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2020-05-29 15:00:47 -07:00
// @flow
import fs from 'mz/fs';
import {Connection, BpfLoader, PublicKey} from '@solana/web3.js';
import semver from 'semver';
import {Token, TokenAmount} from '../client/token';
import {url} from '../../url';
import {newAccountWithLamports} from '../client/util/new-account-with-lamports';
import {sleep} from '../client/util/sleep';
// Loaded token program's program id
let programId: PublicKey;
// A token created by the next test and used by all subsequent tests
let testToken: Token;
// Initial owner of the token supply
let initialOwner;
let initialOwnerTokenAccount: PublicKey;
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
console.log(Error().stack + ':token-test.js');
throw message || 'Assertion failed';
async function didThrow(func, args): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await func.apply(args);
} catch (e) {
return true;
return false;
let connection;
async function getConnection(): Promise<Connection> {
if (connection) return connection;
let newConnection = new Connection(url);
const version = await newConnection.getVersion();
// commitment params are only supported >= 0.21.0
const solanaCoreVersion = version['solana-core'].split(' ')[0];
if (semver.gte(solanaCoreVersion, '0.21.0')) {
newConnection = new Connection(url, 'recent');
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
connection = newConnection;
console.log('Connection to cluster established:', url, version);
return connection;
export async function loadTokenProgram(): Promise<void> {
const NUM_RETRIES = 500; /* allow some number of retries */
const data = await fs.readFile(
2020-06-02 15:20:39 -07:00
2020-05-29 15:00:47 -07:00
const connection = await getConnection();
const {feeCalculator} = await connection.getRecentBlockhash();
const balanceNeeded =
feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature *
(BpfLoader.getMinNumSignatures(data.length) + NUM_RETRIES) +
(await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(data.length));
const from = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
console.log('Loading Token program...');
programId = await BpfLoader.load(connection, from, data);
export async function createNewToken(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded =
(await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptToken(connection)) +
(await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(connection));
initialOwner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
[testToken, initialOwnerTokenAccount] = await Token.createNewToken(
new TokenAmount(10000),
const tokenInfo = await testToken.tokenInfo();
assert( == 10000);
assert(tokenInfo.decimals == 2);
const accountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(initialOwnerTokenAccount);
assert(accountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 10000);
assert(accountInfo.source == null);
assert(accountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 0);
export async function createNewTokenAccount(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded = await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(
const destOwner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const dest = await testToken.newAccount(destOwner);
const accountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(dest);
assert(accountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 0);
assert(accountInfo.source == null);
export async function transfer(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded = await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(
const destOwner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const dest = await testToken.newAccount(destOwner);
await testToken.transfer(initialOwner, initialOwnerTokenAccount, dest, 123);
await sleep(500);
const destAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(dest);
assert(destAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 123);
export async function approveRevoke(): Promise<void> {
if (programId == null) {
console.log('test skipped, requires "load token program" to succeed');
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded = await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(
const delegateOwner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const delegate = await testToken.newAccount(
await testToken.approve(
let delegateAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(delegate);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 456);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 456);
if (delegateAccountInfo.source === null) {
throw new Error('source should not be null');
} else {
await testToken.revoke(initialOwner, initialOwnerTokenAccount, delegate);
delegateAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(delegate);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 0);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 0);
if (delegateAccountInfo.source === null) {
throw new Error('source should not be null');
} else {
export async function invalidApprove(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded =
(await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(connection)) * 3;
const owner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const account1 = await testToken.newAccount(owner);
const account1Delegate = await testToken.newAccount(owner, account1);
const account2 = await testToken.newAccount(owner);
// account2 is not a delegate account of account1
assert(didThrow(testToken.approve, [owner, account1, account2, 123]));
// account1Delegate is not a delegate account of account2
assert(didThrow(testToken.approve, [owner, account2, account1Delegate, 123]));
export async function failOnApproveOverspend(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded =
(await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(connection)) * 3;
const owner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const account1 = await testToken.newAccount(owner);
const account1Delegate = await testToken.newAccount(owner, account1);
const account2 = await testToken.newAccount(owner);
await testToken.transfer(
await testToken.approve(owner, account1, account1Delegate, 2);
let delegateAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(account1Delegate);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 2);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 2);
await testToken.transfer(owner, account1Delegate, account2, 1);
delegateAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(account1Delegate);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 1);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 2);
await testToken.transfer(owner, account1Delegate, account2, 1);
delegateAccountInfo = await testToken.accountInfo(account1Delegate);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.amount.toNumber() == 0);
assert(delegateAccountInfo.originalAmount.toNumber() == 2);
assert(didThrow(testToken.transfer, [owner, account1Delegate, account2, 1]));
export async function setOwner(): Promise<void> {
const connection = await getConnection();
const balanceNeeded = await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptTokenAccount(
const owner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const newOwner = await newAccountWithLamports(connection, balanceNeeded);
const account = await testToken.newAccount(owner);
await testToken.setOwner(owner, account, newOwner.publicKey);
assert(didThrow(testToken.setOwner, [owner, account, newOwner.publicKey]));
await testToken.setOwner(newOwner, account, owner.publicKey);