pub lamports: i64, pub owner: Pubkey, pub executable: bool, pub rent_epoch: i64, pub data: Vec, } impl AccountWrite { fn from(pubkey: Pubkey, slot: u64, write_version: i64, account: Account) -> AccountWrite { AccountWrite { pubkey, slot: slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing! write_version, lamports: account.lamports as i64, // TODO: narrowing! owner: account.owner, executable: account.executable, rent_epoch: account.rent_epoch as i64, // TODO: narrowing! data:, } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] struct SlotUpdate { slot: i64, parent: Option, status: String, } fn init_postgres( connection_string: String, ) -> (mpsc::Sender, mpsc::Sender) { // The actual message may want to also contain a retry count, if it self-reinserts on failure? let (account_write_queue_sender, account_write_queue_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); // slot updates are not parallel because their order matters let (slot_queue_sender, slot_queue_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); // the postgres connection management thread // - creates a connection and runs it // - if it fails, reestablishes it and requests a new snapshot let postgres_client: Arc>>>> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Arc::new(None))); let postgres_client_c = Arc::clone(&postgres_client); let connection_string_c = connection_string.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let (client, connection) = tokio_postgres::connect(&connection_string_c, tokio_postgres::NoTls) .await .unwrap(); { let mut w = postgres_client_c.write().unwrap(); *w = Arc::new(Some(postgres_query::Caching::new(client))); } connection.await.unwrap(); // TODO: on error: log, reconnect, send message that a new snapshot is necessary }); // separate postgres client for slot updates, because they need transactions let postgres_client_slots: Arc< RwLock>>, > = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)); let postgres_client_slots_c = Arc::clone(&postgres_client_slots); let connection_string_c = connection_string.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let (client, connection) = tokio_postgres::connect(&connection_string_c, tokio_postgres::NoTls) .await .unwrap(); { let mut w = postgres_client_slots_c.write().unwrap(); *w = Some(postgres_query::Caching::new(client)); } connection.await.unwrap(); // TODO: on error: log, reconnect, send message that a new snapshot is necessary }); #[derive(FromSqlRow)] struct SingleResult(i64); // postgres account write sending worker thread let postgres_client_c = Arc::clone(&postgres_client); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { // all of this needs to be in a function, to allow ? let write = account_write_queue_receiver.recv().unwrap(); // copy the client arc let client_opt = Arc::clone(&*; // Not sure this is right. What I want is a single thread that calls // query.fetch(client) and then to process the results of that // in a bunch of worker threads. // However, the future returned from query.fetch(client) still requires // client, so that isn't possible. // TODO: Nevertheless, there should just be a limited number of these processing threads. Maybe have an intermediary that the worker threads // send their sender to, then receive work through it? tokio::spawn(async move { let client = client_opt.deref().as_ref().unwrap(); let pubkey: &[u8] = &write.pubkey.to_bytes(); let owner: &[u8] = &write.owner.to_bytes(); let query = query!(" \ INSERT INTO account_write \ (pubkey, slot, write_version, owner, lamports, executable, rent_epoch, data) \ VALUES \ ($pubkey, $slot, $write_version, $owner, $lamports, $executable, $rent_epoch, $data) \ ON CONFLICT (pubkey, slot, write_version) DO NOTHING", // TODO: should update for same write_version to work with websocket input pubkey, slot = write.slot, write_version = write.write_version, owner, lamports = write.lamports, executable = write.executable, rent_epoch = write.rent_epoch, data =, ); let result = query.execute(client).await.unwrap(); println!("new write: count: {}", result); }); } }); // slot update handling thread let postgres_client_slots_c = Arc::clone(&postgres_client_slots); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut slots = HashMap::::new(); let mut newest_nonfinal_slot: Option = None; let mut newest_final_slot: Option = None; let mut client: Option> = None; loop { let update = slot_queue_receiver.recv().unwrap(); // since we need to mutate the client, move it out of the rwlock here // TODO: might be easier to understand if we sent the new client over a channel instead { let mut lock = postgres_client_slots_c.write().unwrap(); if (*lock).is_some() { client = (*lock).take(); } } let client = client.as_mut().unwrap(); if let Some(parent) = update.parent { let query = query!( " \ INSERT INTO slot \ (slot, parent, status, uncle) \ VALUES \ ($slot, $parent, $status, FALSE) \ ON CONFLICT (slot) DO UPDATE SET \ parent=$parent, status=$status", slot = update.slot, parent = update.parent, status = update.status, ); let result = query.execute(client).await.unwrap(); println!("new slot: count: {}", result); } else { let query = query!( " \ INSERT INTO slot \ (slot, parent, status, uncle) \ VALUES \ ($slot, NULL, $status, FALSE) \ ON CONFLICT (slot) DO UPDATE SET \ status=$status", slot = update.slot, status = update.status, ); let result = query.execute(client).await.unwrap(); println!("new slot: count: {}", result); } if update.status == "rooted" { println!("slot changed to rooted"); slots.remove(&update.slot); // TODO: should also convert all parents to rooted, just in case we missed an update // Keep only the most recent final write per pubkey if newest_final_slot.unwrap_or(-1) < update.slot { let query = query!(" \ DELETE FROM account_write \ USING ( \ SELECT DISTINCT ON(pubkey) pubkey, slot, write_version FROM account_write \ WHERE slot <= $newest_final_slot AND status = 'rooted' \ ORDER BY pubkey, slot DESC, write_version DESC \ ) latest_write \ WHERE account_write.pubkey = latest_write.pubkey \ AND (account_write.slot < latest_write.slot \ OR (account_write.slot = latest_write.slot \ AND account_write.write_version < latest_write.write_version \ ) \ )", newest_final_slot = update.slot, ); let result = query.execute(client).await.unwrap(); newest_final_slot = Some(update.slot); } if newest_nonfinal_slot.unwrap_or(-1) == update.slot { newest_nonfinal_slot = None; } } else { let mut parent_update = false; if let Some(previous) = slots.get_mut(&update.slot) { previous.status = update.status; if update.parent.is_some() { previous.parent = update.parent; parent_update = true; } } else { slots.insert(update.slot, update.clone()); } let new_newest_slot = newest_nonfinal_slot.unwrap_or(-1) < update.slot; if new_newest_slot || parent_update { println!("recomputing uncles"); // recompute uncles and store to postgres for each slot in slots let mut uncles: HashMap = slots.keys().map(|k| (*k, true)).collect(); /* Could do this in SQL like... with recursive liveslots as ( select * from slot where slot = (select max(slot) from slot) union select s.* from slot s inner join liveslots l on l.parent = s.slot where s.status != 'rooted' ) select * from liveslots order by slot; */ let mut it_slot = max(newest_nonfinal_slot.unwrap_or(-1), update.slot); while let Some(slot) = slots.get(&it_slot) { let w = uncles .get_mut(&it_slot) .expect("uncles has same keys as slots"); println!("{} {:?}", slot.slot, slot.parent); assert!(*w); // TODO: error instead *w = false; if slot.status == "rooted" { break; } if let Some(parent) = slot.parent { it_slot = parent; } else { break; } } // Updating uncle state must be done as a transaction let transaction = client.transaction().await.unwrap(); for (slot, is_uncle) in uncles { let query = query!( "UPDATE slot SET uncle = $is_uncle WHERE slot = $slot", is_uncle, slot, ); let result = query.execute(&transaction).await.unwrap(); } transaction.into_inner().commit().await.unwrap(); } if new_newest_slot { newest_nonfinal_slot = Some(update.slot); } } } }); (account_write_queue_sender, slot_queue_sender) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { log::set_logger(&LOGGER) .map(|()| log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info)) .unwrap(); let postgres_connection_string = "host=/var/run/postgresql user=kamm port=5433"; let (account_write_queue_sender, slot_queue_sender) = init_postgres(postgres_connection_string.into()); /* sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1000, parent: 999, status: "processed".into() }).unwrap(); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1001, parent: 1000, status: "processed".into() }).unwrap(); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1002, parent: 1001, status: "processed".into() }).unwrap(); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1003, parent: 1001, status: "processed".into() }).unwrap(); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1004, parent: 1002, status: "processed".into() }).unwrap(); slot_queue_sender.send(SlotUpdate { slot: 1000, parent: 999, status: "rooted".into() }).unwrap(); */ // Subscribe to accountsdb let (update_sender, update_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); tokio::spawn(async move { // Continuously reconnect on failure loop { let out = feed_data_accountsdb(update_sender.clone()); let _ = out.await; } }); loop { let update = update_receiver.recv().unwrap(); println!("got update message"); match update.update_oneof.unwrap() { accountsdb_proto::update::UpdateOneof::AccountWrite(update) => { println!("single update"); assert!(update.pubkey.len() == 32); assert!(update.owner.len() == 32); account_write_queue_sender .send(AccountWrite { pubkey: Pubkey::new(&update.pubkey), slot: update.slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing write_version: update.write_version as i64, lamports: update.lamports as i64, owner: Pubkey::new(&update.owner), executable: update.executable, rent_epoch: update.rent_epoch as i64, data:, }) .unwrap(); } accountsdb_proto::update::UpdateOneof::SlotUpdate(update) => { println!("slot update"); slot_queue_sender .send(SlotUpdate { slot: update.slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing parent:|v| v as i64), status: "bla".into(), }) .unwrap(); }, accountsdb_proto::update::UpdateOneof::Ping(_) => {}, } } return; // Subscribe to program account updates websocket let (update_sender, update_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); tokio::spawn(async move { // if the websocket disconnects, we get no data in a while etc, reconnect and try again loop { let out = feed_data(update_sender.clone()); let _ = out.await; } }); // // The thread that pulls updates and forwards them to postgres // // copy websocket updates into the postgres account write queue loop { let update = update_receiver.recv().unwrap(); println!("got update message"); match update { WebsocketMessage::SingleUpdate(update) => { println!("single update"); let account: Account = update.value.account.decode().unwrap(); let pubkey = Pubkey::from_str(&update.value.pubkey).unwrap(); account_write_queue_sender .send(AccountWrite::from(pubkey, update.context.slot, 0, account)) .unwrap(); } WebsocketMessage::SnapshotUpdate(update) => { println!("snapshot update"); for keyed_account in update.value { let account = keyed_account.account.decode().unwrap(); let pubkey = Pubkey::from_str(&keyed_account.pubkey).unwrap(); account_write_queue_sender .send(AccountWrite::from(pubkey, update.context.slot, 0, account)) .unwrap(); } } WebsocketMessage::SlotUpdate(update) => { println!("slot update"); let message = match *update { solana_client::rpc_response::SlotUpdate::CreatedBank { slot, parent, .. } => Some(SlotUpdate { slot: slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing parent: Some(parent as i64), status: "processed".into(), }), solana_client::rpc_response::SlotUpdate::OptimisticConfirmation { slot, .. } => Some(SlotUpdate { slot: slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing parent: None, status: "confirmed".into(), }), solana_client::rpc_response::SlotUpdate::Root { slot, .. } => { Some(SlotUpdate { slot: slot as i64, // TODO: narrowing parent: None, status: "rooted".into(), }) } _ => None, }; if let Some(message) = message { slot_queue_sender.send(message).unwrap(); } } } } }